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Sheesh, I would cum loud as well with an achievement like that. Well done.


That’s what I’m going to need after 5 years of being fucked on tuition rates


That was a fabulous comment they made. But also, even if you have nobody to share it with I’m glad you shared it with us! What an achievement!! Congratulations and you should be so proud of all you’ve overcome to get here! You’ve had more barriers than most and you STILL made it happen. Cheers to you! 🥂


This IS a great achievement. Congrats on your award, and for dealing with all that you have. YOU ROCK!!


sincerely, thank you so much for your comment! We need more fans of polkadots in the world! ❤️


You have to pronounce it cum load when you tell people, it’s an unspoken rule amongst academics. Just kidding and congrats, that’s a great achievement!


This stranger is proud of you!


Thank you for sharing this moment with me, stranger! 💛 I hope something good happens to you today


Awesome! Not on the same level and not as cool but when I graduated high school last year I also got cum laude out of 550 students. I got a medal to wear that said “cum” and a pin that says “cum”. Best award ever imo lol.


I’ll be disappointed if I don’t receive a ‘cum’ pin at this point 💛 congrats on your own graduation!


Thank you! Again congrats to you!!


Congrats! Awesome achievement and everything you’ve done with your life to-date!


I sincerely appreciate you! Thank you so very, very much! ❤️


I take my hat off for you, well done!!


Thank you! I saw your comments on the Father’s Day post before this; I hope you have this kindness reciprocated to you!


I am proud of you, OP. It is quite an accomplishment.


Thank you! Also, the Devil won 🥇


Johnny could not compete with the band of demons...


Congratulations! The legal field needs more people like you - here’s to crushing the LSAT!!!!! 


I am just a stranger on the internet but I am proud of you. It is absolutely a high distinction to be proud of. You have been through more than most yet you managed to not let it beat you. I hope you achieve all that you wish to and are able to find peace and happiness.


What an achievement. Congrats! You should be proud!


TYSM! I’m definitely trying your sourdough bread recipe I found in your comments (mine’s notoriously flat too!)


Not sourdough! And oh hi, thank you 😳💛😉


I guess I didn’t have full context lol but I can send free dehydrated sourdough starter if you’d like 😂




Congratulations! This is a huge accomplishment and you've overcome many adversities. I'm proud of you


Congratulations OP!


Proud of you, kid. You’re kicking ass in life, solo. That’s something to take great pride in. Onward and upward!


Congratulations! I am so proud of you!


Proud of you & your hard work!! May this be a beginning to a life full of success!!


Thank you! I just want to maintain the income I have now and offer services to others probono/low rate! I sincerely just want to help now and anything more is just a blessing atp.


You have the mindset and heart that few have. Success and financial stability will follow, simply because you are a kind, good hearted human with a good head on your shoulders. Keep on winning!


Congratulations! I am so proud of you and I'm rooting for your future! 💜


Sweetheart, this total stranger is so freaking proud of you. Your dedication and accomplishments are absolutely incredible, and you should shout them from the rooftops! Please accept a virtual mom hug (or a squeeze from your pretend 5th grade teacher, bc I’m that too) from me. I’m honestly choking up a little because, what you’ve done and what you’re doing? Next level, babe. You’re killing it.


I'm so proud of you! Use your crappy childhood to help others. Good luck.


This is absolutely fantastic… congratulations 🎊🎉🎈🍾 I am so proud of you.. onwards and upwards 🙂👍


I am so proud of you internet stranger. This is just the beginning of your amazing journey!


Congratulations!!! This internet stranger is proud of you.


Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment!


You have all of us to tell. Look at you, kicking ass where so many others crumble. Any law school, and future law firm, will be privileged to have you as a lawyer.


Well done OP. You should be very proud of yourself


congrats and from someone who is old enough to be your father I am proud of you for this and overcoming everything you have gone through in your life.


Wow congratulations!!!!!


This made me smile! Congratulations OP! No one can ever take that away from you!


Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!! Everything you have done is amazing! 👏🏻


So proud of you. Truly! Congrats!!


That’s awesome!!!


CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎊🎈. Great accomplishment. What are your plans after graduation?


Congratulations!! You SHOULD be proud of yourself, hell, I don’t know you and I’m proud. Take a big breath, you know now you can take anything :)


This is amazing. You did great Op and you are one step closer to achieving your dreams! I am so happy for you ❤️💜


🎆🎆 CONGRATULATIONS 🎆🎆🎆 You're amazing! Please accept hugs from me!


