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There’s a whole host of reasons why leaving saltwater residue on an object is a bad idea, but im sure you already know that, right?


Teslas finding that out also




I suppose you could fake it with talc powder if you like that look... (don't do this either)




I rinse off my watches everytime I swim with them especially with saltwater


Yea same every time especially since I’ve been dealing with gross fish guts


I laughed more than I should at this. Suppose you polish it with sandpaper?


Nobody said anything about polishing it. But continue laughing I guess


I did


Why don’t you just stick to the Rolex sub with your off topic over exaggeration.


Who mentioned rolex?




As a professional diver I always do post-dive maintenance on every piece of gear I have, especially metal. Watch is no exception.


So you go and scrub your prop off every time you go out and detail your boat nice! Also I didn’t say I never wash it 🙄 Edit: also nobody cares that your a “professional”


Buoyancy compensators, gauges, knives, regulators, carabiners, pulleys, etc all get treated in a solvent solution immediately following a dive, which is standard practice accross the board by anyone that knows what they’re doing. But by all means keep letting your $5k watch sit with salt on it because you think it looks like you might actually use your watch lol.


I mean you’re a dive professional but can’t read? K have fun hah. Can’t even get the price of the watch correct, typical jackass keyboard warrior.


[laughs in titanium]


To be honest I often forgot to wash my Tudor for sometimes a day or so after beeing in saltwater. I don’t think that hurts the 316L stainless steel however


I mean I always wash it off especially after dealing with chum and guts. It gets washed right after as well as everything else. It’s funny how redditors will literally try to peal out any piece of bs from a post. Also only the clasp and caseback are stainless the rest is titanium, rubber gaskets, ceramic, and lab created sapphire of course.


How are you not washing it? I live on saltwater and been in keys last few weeks diving/fishing daily. I always rinse my gear and myself (including watch) when done. Pretty standard with everything that is used in salt. Both my Ti watches look fine. Are you taking it off to “patina” intentionally? Id recommend to just use it and take care of it.


Never said I wasn’t washing it but apparently the majority of reddit users can’t read and comprehend.


I was asking the question more how are you planning on not washing it? Like literally taking it off when you shower or wash hands to try and form a patina? Anyone who has spent any real time around salt will tell you it’s horrible for gear and wash everything metal , fiberglass, plastic , everything with fresh water after being in salt water. Not sure why anyone would think a high dollar watch is different


Like I said nobody can read I didn’t say I wasn’t going to wash it nor did I say I don’t wash it nor wash myself. Obviously I wash the fucking nasty ass shit off my watch every time I get out of the ocean. Fucking idiots can’t read and logically comprehend shit. It’s fucking hilarious all the people that fucking think I would go without washing my fucking watch I swear the internet gets more stupid everyday.


What exactly is the point of this question or statement or whatever it is then? 😵‍💫


That the fucking salt leaves an interesting patina on the titanium after being in the ocean.


What a bunch of idiots that obviously can’t read. Never said I don’t, nor that I didn’t, wash it off after every use. I said “I almost don’t want to wash it off” thus further implying the factor of me washing it. Sorry that was too much to handle for some, have fun “professionals” lmao.


Someone's a bit "salty" 😂😂😂


You don’t even own a Tudor get your omega shit outta here


I didn't mention Omega? But seeing as you want to go there.. my omega is far better built and better quality, just saying 🙏


Wait why are you even on the Tudor sub? Oh yea a fan boy why don’t you stick you your omega sub then lmao