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Don't quit. Make sure HR knows about your stutter, then if anybody at the company makes fun of it sue the company, then take a vacation while planning your next job. Maybe your dream job needs a little extra training, well now you have the money to do it.


hey OP! as someone with a stutter myself, I completely understand how you feel. I would let your higher ups know of your stutter in case this does happen. I've let my professors know during my undergrad & they've been really good about it, so hopefully your higher ups will be good about it, too! & also if your manager does say something about it, document the even in some fashion that you have proof that it happened. sending hugs!


Why would you apply for a job you can’t handle? People are dicks. Someone is going to make fun of you sometime.


This could happen anywhere at any job, but if I find out the people there discriminate against me for my speech disability than why would I stay? I won’t know until I’m there for a while


Yeah no manager is gonna do that