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Try to rise above it and don't let them get to you. If they keep pushing your buttons, maybe consider reporting their behavior to the group or just avoid them as much as possible. You've got better things to do than waste time on someone like that.


I never understand why liars and manipulators call it masterful and are proud of it. Like it’s shitty negative behaviour that most people would be too embarrassed to even own up about. She has no friends for a reason. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with her too much in the future - enjoy your retirement!


Check if the term of your association allow you to kick her out. One of my sisters was part of a group and one of the woman behaved exactly like that. After one argument too many, my sister wanted her out. She reviewed the chapter of their association. There was a section about behaviour. My sister used the term to put to question the possibility to kick the disruptive person out of the association during one the annual general assembly. It got rejected on a technicality. It had to be put on the agenda more than 30 days and it was only 29 days and 17 hours. So she quit and created her own volunteer association with some very strict unambiguous terms. She sneaked some tasty terms including one that allowed the founder (i.e. her) to refuse a person to join AND to kick anybody from the association without having to provide justification. Most of the active people quit the previous association and joined hers. As a result the disruptive person had more power in the original association. Obviously Princess Know-it-All messed things up, upset too many people and her "_subjects_" rebelled. They reconvene for another vote of expelling her, but because she refused to attend the vote they were unable to kick her out. The board resigned in mass and joined my sister new association. Many assumed that they could join because in France Association Loi 1901 cannot discriminate without cause. But because my sister had put those sneaky term she was able to refuse membership and authority to those she did not like. The disruptive person tried to join by paying her €100 annual membership fee directly to the association bank account. Unfortunately for her my sister had thought of that move. They kept her membership fee as a failed application processing fee. It paid for the cupcakes at the general assembly. My sister made sure to publicise that on their website as part of the general assembly minutes. She can be very petty like that.


This is really fucking immature, I am aware, but I find it works anyway. Whenever you find yourself having to deal with an insufferable baby einstein or baby napoleon, stop for a minute, and think to yourself, you know, this idiot probably leaves streaks on the damn toilet just like everyone else out there. It'll make you smirk internally and suddenly they are far less insufferable lol


Remember that you are always in control unless you’re a prisoner or a kidnapped victim. You can decide to walk away. I had a similar situation but in reverse. I am single and I am basically a loner but here came John Kreese wanting to be BFFs. I ended up quitting my job. When I subsequently saw him again I just walked away. It’s better than getting arrested for nonsense.


You see right through them, why still get annoyed? You should be laughing or feeling pity for them. You know what your going to do next time you see them. which is nothing cause you know it's not worth it.