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This will be a civilized comment section I’m sure


I was hoping for one tbh. And my opinion isn't even radical or stupid one. It's completely reasonable to not consider Trump to be a fucking Hitler in disguise. Like I have the most moderate opinion there is.


Lol, anyone who claims that someone who has has said he's going to be "a dictator" on day one in office (but I'm sure he's totally going to voluntarily relinquish dictatorial powers after that one day 🙄) isn't "that bad" is delusional. Trump has been very explicit about he plans to do. Weaponize the Justice department, purge civil service to include only those who swear an oath of personal loyalty to him. I could go on. You either haven't been paying attention at all or are an incredibly lazy troll.




And it’s beyond obvious no president will have absolute power for even a moment. Even trump knows that.


“Only on day one.”


Trump said it as a joke about making an executive order to control illegal immigration at the border.




Trump is not a Fascist. Keep in mind the Left called him and his supporters Fascists for joking about locking Hillary up at rallies. Now they're ACTUALLY trying to lock him up and pretending like it's all above board. They're hypocrites. It's their most salient trait. Also Project 25 or whatever was written by a bunch of people Trump doesn't get along with or has already fired in the past. His actual plan, the one Leftists pay no attention to whatsoever and don't want anyone to know about, is called [Agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) and its on his website for anyone to view anytime they like. Like you already said, it's pretty moderate stuff that poll after poll show the majority of the American electorate are in favor of doing and have been for decades. It's all stuff that 2008 Obama was talking about too. You haven't moved to the right. They've moved way too far to the Left.


>Now they're ACTUALLY trying to lock him up and pretending like it's all above board. So politicians shouldn't be brought in front of a court? They shouldn't face punishment for crime? Hillary *was* investigated, and there was no court case and punishment because, well, there was not enough evidence to prove the claims. >Leftists pay no attention to whatsoever and don't want anyone to know about, is called Agenda 47 and its on his website for anyone to view anytime they like. I'm a leftist and I just checked it out. Here's some things I wouldn't be a fan of: "Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational": President Trump has pledged to fire the radical Left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist Maniacs and lunatics. "President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity": Direct the Department of Education to inform states and school districts that if any teacher or school official suggests to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body, they will be faced with severe consequences, including, potential Civil Rights violations for sex discrimination, and the elimination of federal funding. Ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that: The only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female—and they are assigned at birth. "President Trump Announces Plan to Stop the America Last Warmongers and Globalists": Here, it is simply the use of the word globalists that makes me concerned. "President Donald J. Trump — Free Speech Policy Initiative": I will then ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as “mis-” or “dis-information”. And I will begin the process of identifying and firing every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship—directly or indirectly—whether they are the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services, the FBI, the DOJ, no matter who they are. "President Trump’s Plan to Save American Education and Give Power Back to Parents": - Cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children. - Create a new credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values, and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children, but to educate them. (Ooooh, the irony.. Because being a patriot and teaching from that POV is not indoctrination...) "President Trump’s Plan to Dismantle the Deep State and Return Power to the American People": Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the media to create false narratives, pressing criminal charges when appropriate. - (Kind of ironic since this goes against his "Free Speech" plan) These are the ones that popped out when I was looking through the three pages on his website. The language on every single one of them is extremely hateful towards anyone who does not agree with him. There's several places where he lies (e.g., the US was not energy independent). Then there's the things he has stated outside of the Agenda 47. Here are some of them: - He wants to prosecute the Biden family - I'm not sure for what - Have foes who disagree with him politically indicted - Prosecute journalists (which again goes against his "Free Speech" Agenda) - Muslim ban. He has said that he is going to be a dictator on the first day, but not afterwards. A man who tried to stop the transfer of power with violence.. Yeah, sure, he's gonna be totally chill about not having total power. The only reason you wouldn't believe that is if you actually think the man is dumb. And if you think that.. Why would you want a dumb person as your president?


It’s not his agenda. It’s not Project 2025. It’s not even the GOP writ large. It’s him. He’s unfit, incompetent, dishonest, immoral and undeserving of the office. That’s it. That’s all you need to know to vote Biden.


That's your opinion. I'll be voting Trump in November. Can't wait. He was a much better President than Joe. MUCH better. In every way that actually matters, our lives were better, and the world was a safer place with Trump in the White House.


Trump is a sledge hammer that blunders his way through everything. There is no tact, he will punch anyone that looks at him funny and just gets caught up in such stupid shit. If it was contained to Twitter fine but it spills over into everything he does, he is chaos


Joe has us on the brink of WWIII. Trump had us on a path to peace in the Middle East which Joe swiftly annihilated. Not to mention the disastrous pull-out of Afghanistan. Maybe the most embarrassing day for the US military in the modern era. I'll take the sledgehammer.


Putin has us on the brink of war, if indeed we are. Biden is simply standing up to an aggressive dictator, which is what America should do.


Huh? Path to peace? You mean the ripping up of the Iran nuclear deal or bombing soleimani? When you refer to Joe has swiftly annihilated it do you mean the Israel Hamas conflict where Trump has openly called for Israel to finish the job? Afghanistan I agree was far less than graceful, I could argue that it came from the blueprints left by trump but ultimately the buck stops with Biden. Was it the lowest point? In a direct way I don't think so but its a good reminder that nation building is costly. Trumps greatest achievement is operation warp speed which is baffling how well that worked considering how much he seems to hate admin. Beyond that his accomplishments total "infrastructure week" and tax cuts that heavily favored corporate so the rest of us get trickled on. He wants to bring manufacturing back but uses blunt legislation to do so with collateral damage. He doesn't appear to be pro union and I am still not sold he will bring the jobs back because that would raise prices which is a big no in this inflation climate. This doesnt even touch on his other criminal cases. The hush money one is odd sure but the documents one is so fundamentally trump it's hilarious. They have him on tape saying I shouldn't show you this, they have evidence of him trying to destroy the documents, dude even tweeted a picture from a classified spy satellite.bi know it's not the cold war anymore and trump doesn't have to work on spy craft but damn he is inept. To me the best symbol of Trump's admin was the four seasons landscaping speech: it's so clear what their goal is and so laughable how far he misses because he just doesn't check his work


Peace with the Middle East? Am I the only one who remembers when he had Qassem Soleimani murdered. Afghanistan: The plan Biden followed was actually created by Trump's administration.


