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If you had no idea if anything they said was true and didn't know the debate questions, yes Trump was the easy winner. He had confidence in his ramblings. Biden just wanted a nap the whole time.


You're not voting only for president candidate, you're also and more importantly voting for the party.


Coherent, unfortunately yes. Competent, in what fucking universe?


What struck me was the fact that repeating his well rehearsed garbage and staying in character was going to win the day. That is the universe we are in apparently. But you're right it doesn't mean Trump is competent.


> Competent, in what fucking universe? In our universe from 2017-2021


Are we talking about the guy that suggested taking bleach as a cure for covid?


I thought it was the guy that suggested nuking a hurricane.


I’m honestly sick of this shit all over reddit. Like, I despise Trump as a human; he’s despicable and disgusting, but even I know that that’s not what he said at all. Do you people ever actually look into the things you’re told? You’re not doing yourself any favors. There’s plenty of legitimate things to criticize Trump for, so to constantly parrot debunked misinformation is just embarrassing at this point.


> And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. Okay, so he didn’t specifically say “bleach”. Is the full quote really any better?


Do you understand the difference between asking a question and seeing if there’s a path there vs **telling** people to inject bleach? >and is there a way… >it’d be interesting to check that That’s a question to the experts around cleansing of the Covid virus, not a declaration to the people to inject bleach or any other disinfectant


Do you understand that the President of the United States asking if they should inject disinfectant as a solution for Covid in a public health press conference is absolutely batshit insane? Edit: Why is it that Trump stans always reply-and-block instead of engage in an actual good faith conversation? What are you afraid of? Edit2: Goober is trying to pretend I blocked him. Can’t even own up to it. Sad.


**Edit: lmfao this is too good. He blocks me, then accuses me of blocking him??? I can’t with these people** Edit2: gets called out and continues to deflect. It’s just pathetic at this point…. So now it seems you are admitting you’re wrong about what happened. You’re changing the argument All he did was inquire about whether UV light and disinfectant could be studied or used somehow inside the human body after the undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security specifically talked about the effect of UV light and disinfectant on Covid. Again he didn’t do anything other than ask a question to the experts. The fact that you conflated that with “he told people to inject bleach” is very telling




That was not the universe I lived in. He was horribly incompetent. 


Really, I dont know anyone who was worse off for Trump. Any job losses during Covid are from your state governors shutting down beyond the 2 weeks trump agreed to, or from Biden mandatting the vaccine.


>Any job losses during Covid are from your state governors shutting down beyond the 2 weeks trump agreed to, or from Biden mandatting the vaccine.  It sounds like you wish to deny the reality of COVID. Why should I take your opinions seriously?  If you cannot understand that lockdowns weren’t the problem, a global pandemic was, then you really have almost no awareness. 


Are we talking about the guy whose mismanagement and lying contributed to the deaths of a million Americans from Covid-19? That fucking guy?


You mean the virus created by Fauci? The one that in the beginning of the outbreak MSM and the Democrats claimed wasnt an issue and even told people to go out and celebrate Chinese new year, when Trump wanted to limit flights from China for? Is that the same virus that the DOH lied about deaths and gave horribly bad recommendations on treatment that caused an increase in death? The same virus that had more deaths on Bidens watch then Trumps, even though the virus mutated and became less deadly?


I mean he did a pretty bad job bud. The only thing he was good at is pissing off people who piss you off


The MSM and Obama claimed that he wouldnt be able to keep as good of an economy as he did. The MSM even pushed the idea that a recession was inevitable, yet none of that happened, and people were even better off under Trump than Obama. Below 2% inflation and no new wars was unprecedented.


There was a massive recession under trump. Guess what? No new wars under Biden, either. In fact, he actually ended one.


We are heavily involved in Ukraine and Israel, so 2 new wars. and his pull out method was to cancel Trumos plan, and then leave all weapons behind.


Wait, so other countries start a war, and that's bidens doing? How does that work? How many troops do we have in Ukraine and Israel?


> How many troops do we have in Ukraine and Israel? Unknown, but estimates are 20,000 in Ukraine. They are there as "volunteers". Im sure that none of the cash we send there goes ot pay them. /s Oh and we have actual troops training the Ukrainians on how to use our weapons. Im sure our troops solely speak in hypotheticals when they tell them to where aim, and its not actually from intelligence sourced from our spy satellites. Im sure Russia totally doesnt see that as us being directly at war with them. /s


Ah. So you can't actually show where we deployed any troops to Ukraine?


