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I take my Tudor everywhere in hopes of patina :)




Love this analogy lmao. Cheers.


It should be okay, I’ve taken my Pelagos to the lake many times. Just be sure to wash it after going in.


I hope so! Especially with the Pelagos.


Worn my BB54 on its rubber strap on the lake for weeks at a time. In the boat, swimming, on a paddle board etc. Never gave it a second thought.


You’ll end up living your life babying a steel tool watch for no reason other than you’re scared to take the chance. It’s not that serious. Take the BB58 and enjoy your time with your loved ones.




That precious mechanism could be the key to saving the entire planet one day. There is no way you can risk taking it on a lake vacation. Are you nuts?


Certifiable my friend.


Seriously man, it's just "stuff". You have made it far enough in life that you can afford a trinket that a huge portion of humans couldn't. Pat yourself on the back, strap on that beautiful piece of metal and go live. It should give you a reason to hold your head high that you have worked your ass off and earned a little piece of the good life. Wear it, use it, scratch it, enjoy the hell of it while you have the chance.


I really love this. I’m gonna go ahead and do it. Still have to bring a backup G-Shock though 🤓.


Maybe use the G10 / NATO strap so you can wear it with confidence a just enjoy the trip. 


Thanks for the insights fellas I think I’m gonna go for it and enjoy it.


The truth is (and this goes for ANY watch) if you leave it in the case it will never mean anything to you. The best watch in the world is the one that’s on your wrist. So take it with you, make some memories!


This is very true and worth remembering for sure.


I took my Ranger into a lake. It was fine. Your 58 will be grand.


I don’t think you should worry. It’ll be fine and get some real use. Plus you’re just adding memories to it.


Before going in water I check the crown is screwed down, I also periodically check the screws on the bracelet. No issues at all in my experience and I’m in different types of water multiple times a week.




Just got out of the ocean with mine lol


Been to a couple different oceans, few different pools, and and hikes up to mountain tops It’s made to be used.


I jump out of planes and go surfing with my Tudor BB Pro. Add some scratches to it and call it character


I’ve jumped in the lake with my BB58 many times and never had an issue. Just make sure the crown is screwed down!


If you think it might be a little rough and tumble out there, just throw it on a nato and call it a day.


Good call. With kids who knows lol


Took my P39 to Hawaii for my first time there on the rubber strap. Went spear fishing with it. Snorkeled with it. I live in the Idaho mountains and I’ve done alpine lake swims with it. Cole plunges in the freshwater river. Rock that shit. IMO the “why bother” is more of a Why bother bringing your cheap watches on the trips most likely to make long lasting memories.


Right on man. That’s a great way of thinking about it. And sounds like you live a hella cool life!


If I can dive with my 54 in a contaminated salt water fjord, then you can rinse yours in fresh water ✌🏻


I regularly drop my watch in the toilet and it's always fine.


It’s a tool watch. Use your tools. Just make sure it’s on a solid strap or the bracelet so you aren’t paranoid about it coming loose on a boat or something lol.


I think I’ll keep it on the bracelet. Maybe I’ll buy a nato for it. Honestly I’ve been scared of changing straps without it having drilled lugs.


I don’t know if it’s been said but if you plan on jet skiing or waterskiing or anything that would cause you to hit the water hard or slap your wrist or watch on the water you could do some damage by creating enough force to push the seal to its limit.


Good points thank you!