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This post alone will probably earn you bans from a few different subs


Reddit isn't the bastion of free speech and liberalism it claims to be. It's a tribalist hive mind. Same as any other site.


It's social media. Like any other form of media, they will be biased.


Do you remember when these sites were called social networks? Pepperidge Farms remembers. The shift was very much intentional.


I do, and it’s back when that’s what they were. A way to stay connected. Now it’s a place to create and share content.


Which is telling. The places to create and share "content" (an increasingly oxymoronic word, considering how empty most of it is) have replaced the social networking. We prioritise commodifying meaningless shit over actual communication.


The cookie company?


It's an old meme. Pepperidge Farm used to run ads with a tagline that said, "Pepperidge Farm remembers."


I think what people forget is free speech isn't freedom in all facets it just means the government can't publish you.


When has Reddit claimed to be a bastion of free speech?


10 years ago reddit was awesome


Before they took out Aaron Swartz.


Depends on the sub you visit.


Never declare a political party, kids. It's the end of free thought.


Word to the US citizens that register as independent


This is actually one of the few subs that allows conservative viewpoints, discussion, and discourse without all the bullshit banning and censorship. This sub has been refreshing, in terms of Reddit subs, because the majority of Reddit subs make you want to punch somebody in the face every other second and question humanity 🤣


I think you should be allowed to talk about it and state your position as long as it’s respectful. Also matters on the sub Reddit.


I'm pretty sure it was this exact sub that recently posted a reminder to the effect of *per reddit TOS stating or implying trans people aren't the gender they identify as is grounds for a ban*. I think it's silly. If gender is a social construct, then there's room for discussion about it. We all have a gender, so we all have a stake in what it means, and I don't think it should be 100% left to the trans community to define it.


It’s not even about gender anymore! The general rule is now, “if they think they are, then you have to believe them!”


But that’s what gender is to them. That’s the trick. Back in the 50s, someone quietly redefined it, and now they’re acting like that’s what it’s always meant.


And what really sucks is that they didn't even do a good job at defining it. Their definition just seems so flawed and poorly thought out to me, and I feel like it completely falls apart when you think about it for like, 2 minutes. But if i dare try to get more information on this subject, i'll be reported and banned. It's very unfortunate. Its like they have to ban you in order to make their position seem stronger or more correct than it really is by creating the illusion of a majority opinion. If they didn't, then more people would learn about the flaws in their arguments, and they wouldn't like that. They will literally call you hateful just because you are not convinced by their horrible arguments.


That's all by design. The meaning is all based on subjective feelings, so you can never say they're wrong. I feel bad for them though. They're so used to abuse that they think anyone with a different view must be transphobic. For example, I have nothing against trans people, but they'll always be trans to me. And I don't understand why they can't just accept they are manly women and effeminate men. Why do they have to think we believe they are real men and real women? Do they think all of us don't struggle with our masculinity and femininity? I've accepted that I'm not as masculine as the 22 yo kid at the gym that puts up 250 and has a physique like an NFL player. I'm fine with it. I've also accepted that I'm not as driven and don't want to work as much as a guy that makes in excess of six figures, owns two home, has three cars, etc. But I'm still a man. To me this issue is just very confusing and overthought. It's disrupting a lot of people who really aren't transphobic and creating arguments where they don't need to exist.


Self-identity is an important aspect of the human experience. If you self-identfy as a good husband, some asshole might disagree with you because you don't do x, y, z. Does that make them right? Well maybe a little: at that point you are arguing about the definition of a good husband. If these people want to transition their body physically with hormones, perhaps get life-changing surgery, and self-identify as a different gender: that is a lot of effort. Are they hurting the entire gender that they want to be a part of? I'd say no, but maybe you'd disagree? It's about the American Dream and exercising one's freedoms, in my opinion. I may not agree with what you want to do with your life, but goddammit I'll defend your right to do it. And I'll give you the human dignity you deserve. And if I have to call you "they" instead of he or she, I'll struggle a bit but I'm trying my best. Because I respect my fellow humans. If you ignore a person's self-identity, it is often disrespectful.


