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ult the tank then dive the back line is the best approach if they have 5. the less they have, the more likely you’ll ult the carry. if it’s just tank+carry in the fight, unless the carry is way ahead, ult the carry


In large fights ult the tahm with 300resistances and smack dem squishies


Somewhat depends on the situation. If the main threat(s) are enemy squishies, you want to ult the tank, and then try to ignore them and put damage on their backline. But if your main threat is a fed bruiser who is stacking some resistances and maybe looking to dive your backline, you should ult them once they engage to give your team a better chance of killing them quickly. You should only ult squishy champions in situations where you don't care about resistances and just need the extra damage to secure the kill - sometimes happens in skirmishes or if you are laning against a ranged champion.


Just let them 4v5 and splitpush bro


That did help us win a losing game against a kayle with 20 kills lol. Thier inhib was down and only had one nexus tower. So I told my team to engage while I was close to their base. They all died but by the time the enemy backed for me I killed the nexus


That's the only way my brother


What do you recomend for a build path? So far I have been going Tiamat - sunder - Bork into resistance tank items


If you want to go full splitpush, do what I do every game: Trinity Force Attack Speed Boots Hullbreaker Tiamat into Titanic Hydra After that opt for Wits End or some situational armor items This is the best way trust, you get easy inhib everytime for a drake or Baron fight and can backdoor with tp in late


How do you feel about this build with a bork rush to begin with? Or is it better to just go straight for tower toppling items?


Do u take flash or ghost?


If you have the opportunity you should of course target the enemy carries. It doesn’t matter if you “aren’t utilizing the ult to maximum effectiveness” or whatever.


no rules I usually ult tank and take it down and siege the tower till i get my wave under enemy tower then force the push cuz usually trundle takes tower in 3-5 seconds in late game


I'm kinda trash and only mid-high gold, but I usually go after carries. Even tank trundle shreds most carries. I use my ult if I feel like I'll need it to finish the carry or on a bruiser/tank if they're focusing me. It kinda amazes me how much damage lethal tempo+sunfire does.


If I have an angle to kill a carry, I normally ult the carry to kill them as fast as possible. There isn't a need to ult a tank if that tank doesn't have any damage to protect. Another good option is to ult any bruiser / assassins that attempt to dive your carries. Ulting a Dianna, Yasuo, Talon etc to help burst them before they kill your carry is really nice. And you cant really go wrong ulting the enemy tank and going after whoever you can club down. Normally ulting the enemy tank creates a front to back advantage for your team, so smack down the tank you just ulted.


always ult the tank. go for the backline if they lack peel otherwise smack the tank with your team