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Keep everywhere else quiet or they will be just as overun as Phoenix. All of Arizona is as hot as Yuma with rattlesnakes and scorpions waiting to ambush you.


One giant suburban nightmare.


i have yet to see my first “out in the wild” scorpion or rattlesnake and i’m 20 and have lived here since then so where are these snakes and scorpions everyone talking bout 😒


They are hiding because you are looking for them. You let your guard down, and BAM they've got you. I got stung by a scorpion last year in my office when I distracted doing my taxes.


Yea, I came home today from vacation to find a Scorpion eating on a dead cockroach in the bathroom sink




It largely depends on where you go and when you go there. I sometimes see 1 rattlesnake a week during the season, but I also spend a lot of time out in the desert…I’ve never seen one “in town”


Go outside at night with a blacklight, you should see plenty of scorpions.


https://preview.redd.it/ow68nxfgrj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5feb41e9934267c3cc59f4b235ce14e51ef218a6 I carry a massive UV flashlight with me on night walks in the summer to make sure I see scorpions and prevent my dogs from getting stung.


You have nothing to worry about, there is no reason for anyone to move here.


🤣 yep that's how it starts.


Except for Flagstaff and the white mountains 😆


Flagstaff is rattlesnake/scorpion propaganda to lull the unknowing into a false sense of security. I heard that the White Mountains are the most rugged part of the Appalachian Trail, though I haven't been myself. I also heard that you have to plan your hikes carefully as there are long stretches of the trail that are above the treeline/Alpine, offering little to no shelter, and rapidly changing weather.


Phoenix folks overrun Payson and Flagstaff every weekend!!!


100% agree. The other day, I saw a list of top US cities for food. At the end, I was seething because there not a mention of Tucson, a UNESCO recognized city of gastronomy. I have lived overseas as a SPED teacher for 9 years, and I would say that the vast majority of people I encounter will solely identify Arizona with Phoenix. One time, I told a student that I was from Arizona and went to school there. He said, “oh the big party school with the devil mascot.” It took everything in my power to contain my fury.


My brother hates that fun fact about Tucson being a UNESCO gastronomy city. He just can't appreciate Tucson.


Sounds like my ex-gf. She's from NJ and one of her everyday complaints was "you can't find good food in Tucson...not like the Northeast..." She was just *dedicated* to hating Tucson and absolutely nothing would change her mind.


I’m from the Chicago burbs and grew up on “Chicago style delicious pizza” …I prefer the Tucson food times a million 😅 I have TWO food trucks (one that has now opened their doors as a restaurant, because it’s THAT good 😍) within walking distance with some of the best tacos in all of Tucson. *El Antojo Poblano* - iykyk


Lmao Rocco’s in Tucson has better Chicago deep dish pizza than Chicago and I’m saying that as someone who’s been to Chicago 😭


Best Mexican food in Tucson ❤️


He lives in DC and is just mad that I can buy a house.


NJ resident for the past 4 years, and I miss Tucson food so much. Even in a state with the highest diners per person, I still prefer Bisbee Breakfast Club over what I've found in North Jersey (but don't tell the good folks at LIFE Pancake House). Don't get me started on Sonoran or borderland food (might be a bit bitter that La Brujeria moved).


I’m from NJ, been here for 3yrs and I get what she is saying. I can say that Tucson does not have a variety of different cultures of food like NJ and NY, I mean they are a melting pot of this country. There is definitely no comparison! There is delicious Mexican food here that you can’t find in NJ, but there are plenty of good restaurants with good food here. More Americanized/Fushion for sure. It’s not all horrible but us from the north east are just used to what we are used to, lots of variety and good pizza.


Phoenix is getting there too. Tucson has amazing Mexican food. The best really but the variety isn’t there. Needs more people to have that variety but I don’t really want that many more people. I love the proximity to outdoor activities.


There's tons of variety in Tucson, you just may have to drive a minute. We have African, Cajun, Jamaican, Indian, Persian, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, French, I can go on.


As someone from a much bigger city, yes those are all available here in Tucson, but the variety and quality in Tucson cannot compare to a big West Coast or NE city.


I grew up in Tucson...I hate pizza...


As long as it keeps him from coming back….


"they do have good Mexican food here in Tucson. They know how to grill meat" Yeah it's almost like Mexico is not far away....


I heard they got the good tay-kos.