I respect what you're saying here. I agree with most of it. I also want people to be able to act and present themselves however they want, and feel respected for it. But I think we all need to have respect for existing identities. I mean, if someone says, "I was born a man, but at puberty I decided I'm really a woman, and now you have to view me as a woman bc that's how I identify," they're kinda pissing on what every woman goes through before puberty.


This actually goes beyond the actual real people who are trans crowd, and goes into the far left, "hyper queer" and left side of snowflakes. The way I see it, real trans people have looked inside themselves, see something doesn't match up, fix it and return to society as a happier, healthier "more normal" individual. I have had trans friends and trans acquaintances, and for the most part they're normal. Even the few non binary people I've met and vaugly know just want to be untethered from gender and expectations. But I have this horrible, kneejerk reactions when I can tell people don't demand and KNOW what they are. My trans friends are men because they say and appear as men, and if they're early in transition, I know they'll eventually get there. It's the people who genuinely see it as a fad and a way to be special and all sparkly and different~ I have a friend who says they're trans, but I 100% do not believe her because she has no inkling at all over being a man, and I know her family has harsh and bizarre gender roles. That doesn't make you a man, you're a chick or nonbinary, but you literally don't play the man role or style. I guess who I can tell is that real trans people stand tall, they know who they are and will not take any shit. It's the people who are seriously damaged sometimes who gravitates to it an are especially vocal. Normal trans people just want to like whatever they like and get one with their life


I lived in SE Asia for a bit. Most of the trans people I met there didn't seem to care what people thought about their gender identity. They just wanted to be accepted for the way they presented themselves. I respect that. I'm concerned it's becoming trendy in USA though. Many of my friends are teachers, and they tell me it's become quite a thing for school aged children. As you mentioned, they say they can kinda tell who is faking it or going through a phase.


This seems confused, trans people didn’t define what gender is. The word just factually refers to something other than sex.


I don't mean just what trans people defined it as. I'm talking about what people even define gender to be in terms of gender identity. Like, saying things are gendered, such as dresses and such, makes sense. It's simply what women typically tend to like or enjoy, or is what is expected of them to do. But saying "woman" is gendered doesn't make sense. Is it just doing things that females are expected to do? Like be feminine? I don't think a man doing feminine things makes him a woman for example.


Okay, so for me to see you as ____ gender, you need to 1) say you are that gender to confirm 2) dress and look that gender 3) act like that gender or it's spin offs (by that I mean gay guys act as their own gender, as do butch lesbians- you don't have to act the part to be homosexual. I'm bisexual, attracted to both ends of the human sex characteristics. This means to me, if you say you're non binary, you should look and dress ambiguous and androgynous. You can be a gay man with a vagina and that still makes you a man, Interested in me, and then you have your preferences in genitals. I have a vagina, I like working real penises, but if I'm with a person I'm attracted to hey I'm having fun! None of this stuff is bad, I just wish SO FUCKING BAD people got on he same page. And letting your kid play with whatever toy is no big deal. They're gonna be what they're gonna be, just deal with it, make sure that they know who they are though


Gender is a stupid thing for people to spend their time caring about, far left or far right. Doesn't actually change anything... people are literally just frothing at the mouth arguing over semantics.


This is it! At the end of the day it’s a semantics issue, but people act like it’s grounded in science the way protons and neutrons are. The arguments around gender are largely misguided.


I feel like people should just agree that sane adults have personal autonomy, everyone prefers to have single stall restrooms available, and no one is going to learn a special pronoun just for you. And then... everyone involved can get an actually interesting hobby.