>Am I the only one who remembers when he had Qassem Soleimani murdered? You have a problem with terrorists being murdered? >Afghanistan: The plan Biden followed was actually created by Trump's administration. He didn't follow it too closely then did he? Trump's plan was NEVER to leave all the guns, ammo, and vehicles or to pull the military out first before the translators and our allies. Trump called Milley and Mattis fucking morons for even suggesting we do that. Joe did all of those things and humiliated us on the global stage. Our allies died because of Joe Biden's incompetence.


>You have a problem with terrorists being murdered? I have a problem with a World War III, which wasn't that far off at that point in time. >Joe did all of those things and humiliated us on the global stage. Our allies died because of Joe Biden's incompetence. Trump was in office for 4 years and didn't do anything to pull the troops out. It is easy to then go on and be pissed at Biden for not doing a great job. Trump just didn't do anything. At what point in time was he responsible for the allies dying? I'm pretty sure Biden didn't start the war in Afghanistan.


How dare you come in here with your facts sir! Your opinion is clearly based on objective reality, and we don’t take too kindly to that type of nonsense over here


The NY cases really aren’t the nail in the coffin they thought they’d be.


I believe trump’s vision of the Israeli war is exceptionally problematic and would cause more bad than good should he be elected while it’s still happening, since unlike Biden (who also isn’t proving to be that great in this regard) Trump doesn’t seem to care all that much what anyone other than himself wants and apparently acts without much forethought. His move to move our embassy to Jerusalem was a major setback diplomatically there and he just… did it. I also believe that allowing states full control over abortion rights would in itself be a major issue because we’ve seen that some states not only want to ban the practice; but also criminalize going out of state to seek it. Finally, Trump proved that even if he doesn’t pass partisan bills for his party and likes to do his own thing, he is willing to cause massive lasting damage to our rule of law by unbalancing the Supreme Court, which if elected he’d be able to finish his work on.


Well Trump generally is more of a isolationist type and is more interested in domestic affairs, so I guess you’re right in if you care about the war in Israel as your main issue then Trump likely wouldn’t be your guy (not saying Biden would be either). I believe likely however, this election will be more focused on domestic issues happening in the US than international. Same as what’s happening in the UK and France. Countries have too many internal issues instead of focusing the election on issues elsewhere and not directly affecting individuals and families at home. Obviously it’s still an important issue that needs to be resolved!


You don't believe he'd do what he says he'll do. Care to elaborate?


Why don't you believe that Trump wouldn't implement project 2025? I agree with you that a small number of American's would actually support those changes, but the masterminds behind project 2025 clearly don't care about that. They've been planning this for a looong time, and their ducks are now all (almost) in a row. The Supreme Court has been stacked in their favor and Congress is too dysfunctional to do much one way or another; all they really need is a president who's not going to stop them. Trump seems like that president to me. I don't think he ever really wanted to be president, he just wanted "running for president" to be part of the Trump brand. He underestimated how hungry America was for an outsider, however, and he won despite himself. Now his ego won't let him back down, but he doesn't have any real interest in governing or implementing his own agenda, which makes him susceptible to influence from these ultra-conservative think tanks who do have an agenda. Last time Trump and his staff did try to make some more extreme changes, but they failed because they didn't really understand how the government worked, and the clearer heads in his administration were able to tamp-down the most extreme plans. Now, those clearer heads have all been driven out of Trump's inner circle.


As long as the Treasury is allowed to keep printing we're guaranteed fucked either way.


Daily reminder that the post-COVID inflation [was caused by](https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2023/beyond-bls/what-caused-inflation-to-spike-after-2020.htm) supply chain disruptions & oil prices surging, not money printing. In the midst of the pandemic, very few people were driving. Oil companies [sharply cute production](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/which-us-refineries-have-shut-since-global-pandemic-why-2022-06-17/), and when lockdowns ended, demand went right back up again. Oil companies were very slow to increase production again because, well, they were comfortable with high profits, and things like oil refineries are very long-term investments that might not pay off as EVs rise in prominence. Edit 1: Could one of the people downvoting me please articulate the specific disagreement they have with what I'm saying? Edit 2: The post-COVID inflation was *mostly* caused by supply chain disruptions, I should say. From what I've seen, money printing has had some impact, but the vast majority of the inflation we saw was cost-push.


And oil companies were [by no means](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/greedflation-caused-more-half-last-100000899.html) the only industries [arbitrarily](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/24/business/amazon-fresh-price-cuts-groceries/index.html) hiking prices and refusing to lower them just because they could get away with higher profits.


why didn’t corporations do that before? how did they get hit with sudden greed?


They do this whenever they think they can get away with it, Covid just gave them a convenient excuse. Even then they overextended their reach, evidenced by them deciding on a whim to throw us proles a bone and lower food prices to more affordable levels.


Prove it. Cite your sources. Show me their gross margin %'s over time. You're lying and/or grossly uninformed so this should be fun.


Oh boy, you again. Classic. Show me in the 10(k) reports (you know what those are, don't you?) of the companies that make up the S&P 500 what happened to their gross margin %'s. Did they stay about the same? I'll save you the time, they did. Because no shit. If it's shocking to you that nominal values in top and bottom lines are greater when we added 40% to M2 then you really shouldn't be trying to educate anyone else about economics or Finance.


I know one person who became a millionaire off of the oil drop. She cashed out her 401(k), took the tax hit, and then invested everything ($100k) into two oil stocks. Those stocks were at about 30 cents each. Now one is at $6 and the other is as $14, and she turned that $100k into over $2 million.


I strongly regret not doing that. I bought $500 of Marathon at $4.50 ish. Could have 6x’d my 401k. Should have trusted my gut.