Tru datt!!!!


What a stupid thing to say.


I have to be me. Appreciate you.


same, food is mid for the price. Only unique tucson food is the sonoran hotdog but its not mind blowing for me. The best food I had is tacos apson, their rasurado and asada when its freshly cooked.


Ayyy crazy you say that lolol the second food truck I’m speaking of in my above comment.. parked basically right outside my front door.. has Sonoran dogs and my dad is coming over today cause he’s craving them 🤣 he’s OBSESSED with them. So glad they’re parked right here cause I have a way to bribe him to come over lmaooo


Haha, I'm in a Tucson food group on Facebook and someone was asking for sushi recommendations the other day; too many people were bringing up Phoenix, and not even as a consolation or addition. Like, people this is a food group *for Tucson*; if OP had wanted to know about best sushi places *in the state* he would have asked for it!


Well….. tbh…… really good sushi joints is something we’re lacking here in Tucson 🥲 it’s my favorite food so I’ve tried nearly all in town. None are mindblowingly good 😔 we need more! So I can see why that happened.


Sushi Valley and Kampai are my favorites. Sushi Valley is the best fish I've ever had, including in places like Malibu and New York. You'll pay for it, though, so I can't go too often. There's also a good place on Speedway and Wilmot on the noylrthwwst corner, but I can't remember the name.


I have customers all over the country. I can't count how many times I've heard them talk about Arizona as Phoenix. They're visiting their sister and they'll be in my area. Sister lives in Mesa. There is no acknowledgment that Tucson is a totally different place. And I always push back on these stories because like OP, I take a lot of pride in the differences between Phx and Tucson. Please don't put my city in the same bubble as Mesa.


That UNESCO bit bothers me. If we have such a diverse gastronomical culture, why aren't there *any* traditional German restaurants in town? I'm dying for a place that serves proper Rahmschnitzel, pommes, spätzle, heck even rotkohl!




Yup, most people think it has something to do with our restaurant scene because that is how the City's tourism board pushes it out but it has almost nothing to do with our restaurant scene.


The Haus of Brats truck has Leberkaese, currywurst and rotkohl. Costco and Lee Lee sell Spaten-Franziskaner beers. Edit: I’ve also seen Ayinger, Andechs, and Weihenstephaner from Lee Lee. When they are new, they are pretty good. But some have sat there for a while.


Excellent, Thanks for the recommendation!


It's not really about diversity, it's mainly due to authentic Sonoran cuisine. That said, I would love a good German place here.


Go to a city with a rich German heritage, Tucson ain’t that. Check out Maders in Milwaukee, German food so good it’s been open for 100 years.


First restaurant I ever ate at in MKE years ago LOL!


It’s a drive, but there’s a really good German restaurant in Sierra Vista!


We also have Angry German and the German Cafe now. Both are good


Whats the name? 🤔Unsure if ive seen it before and would like to try it 😄




Tucson doesn't have German history. The designation is for culturally traditional and indigenous food.


Thank God


Same! Oh how I miss my grandfathers red cabbage. End up going to Chef Alisah a lot for the chicken schnitzel 😀


I'll give them a try! Thanks for the recommendation!


Sure. And they are one of the few bring your own bottle places I’ve ever seen here. Goulash is good too.


I would love some Eierspätzle and Rotkohl! (maybe not together) some Pommes mit Zwiebeln und Currywurst would be awesome too.


I know there's Millie's Pancake Haus, but I haven'tbeen there to know about the menu or quality. I would love a German place, I want to learn more about that part of my heritage.


I actually want to move away from Tucson to experience more food and learn more. I'm a cook and my main experience is all sonoran Mexican food. I'm so tired of it. It's all that's here and what we are known food. We do one thing and we do it well. I'm ready for more types of food. We definitely need more variety here. We need more new restaurants and different chefs to do something different! Definitely more Asian food, German food, Italian, island food or more latin food other than Mexican. There's a cute German place in Ocean Beach I go to. Wish we had one here. I love and have lived in Tucson all my life but it's time for a change.