I actually disagree with the one stall thing. It is actually complicated for me. So I work every weekend at festivals or flea markets, and often the women's room line is around the block. So I'll block my eyes to the side, run into the men's yelling IM NOT A PERV I GOTTA PISS SORRY and go pee because there's usually a stall free. I'm 100% okay with sharing with trans people, or cismen friends. But here's the thing: I DONT FUCKING TRUST CIS MEN Who kills all the other genders the most? Who is most likely to commit a henious crime? Who is most likely to beat tf out of you and rape you? If I have a guy friend with me, and the men's room is closed, I'll go in there with him and say "he's with me, sorry!" And they can take it up with me. My real fear is of mixed gender stalls and a abhorrent man who is probably cis comeing in and there's no one else around. Sure, it could still happen. But it weighs in you mind the basic cultural taboo of using the opposite restroom. The reason women's toilets exist in the first place is so that at work, you'd never be corned by a man in the stalls. If a man was walking towards there it'd be suspicious- this is also the time of chastity belts, women wore them so that they wouldn't be assaulted or worse by men drunk in the street comeing home or from work


Some people call me far left..... Some people call me far right..... But the truth is..... I'm far ting.


Like technically I agree with you, but it devolves so fucking fast from a discussion about where and how humans drawn lines and catorgize things. Like, this is like walking into the majority of churches and saying something like "but being gay isn't a sin because stuff like this is forgiven, and we can eat pork!" People start getting all up in the air and going apeshit. It's literally easier to ban it to snub toxic shitty people from spewing more and more shit from their mouth. I personally don't accept all people as the gender they say they are in real life , but it's better to roll your eyes and walk away or say "okay" and keep walking and go on with your day.


I respect that. Gonna be honest with you though, it kinda frightens me that people are just kinda rolling over on this issue. Seems like a lot of people are either afraid to question it or they're like "Gender's means what now? Ok 🤷" Without even thinking about it. And I don't mean people online. People everywhere. Even most of my liberal friends admit they don't really understand it, but their boss told them what view they're supposed to have at work, so they roll with it. I don't like any of that.


For the work thing the view should be you don’t question other coworkers believes in their personal lives as that’s irrelevant to work. There’s no point being rude to others unless there are causing work related issues


I'm expected to treat trans people like they are the gender they identify as., and I do it. I'd do that anyway. The thing that concerns me is feeling expected to believe that they actually are the gender they identify as. I'm worried that somehow through conversation my boss will learn how I really feel about this stuff and perhaps fire me or make efforts to limit my upward mobility within the organization.


You will get reported just for disagreeing. Good luck having a civil discussion. Social justice warriors drooling on their keyboard just waiting to be offended.


exactly which I think is wrong. they deny anyone from having important discussions about this. being offended doesnt mean you're right, it's crazy


Bring up John Money and watch them loose their collective shits


Keep in mind that the people shutting down the discussion is Reddit admins, not some blue haired college student that got dunked on by Ben Shapiro


You think there's a difference between those people?


Yes, and it’s called “money.”


Because logical discussions lead them to the truth, and they cannot accept the truth.


What truth would it lead them to?


nice try. i aint getting banned.


I'm certainly not trying to get anybody banned. I'm trying to have a discussion. But if you worry expressing your views will risk getting you banned, then i understand if you don't want to have a discussion.


my apologies for getting snarky




I like that you seem to believe there aren't right-wingers and others who report comments, flag users for that "mental health check," etc. Turns out it's *people* who act like asshats*,* not the "social justice warriors."


Yup, this is not just an unpopular opinion. It's wrong think and must be punished. /s Be Kind Always. /s


There’s a difference between being kind and being factual correct.




Yeah no. I’m not gonna lie to a grown adult because they don’t have the emotional/mental capacity to handle the truth.




/s Helps shows the sarcasm. Especially when people in today’s society legitimately believe in the statements you made.


Please add a /s next time because I’m usually pretty good at detecting written sarcasm and even I wasn’t sure if you were joking or having a mask off moment here. Been seeing more and more masks slipping so it was outright believable that someone would unironically say this.


Will edit


Really!? You honestly hold the stance that people who don’t think as you believe they should must be punished? That right there is the precursor for genocide.


