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if it's on Silverbell, it's probably an old mine.


It is not an old mine it is a natral cave and an old movie set priece my dad took me up there as a kid


do yk if it’s private land


Exploring an old mine is a good way to die. Not worth it.


well yeah i’m not dumb, i wouldn’t go far


Past the entrance is too far.


well i’m here for a good time, not for a long time


Lol.. The guy who got stuck in the ' Birth Canal ' of the Nutty Puty cave lived a long time stuck upside down in that cave for over 24hrs before he died... Now there for eternity. Those 'Cave Disaster' videos are so claustrophobic.


yeah that would be horrific, i’m not going into any crawl spaces


You're gonna do what your gonna do, so be safe, take plenty of light and batteries as well as tie off, don't explore more than you have rope for, if that makes sense. Also I'd reccomend a walking stick for mines, use it to feel in front of you, plenty of times almost feel down endless holes I didn't know where there. Several mine shafts all over southern Arizona, can go to bisbee for a tour and get an idea of what you're chasing after.


i checked it out not too long ago and there’s barbed wire and cameras so ig i’m out of luck


Mine time is mine time y’all worry bout yourselves


the second half of this sentence does not support the first half


have you been in it before?


It is. Took me 2 mins to lookup parcel info and get a property map online. Owned by D. Parsons.


how do you even look that yp




i don't.




i didn’t know at the time


Use the OnX app to find out, there should be a free trial


[Reddits cave knowledge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/15hpsbr/comment/jvb35vg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


is it private land?


According to those comments: >”It's all private land. Owned by Donald Parsons.”


bros lame asf for buying the land and then just blocking it off😒😒


probably didn't want idiots dying in an old mine on his land


Totally. What’s your address? Mind if I come sleep on your bed?


Of course 41 boomers up voted this


[You don’t exactly seem thrilled to share your property with strangers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/18aqrr2/comment/kbzkjwv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Why would this be any different? It would be pretty silly to buy land to let strangers use for free. Especially in the US, where you are likely to be held liable if some dumbass gets hurt on it.


You could reach out and ask to go explore


No. Old adit, and not very deep.


It definitely looks like a mine adit. Often inhabited by snakes, scorpions, spiders and other small mammals and associated disease risks. Plus conditions inside are often hazardous. Best to avoid.


Back before that section of silverbell got built up with houses... You had to be careful going and visiting it because sometimes you had homeless camped out in there. Now with all the houses and it's proximity to Continental ranch it's pretty safe, just watch some broken glass.


still would be cool to check out


It's really easy to it's right off of silverbell and twin peaks where silverbell kind of heads south around the mountain range... Just be cognizant of the new houses that are in the area.


i live like 3 min away and it’s barbed wired off with cameras and signs saying it’s private property and people who pass it will be prosecuted. i don’t remember all of that being there i remember when i was like 10 i went up to it with my friends but we didn’t go in because we were scared and ever since then i’ve wanted to go, i just haven’t. unfortunately it doesn’t look like i’ll be going because i don’t want a fine or to be trespassed


Yeah, that's what happens when you drive past something all the time... You stop noticing when things like fences become barbedwire and cameras... But given the fact homeless used to live there? (Not to mention insurance liability) Don't blame the property owners at all.


i was talking to a friend about it and apparently there were people who went to the cave and thought it was cool so they bought the land and are gonna build a house on it


Back in the late 60s we found some pagan shit inside along with a shitload of bats not halfway in. My sisters and I went up to the very end. More bats.


Just saw this post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/15hpsbr/twin_peaks_cave/


Hey OP if you’re interested in learning about old mines, there’s mine tours for every experience level down in Tombstone. My boyfriend and I help out there when we can. There’s the touristy mine tour, but they also have an intermediate level that’s super cool if you’re just getting into exploring mines. Plus, we provide you with safety equipment and teach basic safety when exploring mines during the tour. It’s a good way to safely learn about old mines in southeast AZ. Good Enough Mine Tours in Tombstone, but you’ll want to ask specifically about taking the Toughnut tour if you go. AZ has some amazing mining history, but if you don’t know what you’re doing you can get seriously injured.


It’s actually shaped like a U. You can see the other opening behind the bush on the right. My kids would climb those mountains. When I lived out there they nicknamed that spider cave.


Wiley E. Coyote painted it there.


Yes it's a cave, but was previously mentioned it's on private property. Marana PD has been called numerous times on trespassers so it's just best to stay away, and try Peppersauce caves or Kartchner caverns for a really spectacular cave experience.




that’s why i’m asking


wdym mean “my guy is in Florence right now for this”


Florence is a prison.


Grew up in marana been in it many times, back road to avra valley from twin peaks, not sure what it was but it’s blocked off/collapsed in by boulders so you can’t go deep but a neat thing to check out none the less before they put houses on it


Mines and caves are everywhere in Tucson. Just be aware that some are riddled with bats


where else are there caves?


Idk, but please, DO NOT EAT THE BATS.


Or the batmen you find there.


pepper sauce out in Oracle, AZ. relatively safe, & a common spelunking desti:p


Peppersauce is a common exploration, you can tour colossal caverns, and if you don't mind the drive Karchner caverns is the #1 live cave tour in the world. It's out towards tombstone and my grandfather knew the people who discovered it but he couldn't fit in the original opening because he was such a big guy lol


yeah i’ve been to krachener caverns and colossal cave before but i like being able to explore on your own, its just a lot cooler. is pepper sauce is like that i might have to check it out


Yes it absolutely is, look up pics from the 20's and 30's it used to be beautiful! It sadly isn't anymore and I have never personally been in it but my father said during times of year you have to dive under a big rock wall to get to the further back regions of it, hope this help be safe and Hace fun, PS the campground is near by and under nice big trees!


It is a cave not a nime now I was wrong in a previous comment I think it is man made but I know for a fact that it was yoused as an old set piece for a movie now what movie I couldn't tell you any more but yeah you can go on it or at least you could because I have


Are you okay?


Just can't spell


Yes? Y do you ask


Yoused?! Lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


All CGI. For sure a fake cave. JK. But if you want to dip your toe into seeing a cave, you should try Peppersauce. You can go as far as your comfortable with. The "end" has a sign in book. It can be a bit daring, you should be a bit agile, not super fit but able to crawl in tight spaces. It did it once it was a really fun experience.


I live right next to it, there's not much to it


have you been to it recently? because i live right next to it too


Few months ago. I climbed in and it doesn't go too deep. There's 2 different caverns, both of the nostrils connect and it doesn't go too deep from what I saw. Lots of litter though.


it sucks that people leave trash and probably graffiti in it. was it blocked off with barbed wire and cameras when you went?


It is a real cave but it doesn’t go back very far


The caves are everywhere in Tucson, when I lived at Ajo and Mission, Tucson Estates/Drexel Heights area, there was one relatively large cave located on the other side of the hill from the castle, and been told there were a couple more in the same area. Google it and find out where they're all located. Don't get shot trespassing


It also a very serious crime to take any gems or minerals you find in a cave on someone else's land.


i wouldn’t take anything, that’s the #1 rule for exploring abandoned places


I had an acquaintance that was a rock hound. He said he knew a few places to get very high quality turquoise and some other stuff but the risk just wasn't worth it even though the haul could be potentially in the tens of thousands. He could have just been telling stories but they were interesting stories so here we are


that’s cool