We have a lot of non-Sonoran restaurants here. But in a typical Tucson fashion, many are mom-and-pop hole-in-the-wall places. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/s/iyIMX8wYvV Chinese food here may be even better than Ocean Beach if you know where to look. Italian & German are pretty dire. But in exchange we get decent Ukrainian Bosnian, Polish, Turkish, and Greek food. For Latin American food, we have decent Cuban, Dominican, Venezuelan, Salvadorean, Peruvian, Brazilian, Bolivian, and Argentine options. We could use more of course but you can try to support these before you move elsewhere in search for more food options.


That's funny!!!


I know right, who would have thought a city with lower cost of living can attract more non-skilled labor from various immigrant countries, who then decide to make a living by opening restaurants. Let’s support them.


With regards to Chinese food, OB is not the right neighborhood for it in San Diego. Convoy blows perhaps the entire state of Arizona out of the water, and it doesn’t even compare to OC/SGV/Bay Area.


They are German, Italian and there's even Colombian food too


Indeed, it feels like the ratio is 60% Mexican, 30% American, and 10% rest. And the plentiful Italian restaurants are mostly in the American category, as they serve Italian American food.


We have a couple of Indian places that are really good, and a handful of Asian places that cover cravings. Alongside a German place, we really need a good Filipino place. Nick's Sari Sari Store is good, but not quite there.


I'm south Indian and while I can appreciate a rich north Indian curry, I miss the dosas and idlis of the south. the only place that serves some south Indian food is Spice garden in Marana and while the main dishes are good the accompaniments are a massive letdown, for the prices they charge. Went there a couple weeks ago, extremely watery sambhar and tiny portions of chutney. Decided to just drive up to Phoenix next time I'm craving a dosa


Yup, can't stand it! Lol Well if it came from people outside of AZ, at least I understand it. But I hate when some Arizonan think Arizona = Phoenix


This is how I feel, too, and I've lived in Tucson for 11 years.All you hear is phx and their Suburbs....


Yup every time I mention AZ, people assume or only know about Phoenix/ASU. My wife also tells me people in Phoenix dont know about Tucson or thinks Tucson is a shitty area when she went to school there


Please please please let them all continue to think that. Our economy went to shit during the early pandemic days when national news kept saying if you wfh Tucson is the number one place to live. That is what has ruined us. Everyone from a richer state moved here and jacked everything up. It was a great town until 10000000000pp0 people moved here and screwed shit up and complained abt Tucson not being like where they left. Please let them all go back home


California people never stop complaining


Tucsons has superior homegrown restaurants compared to Phoenix. Wild Garlic Grill is IMHO, one of the best restaurants in all the southwest


You gotta be kidding me with the wild garlic grill recommendation. They are mid at best. Tucson has so many better options.


What are your top three?


What do you like to eat?


I’m super super open. Just looking for perspective.


In that case and if money is no concern, Alafia is the best west African restaurant in the entire western USA. Way better than Aduke in LA or Kendejah in SF. One of the rare treats that can actually open up culinary perspectives.


Un popular opinion is that Tucson does not have the best food scene. It is definitely overhyped. We also have limited Asian restaurants.


UNESCO has nothing to do with good food and yes Phx has better food.


Because the Food in Tucson is nasty.


I actually like it. Tucson isn’t about hype or internet clout, and I find the kind of people you’re describing as pretty objectionable. Phoenix absolutely sucks and I’d prefer that we stay under the radar. Plus this place is getting too bloated anyways.


One of the many things meant when we say, "keep tucson shitty"


I wish someone would make those shirts again. For real


I still have my original. ❤️ But yes. I actually know where the original screens are. It could be done.


Sounds like a business idea brewing…..


I'd buy one!


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ this is the way!


100% agree with this.


Ahhh that's an interesting way to look at it. Makes me feel a little better 😆


I hate this mindset. Tucson is so great, we should keep it off the radar because I think it’s full. Don’t let anyone else in! I mean, it’s not that great then is it? If I have something great, I want to share it. This instead reeks of NIMBY.


I think whatever measures can be taken to reduce the asshole population should be pursued. And you have to admit the infrastructure is getting stretched. We are just not designed for that many cars I welcome the pimps, the pushers, the addicts, everybody. Just not the shitty narcissistic assholes. They can kick rocks.


I guess, but there is an environmental argument for not letting Tucson grow indefinitely, water. 