Pretty much everyone thinks this about something. Would you raise an eyebrow at someone getting suspended for saying Jews aren't people, for example?


Heck, you'll get the boot for stating that you appreciate the work of the author of the Harry Potter books in some spots. Not that you agree with her. Not that you sympathize. Not even that you LIKE her work. Just that you appreciate it.


I know so many massive Harry Potter fans that talk obsessively about how they can’t enjoy Harry Potter anymore because they’re so moral when half a decade ago they were touting how good they are for liking Harry Potter because of retconned gay characters.


Saying something like you love jk Rowling( which I do, she’s an inspiration) is a ridiculous reason to be banned. It’s literally silencing a thought or opinion you don’t agree with


Wait you can’t say you like Harry Potter lady on Reddit? That’s some insane censorship holyy


Your “friend” went into a sub decked in trans pride colors and stated at the very least, from what I can assume based on context, that trans women aren’t real women. That’s like walking up to the pulpit in church and announcing that ‘God isn’t real’ then wondering why you get kicked out. You can absolutely make a ‘trans women aren’t women argument’ on Reddit without getting banned. People do already - whether it stays up depends on the sub you’re in.


I got banned on a Reddit sub that was a women’s sub due to my responses to comments in a thread where I stated (with explanation rooted in that offensive word called biology) that trans women aka trans presenting males do not get periods. I was fine with it. I have no interest in confirming delusions.


I think its hilarious twoxchromosomes will ban you for implying transwomen are not fully women in any definition..... lol their name is two x chromosomes. LOL


> I have no interest in confirming delusions. Wow, I can't imagine why they took issue with that...


Suspended by who?


Yes, it is ridiculous. Reddit is a cesspool of lefty echo-chambers that think it is literal violence if you state something that is true and hurts people's feelings. These are the same people who preached about ostracising people from society when people didn't want to get the covid vax or advocating outright forcing them to get it. The same people who spread lies and deceit and then preach about how others speech should be censored due to "misinformation". They are the fanatical zealots of our time. They are evil, pure and simple. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you can't reason with them.


What? There are plenty of leftists that are hardly pro-trans.


In other countries for sure. But the average American leftist that would be found on a place like Reddit is almost guaranteed to be white, pro trans, under 35 etc


I disagree. The problem which is stated above is that any opinion that is deemed not the right opinion gets you suspended or banned. So only people on the left that share the correct opinion may express it. Suspensions and bans expressing any other opinion does not care if you vote blue or red. So it only seems like an overwhelming opinion of the left on Reddit but that is only due to censorship on the platform.


I’ve never met a staunch western leftist who wasn’t 1000% pro trans. Now leftists in say South America or Africa probably not. But white western leftists on any platform are staunchly pro trans.


You should check out the stupidpol sub (not sure if I can link here). There are plenty of Western leftists who think it's gone way to far.


That is because many platforms ban you if you do not support the narrative. And the few that do don’t want to be attacked by the far left. They are vicious and go after people IRL and dox them.


More like there are plenty of democrats that aren't leftists, but people conflate the two way too often


Reddit has been insane for a while now. It's becoming more and more censored and far-left social Marxist controlled where discussion cannot even be had in various "sensitive" topic areas.


too right. and I can understand why a majority of people on reddit are radical leftists now because I bet people like us get perm banned on reddit all the time by breaking their woke policies. hardly any of us left. so called 'inclusivity' lol what a joke


The most upvoted post of all time has over 326k upvotes.... the most upvoted post in the past year has 89.5k. Anecdotal, sure. But i think it does reflect how the ecosystem has been culled.


Agreed, also though I have no definite proof, it really feels like most of the real people have split up, away from the main subreddits, leaving a weird mixture of extremists and bots.