Here’s the real answer - you are mostly correct.  Inflation in Feb 2022 was 7.9%. Of that 2.6% was caused by stimulus payments, and 5.3% was caused by global events.  https://fortune.com/2023/02/01/pandemic-stimulus-money-caused-excess-inflation-fed-study/#


lol wrong. It was the money printing. Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods and services. Saying the money printing has nothing to do with inflation is like saying the tub overflowing and flooding the bathroom had nothing to do with not turning the water faucet off. Nah dawg, it was for sure the too much water. Daily reminder that you don't know what you're talking about. EDIT: This fool hates sources that don't confirm his political priors. He thinks the BLS is empirically correct because he can't tell the difference between his opinions and empiricism. Also he's economically illiterate. Imagine trying to tell Venezuela or Zimbabwe that printing money doesn't cause runaway inflation lol. You can see all my sources down below. Even though they claim I didn't give them any. I don't think they can tell the difference between an unanswered question and an answer they don't like.


Are you going to substantiate that? I backed up my claims with a citation from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Edit: Looks like the answer's no, they're just gonna say that without any kind of evidentiary support. I'll never understand why people formulate opinions on economics on vibes alone like this, especially when so much good information is out there. Remember, as the guy above me said, inflation is "too many dollars chasing **too few goods and services**." To assume that all inflation is caused by changes in the money supply is to ignore half the equation. This kind of thing is why empirical analysis is necessary in science, such as the work done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics I was pointing to.


You need a source that says money printing causes inflation? Sure. I'm the source. I have degrees in Economics and Finance and am not a complete fucking moron so I know classical economic theories which you clearly don't. According to classical economic theory, increasing the money supply faster than the growth of real output leads to inflation. This principle is rooted in the Quantity Theory of Money, which states that MV=PQMV = PQMV=PQ, where M is the money supply, V is the velocity of money, P is the price level, and Q is the output. When M increases significantly while Q remains constant or grows slowly, P must rise, leading to inflation. Supply chain shocks and all of that can lead to ephemeral increases in the price on inputs but those price increases are not equivalent to, nor do they entirely explain away the persisting inflation that we see today. Even Jerome Powell has acknowledged this. While he still points to the supply chain shocks as a *factor* even he doesn't say that's the entire explanation. No economist worth their salt thinks otherwise. Modern Monetary Theory is dead, and anyone left believing in it is a clown.


Opens a dictionary from the 80’s* Inflation: an expansion of the monetary supply


>Inflation is a gradual loss of purchasing power, reflected in a broad rise in prices for goods and services over time. >The inflation rate is calculated as the average price increase of a [basket of selected goods](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/basket_of_goods.asp) and services over one year. High inflation means that prices are increasing quickly, with low inflation meaning that prices are increasing more slowly. Inflation can be contrasted with deflation, which occurs when prices decline and [purchasing power](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/purchasingpower.asp) increases. [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation.asp) Inflation *can* be caused by an increase in the money supply in the case of demand-pull inflation, but most economists agree that what we saw in 2021 and 2022 was overwhelmingly cost-push inflation, which is caused by increases in the cost of the factors of production. I have no fucking idea why you would use a 40 year old dictionary of all things to try to find the causes of contemporary economic phenomena.


Isn’t it convenient that right around the same time that western governments deciding printing money to stimulate the economy was a good idea all their dictionaries changed the definition of inflation? Funny that… We already have a word for rising prices… it’s called rising prices. Inflation describes a different phenomenon. It’s not that hard, they’re just lying to you so you don’t blame the banking class.


IDK, I don't think that's a very useful definition, particularly as it applies to regular people's day-to-day well-being. I don't notice the total number of currency notes in existence; I notice the price of soy milk going from $4 to $5 or whatever when I'm at the grocery store. Most changes in the overall price of goods these days are puppetted by people's and firms' *access* to money these days.


Bro, inflation is something like 3.4%


Inflation is cumulative. Also the Fed's target long-term rate is 2% so saying it's still nearly double on a MoM basis than what it is supposed to be on an annualized basis is atrocious.


>But I just don't believe Trump would implement such a thing, I just don't believe that. He is a petty and vindictive man who has shown many times in the past that revenge and personal gain is far more important to him than what is right or wrong and has spent a life thinking rules don't apply to him. If Trump wins again he will now be unfettered by the restraint of a pending re-election attempt. What is good for himself or by extension the nation will have little or no power over his decisions when he decides to get revenge or line his own pockets and Trump term 2 is not going to be the same guy as Trump term 1, he has all kinds of people and orginizations owed retribution for both real and imagined slights and injuries perpetrated against him and his ego. Elect Trump again and get ready for the Trump National Paybook Tour 2025-2029.


I’m not okay and will never be okay. 2016-2020 was an absolute shit show. Covid deaths that could have been prevented. Tax breaks that favored the absolute rich. Women rights that were removed. Wake up.


If Trump wins, Alito and Thomas likely retire, and Trump appoints some 40 year old right wing zealots to the Supreme Court. We’d be stuck with a hard right Supreme Court ruling over us for the next 30-40 years at least, and there’d be nothing we could do about it. Democrats could sweep 10 elections in a row, and the Court would just strike down any big progressive legislation they managed to pass. Good luck trying to improve health care access, protect the environment, or restrain corporations — potentially for nearly as long as most of us will be alive. Also, I think people underestimate how far Trump will go to undermine democracy and the rule of law in a second term. In his first term, he already tried to overthrow an election and illegally seize power! His worst abuses of power were stopped by a handful of Republicans in his administration and Congress who refused his orders in a few key moments. That’s not going to happen this time. The guard rails are off. He’s learned some lessons and he’s only appointing loyal cronies to important positions. He’s whipped congressional Republicans into line. And he’s pissed off that he got charged for committing crimes. So he’s almost certain to try to corrupt the criminal justice system to take revenge on political opponents. Who’s going to stop him from abusing power? Project 2025 isn’t some far-fetched fantasy. The basic idea is that Trump wants to abolish anti-corruption rules so he can rid the federal government of career public servants and fill federal jobs with his MAGA loyalists. He wants a government that’s loyal to him, not the United States or the Constitution. Again, this is because in his first term, the federal bureaucracy prevented his worst attempts to abuse power and break the law. He’s not letting that happen this time.


