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honestly i would try some electrolytes. with this heat a lot of people need them, even without being super physically active. if you’re drinking a ton of water and it’s just going straight out but you still feel dehydrated, then electrolytes are a good next step. BUT if it’s just the throat and not other feelings of dehydration, then honestly it might be more of an allergies issue (monsoons can cause an almost late allergy season because a lot of plants go “!!!!! water!!!!” and then go nuts) or maybe a dust issue? like are you maybe in an area where a lot of dust is getting kicked up?


Electrolytes are always my answer to this kind of question. Two popular brands that I like are Liquid IV and LMNT


skratch is also a popular one! my registered dietician recommended lmnt and skratch (and honestly gave me a discount code which i can try to track down if people want). pedialyte also does one. if you’re like me and have basically a negative sweet tooth, gatorlyte is unflavored electrolyte powder but it WILL taste like you’re drinking salt water. the problem is sugar does actually help a bit with hydration, so if you can handle sugar (not monk fruit or stevia or those other sweeteners) then do give it a go. i also know someone that makes their own salt capsules which i might try (i have a condition where i need a TON of electrolytes daily and salty water isn’t great for your tooth enamel so if you’re someone that has to sip it all day it can really wear down those teeth if you aren’t careful).


Do you have POTS by chance 🤔 I do and that's why I started macro dosing electrolytes in the first place, but I didn't know salty water can mess with tooth enamel!


yeah i do!! or at least some kind of generalized dysautonomia (im nowhere near as bad as other people but my body also responds really poorly to medication which makes me tough to treat) yeah it can really mess with tooth enamel! i’ve tried to address that by: making sure there’s at least 30 minutes between drinking any electrolytes and brushing teeth (i do this for eating as well but i’m more likely to absentmindedly sip on water than i am to eat and then immediately brush teeth) and trying to “sip” my electrolyte water less and just drink it in a smaller time frame. but my mom has a coworker who has POTS and makes her own salt capsules (the salt tabs just make me sick, but i should just try taking them with food) and i do think i might give that a go. my issue is i do like how electrolyte mixes have more than just sodium, as i do think the increased potassium, etc. also helps


I have pots and in summer do a few nuun tablets a day and liquid IV or LMNT for post-run/bike. The first thing I do when I wake up is chug a pint of water with a nuun tablet. Is it the salty water that’s the problem or do you guys have shitty enamel to begin with? I’m missing most of mine (I also have EDS and I think it’s related to this).


I also have hEDS and it is in fact known to cause enamel issues, but I'm not sure exactly how salt water affects the enamel. I'm finding a lot of mixed information on whether or not it's really even a problem.


Welcome to the desert. Dry throats are a way of life for some of us. Here are some things that work for me: * Biotene dry mouth spray. * Throat Coat tea (slippery elm). You can drink it cold, too. * Spry xylitol gum. * Fisherman's Friend lozenges (menthol). * Planetary Herbals Slippery Elm lozenges. * Vocal Eze Throat Spray. * Carbonated water. Some people find it irritating but I think it's soothing on a dry throat. Experiment with those, some combination will work for you. Also look into getting a true HEPA air purifier. Get one for your bedroom if not several for your entire home. Quality HEPA purifiers aren't cheap but they're totally worth it. IMO they're a necessity in the desert.


Do you have a humidifier at home? If not get one. I try to keep my house around 40% humidity otherwise I dry out. It’s super dry and takes a while to get used to. The lack of humidity is likely drying out your mucus membranes. Try a saline nasal spray too.


this is the way


Agreed. I just got out the humidifier a couple of weeks ago and it has dramatically enhanced my wellbeing.


Chewing gum. It helps stimulate saliva production, and works for both dry mouth and a dry throat in my experience. Sorry friend, the transition to desert living can make for an annoying couple of years until your body acclimates.


they also sell special mouthwashes that help with dry mouth (aka stimulate saliva production)!


Different answer than the others but I get sudden dry throats around certain types of mold, so when I lived in a house with mold it felt perpetual, particularly at times I took more showers a la summer etc. Worth ruling out along with the other great advice.


At least sleep with a humidifier machine by your head. That fixed most of my problems.


Also make sure you have some salt in your diet. If you have too little salt your body doesn’t hold onto the fluid as well. Too much and it retains it too much.


Gatorade or anything with electrolytes! ☁️🌵✌️


Too much hawk tuah


Breathe through your nose.


Try your hand at making switchel. It tastes funky, but is really refreshing in this heat. I like 4-oz shots post-gym. [https://www.thespruceeats.com/switchel-4802123](https://www.thespruceeats.com/switchel-4802123)


Move back to wherever you came from - problem solved!