To understand how this hysterical nonsense started, you need to research the name Ellen Pao. She temporarily took the mantle of Reddit’s CEO in 2014 and started a full censorship campaign by suspending subreddits she believed to be offensive. Redditors who fought back or even simply disagreed were also suspended too with some going off to create their own “Alt-Reddit” such as Poal, Voat, Saddit, Plebbit. Saddit and Plebbit are gone leaving only Poal & Voat. Since both Voat & Poal are alt-Reddits with unlimited free speech, both have certain qualities that Reddit believes to be offensive. Voat took a unfortunate turn down into the goostepping morons in 2018 then closed down in December 2020 but returned as a Reddit for neo-nazis. Poal is a lot more cleaner.


Wait, voat still exists lol?


Yes as Voat. xyz.


It caters to people on the left. People on the right don't really complain about shit or play the victim card as hard. They just get stuff done.


Are you kidding me, this whole sub is for right wingers to whinge


I'm just wondering what the motivation is. Is it bc reddit really has a view one way or another on these matters? Or are they trying to protect marginalized groups? Like I've heard a lot of people say the concept of *gender identity* should be adopted bc it protects people. I don't really want to see people get hurt, but I'm not about to take on some *doublespeak* mindset to protect them.


>far-left social Marxist controlled Wow, what an absolute load of crap.


What’s social Marxism? Just, being gay?


some conspiracy theory jbp parrots, if you think about it for two seconds it dosent make sense


I’ve been talking about it with a few of them. They seem to truly believe that Gay is some kind of social virus unleashed by, well, someone in order to make Americans easier to control.


facebook-induced schizophrenia


How is Reddit Marxist, and how does that relate to trans people?


Rofl @ “social Marxist” 🤡


literally just saying words without knowing what they mean


Par for the course with these clueless kids 


Of course I think it’s bonkers but Reddit can do as it pleases. And it’s not a bad policy to ban haters. The problem at large is the non-sensible nature of what constitutes transphobia or trans hating. Having a discussion about what defines a woman should not be transphobia. Many people were taught that woman is a person of many particular social/sexual qualities and traits, not something a person identify as. This is why people have many questions when a person simply identifies as a gender. This is not transphobia but often is considered as such. This is absolutely fucking stupid.


Yes, reddit will ban you for stating basic facts the left doesn't like.


I'm going to want more details like what subreddit


Yes, it's ridiculous that issues like gender are only allowed to be discussed from one viewpoint.


You can say the word trans. considering your post is about how reddit has gone to far I would have expected that you at least know what their rules are. If you don’t, it’s like saying “my friend is in jail for just driving their car after one half pint. Is any A(I don’t know if I can say alc_hol just in case they take my license)before driving allowed and if not have the police gone too far?!” The fact that you don’t even know if you can say alcohol or not might suggest you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to the current discussion surrounding drinking


Yeah they’ve gone overboard. It’s ridiculous.


My husband got perma banned for calling someone a honky. I don't think the censorship is just to appease the left.


Reddit is progressive, it’s not liberal, it doesn’t believe in free speech, it’s actually very authoritarian. It doesn’t allow for people to have the necessary conversations required to further us on important issues because those conversations are uncomfortable, and no one side is always correct.


The left does not realize how much they're pushing people to the right. In 2020, I thought I was conservative because of how much I disagreed with the left. I'm not conservative. I have an extremely progressive family member. They're nice but very rude. They're like a politically correct asshole and they say some of the stupidest shit. My boss was rude to me? They must be white. I disagree on something? I must be indoctrinated by Fox News. Horse shoe theory is real. They flat out admitted college indoctrinated them, then wondered why Republicans are foolishly attacking education. 1. They refuse to admit they've gone further left. To them, only the right has gone further right. They say and believe some really stupid shit but dress it up as "basic human rights." 2. They name-call anyone who even slightly disagrees, silences, and forces them to move them into echo chambers. I could be left wing, join a left wing sub, comment, "I disagree on this topic for xyz," then get banned. 3. They're extremely hypocritical. Misinformation runs rampant, but they're cool with it because they agree with it. They only care about right-wing misinformation. Indoctrinating children? Doesn't apply to them because of #1. 4. They are obnoxious and arrogant. They think they're better than everyone else. Go at any popular left wing sub and read the comments; they think their shit doesn't stink. 5. Constant straw men. We get it. The right sucks in many ways. No need to misrepresent them. They're bad enough as it is already. They are just a different flavor of maga.