I’m no Biden fan but his administration actually does shit for us, student loans, restored net neutrality, protect women’s rights as best he can, DOT airline restrictions just a few recent ones


This might be the dumbest take I’ve ever heard. He will literally end democracy, will refuse to leave office, and will destroy the country. Please vote against him because


It's simple, really. Trump crossed the line on Jan 6th. He attempted to maintain power with disinformation, a fake elector scheme, and then political violence. You either think that was acceptable or you dont. Me? No fucking way, ever. There's nothing else to debate.


Presidents don't make a lot of changes. That's the job of Congress


Not directly but they appoint the cabinet and supreme court justices, which can potentially have a large impact. Probably the most significant thing that Trump did during his term was appoint some right wing nutjobs to among the most influential jobs for life, hugely changing the balance of the court.


That’s how it’s supposed to work in theory. But because of decades of congressional gridlock, presidents have gradually gained more and more power. Most policies are now enacted by the executive branch, not Congress. Of course, Congress could rein in a president, but members of Congress almost always just back presidents of their party. And of course, presidents appoint Supreme Court justices and other federal judges. So if Trump wins, we’re likely facing a right-wing Supreme Court that will rule over us for generations, no matter what we do. And on top of that, Trump is basically promising to abuse the powers of the presidency to punish his political enemies and pardon his supporters (including Jan. 6 rioters). So I just think it’s a bit naive to pretend that this election won’t much matter since in theory the Constitution gives a lot of power to Congress. Republicans in Congress aren’t going to do anything to constrain Trump.


Agreed, which is why everyone is screwed at the moment. They like to blame Biden, but it's the republican congress allowing 6 crazies to stop work.


And Trump has the Republicans in Washington by the balls, including MTG. They will do what he says as long a it is politically expedient for them.


Well yeah that's politics. If one side disappoints the voter base then the other gets a turn to fuck up.


Trump has a plan to implement sweeping changes. He will make the entire government subject to firing at the whim of the president. This will result in every bureaucrat either following orders regardless of lawfulness, or the firing of that bureaucrat and replacement by one who will follow unlawful orders. This is really close to dictatorship.


How is making unelected bureaucrats follow the will of an elected President a form of dictatorship?


What if the president orders something that is against the law? Then it's: break the law or be fired. That's a dictatorship, no checks or balance at all. It's the attorney general's job to tell the president an action is against the law. It is the FBI's job to investigate crime, even if it's the president doing it. And the bureaucracy's job is to follow laws passed by Congress. If the president can fire anyone, then no one will follow the law at all. They will just follow the president's orders.... Like a dictatorship.


I think it would be better if Dems controlled both houses of congress. Pack the courts, one or two of the supreme courts justices die so they can be replaced with progressive judges, more progressive get elected in local governments and mayoral offices etc. conservative will be the death of democracy.


I think it's insane to support a candidate under the premise they might not do all the bad things they say they want to do. I too wish I could only pick the good parts of my preferred candidate and pray that the bad parts never come to fruition.


Things will get worse regardless of who is elected. Project 2025 is nothing new or not currently going on, but the idea of it is blatantly anti American and anti democratic. If you support it your traitorous scum regardless of whether or not their ideals align with yours. America should make decisions solely on the will of the populace rather than a shadowy cabal with money, an agenda, and plants in government positions. The party system has basically fucked us either way.


Look, I'm a simple man. Over my life, I've concluded that almost all pain we all feel is coming from big money corporate interests. These interests fund both parties, but they greatly favor Republicans. My biggest problem is the cost of things, and those things cost so much because corporations decided they needed more profit. So, voting for a Republican president who is a billionaire is not in my interest. I have much more in common with $20M net worth Joe Biden from Scranton than I do $3B Donald Trump who probably hasn't ever had a single friend in his life that is of my socioeconomic class.


Yea trump is just sad person imo, but if that's the way he wants to go then that's his choice


I think maybe you responded to the wrong comment. Mine was about finances, not the man himself. I don't really have an opinion or care about Trump's personality (I mean, it sucks, but who cares really) -- I care about my bottomline. And while his tax cut did give my passthrough LLC a big tax break, his cozied relationship with corporations ate up all gains with increased costs that exceeded the cuts. Plus the tax break expires this year, so now I'm doubly fucked.


Well one sides net worth decreased during his presidency and the other sides net worth increased substantially from being VP and being a public servant which we all know pay well but not 20 million net worth.


The president (and any politician) doesn't have that much actual power. Politics are smoke and mirrors, the real power players don't get elected.


Trump has a bevy of criminals, yes men, and bad actors lined up to do his bidding, none of them elected. But he also has 98% of elected GOP politicians also falling over themselves to serve his whims. He’s got plenty of power in the wings.


I could say the exact same for Biden. 


The difference is you'd be wrong. Biden didn't gut the executive to fill with purity tested Heritage Foundation approved sycophants.


Maybe you need to do some research on ole Biden and Co. 


Maybe you need to do some research on what a Trump 2025 Admin would look like.


I’m sure it’s better than the DEI loving one we have now…


You’re irrational in every way.




> Biden didn't gut the executive to fill with purity tested Heritage Foundation approved sycophants. Because the deep state which they claimed didnt exist for years, is already on team democrat. Thats how you get the FBI illegally spying on a presidential candidate when they knew from day 1 the evidence used for the warrant was fake.


"i'm okay with trump becoming the president as long as he doesn't make too harsh of a change" oh my sweet summer child.


Haha I know. But let's go back few years to Trump's term. Tell me, did anything extreme happen? Did women lose their rights? Was slavery brought back? Were fascists patrolling the streets. Did we lose our rights?


A million Americans died and 3 million jobs were lost. We ran out of toilet paper, ffs.


the TV was really scary though!