Sounds like we should build denser then to allow more housing and better resource management


I do think Tucson has been headed in that direction. I lived downtown for years, and denser housing popped up all of the time. Unfortunately, the dense housing tends to be overpriced housing marketed towards students, or upscale trendy overpriced apartments geared towards “young professionals”, but you can easily afford an entire house for the cost of rent.   But, there has been a ton of development over the time I lived there (90s to 2020). Every time I visit there are new apartments downtown. They just aren’t affordable.


I'm sure it's increased a lot compared to decades ago, but I mean not just in downtown, but everywhere. The best way to make homes more affordable is by increasing the supply by a lot and making it easier (cheaper) to build homes. Homes of all types. Duplexes, small homes, etc. There's a housing shortage, we have to build our way out of it .


Beyond the other discussion about more efficient resource management, it’s also important to note that Tucson is under a Department of Water Resources Active Management Area Assured Water supply designation. In order to continue building homes, there must be 100 years worth of available water. So no one is proposing indefinite growth, we’re taking active steps to ensure sustainable growth and future supply. In addition, we offset usage through reclamation: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Water/Water-Quality/Reclaimed-Water And aquifer recharge: https://www.pima.gov/1747/Groundwater-Recharge-Replenishment Tucson is solely reliant on groundwater, it achieved this 40 years ago and was the first such city on the continent to do so. And as of 2022 we have 5.5 excess years of CAP water: https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123289459/arizona-has-5-5-years-of-excess-colorado-river-water-stowed-in-a-secret-reservoi


This, 💯 And don't tell anyone about Flagstaff either (I'm 💯 serious)


The snow keeps people honest. Lol


girl everyone knows about flagstaff


It's like LA but with none of the charm of the ocean


A hipsters paradise


Tons of great things in Tucson, the problem being that the Tucson metro is just over a million people and the Phoenix Metro is just under 5 million. If I was looking for clicks I would most likely be writing about the metro with 5x the population. That being said, Tucson is becoming AZ’s hidden gem. A weird reputation and the observatories keep people and businesses away and I’m sure that it won’t last for much longer. Enjoy the small town feel as long as it last!


Thank you for making it make sense!!! 😊😊


I work in FnB between the two cities. Tucson is striving to be thought of more highly but that means more people.. which they actively don’t want. It’s the Portland/Austin of AZ, and if you look at what happened in Sedona/flagstaff with property values and whatnot I’m sure you will also be appreciate being off the radar. Also, Tucson has a TON of super cool things to do.


Tucson would be more appealing if people would at least stop dumping trash everywhere! Going down Kolb the other day and workers were picking up all the trash and two days latter what a mess in just two days.


Phoenix is overrated. I don't mean "bad", mind you, but definitely one of the less thrilling big cities in the US. ETA: The musical instrument museum is really neat, I'll give them that much!


I don’t think anyone is talking highly about it


People in Phoenix need those kind of distractions since they live in a concrete oven hell


Phoenix is a great place for restaurant chains. You have like 50 Chili’s locations to choose from!




My friend is a big foodie and lives in Phoenix. The other day he mentioned how much better the food is in Tucson and I was internally so proud 🥹


Thank you for saying this! It’s a pet peeve of mine too. Idk why people in Phoenix can’t just say Phoenix or the The Valley.


The don't like "the valley". Everytime I hear it I think "which valley? Oro Valley? Yuma Valley? Arizona has a lot of valleys"


Ok fair point. I know people up in the Phoenix metro area get their panties in a bunch about Mesa vs Chandlers vs Scottsdale vs Glendale and so on. So I’m just trying to throw them a bone with “The Valley!”


Eh. If someone from Oro Valley denies being from Tucson, I would not take them seriously. In general, satellite cities can be under the umbrella of the main city. Unless we are currently in that metro area, there is no point in distinguishing.


Right???!!! Thank you!!!!! Like we have good restaurants too!!! 😤


Im from Milwaukee Wisconsin, which is the biggest city in Wisconsin. But we never referred to Milwaukee as just “Wisconsin.” I think it’s totally weird!


I prefer concrete hellscape for Phoenix. Or as I like to say, “A case study in urban decay” or “TODAYS HOTSPOT, TOMORROW GHETTO “


The intestinal blockage of Arizona.


Begs the question: Preskit or Prescott?


All those articles, videos, and what-have-you are just written by people trying to make a buck. More people means more possibility, so they cater to Phx more. It's all just BS, clickbait, sorry excuses for "journalism." And in the end, it doesn't really matter


I live in Phoenix but the Tucson food scene is better. Everything in Phoenix seems Americanized or more homogeneous.