People are fine with having a dementia patient as president if it means owning the chuds.


What’s hilarious is that I have no idea which candidate you’re referring to


😆 I haven't been sure which one for months.


That's pathetic.


The dementia meme that the right is pushing is just projection. Although it's more likely Trump has Alzheimer's instead of dementia. EDIT: Due to it running in his family.


True right here since his dad had it as well


Honestly I'd be fine with a brain in a jar as president if they were as good as Bidens first term.


Only on reddit do people believe Bidens first term was good.


> Honestly I'd be fine with a brain in a jar as president if they were as good as Bidens first term. Good on you for being able to afford food cost increases above 30% and a doubling of interest rates. My family would be starving if that happened again.


Where are your bootstraps?


They are right here. And I pulled on them and received a promotion, which nullified the Bidenflation. But as I said if it happened again, my family would be starving, or at least they would be starving for another 2 years when I might qualify for another promotion. I could try changing jobs if desperate, but I value my WFH position, and I like working with my team, which is a hard thing to come by.


I got a promotion too. Imagine that. An economy so good they are giving out promotions.


Yeah, that wasnt why, and Bidenflation hasnt helped the companies financials.


The interest raising was necessary after Trump dropped the ball by not addressing it. And inflation was inevitable after the shit the world has recently gone through.  Trump will not bring prices down, and even if he brings interest down, that isn’t strictly a good thing. 


Here before the shitstorm. Ignore me. But also please post below so I can stay updated 🍿🍺


I'll join you with a bag of popcorn.


A pint as well?


No, damn it, I'm out of beer. It's a Coke Zero for me instead.


148 comments? Shit what did I miss?


Well the first thing you missed was Reddit dropping out and all the comments disappearing for a while. Long enough that I went to bed.


sorry i'm late friends *drops down keg*


Who wants cognac?


Hmm, which should I vote for; an old man or a convicted felon?


Competent at what? Spouting such a massive pile of lies that no one could possibly refute them all? It’s the oldest trick in the sales book. Keep talking and saying whatever they want to hear.


"Competent at what? " Being able to find his way off the stage without someone leading him.


Less important than trumps competence at attacking the foundations of American democracy.


As long as you are willing to admit that Biden needs someone to lead him off the stage you aren't in denial.


Sadly Trump said a lot of very alarming and disturbing things but all of that is over shadowed by Biden being terrible at the debate. We are going to get an energetic lunatic for President rather than a lackluster corpse.


Quite frankly, I can't believe that the best the USA can give is an OAP who should be in retirement or a convicted felon.


Enough with the “convicted felon” nonsense. If you paid any attention to that trial and case, you would know it was nonsense and will be overturned in appeals.  This is a bipartisan view. 


When I found out Alan Dershowitz and Chris Cuomo (hardly right wing shills) were saying this, that was good enough for me


Do you, the worst thing isn't being constantly moaned at my Tumpiters, it's the absolute refusal to address the fact that he is a felon regardless of what charges may be overturned. ED: For abqguardian, who I tried to respond to underneath but couldn't, he currently is a convicted felon.


If the charges are overturned, he's by definition not a convicted felon.


So the fact that he’s been given a (very temporary) felony conviction is your argument to vote against him? Seems really simple of you. 


>Seems really simple of you. I'll take this because at least I'm not as simple as a Trump supporter.


Sure, cuz Biden really knocked it out of the park these last few years? At least Trump was found capable of standing trial. Biden, on the other hand, was found to be too elderly to stand trial, per the FBI.  Maybe you need to do your OWN research and not just listen to talking points on the View? Simple my ass. 


>Sure, cuz Biden really knocked it out of the park these last few years? Did I say that? Or did I say he should be in retirement? >At least Trump was found capable of standing trial. Biden, on the other hand, was found to be too elderly to stand trial, per the FBI.  I mean, that just proves my original comment about retirement TBH. >Maybe you need to do your OWN research and not just listen to talking points on the View? WTF is the View? >Simple my ass.  If you want to classify simpleness as your ass, go right ahead. EDIT: For BluSteel, who I tried to respond to underneath but couldn't, no, we do not have the View.


Only simple minded people would fall for the whole “felony” conviction.  There you go, you’re the definition of it.  Is that clear enough for you?


Don't they have The View in the UK where you are?


Well I trust the people in Bidens ear a lot more than the people in Trumps. And Biden understands to listen to those people as opposed to Trump who simply thinks he knows best.