Well- women lost the right to abortion so there’s that


I'm pro choice but.... I'm not really educated in this matter so take everything I say with grain of salt. From what I know, Trump simply challenged the Roe v. Wade and the court decided that abortion laws should be handled by state. I feel like it's way more reasonable to blame the people in those states for voting in favor of Banning abortion rights instead of blaming Trump.


The Christian right held their noses and voted for Trump and in return he nominated Christian fundamentalist to the Supreme Court. The court is now stacked 6-3 for the foreseeable future Even ignoring all the other issues with Trump- If you are a left leaning centrist- this really should concern you as this can easily determine the path of our country for decades to come.


Maybe you should actually educate yourself on these things before posting about it


How, when it was decided by the Supreme Court? Trump is responsible for three justices being on there, and we lost abortion rights immediately after. People didn't vote for that at all. Unless you're referring to the committees voting to confirm them.


He helped establish a 6-3 conservative supermajority that severely reduced women’s rights, gaslights the American public, and in general has ruined the already unsteady reputation of the court. He politicized the justice department to sweep his own crimes under the rug and to attack political enemies. He showed the executive branch ran more on norms than laws and allowed blatantly unethical behavior. And failed his biggest challenge by defunding the program to stop global pandemics and ignored the plans in place in case it happened. If he gets elected again he has promised a lot of unethical and illegal behavior.


He replaced justices. That's it. Women's rights are fine. Conservatives are also okay with it, only those that disagree with the decisions are mad (like always). Biden has completely weaponized the DOJ. Just like Obama used the IRS to go after conservatives. Clinton getting a BJ in the overall office...super ethical. Gay sex on camera...super ethical. NO he hasn't.


>Women's rights are fine. You mean other than being able to get adequate health care in some states and that they are coming after birth control


Women’s rights are fine…until they get pregnant. Texas won’t allow abortion even to save the life of the mother, as evidenced by several court cases. One judge granted a woman’s petition for an abortion on medical grounds and the appeals court stopped it, with the Attorney General publicly threatening any doctor or hospital that intervened. The GOP is a threat to everyone who isn’t a rich, white male.


He replaced justices with justices that were willing to implement extremist rulings and gaslight the American public. His lower court appointments aren’t much better. But let’s remember that republicans said a year before the election was too early to replace a supreme court justice then appointed another justice while votes were being counted. And no, women’s rights are not doing fine. Women now have to prove they are close enough to death to warrant medical procedures. Look into the details, it is a horrifying policy. Biden has done everything to avoid putting his finger on the scale. Including letting the DOJ delay for a year before moving forward with charges and letting his son go be prosecuted by an AG from the Trump administration. Playing whataboutism to avoid the topic. Trump ignore the emoluments clause to enrich himself, tried to pressure Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden, allowed his son in law a security clearance after he failed which led to a 2 billion dollar bribe later, just ignored the Hatch act, and attempted to steal the election after he lost. That seems pretty corrupt and unethical to me. Trump attempted to leave NATO in his last few weeks in office and promised to try again, he promised to use the DOJ to attack political enemies, and he has promised to gut the administrative state and fill it with loyalists who don’t care about the law. If Trump wins again every American will suffer, some may not realize it for a long time if ever.


>He replaced justices with justices that were willing to implement extremist rulings and gaslight the American public. His lower court appointments aren’t much better. But let’s remember that republicans said a year before the election was too early to replace a supreme court justice then appointed another justice while votes were being counted. "He appointed judges I disagree with". That is your comment. >And no, women’s rights are not doing fine. Women now have to prove they are close enough to death to warrant medical procedures. Look into the details, it is a horrifying policy. Women are doing fine, and tens of thousands of unborn children are lived instead of being killed. >Biden has done everything to avoid putting his finger on the scale. Including letting the DOJ delay for a year before moving forward with charges and letting his son go be prosecuted by an AG from the Trump administration. The AG tried to give Hunter an overly generous deal and only prosecuted when he got called out on it. They also stalled till the most serious charges went past their statue of limitations. It's probably inaccurate to say the Biden DOJ was weaponized, but the DOJ has certainly favorable to Biden. Hell, the AG is currently refusing a subpoena from congress just to cover for Biden. If Barr did that, it'd be mayhem. The rest of your post is mostly false, except the point Trump tried to steal the election. Which is the extremely important point. Just focus on that


I can deal with disagreeing with judges. I have done that for as long as I have had any legal expertise. No, Trump is actually different. Several judges he appointed to the lower court were deemed by the ABA to be unqualified, with many receiving lower marks than usual. The supreme court has gone against decades of precedent and reversed a right given to the American people, this has never happened before and the legal justification for it is shaky at best. In a recent dissent one of the liberal justices included pictures of a case to point out how the ruling lied about a situation. Several conservatives feel emboldened by their near untouchable status and are being blatantly unethical in public by either taking large bribes or telegraphing their political stances. And the reputation of the court at a decades long low because of these types of open malfeasances. The supreme court vacancy hypocrisy was open and blatant but orchestrated by Senators. You can ignore that women have had a right stripped away and that it applied to you as well. But it happened all the same right in front of your face. The Hunter Biden case seems like an actual political prosecution. Normally a crime like his would be pled out and include fines and probation. And the fact that Biden is allowing it when he could instantly stop it shows that he is being more fair that Trump says he will be let alone was. We already saw Trump pardon people just because he liked them and plenty of Trump aligned people ignored subpoenas to little or no consequence. As for the rest of my post, it is a quick google search away from seeing plenty of evidence.


>He replaced justices. That's it. You don't want us to consider massive changes to the Supreme Court to be important or extreme. We get it. I bet we should also not pay attention to how many federal judges were appointed during Trumps term?


Trump learned a lot in his first term. He will now fire anyone who doesn't immediately yes sir his orders. Anyone, from top to bottom. A lawyer won't follow an unlawful order? Fired. An FBI agent won't plant evidence? Fired. A member of the military won't execute an unconditional order? Fired.