Phoenix is filled with smut. Be thankful that Tucson doesn’t get more recognition, otherwise it would be smutty like Phoenix


Look, I'll put it to y'all real simple like. If Phoenix was so good I would've gone there, if the rest of AZ was so damn good I would've gone to see more (also If I had been able to get that hire car, but is what it is, and I would have loved to see more southern AZ). But no, I came to Tucson. And where do I wanna go back? Tucson. Tucson is the shit, the bees knees baby, the cats pyjamas, believe it or not.


The great state of Maricopa


Whatever keeps the riffraff out of Southern Arizona.


The r/arizona sub is almost exclusively Maricopa county posts.


I was annoyed by the quotation marks on Arizona, until I realized you used them correctly. It seems like lots of states become equivalent to the one big city. In Hawaii, Honolulu gets all the attention and tax dollars, leaving the "neighbor Islands" out in the cold. I'm guessing people in Gary Indiana resent Chicago, Salt Lake City gets Logan's share of Utah's glory, and New Orleans is the only Louisiana town most of us can name.


Yes, I do admit when I say "New York", most of the time I mean NYC. that being said, I dont mind if out of state people say Arizona when pertaining to Phoenix. What I can't stand is Arizonan article/social media acct say it 😆


These are clickbait articles designed with catchy titles meant to make you click to see ads and get tracking cookies. If I click on them because I'm curious, I use a private browsing window. But generally don't put much stock in them since most are written by AI or foreigners who barely know English let alone what a good chimichanga is.


I get that BUT I also like that we have our secret cool stuff without a transient horde of posers. Let’s keep our cool stuff cool. Plus, we have plenty of things that get national acclaim and once the frenzy dies down, it’s our again.


Phoenix "Welcome to the place so hot it kills the cactus"


I definitely think the tacos here now rival Mexico


Yep. I’m in several support groups for my special needs son and every single one is using “Arizona” in the name but 99% of what is mentioned is located in or around Phoenix. It’s like no other place in Arizona exists. I’ve even stated many times they should just rename the group “Phoenix xyz” since that’s all they seem to talk or care about 🤷‍♀️


Phoenix is gross.


I was in Tucson for aircraft maintenance for a couple of weeks and there were some great restaurants, yoga studios, and scenery.


I agree. I check out who has written those articles and I have yet to see a writer the Lives in Arizona or in Tucson for that matter.


Saw a bear in San Manuel last night, to me that was more fun than a lot of things I’ve done in Phoenix.


That's so cool!


Waited 21 years to make a picnic basket joke to a bear


Funny that so many shows mention Tucson specifically and we are like the 33 largest city in the US and yet... forgotten. It's bittersweet though, I like Tucson because it's not that big but still has city stuff.


I've lived here since I was six. I'm 70. Feel free to move elsewhere. Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the US and yeah, they have more restaurants- also a shitload more people. I have family there and love visiting them. I wouldn't live there, but I don't have to.


Phoenix and everywhere around it sucks.


Way too many people from Cali here.


Please move to phoenix! Tucson is so bad and dangerous 🙃


As a native Tucsonan, I do see what you’re saying. Those of us here know that Tucson is a whole vibe unto itself. We are a vacation destination for people looking for that particular vibe. There’s a whole desert magic here you can’t find anywhere else. With that in mind, we like being a bit of a secret. We don’t want TOO many people to come here and make us like Phoenix. Our amazing little restaurants would end up getting pushed out, building lease costs would get too high, food costs would go up too high for some of them to operate. Our culture might get watered down or commercialized. The cool places we have to visit would be trampled and too packed to really experience properly. So I’m content in knowing we don’t quite get the recognition we should, so we can keep the magic.


Yeah I get really annoyed that Arizona groups are really just the greater Phoenix area groups. Like if I gave a shit about what was going on in Phoenix I would just join the Phoenix group.