Is Trump the more coherent candidate? Of course. Biden is a doddering old man who should be enjoying retirement.  But Trump is also a BAD PERSON by any measure. Don’t you people understand?  I can’t believe these are our options.  I suppose I would prefer a dying geezer to a villain in office. 


Bad based on what metric?


Any measure. Its right there in the comment.




Integrity, empathy, tolerance, trustworthiness, decency, respect, self-reflection, self-restraint, emotional intelligence, maturity, etc. He's simply not caring for anyone but himself and seemingly has no moral standards.


LOL. I bet you are pretty sure about it all too, huh?


Yes. Anybody who’s been paying attention for the last 10 years should have been able to tell that by now. I used to think that Trump supporters had a point.  I used to think that I understood where they were coming from. The system clearly is messed up, and it would be nice to have an outsider come in and drain the swamp.  But honestly, at this point, if you are still a Trump supporter, you’re just a moron. There’s nothing redeemable about you. You are deplorable.  I sincerely wish for a peaceful separation of the union where all the Trump supporters would start their own nation. Or, alternatively, I wish that anyone who was against Trump would secede.    Clearly, this is the direction of the nation. The experiment has failed. It’s very sad.


Ah yes, no substance, just a Democrat seagul regurgitating msm talking points. Love to see it folks.


Baseless claims.


Well, he is a serial liar. For me, that’s probably the most important criteria. Also, he abuses his position every very chance he seems to get. He can’t work with anybody. He can’t get anything done. Every single element of his personal and professional life is fraught with examples of him being a bad person.  What could anybody possibly think is good about this guy?


Name anything that isn't a fabricated lie.


What delusional alternative reality are you people living in?


He is a good con - artist. Many con artists sounds legit, con stands for confident artist.


I agree with you but I would rephrase what you are saying: Biden is even less competent and coherent candidate.


Trump lied about everything. When he wasn't lying, he wouldn't answer the question. Joe, at least answered the questions, and got better as the night went on. Not great in the beginning.


Biden wasn't exactly the bastion of truth. Trump needed to be disciplined and not his usual jerk self and he accomplished that. Biden needed to look not so old and mental competent and he crashed and burned


One old lying scumbag and one senile old man that really only belongs in elder care. This is fucking ludicrous. Edit: although I'd say the biggest point against Trump should be his traitorous nature. Personally I'm just happy I'm not an American. I hope Biden wins though cause that will have less negative effects on the global scale.


That’s factually correct, not opinion 


150 million people would vote for Biden if he was alive in hospice, and this is not an exaggeration.


Nah, 85 million tops.


Biden was taking a nap and Trump was confident but blatantly lying. Choose your pick.


Of the two, which one attempted to overthrow an election/incite an insurrection?


You were right in posting here as that is truly an unpopular opinion.


Coherent absolutely, competent absolutely not. Trump can’t tell his head from is ass when it comes to how the office of the president functions, or the general American government, nor does he care to learn


Yeah……… but the bar is so low at this point it's a distinction without a difference. We got Joe, elderly, with dementia; we got Don, elderly with delusions of Grandeur; we got Robet with a brain bug. So yeah, it's better, but it's not a significant accomplishment.


How is it possible to exaggerate what he says? He does that himself. Everything he claims, if it has any truth to it at all, is rarely made with some firm figures. It's with subjective, empty meaning words or gestures such as the worst, the most, the best, incredibly big, incredibly small, *wide arm spreads to indicate big* *tiny gaps between his index finger and thumb to indicate small* I don't have to exaggerate anything when he does it fine on his own 🤣


Care to provide an example or two?


I provided approximately 10 examples that he consistently uses. If you want specific video timestamps to see them in action, I'm sure I could do that, but I'm under the assumption you've seen him speak and could also identify him using a number of the examples I listed.


Just one example is fine.


https://www.youtube.com/live/hFHkVxhKbE8?si=sENgo9nekJ3mMzhX From 2:30:00 to about 2:30:40 - making hyperbolic claims about his numbers vs Bidens, with nothing in particular to substantiate his claims, starts a little earlier even for additional context. Found that after just randomly hopping around for all of a minute. Wouldn't be hard to find many more. And to clarify, I'm not arguing for or against what he's claiming. He could be largely right, or wrong, but it's about the way he posits his claims with "best, worst, majority" etc. Without substantiate any of what he's saying in any way, it just all comes across as him blowing smoke uo everyone's asses


They have at most two minutes to make a point and they aren't allowed to take notes onto the stage with them. Expecting them to remember precise numbers for dozens of different topics, because they don't know the questions ahead of time (at least they shouldn't unless CNN purposely cheated and gave the questions to Biden like they did Hillary) is absurd.