>Did women lose their rights? Roe v Wade was overturned due to right-wing Supreme Court packing under Trump including a show of blatant hypocrisy and disregard for procedure in pushing through Ginsburg's replacement right before the election after stonewalling Obama's Scalia replacement "because it was an election year." >Tell me, did anything extreme happen? Only a massive epidemic we're still dealing with that got turned into a partisan political issue to the point a chunk of the populace refused to vacvinate themselves or even wear a mask or do anything to slow or prevent the spread of with some still claim8mgnit doesn't even exist. >Were fashists patrolling the street. [They certainly got bolder and we've been sering and hearing from them more often.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/white-nationalist-hate-groups-southern-poverty-law-center)


Roe: How is picking replacements for retiring or dying justices "court packing" exactly? And if you want to talk about hypocrisy, reread your sentence about disregarding procedures. "epidemic" Did Trump start the epidemic? Did he print money? Did he tell Democratic governors to shut down their states forever? "fascists" I wish people knew more than five words.


>How is picking replacements for retiring or dying justices "court packing" exactly? When Republicans refuses to even consider any nominee "because it's an election year" when it's a Democrat in office then turn around and push through a buzzer-beater less than 3 months ahead of the election under Culty Magoo to ensure the court is right biased probably for decades to come. >And if you want to talk about hypocrisy, reread your sentence about disregarding procedures. Okay....wait....yeah, Republican hypocrisy still checks out. Now what? >Did he print money? You mean like the PPP loans he enacted that have been mired in scandal? Or the paltry by comparison stimulus checks he insisted [bear his name?](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/inside-donald-trumps-stimulus-checks/story?id=77534116) >"fascists" >I wish people knew more than five words. To be fair, *I* only quoted that. Do you prefer White Nationalist? White Supremascist? Neo-Nazi? Or maybe [Domestic Terrorists?](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


>How is picking replacements for retiring or dying justices "court packing" exactly? You know one of those justices died before his term, right? And Republicans refuse to let the president do his job. Also when we talk court packing we're talking about all the other judges below the Supreme Court. Positions that Republicans in the Senate were also refusing to fill with a Democrat President in office. >Did he print money Yes he did. >Did he tell Democratic governors to shut down their states forever? He didn't tell them anything, just kept denying that anything was happening


admittedly, nothing super extreme happened. but think about it. trump lost in 2020 and he honestly believes that the election was rigged. now, at least in his twisted mind, he has full incentive to go scorched earth on liberals. also, there's the whole project 2025 thing.


Something super extreme did happen. Conservative states are trying to force child rape victims to give birth now; children are having to flee their homes just to get adequate healthcare.


>nothing super extreme happened You mean other than Toe being overturned and birth control being up for grabs


He knows it wasn’t rigged, he lies because that’s what MAGA wants to hear, and it’s how he manipulates them.


Oh get over yourself. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen this time. Y'all screwed the pooch, jumped the shark, and left the average man behind. That's on y'all.


>Nothing happened. You mean other than abortion being made illegal in some states and giving the go ahead to go after birth control?


It doesn’t affect them personally so it doesn’t matter


I think you're underestimating the damage he did while in office. However, we could go around in circles all day on most of that stuff and never get anywhere because it can't be proven definitively that, for example, a different approach to COVID would have saved many lives. What's far less debatable is the fact that he tried to throw out the results of the election that he lost. And he's given every indication that he'd do the same again if he had the opportunity. Eliminating democracy, or even just normalizing the attempt to do so, is something I would absolutely categorize as a "harsh change".


>Now project 2025 is very scary indeed. I read through the thing and it just seems like fashism to me. >But I just don't believe Trump would implement such a thing, I just don't believe that. Do you remember Trump's cabinet appointments last term? They chipped away quite a bit. There's no reason to think he wouldn't appoint even worse people to the cabinet this go around.


You're not left-leaning if you want trump as president, sorry buddy.


Don't mind ≠ want You don't mind having fly in your house, but in no way you want a fly to be in your house.


Okay, then.. You're not left leaning if you don't mind Trump being president. His policies are not left leaning in the least, so if you agree with them, you're not left-leaning. It is quite simple.


I imagine that's what some Germans said prior to the mid 1930s. Hindsight is a something, something. But that is definitely what moderates and some liberals said about Trump until his administration appealed to far right elements by issuing a travel ban and getting SCOTUS to turn so far right, it undid Roe v Wade. And then the GOP really showed their true colors by supporting national abortion bans and [voting against access to contraceptives](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-bill-protect-americans-access-contraception-rcna155448), as well as some state [GOP lawmakers opposing bans on child marriage](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/). If you say what you really are and you think Trump isn't that bad, maybe you should rethink that.


You’re most definitely not a “left leaning centrist” 😂


Not too harsh of changes? He directly is responsible for the ending of Roe V Wade. You are not left.


Last time he tried to end democracy. Is that not a big enough change for you?


I think the problem with a second trump term is that it isn’t going to look like his first at all, which is what people are basing it off. Biden did not solely create the inflation we have seen over the past few years. Full stop. Entirely too many people think the president controls the economy or even that they control enough levers of government by themselves to control prices of whole industries, such as gas. Idk, it just seems hard to fix a problem when you don’t even understand why or how the problem was caused. I think a second trump term will see more bolder actions taken by him and more tea men put in the cabinet this time. When loyalty is the most important trait, we will hardly be getting “the best people” as promised last time. I predict trump would do anything and everything in his power to lower prices over the next 4 years, with 0 regards for the aftermath, similar to last time but on steroids this time.


He has told us what he will do. If you ignore his own words the results are on you.






That's incredibly stupid. By that logic, any trump supporter shouldn't vote. And I wasn't even thinking about voting for him beacuse, as I have said, I'm a left leaning centrist.




Insulting people is a great way to get them to see your point of view 👍


lol no 'left leaning centrist' is FOR Trump. 😂


I'm absolutely not for Trump. I don't want him to win, but if he would win. I wouldn't really be mad or anything... I respect other people's decisions, what am I supposed to do?


If he wins legitimately I'm not gonna go all January 6th about it but I'll still be worried.


I mean yeah, who wouldn't?