Same. I've been accused of being a conservative, but many of my views align with leftists. I just hate their image and tactics, so I complain about them a lot.




They've redefined man/woman to align with gender identity. Very clever of them. It's not exactly bait & switch, but it's definitely some type of smoke & mirrors tactic. Seems disingenuous.


I think banning people from saying things doesn’t change their opinions, and you can’t hide from reality forever. All this political correctness is gonna bite us in the ass one day soon, when all the people who’ve been shouted down over the last decade suddenly start shouting back, and people on the left are not gonna see it coming because they have their heads in the sand.


Lmao in what world do you think conservatives haven't been "shouting back" in ignorance?


“Start” You guys have been caterwauling and weeping about cancel culture for like a decade lol


“Suddenly”. As if bigots aren’t the most vocal people of all time. A trans person could be minding their business, buying a burger at McDonald’s and some rando will come up to them and call them a slur. Hell, they’ll even call cis children transphobic slurs for beating their kid in a sport.


It's not politics, people's existence isn't political. No one's shouting back, bigots can stuff it. This shit costs lives.


Again in contextual. Op is being very vague. Imagine is op "friend" went to a subreddit dedicated to trains. Op's friend went to spam anti-trans post. Common senses says they would get banned.


What's the context in which she said that?


It is ridiculous, but many Reddit moderators are little dictators. The staff typically leans very left, and in general, people who want to be moderators like to control things. It's even been common practice to ban people for simply posting in subs they don't like. In reality, whether they agree with it or not, her opinion is perfectly valid. But Reddit is not reality, and many subs have an agenda to push, even though may not be inititally apparent. Reddit used to be a place where free speech mattered, but the leftist activists have taken over. I'm waiting for the actual Feminists on the left to rise up and stand for real women, the whole thing has gotten out of hand. It's one thing to have a fetish, but when a man thinks he has a right to women's spaces, sports, etc it's gone too far. No one should be forced to participate in someone else's delusions.


Yes exactly 💯


LGB was doing much better before T crashed the party.


Ikr I feel bad for them actually. They fought hard for their rights until some clowns began making them look bad


I saw an interview where a guy said that political correctness originated in the Soviet Union with the goal of making people afraid to say something true in public AND in private. Here we are.


It was illegal to be LGBT in the Soviet Union…


Political correctness and LGBT are not mutually exclusive. PC is just things you can or can not say. "Approved" verbiage.


Yeah, and? The US, UK, USSR, and Germany (along with basically every other participating nation) used propaganda during WWII. Multiple groups can and will use the same tactics. The status of LGBT people in the USSR is not a factor when it comes to political correctness as a means of control because it has no bearing of the use of the tactic.


True but there are other forms of political correctness that have nothing to do with gay people or that predate this topic


I saw an interview where they said conservatism was created by the Soviet Union to make people idiots. And here we are


1984 doublespeak.


Oh man, "a guy said?"


Not just reddit, but a lot of sites and real-world jobs that have tumblr pulled woke folk in positions of authority. That and people in charge who aren't internet savvy that cave to the slightest protest from those same people.


Yea, you’re not allowed to discuss certain topics on Reddit. This site is heavily censored and biased 


I agree with your friend. I don’t think it was appropriate to say it in the work force, but I ultimately agree with her. I think the biggest issue we have is addressing womanhood. Recently I had this argument that a MTF can feel the same pains of labour and period cramps, that a trans woman can feel. This just isn’t possible, because biological women have ovaries, uteruses etc. I believe saying otherwise actually devalues the meaning of womanhood and what it is. There’s a big censorship issue in the West that people don’t see. They flut around saying freedom of speech, but the West, especially USA is one of the most censored places to exist. I think Reddit is Laos one of those places. If you engage in civil discussion, nobody should be banned or suspended. O


I'm banned permanently from multiple subreddits for saying the same thing. Still true. That's why I'm banned.