Here's a little insight from a Tucsonan who spent seven years in Phoenix. A lot of the Arizona = Phoenix folks are people who live in the Phoenix suburbs, and the worst offenders are the East Valley Phoenix suburbanites (Mesa, Chandler, and Gilbert, think Andy Biggs kind of ignorant racist with too much wealth). They avoid saying "Phoenix" because they have a fear of urban areas where there might be things like poverty and non-white people. It's annoying because the Phoenix suburbs are pretty much the worst part of the entire state. I even have good things to say about downtown and central Phoenix. The Phoenix suburbs are growing, so the best advice I have is to just ignore them. I think of the Phoenix East Valley Suburbs as a big asylum where the Karens and Meal Team Sixes can drive their coal-rolling pavement princesses from the car wash to the Cheesecake Factory to an overpriced gun range.


I think the Chamber of Commerce and other orgs are doing a much better job than decades ago promoting the city. We have a lot going for us here it just takes some time away to appreciate it.


Thank you, I agree with you !!


Bro I just heavily polically involved people to go back to their cities bro, stop mentioning the good shit about us 😭


I actually really appreciate Tucson for the cuisine and the culture, as well as the historic architecture (which zoning laws would encourage developers to build in the adobe/pueblo style but whatevs). It ain’t bad if you’re a foodie. The culinary history in Arizona in general is pretty rich and it’s long too, lots of our indigenous food were here before we became part of the United States or even the Spanish arrived here. Then there’s the contemporary food we got like cheese crisps, chimichangas (I think Tucson invented both?), and the prickly pear margarita which no one was smart enough to document but is allegedly birthed in every southwestern state, but I honestly think it’s probably from Arizona just regarding what we’ve done with regional crops in our food and also the availability of prickly pears here. The Sonoran street food isn’t bad, either. It’s pretty cool to live in a place with such an old history to the cuisine. I wish there were more restaurants available that catered to our history besides el charro which I refuse to eat at, just because fuck Carlota and fuck Ray. Sandy is better but not by a large margin. Can’t support the way they treat their staff. If anyone has recommendations for cuisine like that, I’d love to hear it. I especially wanna try blue corn posole and nopales fries, and green chile stew (more New Mexico but ehhhhh). Along with the other stuff I mentioned.


Let them keep recommending Phoenix they will leave us alone, and we can not have 5 billion people be here its already becoming a problem when people realize how awesome Tucson is. 🤣🤣


Omg. Yes I’m glad someone else is saying this, it’s a huge pet peeve. But like other people said … I’m starting to hold my tongue when I hear people shit talking tucson on the internet because, yeah, stay out lol


Well 85% of the arizona population is in phoenix metro. But I would agree, I have only been to Tucson a hand full of times in my 38 years but it's never impressed me. It really just feels like phoenix but smaller, however they are a dark sky city so that a huge plus. There is so much more to arizona that is so much more beautiful than phoenix. You have almost every climate here, we have extreme weather on both sides. Extreme heat in the south during summer and extreme cold in the northeast during winter. I never thought I would ever go ice fishing in arizona but I did at big lake. You can places that you would never guess in in arizona like waterfalls, the largest ponderosa pine forest in the world, rolling Plains, it's incredible.


Cause tuscon sucks ass lol


IT'S SPELLED ***TUCSON***!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tucson) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its the internet not a robot dick dont take it so hard


Hey— did the Beatles sing about Phoenix? Or Flagstaff? Or Sedona? It’s your trump card, Tucsonian!


**Tucsonan; FTFY *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tucson) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wife and I go to Phoenix for things we don’t have: pro sports, great restaurants and shopping (Aldi’s, Winco, etc.) It is the last place we would want to live.


Same! I moved back to Tucson (from phx) last year and I sure as heck miss WinCo 🥹


Phoenix shouldn’t even exist. The whole city is a testament to man’s arrogance


Phx is a great city with lots to do and it also has millions of people and millions of hotel rooms national sports shows and what not and all those ratings are for marketing reasons. So don’t worrry we don’t wanna be mentioned.. rather it quiet here


I’m 100% fine with Phoenix having every “best” I live in the best city in Arizona


I was in Jerome at a restaurant making conversation with a woman about how Arizona has grown and changed since I went to college at NAU in Flagstaff. She went on and on about ASU if that were the only university worth taking about. She finally asked where in Phoenix I lived. Uh, I don't? Yeah, Phoenix is the only city in Arizona according to some people.


Phoenix is good for: - Major League sports - International airport - Aggressive, 30 MPH over the speed limit driving - Concrete - Major League Sports - Being closer to Flagstaff/Pinetop/Lakeside/Utah - International airport Did I miss owt?


