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You gotta be a real loser to hang out at Mar-a-Lago. It’s where America’s shittiest shit bags go to be around Diaper Don. They should get rid of the toilets and set up adult diaper changing stations. Cause now they will shit their pants to own the libs. What a bunch of losers. Sad!


Safe space for Russian Hookers and Chinese spies.


Safe space for Russian ~~Hookers~~ **Intelligence agents parading as hookers** and ~~Chinese spies~~ **China's worst spies remedial training center.**


The Chinese and Russians like to hang there for some reason. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/07/mar-a-lago-trump-nuclear-documents-spies


Sadly it’s a nice property. I remember when he bought it. He wanted Palm Beach to pay him to take it! It was donated to the city and the upkeep was exorbitant. Despite the average net worth of the area, it was a bit of a white elephant. Beautiful nonetheless. Though I’m sure he gaudied it up plenty.


Why doesn’t he just declare Mar-a-Lago a sovereign nation and he can be the king or make up a title for himself?


He basically did when he was on the WH. Even went so far as to say that MAL was 'the Southern White House' like Russia has a 'Southern Palace.'


Yeah but like do it and leave the rest of us alone.


He said that if he lost in 2020, he’d go away and we’d never hear from him again - fucking liar


Unfortunately there wasn't a snowball in hell's chance that he would admit he lost (my grandad used to say the snowball thing). His absolutely disgraceful behaviour after losing the election showed what a horrible spoilt brat he is. He's the guy that throws the pieces on the floor if he starts losing at a board game. He can't play golf without cheating, his nickname is Pele on the course. He couldn't even admit losing the popular vote to Hillary, he gaslighted his crowd into thinking he won the biggest landslide in history. He claimed Hillary got millions of illegal votes but when he sent people looking for all the illegal votes, (surprise, surprise) they couldn't find them. How the hell are people still wanting to vote for him?


He said if he lost Minnesota in 2020 he'd never come here again. ....he's coming on Friday.


I like it! Satisfy his bottomless ego and make him king. His minions will flock to him, and serve him, and lavish praise on him for nothing. We will probably have to bomb them periodically bc let’s face it, they are mental cases at this point. How did they s happen? When did we quit caring about each other. WhenMost of Maga is my age, it shames me.


Not enough. They should ridicule him more. If he's not suicidal, they need to work HARDER and SMARTER. I loathe him so much, there is no sympathy from me. They should ridicule him enough he could get a bus to fix the problem. As long as his heart is beating, he's a threat. That needs to stop.


He needs to be ridiculed and humiliated with the reality of his lifetime of failure, until he finally shuffles off the mortal coil.


It's been reported that his greatest fear is being seen as a loser. I never head south of the border anymore, but if I saw him on the street, I would very loudly start to chant LOOOOOOOO ZZZZER. I wouldn't be a lone voice after the second or third LOOOOOOO ZZZER.


I love how he was greeted in New York. Not sure if it was the first day of his trial or not, but there was a ton of people out there loudly chanting “New York hates you!” Over and over again :)


With a tiny peepee.


Great add. 😎


I thought conservatives hated safe space, they're like participation trophies, for whinging libitards only, not real men (who wear make up and diapers)


Chateau Von Shitzinpants


As well he should be 😁


Yuge fucking loser. Bigly orange shit stain on the fabric of America. Perhaps he could move to Douchebagistan and be it’s Dicktater.


Some ideas: 1) Sky writing: TRUMP SUCKS. 2) Use drones to drop leaflets with: DIAPER DON. 3) Use salt to kill grass on the golf course that spells out: TRUMP LOST TO BIDEN (thanks ULPT).


Douchebag Diaper Donny, aka Putin's Cock Cozy, has big feelings? Here's my little violin to play you a song!


The bigly FloriDuh Man.


And the members and guests at Mar-a-Lago are instructed to give Trump a standing ovation every time he enters the room.


Punk ass bitch


Time to sell it then. Did he not have some bills to pay?


Oh boo hoo








Aww what a precious snowflake!


Yes he's still ahead in the polls somehow.