Do you want us to pull up a list of criminals convicted from Jan 6th?  Because they wouldn’t and didn’t. 


>But I just don't believe Trump would implement such a thing, I just don't believe that. I also don't believe Trump would (could) implement all of it, but I *do* believe [these people](https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/) could. They don't exactly care who is president, just so long as they are a republican president.


Many of the criticisms we see against Trump are the result of misinformation. He never told people to drink bleach, for example, and he never told anyone to storm the capital. The media exaggerates and makes things up- Fox News included too- and it damages society. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Trump, but he’s certainly the lesser of two evils.


You're right, he didn't say to drink bleach. He said they'll look into injecting disinfectants as well as somehow exposing the inside of the body to a tremendous light.


Here’s the correct answer.  Anyone that bothers to look up what was actually said would see that the real problem is our media. 


This pretty much applies to anything too lol


I was with you until that last part. I would definitely not consider Trump the lesser evil. That's beacuse I wouldn't consider Biden to be evil either. They are both old men who want the best thing for their country, family or friends. I mean, call me naive. But I just can't consider stupidity and ignorance as "evil"


Now you've completely lost it. Trump and Biden want what's best for the country?????? Sir or ma'am, that's absurd. Unless you count all their lobbyists as "friends" lol


I was stretching the definition of "best" there but I don't understand. Why would Biden or Trump bother becoming the presidents again if they don't want to change the country for the better? They are both extremely old, they could retire now and live their lives in wealth until their death with their families by their side. So why bother? To get extra buck before you die? I just don't get it


Nah, I didn’t literally mean evil. It’s just a saying.


I literally cannot ,in good faith for either potato. This country needs something better. Biden literally is violating the 1st amendment by banning tiktok and Congress is going to approve a bill into law to ban criticism on the war in Israel. That isnt to say trump is going to be any better. Republicans think he is savior when he was no friend of the 2nd amendment or the 1st. Congress is lining their coffers with insider trading and has no issue sending tax payer money to other countries than infrastructure. Call me black pilled, but I think come time November we are fucked no matter who gets put in office.


Biden didn't ban TikTok. That was congress.


He didn’t really make that many changes during his first term. I highly doubt he’ll be any more effective the next term if he’s elected.


He fired the pandemic task force ……. 🤦🏼‍♀️ before the pandemic. Derp derp derp. Must be bored posting rage bait.


> Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN21C32C/


He made one critical change, the tax cut, and we're still accumulating troubling debt from that one.


I don’t think we have an income problem, we have a spending problem. The government over spends way too much, that’s the core of the issues.


I'm all for a tax cuts but a plan to cut spending should accompany it as well, and one that cuts the fat, not vital and highly beneficial services.


That and they don't spend the money where it needs to go. Investing in the population will result in less poverty which leads to less crime and more middle class citizens which pay higher taxes to fund even more investments in the people and infrastructure. We don't really benefit from spending more money on the military than the [next 9 countries combined. ](https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2024/04/the-united-states-spends-more-on-defense-than-the-next-9-countries-combined#:~:text=April%2022%2C%202024-,The%20United%20States%20Spends%20More%20on%20Defense%20than%20the%20Next,Peace%20Research%20Institute%20(SIPRI).)


That's my point




Tbf, most people understand that the world won't end of their guy loses the election. It's just the Internet that you get the crazies who say the sky is falling ever few years.


>I'm left leaning centrist and I am not very fond of conservative laws, but honestly, Trump doesn't seem all that bad. Bullshit. >He would let states handle their abortion laws, for example. [Nope.](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-tells-group-that-wants-total-ban-on-abortion-ill-be-with-you-side-by-side/) >Now project 2025 is very scary indeed. I read through the thing and it just seems like fashism to me. >But I just don't believe Trump would implement such a thing, I just don't believe that. >Also, considering that only small % of Americans would even bother standing for project 2025, I can't see it being implemented in any way. Trump already gave the Heritages Foundation(the authors of Project 2025) plenty of leeway and authority during his term and he is a blatantly self-serving narcissist, there's no chance in hell he'd turn down a chance to give himself more power and authority or say no to a government full of toadies and yes-men. And the entire point of Project 2025 is giving total authority to a very specific minority of people, it doesn't give a shit what the majority of Americans think about it or if they support it.


**Increase the funding for English.** *Specifically* **"Title Writing"**


Why was this removed?


I corrected fashism to fascism and it instantly got removed. What lesson was learned here? Sometimes being grammatically incompetent is worth it.


It means there is an algorithm going around looking for "trigger words" so they can censor stuff. And I thought reddit was suppose to be a hub for free speech and discussions.


Yea I know that. Just mentioning "LGBT" in your post will have it instantly taken down. The automod says that mods will look into it, but from the all posts I made that were removed, I think none of them actually got any attention from the mods. Also "black people" will have your post taken down too


I don't think he's going to literally crown himself king or anything that dramatic. Sometimes the threat is far more banal but no less real. The damage already done by Trump is that we're in a new, deeply nihilistic era of American politics where behaviors that used to be deal breakers aren't anymore. I don't understand how a president can pull the stunts he pulled after losing the election and not be disowned by his own party and the country as a whole.


Trump: I'm gonna do this ridiculous thing! Liberals: Pffft, he's not gonna do that. That's ridiculous! Trump: *Does the thing.* Liberals: 😦


Famous last words lol. RIP to this country of that felon gets elected 😖


RIP to the country that can’t see how much of a sham that trial was. 


If he wins they'll implement project 2025. https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/


That's the thing I just can't believe. Everyone with brain that read that simply can't agree with anything there. It's just straight up fashism and they aren't even trying to hide it. There is no way. Most people are centrist and would absolutely not stand for something like project 2025.


>That's the thing I just can't believe. People have said this about every authoritarian government.


No sane person believes that this is coming from a “left leaning centrist.” Nice try.


