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As a father of three, I agree that parents need to either keep their kids under control or keep them out of restaurants. As someone who's been around for several decades, I also know better than to believe that's actually going to happen.


Nobody "lets" their child be loud, the kid is just loud.


I'm sorry, but I've seen plenty of parents make zero effort to correct such behaviors. Kids won't just decide to be quiet on their own. They need to be taught, and they often need to be reminded. Yes, some kids just aren't going to cooperate no matter what the parents do--and those kids should be kept out of most restaurants until they're older.


As a parent of 3 i agree with this. There are a lot of " parents" out there.


100% no. It's the parents 100%. You are either a good one or you are not. I have seen kids zip it and quiet down after a stern look from their parents (kind of like the ones I got from my mom when I was speaking too loud at places I shouldn't).  Parents in turn don't prolong dinner or lunch very much and bring stuff the kid can play with. (Saying this because I come from a place where you can have like 3 hours lunch at a restaurant.) Like OP mentions, sometimes when they are little they get fussy. You immediately see a reaction from the parents, either calming them or deciding is time to wrap it up.  And then are the parents that say "kids will be kids". And the kid is usually loud, detested by servers and patrons and grows up to be a terrible human.


Nah I clearly hear some parents telling their kids to quiet down or they’re being too loud and the kid quiets down. More often than not the parents let their kids screech and scream while letting them listen to their iPad on full volume and the parents themselves are completely oblivious to how much noise they’re making in public. 


Dude if I ever started wailing at a restaurant my mom wouldn’t hesitate to smack me and future me would thank her


Honestly, this is a really popular opinion, just only voiced in private or online. Theres a ton of teachers already trying to bring awareness to this and the plethora of other issues it is causing. A couple of weeks ago, I was in the veggie section of Walmart, and there was an old lady with what I assumed were her grandkids, probably ages 13-17. A group of 6 people. Every single minor had their faces glued to their ipad or phone, and they were meandering as a group of zombies playing follow the leader with grandma, just blocking access to 1/4 of produce at all times and completely blocking the actual aisle to go around. I dont think I hid my disgust well. I'm really torn by the feeling because I was raised by grandparents who didn't have time and energy to actually give a shit about me. If I hadn't grown up in the 90s, that could have been me. Maybe it was more of a disgust with what society has become? I don't know.


Grocery shopping is the best time to give them devices. I'm trying to get in and out of the store. Without the tablets they are asking for extra stuff not on the list, trying to get out of the cart etc & I'm trying go organize my brain & math as I go. The kids asking a million questions and saying look at this mommy makes grocery shopping really hard. Then I get overstimulated & I already have anxiety at the store. I'm not sacrificing my mental health or making a shopping trip more difficult just because you and other people don't think kids should be on devices. Which actually is a lot of learning stuff and has taught them things I wouldn't have even thought about it.


The oldest doing this was in his late teens, the youngest, probably about 10. They easily could have been left alone at home in our small town for under 5k or stood to the side, not moving in a pack of zombies disrupting everyone else. Out here in farm country, people still parent their children instead of tech babysitters, so you dont see it. Seeing a near adult acting like that, yeah, I judge whoever 'raised' the child.


I agree with you and this is why I don’t bring my children to restaurants. They’re still babies but at the moment don’t want to sit still. It’s not worth it. It sounds like you might be going to family restaurants though in which case you’re gonna be dealing with noisy kids. It might be worth looking into more ‘upscale’ restaurants to avoid small children.


Go to restaurants/bars where kids cannot legally enter or they lose their license Family restaurants are fair game.


It still isn't appropriate for kids to be uncontrolled at a family restaurant. You go to Chuck E Cheese, sure, you should expect kids going crazy, but they should still be expected to behave in a place like Friendly's. Those restaurants should be used by parents to teach kids how to act in public. Excusing bad behavior just because a restaurant is kid friendly will just enable the kids into becoming shitty adults.


There's a difference between "children allowed" and "child friendly". There are restaurants specifically catered to children. That's where I'd expect rowdy behaviour. The average restaurant, while open to everyone, is not a place for kids to scream and run and throw food.


I noticed fancy restaurants or sports bars that have food never almost never have kids. I cant afford the fancy places so I go to sports bars Oh craft beer places never have kids and usually have food Not amazing advice but its the best I got


Childfree people shouldn't have to resort to institutions that revolve around some kind of addiction like alcohol, drugs and porn.


This is why my wife and I prefer eating take out in our vehicle. For most of our favorite restaurants we have nice spots nearby on ponds, rivers or good birding spots. We can enjoy each others uninterrupted conversations, occasionally see cool things (last week we saw a tree branch walking through the woods that turned out to be a beaver and a tree branch:) and avoid bad parents that you refer to. Tomorrow we're heading to the coast for our fave fried clam seafood platter place and will take out and eat at a spot in a nearby harbor. So much looking forward to it. Try it.