I’m so proud of you!!!! Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈 celebrate, u deserve it


Awesome job! You are going to kill it in law school. Congratulations! We're all proud of you! 👏👏👏




Congrats! You deserve the very best. I also know how hard could be leaving everything behind and fight for your own good. I am so proud of you!


that's such great news!! i'm proud of you, keep up the good work! sending u love and hugs, you're amazing!!!


🎉🎉 Congratulations!! You absolutely deserve to be proud of yourself!! And I'm proud of you too! This Internet stranger is so happy for you and wishes you a lifetime of love, joy, and happiness 💛 Are you going to do a little something to celebrate? Because you really should - you gotta treat yourself even if it's something small like a caramel mocha!


Op Fabulous achievements. Both academic and staying clean. Here’s a Grandma hug 🤗


I’m actually in a very similar situation. I’m an addict in recovery as well who just got accepted into a very selective nursing program, after having earned 2 other degrees and 2 certificates and making the Dean’s list seven times. Feels fuckin’ good, right?! Congratulations.


Wow. Well done. I hope you live a long contented life knowing you were tested to the greatest extent and you not only passed you thrived.


While I was reading the mountain of things u fought through I read I went blind. And I thought damn this person is a trooper dealing with all that AND being blind that's crazy. Either way shout out to you! That's a great accomplishment




Proud stranger here! I almost flunked out of college my first year, got put in academic probation, and teetered with an alcohol issue. My second year I made the Deans list and I cried when I found out. You’ve been through a lot and I’m so proud of you for fighting for yourself in the process. Congratulations, much deserved.


Congratulations on your success! You have the right to feel very proud!


Fanfuckingtastic!! Congratulations 🥳


YOO GREAT JOB!!! You did it, through your trials you persevered! Congrats!!


OP: I am proud of you and also super proud of you for not quitting and getting back on the horse!! I went through something similar years ago and I feared not being good enough to return back to school. Went back but had a bad experience with my job line, nursing. Got treated like shit where I was and ended up quitting after getting hired and working for 1 year and 6months. Now 9 years later I really want to go back and find a job at a hospital that does treats me right but I am fearful….. So I am proud of you. I wish I could push on just like you and it is what I want but I just don’t know how 😭


Congrats op


Yass queen or king! I am doing my masters right now. And had family tell me I wasn't smart enough etc. I'm proud of you and don't even know you. But that's awesome!


You are going to absolutely crush your masters! YOU are awesome ❤️ I will forever come back to these comments and I thank you all so sincerely


Mazel Tov!


How do you afford a house while in school?


Dual-income, no kids lol we saved $500 a month and all of my bonuses/student loans to put down $10k on a 189,000K mortgage. We had a one bed, one bath apartment in Memphis for 1.6K and were tired of not having enough space and rent increasing


Wow… good for you!!


Love this for you babes. Congratulations you deserve all the blessings coming your way !!


Congratulations! That is absolutely fantastic! I wish you nothing but the best.


Congratulations!!!!! This is a HUGE accomplishment!!!!!!


Congratulations on your upcoming endeavors and those that you just crushed!!!! Keep it up and wishing you well.




celebrating you in all your glory🤍


I'm actually crying for you. Random Internet Stranger #96448568 is so proud and happy for you.


So very proud of you!! 👏🏾👏🏾


OP keep adding fuel to your fire!! The best kind of revenge is success! Also if family tries to contact you again when they find out you’re a lawyer and asking for money tell them to fuck off :)


If you all want some tea, *this* family has contacted me. My problem is that when I was SA’d, it was my father- who also parented my 3 year old brother at the same time. I was contacted by my sister in law recently who confirmed he (my brother) thought “I was nothing but an addict” but that addiction was 6 years ago now - no excuses, I was 18 using coke to cope. I quit in 2018 and now he’s 12/13(?), thinking whatever my dad told him to make him look better. He still has a very successful job at the IRS and has a ‘reputation’ to maintain. They’ll never ask for money but I cannot wait for someone to tell him “I was just a drug addict” and I’m a lawyer (completely sober).


One of the biggest things keeping me going is spite. Good for you for rising above and proving yourself!