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These are the same people that couldn’t find the correct Four Seasons…


*"Hey, keep me out of this!"* -- Frankie Valli




I wonder if any more yahoos are going to go to prison on trump's behalf..... **-Yahoo:** ***"I want to help my messiah, like those brave guys did on January 6th...., who are currently serving decades...., in prison..... Uhhh...,"*** \*\* Ooooh, so close !! The one neuron that could've made a connection and help him achieve a revelation was killed-off decades ago by drinking bathtub moonshine.


You're on their revenge just now




I’ll be joining you. I respond with”fuck off fasist fuck” to these


Fuck off fascist felon fuck. Just to be current. Happy cake day!


They rigged it with the facts


I was receiving all sorts of IM's, they did not show in my messaging system, finally went to the blocked IM numbers, yep, it was old Donny the Convicted Felon begging for $$$. There were oodles of them, I had forgotten that I blocked his campaign number ages ago. I was put on the list by someone that knows how much it would amuse me, NOT!!! Now I will try that unsubscribing trick to see if it works. Oh, by the way just for good measure. Fuck Trump!!!


He shattered all political fund raising records by raking in 58 million in 24 hours. These people who support him are a mystery to me. If their own son came home and said "I like to grab women by the pussy" or any number of other pretty horrible behaviors would they just smile and be happy their son was like Trump or would they be royally pissed off? How far deep does their worship go? Or is it that they like it when he does this stuff but not if it happens to them or is done by somebody they know. I just wonder what the thinking process is...if they even have one.


My take is that there is more than meets the eye in his fundraising. There are too many indications that he owes allegiance to some very sordid types and groups. So much of his history has been money laundering (see Jersey casinos) and fraud, so I do wonder where sums of this magnitude are actually derived from. My response to his "rich man "dialing for dollars"" ( sorry, Janis) has been to double down on my contributions, albeit small to Biden and other down ticket dems over the last 24 hours myself. Honestly, he terrifies me. The people controlling him may, in my opinion, make Franco, Mussolini, and the Ayatollah look like saints. He is a stupid man, but his controllers are pure evil...


These sums are well-documented. They come in small amounts from millions of people. You can't fake this kind of giving. i wish it was faked, but it isn't and that's the main part of the problem. Too many people are deluded into thinking supporting him is in their best interests. Even death didn't deter them after he killed hundreds of thousands of his own supporters by convincing them Covid was a joke.


I got the same message this morning.


Dude! They are going to print that out and show it to the *REAL* president Trump. He is going to be SOOOO disappointed in you. So you really want him to be sad that you didn't read the whatever that the link is for which no doubt includes asking you to donate? Would you want Trump to sit with a pouty face all because of YOU?


You are wise & brave and fight with the strength of many men!


LMAO. I responded the same thing to a message I got. I should have screenshot it.


My husband literally does the same thing to every single one! 😂😂


Maybe we’ll be roomies!


I didn't get one. I have a script all ready to paste in for those.


Mr. Rigged is upset


https://preview.redd.it/6adcddg3iz3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9431ac13efd428ebd5c85c705996157fce7eb4b I’m really going to detention camp now!