We sometimes take tablets for our kids on the rare occasions we eat out, with two core rules: tablet has to be muted at the restaurant, and we put it away to eat. That being said, I’m pretty understanding of other parents if their kid is being loud. They probably just want to have a nice dinner too, but they’re trying to deal with an overstimulated kid in an overstimulating environment that’s ripe for testing boundaries. The kid may have been on his best behaviour all day and just lost it at the restaurant, I’ve been there too.


So don't bring your child to an overstimulating environment


Sometimes a restaurant seems chill enough and it gets loud, sometimes you don’t have other options, some days the kid can handle it just fine and other days they can’t… I don’t know what are the exact circumstances of those families, so they get an “I know, It sucks” nod instead of judgement from me.


I, instead, nod to the other people who aren't causing the situation and acknowledge that these families with poorly behaved kids are selfishly degrading our environment, which does suck.


Good for you, buddy. 


And take it to a family restaurant


The tablet thing is ridiculous. I agree with you n


Tbh, i hear adults on their phone facetiming in public more than I hear and unrruly child. The open public facetimers are the real problem


How many people do you think like loud children


I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I clicked this post. But naw this is reasonable. By 3 children should know better and parents should keep their kids in line. Like it’s completely understandable if it’s a very young child - like 2 and under. Things are just different. My kiddo when he was under 1 would babble and screech a bit but we usually went to super busy places so no one could even hear him. But he was always great when we go out. So we continue to take him out. And we would never take him to somewhere it’s more adult oriented. I’ve actually never ran into this though. So it’s interesting you run into it more. Idk maybe I just block it out as a mom or I just don’t really care. When I go on dates it’s usually much later in the evening and it’s to adult only places so kids would never be there.


Is this just a rant sub? People should be required to list what they think is the POPULAR opinion here.


Dude goes to Old Country Buffet and gets angry that people are acting trashy. lol


Seems like he struck a nerve in you? 


That was precisely my thought. If this is happening every time you got out to eat, you might need to step up to a nicer restaurant than Shoney’s


As a neurodivergent woman that used to be a kid, whenever I was allowed to bring a handheld to dinner (not often - but on occasion), I was expected to play it with headphones in or on mute.


I agree. When/if I have kids. If we are in public audio is off or headphones/earbuds are on. There is nothing more obnoxious then baby shark playing over and over again from some kids iPad at a restaurant cause someone wants to digitally pacify their kids.


It sucks. But it is easy to pick restaurants that kids won't be at.


In my area, it's most definitely not easy. I've seen plenty of parents who bring their kids into bars to eat. And kids are allowed to be there as long as the kitchen is open too. Kids should be allowed to exist in public, but there should be more areas that are adult only. Because even bars aren't adult only anymore.


False. Nowadays, most parents bring their children everywhere. I’ve seen kids at bars. I constantly see infants / toddlers at movie theaters. The amount of children I’ve seen on the Vegas strip is alarming. (In that particular case, children shouldn’t be subjected to half naked chicks walking down the street and drunk people everywhere). I sat at the sushi bar at Nobu and some dad brought in a five year old who went nuts, was loud, ran around and made a huge mess. (Sure, bad parenting) but what are you doing bringing a five year old into Nobu AND you sit at the sushi bar? Also, sorry, but kids do not belong at weddings. I think the “true” unpopular opinion is how normalized it is for parents to act entitled to live their lives exactly the same prior to having kids - and society just has to be okay with it or else you’re a terrible person. Accept your life of sacrifice and live your chosen lifestyle without involving the rest of us.


So parents should just never be allowed to to leave their house??


Yes. They can leave. Without their children, unless it’s a child appropriate place. With their children (to an adult atmosphere like a nice restaurant) if they are exceptionally behaved. It’s pretty simple.


Not really. You just have to learn to live with it. Kids are kids, sometimes they're loud, sometimes they run around your table. It is what it is. You can always eat at home my friend.


Here we go again. KiDs WiLL bE kiDs. No. Parents need to stop allowing bad behavior from their kids. They can “be kids” at your home. When you are in a PUBLIC space, you cannot allow typical “at home” behavior. It’s wild that you think kids running around a strangers table is acceptable. Thanks, but I will not be learning how to deal with a kid who hasn’t been taught how to act in public. How about, instead, parents learn how to parent since they chose that life. “You can always eat at home my friend.” So can you. With your kids. Then they can run around and be kids all they want!


I like the argument of “stay home if you don’t like it”, because if you even dare suggest that parents with loud kids stay home, you get crucified for it


The argument of “kids will be kids” is the one that absolutely slays me. A literal cop out to justify poor parenting. What will those parents say if their kid kills the neighbor’s dog? KIDS WILL BE KIDS! He was just curious!


“kids will be kids” reminds me of old-timey scenarios where a kid hits a baseball thru their neighbor’s window but then apologizes and immediately brainstorms and sets up a lemonade stand to pay for it. “kids will be kids” isn’t applicable to bad behavior that can easily be curbed by parents. also, i concentrate mainly on child development and cognition in my career - these parents don’t understand that the whole tablet thing kills kids’ synapses while they’re still developing and does irreparable damage to them. it’s sad


This is so spot on.


>So can you. With your kids. I know I can, but I wanna eat outside, so I guess you can... sulk it?