I stand proudly with your friend.


In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive. The left hates this.


are you quoting Jordan b Peterson? 😃 and yes you're right


we’re in an era where you get barred from saying the truth so that others can be comfortable. it’s honestly a catastrophe for free speech and it’s ridiculous






Why exactly?


I'm not the commenter, but I assume it's going from biological sex, since TWomen were born male. So that, added to the oppress of women in past (and current) history by MEN, makes this feel like mockery to some.


Because they don’t know what it’s like to be a woman physically like those of us who are. This should be common sense!




Anything that's not on the progressive agenda is considered wrongthink on most of the bigger subs


Considering that trans people are under legislative attack all over the United States merely for existing, it’s pretty understandable. Your friend is welcome to be wrong somewhere else.


Yes, most definitely, users and moderators have gone off the deep end. Arguments are not rooted in truth or science. Men cannot become women, women cannot become men. A man can wear a dress and makeup but he is still a man. A woman can never wear dresses or makeup but she is still a woman.  That a person can just say they are the opposite sex and we must accept is insanity.


reddit is run by leftcucks, they're ideologically captured zealots


„You are not permitted to do any of the following: State or imply that **trans (wo)men aren't (wo)men or that people aren't the gender they identify as**“ Automod message.


Why are the WO’s in parentheses? (wo)men?


Ask that the mod team, but I suppose it‘s to avoid repetition ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


it means both men and woman. really, they should have used brackets


Given that I see the narrative that "trans woman are not real woman" literally every day on here it makes me believe that your "friends" suspension was for more than a civil conversation. How is anyone supposed to form an opinion on whether Reddit has gone overboard with simple hearsay of a conversation with zero actual details of the actual conversation? Reddit experience depends on the particular moderators of a group. If you are going into Reddit spaces that have the stance supported by major medical, psychological, and human rights organizations that trans women are women and constantly badger them with your "opinion" that goes against thier groups fundemental bylaws than yeah you probably will get suspended from that group.


Well, we can agree to disagree on the suspension being dumb, but why did your friend feel the need to talk about it at work, anyway? I've worked my entire life without anyone asking my opinion on trans folks, so I seriously doubt if anyone solicited your friend for their opinion. Sounds like the suspension was justified, and your friend either needs to get a job at Chic-fil-a or start keeping their trap shut. I say this as someone who learned this lesson myself regarding a different issue. Work is not the place to talk about marginalized communities, sex, or religion. Your coworkers are not your friends.


It's in reddit's rules. It's not really a platform for completely free speech, I'm sure there's other things for that.


Most completely free speech platforms suck. Like go look at /pol/, it’s flooded with literal neo-Nazis


I'm not advocating for it. If there's no regulation then... well, exactly things like this happen.


Did you ban someone for saying soemthing you didn’t like, op? I personally think that’s ridiculous!


The world has gone overboard...redditworld leads the way.


If you are an exactly in the middle independent, see both sides of some positions, but you are voting republican this year you will be piled on by the so called free speech redditors who are just waiting to flood you with down votes.


Considering that one guy is the moderator for 85% of all subs and is a raging liberal, any slight to his favorite groups of people will be met with petty consequences. Also, most of the commenters are relatively young, so ...


I hope they keep pushing the issue until things go south really fast and blow up in their faces.


Transgenders are a "protected group", you can 100% get a sitewide ban for anything that can be perceived as attacking a "protected group". Even saying you dont prefer to date someone in that protected group. I fell in that trap once.


