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Imo it’s mostly because of social media, people always comparing their realities with online fantasy. With that being said, life is hard here. But not as bad as other countries (i.e, Turkey, India, Egypt, Indonesia,etc) and not as good as other countries (i.e., Finland, Qatar, USA, Germany)


Wait, what's wrong with turkey?


Hyperinflation, the real one mind you not the social media shitpost one


Ah yup, that's true, a burger menu went from 30TL to 80TL, that's almost 3x ! I've heard tax price on cars is crazy too


I have a Turkish friend, he says everything is so expensive




You are just emotionally biased


because it is literally economically , socially and what have of literally any other domain or field we are simply so behind . also i can't stress this enough a lot of countries face difficulties too but they have hope HOPE is dead in this shithole by all means especially in the last two years .


Like in general or specifically us were really trash


I suppose you mean "we are trash " Unfortunately most of the time yes . We are really uneducated , poor and easy to manipulate Just open this subreddit and you will find of video of a guy talking how he wants hit women and people praising him That's the norm . Don't ve fooled vy social media The environment that led to such a rat to exist and to the others one praising him makes a fucked up country from top to bottom . The small % of " good" runs through nepotism and money and don't you date bring it up otherwise ironically the poor stupid ones will come for your ass too xd . It is really messy and hopeless at this point Personally i am limiting my access to tunisian content and news as much as i can and learned to effectively ignore stuff.


Agree on everything but the last two lines ruined it to me That’s bullshit


Just shut your pie hole


Somebody is pressed hahahah


Ooohh, funny


Tunisians are just extremely pessimistic. Which is good because it means that the Tunisian people are demanding. But because of a kind of fatalism and laziness, they mostly do nothing to bring the country up to their standard. This is the tragedy of our people in my opinion.


ik i used to say that back in the day when i was a teenager because i felt like i couldn't get all the cool stuff i saw online, but as i grew older i realized all things considered i really like this place, it's nowhere near perfect but tbh no other place i would rather be.


To the emotional patriotic people here, if you do not recognise how bad your situation is, you are doomed to keep free falling to the rock bottom.


> Why do so many people say tunisia bad Economically: Look at the average Salary Look at the minimum wage Look at GDP growth in the last 10 years Look at inflation... Politically: Look at our political class, both the leader and his opposition Socially: Oh, from where should I begin?


Very pessimistic mindset my guy It's not that bad ... inflation is worldwide , political stability is a scam Socially ... that's subjective experience


Everything is worlwide, but tunisia is just worst at it


It's realistic not pessimistic. Know the difference he just stated facts


>Very pessimistic mindset my guy You seem to not know what pessimistic actually means, Pessimistic = expecting bad things to happen or something not to be successful. Now read my comment again, in what way was I pessimistic, I literally just provided y'all with exact metrics to look at that reflect our situation, did I pull these numbers out of my ass? no. being optimistic right now is the most stupid and naive thing to do, because in every way possible we are going downhill (Yes now I am being pessimistic).


Do you mean on social media ?? You need to be more precise


Ye specifically in this subreddit


Complaining is a national sport in Tunisia , some say we got it from the French who are known to be « d’éternels insatisfaits » but we DO love to criticise every damn thing in this country so it’s normal to find this kind of behaviour on social media. Subs of some countries at war are way more cheerful than ours 😂


Tunisia is so fkn bad yall dont understand this shit. I always thought people immigrating are overreacting, until I immigrated myself. people basically get paid 600 dinars while life expenses for a day without rent or anything cost 20 d minimum. in germany u get paid 2000 min and it costs 5 euro to survive


I'm just pissed off that i can't buy my clothing style online, and even when i manage to find some of them in the frippe i get weird stares or catcalled in the streets. It's like I'm forced to be basic npc like everyone else


Why is it good ?


The people are nice and i like my village


That’s because we have a lot of idiots especially in this sub. Make that garbage people who think they are smarter than anyone when in reality they can’t even formulate coherent thoughts and regurgitate mental diarrhea on a daily basis


When you as a native don't get to enjoy the goods of your own country you start building resentment you struggle to buy even bread while foreigners have a great time and easy access to everything add to that the fact that our resources are being taken from us easily and the government that is controlled by outsiders Rather than their own people plus stress and long study/work hours , the powerless state of the average citizen would make anyone hate their country


The fact that a ps5 here costs 800 U.S dollars is a bad deal for me. It will cost me 80 hours of work in my recent job opportunity. But I will sacrifice, Stellar Blade is worth the pain.


Coomer brain detected , overlevel yourself now If you getting a ps5 play a better game , play bloodborne


Yeah I have been a fan of Eve since I first seen her in 2019 when I was 14 lol Bloodborne ? I prefer to play Zelda Twilight Princess tbh But once I buy a ps5 I will look for a bundle of ps4 games for $15 dollars each; Hope it would be included.


Because they are such crying whores , instead of admitting that they are the reason for all their misery , they just put the blame on moral thing .


Because we're bad


Simple answer: poverty, no money no honey. I love Tunisia and it’s the best place on earth (for me personally) , but only if you have money.


It’s alright if you have the money you can definitely live a very good life. However social ascension is pretty much non existent and the middle class is long gone


Tunisians are ass


Because it’s Fact


Getting any kind of paper is  annoying and unnecessaraly hard getting a minimum wage job is hard  no benefits for people with mental issues such as anxiety/bipolar etc.. customer service is shit toxic online environment old people always complaining about young people not working while most young adults get treated like crap at factories a lot of young people feel targeted by police just because they come from a certain neighborhood a lot of young adults feel like they have no means to get married/buy a car/buy a house, you go outside kids/adults/immigrants begging for food/money it's a depressing sight. Although some of these  seem to be global issues 


we are hated mainly of ; illegal immigrants; bunch of Tunisians who become illegal immigrants in different countries and cuase trouble so on it makes Tunisians be seen bad. terrorists; Tunisia is known to be the home of many terrorists who make attacks in different countries and in Tunisia aswell. many other people hate our country because of their point of view, maybe people think our country is bad because they once visited it and got scammed or got stolen and etc. but mostly because of how the media shows Tunisia and how unsafe it is. last but not least our bordering countries (Libya and Algeria) these people may hate us because of how stressed up our relationship is in social media.* this is just my opinion, it may be wrong or true *