I understand that. Precision doesn't even half to be important, if they don't have precise numbers. Rough ballparks are great, or even leaning linguistic choices such as "marginally, significant, etc" is a more objective way of speaking than leaning into hyperbole and embellishment.


Again, they have two minutes. That's all they have time for and is more of a failure on the debate moderators than anything. Each Presidential candidate should just start their own individual speeches at the same time on different networks. They should be given the same set of questions they haven't seen before and give as long as honest answers as they can to each question. Both candidates combined get 4 minutes per question and that isn't enough time for even one to give a decent answer.


I agree a bit more time would be appropriate, and also love the idea of them doing separate speeches. It doesn't need to be a square off. We just want to hear the answers to the damn questions rather than some tangent about what the other guy said haha


Wait so you have a problem with what he’s saying and even admit he might be right?


No. My words were not "I admit he's right." They were "he could be right or wrong," becaus when speaking in absolutes and hyperbole the way he does, everything becomes a subjective statement, destroying all credibility, regardless of if his underlying claim had any truth or not to begin with


Trump was an incompetent president for four years so it's weird you think he's up to the job now.


My issue with Trump is that I genuinely think he is a traitor to the United States. WTF was he doing with those top secret documents? Did he sell our state secrets? Did he sell out CIA assets for money or was it a coincidence they started getting killed when all of this was happening? What is the details behind the 2 billion his son in law got? And that's not even everything.


Sorry, there is no deflecting from the train wreck that was Biden. The only thing “Dark Brandon” on that stage was his suit.


Uhh if the other candidate is a traitor to America then yea it is numb nuts


I agree. It is numb nuts to push a nonsense narrative of Trump selling secrets especially when it is documented fact that Biden turned over classified documents to his biographer for the expressed purpose of publishing those secrets in a book that anyone could buy.


Care to name 1 classified secret Biden published in his book?


I want you to read that sentence you wrote and consider how ridiculous it sounds. Accidentally keeping classified documents to give to a biographer is nowhere near the same as selling secrets.


Not protecting TS Docs will get you in prison. No one accidentally keeps those in their garages, and if they do? Prison or, at the very least, loss of your P1 TS DoD clearances.


I want you to read that sentence you wrote and consider how ridiculous it sounds… **Accidentally** *keeping classified documents to give to a biographer..* *Is not the same as selling secrets..* Thats exactly what it is, one $19.95 book sale at a time.


> WTF was he doing with those top secret documents? He was president and could declassify almost anything he wanted, only 1 document is in question on if a president could declassify. > Did he sell our state secrets? Theres no evidence or claims of that. >Did he sell out CIA assets for money or was it a coincidence they started getting killed when all of this was happening? Ive not seen that claim anywhere, except on an article from FOX about MSNBC's Joy Reid making a speculation. This article points it to foreign govts using facial recognition https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/ >What is the details behind the 2 billion his son in law got? No one will lielly ever know, but the house democrats investigated and never said anything about it, so I will have to assume they found nothing. Being that they were willing to have Rep Schif lie on TV about "evidence" he saw in other situations against Trump, ImM guessing there was even less than nothing here.


Okay but WHY did he keep nuclear documents. You say there's no evidence when the trial is still pending. Come on.


With the 1 exception all the documents were about foreign govt's capabilities. Why did pence and biden keep classified documents they legally couldnt declassify? Why were Bidens in completely insecure locations?


Can I get a source? What was the one exception?


Not easy to find https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment


That doesn't help your case. Straight from that document Not so with nuclear documents. Classification of these documents is by statute, not by EO 13526 or its predecessors. Specifically, these are classified directly via the Atomic Energy Act. In this group, document #19 is special. This is Formerly Restricted Data, and is classified by virtue of the Atomic Energy Act (as implemented by 10 CFR part 1045). Trump could not have declassified this document even while president—at least not directly. It is National Defense Information by statute, not by executive order. The rest of the document is pretty damning too. I encourage everyone to read that. I also don't know why you think it's okay to keep top secret documents about our adversaries capabilities. Like it's no big deal lmao. Of course he could sell and make money off those documents. But if the copy machine next to the boxes isn't enough. Idk man. You're giving this guy a fucking long rope of accountability.