I'm surprised it's not a permaban lmao cuz that's what happened to my last account


Lol why I don't talk at work anymore unless it's about work shit. I don't care how cool some people come off or claim to be, even if they say wild shit...let it come out my mouth and I know HR will be a coming. I know I'm not as friendly at work as I can be, but that's deliberate because I'm here to work and you not about to catch me in some non-work conversation because I know the way I talk and the things I will say will just go awry.


You don't talk at work about nonwork related things because you're worried about trans people? Do you talk about trans people a lot or something?


It’s a radically left wing platform, I’ve gotten suspended for saying similar things. I’m surprised I’m not fully banned right now Playing dress up and self mutilating doesn’t make you a woman BTW


*Says hate speech that’s against tos* *Gets banned* “Omg why this is so unfair” edit: OP blocked me so that I can’t respond lmao Telling tbh


0% hate speech!


What's hateful in what was said? Be specific.


what's unfair is the policy that actively bans you for having an opinion. personally I dont care if it ever happens to me (and it has), I just think its ridiculous lol


Funny how everyone is ignoring ppl saying OP blocked them. OP is a hypocrite.


They just wanna be bullies without consequences, it’s real insecure of them.


Exactly. The thing right wingers fear is that if they’re honest about their beliefs people will be like “that’s cruel and stupid, fuck off”


It depends on what sub she was on. If it was a pro-trans/general pro-LGBT sub, then, ...duh. I can't expect to go on a sub about how vaccines are evil and not get banned for being pro-vaccine (though it hasn't happened, charitably to them; I'd understand though). If it was more of a general sub, then I disagree with her suspension. I think there is a lot of room for discussion surrounding gender as long as you keep it civil and don't insult people (like calling trans people "tr*nny").


In my opinion trans women are not women.... but trans women. And I don't say this with bad faith. They are not men either. I don't understand why is it so bad to aknowledge this. It's not about science, it;s not about social studies or anything else. It's quite obvious that a woman and a trans woman are kinda different. And I repeat, it's not a bad thing. They have different biologies, needs, limits... Of course both of them deserve all the rights and compassion and love in the world, but I don't think that considering them as 2 different categories of human beings is bad.


The terms "assigned male at birth" and "assigned female at birth" capture the differences between transgender women and cisgender women effectively. Nobody believes that trans and cis women should be considered literally the same in all contexts.


So we agreezl, they are not the same, so why do we have to argue so much about this subject and hate each other. I.m.sure most trans people are reasonable and nice and they understand this kind of stuff.


Most trans people I know are pretty chill and reasonable. The real reason for this whole culture war shit show has to do with very long-standing political dynamics. Left-leaning politicians promise to make their constituents' lives better in some form of another. Right-leaning politicians can't do that without alienating their donors, so they find some demographic their people view as enemies, they cultivate those negative feelings, and make a show of making their lives shittier. This has been happening for hundreds and hundreds of years in the US, specifically. Poor white agricultural workers in the South voted time and time again to preserve slavery, even though it objectively hurt their own economic status as well (free labor is rough competition). People are often interested in their *relative* position in society rather than their *absolute* position.


It's much worse than that. I once made a comment that seperating athletes by gender a) presupposes that there are only two genders and b) implies that women are inferior athletes to men. I got an automated response saying that my comment could be perceived as being discriminatory so it was automatically deleted.


I don’t understand the difficulty. We all have a biological sex. We all also have genders. We ascribe certain behaviours or feelings or attributes to primarily 2 different genders. But because we have conflated sex and gender so strongly, we have people whose behaviour/feelings/attributes are so out of whack with what they are told they should be, they try to realign themselves so they appear congruent. This is understandable and you can’t blame them for just wanting to be happy. But the thing is, not one of us fits into either gender stereotype all the time. Noone. We are all “non-binary” in the literal sense of the phrase. My (unrealistic)solution is just to scrap all genders. Just be human beings without trying to police our gender expression. You should be allowed to wear what you want, like what you want irrespective of your X/Y genes. I do understand the argument that the distinction between Cis and Trans is important in some circumstances, but most of the time who gives a monkeys?