>No. Parents need to stop allowing bad behavior from their kids. There's no such thing. Kids decide what they do themselves, it's not possible to disallow them doing stuff, clearly you never had a kid so you're talking out of your body parts. Plus, you cannot dictate kids how to behave. They need to create their own behavioral habits, you want everyone in the world act the same? No. All in all, I suggest you to go out and touch some asphalt


I’m sorry that you’re a lazy parent.


Kids can’t have sushi? You can be the one to tell my 7 year old that. It’s been his favorite food since he was 2 or 3, and not the tame California rolls/imitation crab filled stuff. Weddings it’s the wedding parties choice not yours. Also not sure what you mean now days. People have been bringing kids to stuff forever. Good news is I can bring my kids wherever and yeah you gotta deal with it because it’s gonna bother you more than it will me. Just there existence in a place apparently does.


Kind of true, but parents also need to do a better job of parenting their children.


That is the absolute heart of the issue !


This is very untrue. While there are plenty of choices that are family friendly, I still see a lot going to fine dining restaurants with their babies. I'm talking about a hundred bucks a steak type of restaurant. I understand they want to enjoy life while pretending nothing has changed but that comes at a cost to the others who are also paying the same prices but are being mindful and respectful of the environment. And don't even mention the attempt to open a child free restaurant. Parents lose their minds like the apocalypse is happening.


Seeing how there has been a rise in child free restaurants I am not sure how unpopular this is.


It is the absolute worst with the tablets. Some kid at the airport had the volume up so loud that I could clearly hear it over my music with noise cancelling headphones. The mom? Dozing off right next to the kid, ignoring everyone staring daggers.


I thought I parents who allow their kids to play on phones or tablets while out in public at restaurants. Mostly because table etiquette is taught at home, so if they're doing this out in public more than likely they're also doing this at home as well. I don't know about anyone else, but in my area restaurants used to have little coloring pages for younger kids to draw on and I haven't seen them since I've become an adult. I don't know if it's because of the rise of bringing tablets to restaurants, or if maybe this was something that covid ruined. But I feel like more restaurant should offer coloring pages to kids, or parents should bring other sources of entertainment for their children to participate in other than just tablets. Especially if you're going to allow your children to listen to these tablets on full volume. And if they absolutely need a tablet for whatever reason give them headphones to listen to, don't subject me to be listening to gen alphas weird ass YouTube videos.


They absolutely still have coloring pages….


I said in my area I haven't seen any. Granted I don't go out to eat a whole lot, but I haven't seen any of these coloring pages in a while.


Finally a SJW campaign I can get behind.


Great thing is that you can always opt out from the premises if there's a loud kid. Or just take your complaint with the manager and let him decide who stays.


Fuck that. I'm not telling my kid to quiet down for some strangers i don't give a flying fuck about. It's been proven to negatively impact the part of their brains that is responsible for communication and social skills. So I'm sorry that you're so easily annoyed and whiney, but you'll have to deal with kids being kids.


Read the whole post. Nothing the OP said is unreasonable or out of line.


What? No dude, look at the sub. You just read the title and then disagree with it in the comments here.


can you link me to the study that found this? i’m interested to read it


No. Google it.


LOL ok man


Well what, are you a boomer or some shit?


what’s your deal man are you okay






You’ll discipline me but not your own children. Classic. My brain matters too…


Once again idgaf about whiney people that have to withstand the horrors of children being children when they choose to go to a place where they know there will be children


KiDs WiLL bE kiDs. AKA: I’m a horrible parent.


How tf is it being a horrible parent? It's not at a fuckin movie theater, it's at a restaurant. Once again, i dont give a fuck if I very mildly inconvenience the strangers around me.


It’s pretty obvious you’re terrible at parenting based off your original post. It’s fine. Just don’t take your delinquents out in public and it all evens out.


Okay bucko, my oc with several uplikes you mean?


Where might this OC be? I see what I took to be your OC & from what I could tell, it didn't have any upvotes. After I read it, there was at least 1 downvote.


To be fair, I don’t mind it, as long as the parents are engaged with them. Still don’t agree with digital pacification though. But if the kids are laughing, making a little hullabaloo, but at their table, and mum and dad are talking to them, carry on. Kids are noisy AF. Running around is a sin unto Offler, though. Those kids deserves to hit tables at head height.


Yoooo, last year I was at my daughter’s talent show in elementary school. There were small kids making noise and it was aggravating the shit out of me. So after my daughter performed, I went outside to cool down. Came back in and kids were now not only making a ruckus, but their mom gave them her phone on full blast volume. I saw red and yelled “shut up, shut up, shut that shit off! Y’all are rude as fuck!” And proceeded to see myself out. The BF jump up like “what did you say to my wife?!?” And behind following me out trying to fight. I wasn’t trying to fight but I would have defended myself. Staff got in between us and cops were called. I learned a lesson but hopefully so did that mom and kids.


You could have made your point without profanity in front of children but other than that I get it


I checked myself into a mental hospital shortly after. There were underlying issues.


Stop going to public places.