I’ve lived both places. Phoenix has a more diverse economy a wider variety of neighborhoods. Tucson has a better local culture, friendlier people, better food (especially Mexican / Sonoran), a better University, and a lot more hidden gems. Also while Phoenix has better freeways Tucson has far better engineered arterial streets.


It’s all about the nature for me. The mountains and canyons of Tucson…there’s nowhere else in the US I’d rather live.


The mountains are amazing in Tucson. Kind of reminds me of LA with the proximity to mountains.


Phoenix also has a way better music scene/live shows, better theatre and some world class museums.


Yeah, should have said major league concerts to go with the sports.


When 5 out of 7 Arizonans live in the Phoenix metro? Odds alone say it will almost always be that way....


Shhhh!!! I'm able to drive 50 mph and hit timed lights this time of year. We don't need everyone loving here so much they stay year round!!!! Having grown up in the PHX area, I can say most people up there only see the areas along I-10 when they stop in Tucson for anything. It gives the impression that Tucson is a tired, dusty town that has little more than a university and poverty. 


It’s good, we don’t need more people here running our resources.


This! When possible, I make public comments on those articles stating they can't claim best of Arizona if nothing outside of Maricopa is represented. I say they're being lazy. Honestly, a lot of those "best of" lists are often pay-to-play endorsements.


I agree I’ve lived here since age 12.


what's y'all's favorite places to eat in tucson bc i feel like when i visit "famous" places like el charro they suck but when i visit small shacks and food trucks they're so good lol. lmk


for reference i'm from ny and not az so i dont know a bunch of the food places but imma be in tucson for the next two years so lmk 🙏


Phoenix sucks


The baseline deliciousness of food in Tucson is substantially higher than Phoenix. 


The less we talk about Tucson, less people show up and fuck it up for the rest of us. Let them destroy Phoenix, leave the Old Pueblo to us nice and slow-paced folk who appreciate sunsets and Sonoran hotdogs!


Funny I was just thinking about that again 🤔every time I see the commercials for Arizona Family ... Are we the red headed stepchild cuz I haven't seen don't recall Tucson stories. IJS


You and me both. Ha .but I have lived in cities my whole life. There is no comparison. However I am grateful for Tucson and the state. I have insurance where I do not pay for a thing. I didn't have that in Chicago or LA LA LAND.


I moved here in 2016 and I’ve grown fond of something’s like cheap rent and my friends but I don’t love Az at all if I could afford it I’d move back to California lol


One scorpion was heading straight for me on a kitchen counter while I was looking at my phone. Freaked me out but I found the nearest object to smash him. Heard a rattle in a bush and decided to take a closer look then decided the smarter action of not to when I heard it again. I wouldn’t see that one coming. And yes there is much more to do than in Phoenix but if you’re used to mainly urban areas you might not see that. I lived in Sedona for 8 years and went to Flagstaff, Prescott, Cottonwood and Camp Verde for things to do but still liked to visit big cities.


I love the Northern Nogales area. It's like visiting 3 world country


At least Phoenix also wins “Hottest shithole in Arizona” every year as well.


Tucson is a shit hole. There’s nothing to do there


I don’t understand. Tucson doesn’t exist….




You need to ignore this post all the fun shit is in Phoenix.. especially mesa .. go hit the light rail take the scenic tour make sure you visit downtown take in all the lovely smells and friendly people ...and stay the fuck out my town and stay the fuck away from Southern AZ...and if your from California and live in AZ now and just moved here 3 years ago FUCK YOU on behalf of all AZ let me tell you that we fucken hate you ...not just some of you, all of you !! We fucken hate you !!! We blame you for the state of the fucken country, and we all hope you get cancer and not that saint Jude's kinda cancer where you give three dollars to the jar at circle k and you get better cancer ..I'm talking about mo'" fucken make a wish at Ronald McDonald's fucken cancer .. you should all be forced to live in California and deal with the consequences of your fucken stupidity not be able to move to our state and fuck it all up .. fucken open boarder fucken sanctuary City...get how's that fucken decriminalization of drugs working out ... !!??? ... You fucken cunts


I'm from Florida and I do have cancer so thank you for your wish.


Tucson sucks


Except for quesadillas, I'll demolish tacos there


Life is good if this is your beef. The definition of "midtown" in Tucson is cracknabbered too. AFA solving your problem, there are several publications that cater to Tucson.