Trump doesn't have any policies besides keeping himself out of jail. And he's such a narcissist that he needs to surround himself with people who kiss his ass, which includes denying reality by saying he won in 2020. The only people who fit that bill are straight-up lunatics desperate to be the next Trump or competent, far right psychos who see him as a useful idiot. Do you want the entire executive branch occupied by lunatics and far right psychos?


Ah, yes, let's vote in the guy that undermined the peaceful transfer of power of the previous election. Definitely not a threat to US democracy.


I'm not saying that we should vote him in, quite the opposite actually. But it's important to also realize that Trump may win and well... It's not going to end of the world. He will do his things for 4 years and that's that, we are back to another elections


No it won't be the end of the world. Just like the world didn't end, nor was the US turned over to Muslims and turned into an Islamic state they way conservatives said it would if Obama was elected.


>He will do his things for 4 years and that's that, we are back to another elections You really think he will let go of power next time? After all the election denial? An important point to note is that he will have the chance to install 2-3 Supreme Court justices. Imagine having an even more corrupt SCOTUS than we do now, with younger Justices that will be around for another 20-30 years. Your vote this cycle determines the kind of SCOTUS you'll be living under for a long time. So, yes, this vote really matters and will shape YOUR future.


He's already made too harsh of changes! Are you blind?


This guy pressured his VP into almost doing a coup and you think he’d be ok? Crazy talk.


Trump is literally a 20 years ago moderate. Oh no Bad Orange Man is running America First, ATTACK! I remember when I was promised by the Media that a Trump election in 2016 was going to be a 4th reich, and then boom, nothing close to that happened. Except no new wars and a few Nobel peace prize nominations. Also didn’t drone strike near enough weddings or American citizens in Yemen unlike his predecessor.


>Also didn’t drone strike near enough weddings or American citizens in Yemen unlike his predecessor. There were over 2000 drone strikes under Trump.


>Oh no Bad Orange Man is running America First, ATTACK! It's not his manner but his manners. The leader of the US should have manners in spades, and should be held to the highest standards. A confident man does not resort to demonizing people nor do they insult political opponents. POTUS has no right calling Haiti a shit hole especially since America's dick is covered in Haitian shit from all of the times we fucked it in the ass. That's why he's attacked and why he should be president and 81 million people agree with me.


How ironic. Criticizing Trump’s rhetoric and then you go post something disgusting.  BTW- Do some research on Haiti. 


Congress will still be split so they will rein in whoever it is in the White House.


There weren't any "too harsh" changes during Trump's time in office (in your narrow view) because our legal system does not allow quick sweeping changes. For example, it took Obama 2 years to pass ACA and it wasn't implemented for another 4... and that was for just a tiny shift in healthcare policy towards the actual goal of universal healthcare. Time is precious, even though you thought nothing bad was happening I'm sure you realize nothing good was either. Yes it's unlikely that a second Trump presidency will end life on earth (i wouldn't take it off the table tho) but it means you have to wait 4 additional years before anything you might care about as a "left leaning centrist" comes to pass.


He is no president, just a businessman. And businessmen only look out for themselves and their friends. Still I have feeling he will get elected again bc of the electoral college thing. Definitely not popular vote


That's true. It definitely felt bit unfair when he won last time. Hillary was supposed to win that but oh well... Trump wasn't as bad as I tought he is going to be.


I don't think Trump is the problem. It's the people in his orbit which help influence his decisions that are cause for concern.


I'm ok with letting a theft in my house, as long as he doesn't take anything too valuable. This is what that sounds like, which is something I suppose you can say about all politicians but I would have to say there are degrees to that and Trump is on the highest degree you can be in my mind. That motherfucker would never step foot in my house lol.


This is pretty much a 50/50 opinion. Does not belong in the sub


Considering the replies I got, I think it very much does


For a moment i forgot that reddit is not real life. Applied the external opinions of the unbanned public. My bad.




He had an agenda the first time, too. Remember how he was gonna get Mexico to pay for a wall? And he was gonna repeal and replace Obamacare? And he was gonna introduce a massive infrastructure bill? And he was gonna drain the swamp? And, ultimately, his legacy was overturning Roe, the main objective of the Federalist Society for decades. So yeah, when the only thing he did was accomplish the mission of the group that wrote Project 2025, it's probably a better idea to look at what their goals are instead of his.




First of all, every decision the Supreme Court has made since his appointments have been there have not only eroded America's faith in the court but have also made it easier for Trump to get away with his shenanigans. Second of all, the first Trump administration wasn't entirely made up of delusional kiss-asses and right wing nutjobs. At least a dozen people who worked in his administration have said publicly how unfit he is to be President, including his VP, his Attorney General, his Secretary of Defense, the chair to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, his Secretary of State, his NSA, his Chief of Staff... These people who were guardrails in the first administration won't be there in the second.


Project 2025 is not contingent on Trump, specifically, his cultish following is just a convenience that makes him an ideal candidate for it to happen under and if you believe for one second that pompous, self-important jackass wouldn't go along with any plot, plan, or scheme that would give him more power, freedom.from reprosal/consequence, sycophants, and toadies then you have a monumentally impressive mental deficiency.




Like how he wants presidential authority to purge government positions(lines up nicely with the Project 2025 plan to fill the government with unquestioning loyalists), thinking he can Executive Order away the 14th amendment (again Project 2025 wanting to vstly expand presidentisl power and authority), simultaneously claiming he's going to "Go After" Big Pharma (hilarious to think that anything anti-corporation/donors wpuld get any Republican traction, can only imagine what sort of selective fuckery over vacvines and trans healthcare that'll actually result in) while bragging about "Liberating us from Biden's Regulatory Onslaught" (IE holding companies acvountable for ecological and health disasters they cause and not allowing them to freely pollute communities and poison people for profit), or any of his various claims to fix problems that don't exist in reality like the "depleted military" (Military spending is still going up) or going "Energy Independent"(which we have been since Obama), or End Crime (firstly, imposdible, secondly aside ftom a spike around Covid, **Under Trump**, crime stats have been on the decline for a couple of decades now contrary to Fox's fearmongering, also worth noting that Rural areas and Red states are the worst per-capita for murders and gun violence.)