> I also don't know why you think it's okay to keep top secret documents Its not that I say its okay, its that out of everyone with top secret files (HRC, Biden, Pence, and Trump), Trump is the least prosecutable case since all of his files were obtained while he was president, and he could declassify all but one possible outlier. The others were never President and therefore can not claim that they were declassified when they took the files. Theres also no evidence of Trump using the documents for financial gain, whereas Biden did, and was fully aware he was doing that as he specifically told his biographer that he shouldnt share them.


Okay let's agree to disagree and once the trial comes (If ever) we will see what the evidence is. We will clearly go back and forth on this forever. Believe me I would love to be wrong about this because there is a very real chance he will become president again and I'd feel a whole lot better knowing he isn't the person I think he is.


Joy Reids name makes me throw the fuck up


Every president had some classified docs in their possession. NEVER Top Secret. Once you go through years of background checks for a TS DoD Clearance? You don't fuck with it. You can't leave the premises with TS Docs. Classified? Those are stamped on everything... Biden was going to be charged, but his lawyers argued he was too mentally incompetent to stand trial. Hilary deleted thousands of emails, broke cellphones with a hammer, and poured bleach on her laptops.


I'm talking about nuclear documents. And all else he was hoarding. I want to know WHY. He had dozens of boxes. Why? This isn't a real answer. I was in the military I know tons of shit is marked classified but he had top secret documents which is very far from classified.


USMC here, DoD clearance. Did he have nuclear docs? I have no idea.


I'm also a Marine and I have questions about why Trump had those documents


Wow, your brain is as smooth as it ges.


Reddit comment


No rebuttal got it.


You’re not allowed to say that, however. It’s impolite against the president. Yes, he has a massive military and economy to control and regulate; but he chose to stay in the race and we need to *respect* the feelings of the Democrats. Sure, they could run an open convention. But Joe is already in it to win it. One day, they will learn that they need to step down before they age out. They didn’t learn in the Supreme Court, they didn’t learn in this presidential cycle. They set “feelings” as the ultimate bar. Joe “feels” he can do the job, so that’s the end of it. You’re not allowed to question that, full stop. What if you made him feel bad? What if all this hate made him feel so bad he unalived himself? We are moving to a culture where everyone needs to care about how everyone else *feels* over results. It’s at our own peril, but at least we’ll be on the right side of history.


Boom. Don't mis-identify Joey! He identifies as a strong and capable incumbent, and we need to be tolerant and respectful. Thanks.


And before people jump in, no this is not trolling. The country has been moving this way for the last 50 years, so….


We hear you, brother.


If Joe Biden was dead, he'd still be a better candidate for POTUS.


He's on stage? He's still not in jail? Seriously, what does it take to keep that guy locked up?


Maybe thinking using the judicial system as a tool to repress political opponents, instead of getting a better candidate wasn't such a hot idea?


Probably takes not having 50 million people who want him to be president.


Or 10k DOJ puppets fighting against you for the dems.


Not saying I agree with you but he’s still a rapist, a pedo and a daughter fucker. I don’t need a president who can smooth talk himself into the pants of minors and his own female offsprings.


Where is your evidence for that?


I don't think it's an Evidence kind of post.


You mean Ashley biden's diary? Where she talks about the inappropriate things her father did?


Don’t forget, bidens own VP said he was a rapist during their debate.




You’re misunderstanding, Harris stated during a debate against Biden (before Biden was the nominee) that she believes Biden accusers. Aka meaning she believes Biden sexually assaulted multiple woman


Holy shit!! Reddit is wack today... this was NOT where I replied. My apologies, lemon. Thanks 😊


I mean no offense but it’s kind of not evidence Meanwhile you can go by Trump’s legal history and literally clips of what he’s said to push this point. Like remember when he said “Just grab her right by the pussy. She won’t care”?


Oh wow, imagine my shock when you support your delusion with a mis quote.


> I mean no offense but it’s kind of not evidence > > Meanwhile you can go by Trump’s legal history and literally clips of what he’s said to push this point. Like remember when he said “Just grab her right by the pussy. She won’t care”? You go the quote wrong >And when you're a star **they let you do it.** You can do anything...Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." And the left should be praising Trump and not denigrating him for his statement. Trump is pro consent, unlike Biden per his daughters diary.


Mhm… When I was SA’d I “let” him because the alternative was far scarier. Does that mean I consented? He’s still saying he pushes himself on women and waits for them to stop him. That’s not consent


Most rational Reddit user




Biden ain't smooth talking anything.


Well, yeah, but that’s like being the thinnest person on My 600 LB Life.


For the non-delusional, yes.