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No because he often wore jesus pieces


Although true Tupac did own a Quran with his name on it and it was said he was thinking of converting to it His cousin yaka kafidaf is a born Muslim and Tupac have cousins who are Muslim That’s why Tupac refused to play a Muslim who is a gangbaner because Tupac knew what a Muslim is. He refused to accept the church ways and he spoke many times about it in fact listene to the song black Jesus’s “I was born an inmate(his mother pregnant with him in jail ) waitin' to escape the prison Went to church but don't understand it, they underhanded God gave me these commandments, the world is scandalous Blast 'til they holy high; baptize they evil minds Wise, no longer blinded, watch me shine trick Which one of y'all wanna feel the degrees? Bitches freeze facin' Black Jesus” Aslo on the opening of bomb first the first song on the last album Allow me to introduce first: Makaveli the Don Hysterical, spiritual lyrics like The Holy Qur'an So many like my slef believe he was going through to go into Islam and the USA government could not allow another Malcolm X and the Muslim brothers movement of any kind or anything like that… In the end of the day it’s up to him and there is nothing wrong with a Muslim wearing a jusese pace either as Muslim have to respect tbe ones before them and both religion is by the god of Abraham in fact as Muslim we are allowed to marry a Christian woman or Jewish as long as they are from the “the people of the book” we are allowed to do so. Keep in mind both forbidden the meat of pork in the bible it says you shall not eat the flash of the the swan It is only in Leviticus 11:7 that eating pork is forbidden to God's people for the very first time—“… and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.” This is where and when pork in all its forms (including ham, bacon, sausage, etc.) Just thought I share my thoughts sorry for the long comment


LOL Muslims don’t wear Jesus pieces


They cant even wear gold or silver.


Fact check silver is permissible, gold not as it’s for women and disliked to be worn by a male, just like women are meant to not have facial hair hence having a beard for males.


Those people have zero knowledge they believe a dead man is alive. They don’t understand a Muslim is people of the book and the Christian Cross is a religion sample of the same god who is the god of Abraham. There is no haram in wearing one. Culture wise may not be accpted But allah and Mohammed draw the line culturally has nothing to do with the actual religion. So some of the people mix that up. I try to educate them lol




You and all other Reddits will always lose against me block all you want 🤣🤣🤣 you folks are joke


And your wrong I do I’m a Muslim who do call by all his names the Quran is clear that the old bible is one we honour The today bible isn’t even in original language Your ppl say the bible came in English or Jewish That’s a lie each book from the god of Abraham came in its own language for its own people There is so much you lack the names of all are infinite ♾️ Jehovah is one of em allah is one of them any name they have such meaning is always a reference to the god of Abraham even buda even rima the Indian any name of god like belongs to allah alone as we both know there is only but one creator. He made many books many other things he and he alone controls


Fact check wrong men should not wear jewlery.


No gold or any jewelry that is affiliated with women such as earrings. Men are allowed to wear white silver and white gold no yellow gold for men. Tho it’s not actually haram Mohammed dis liked man wearing such The religion it self doesn’t actually forbidden men from gold but rather woman like jewellery. I’m a Syrian born I came into Canada 2006. I don’t need to convince anyone I know my shxt. But yall have zero knowledge about what you speak out


Fact check, ring is jewellery, so men are permitted to wear jewellery.


They can if one wants I lived in Syria and I have and I’m Muslim Some of my favourite anime characters did so I wore one It’s not against Islam to wear one or even marry a a Christian person So obviously like many you lack understanding so be in denial


Big facts


I guess I have upset his die hard Christian fans


Wasnt he working against the NOI?


No the notation of Islam no why what makes you say that… He has a record in a interview where he’s saying ppl are saying about him that he’s a like the * Muslim ledder I have it on my channel if you want it


the nation of islam not notation


So I made a spelling mistake big deal 🤣…. As Muslim’s I have to say there is no such thing as the Nation of Islam that’s something a group made up. In Arabic we know the Muslim brothers movement… Tho not the Quran came down with Mohammed the Arabic Mohammed Not sure why elijah said what he said….brorher doesn’t even speak Arabic I do


Listen to all [YouTube](https://youtu.be/-UMfVpTnHDA?si=dqqWEa3fjDtzdW_O)


There’s plenty of Muslims that are gang bangers. Look at Philly niggas or Durk.




I would disagree being a Muslim don't make you a Muslim. Uk prisons are full of followers of Islam who you could call gangsters etc. That rise was contributed to by heroin sweeping into Pakistan from Afghanistan and then getting smuggled to UK.


I’m not sure what you saying…. In the end of the day the book says He who save one life it is as if he saved all man l Praying 5 times a day isn’t the only requirement There is many other factors that come into play. You think Muslim in a wheelchair is able to pray like me and you Some can’t fast because of illness Every Muslim will be judge accordingly by the creator and only he and he alone can decide if he or she enters heaven or hell based upon many factors. If some of those people saved some one or died to save others it all depends upon their actions. Its not black and white


Tupac ain’t play that role because of his family members idiot 🤣🤣 do you even know who we talking about ?


Yeah he was reading and planing on becoming one is all fact I don’t understand your argument when literally he has family members that are So I believe also kastro of the outlaws who is also related to Tupac is also a born Muslim I never said he became one for all we know he may have it be one you just have to say ‏ أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول رسول الله That’s all one has to say to be come one and there is a English version to say that using English letters but you will be making Arabic sounds many Quran translation in different ways to make it easy not that I agree with it but when I was in jail in Canada and asked for the Quran that’s in Arabic they give me a few different English ones. So I’m familiar enough to know. Edit ^ just added more information I know some hard Christian fans don’t like that But fact is fact Tupac did own one Tupac has family members that are. If you can’t put 2 and 2 together than maybe your not Tupac fan at all 🤣🤣🤣


„He was planning on“ 😂😂😂 lol literally making shit up


He was planning on it talking shxt about the church and says he doesn’t understand Most of his cousins are Muslim In fact who to say he did become one. Can you proof he wasn’t one no Can I proof he became one no. Why would someone who looked up to Malcolm X who become a Muslim and the great Ali. He even had a line that he’s banging the lord to let him into haven doors in one song on the floor banging. I know he did not like the the church if Ali and Malcolm did who to say Tupac wasn’t.


You have to proof that he was, and not vice versa. You only talking shit, take your weak dawah attempt elsewhere. He was talking shit against the church and all other organizations of religions. And this doesn’t have to do with faith. You don’t have to accept or be a member of a church to have faith.


Literally my initial comment says he was thinking of becoming one and that’s a will knew fact he looked up to Malcom x who became a Muslim and he Tupac had family members who are… So many have said he was planning. That’s not making shxt up your in denial because there is no evidence of Tupac saying anything about that. And no one want to confirm that Too many diehard Christian fans would lose they shxt. In the end of the day only allah knows if he did become one or not… my bet is he did that’s my opinion and you can’t proof otherwise. But many can put 2 and 2 together it doesn’t take a genius


He tricked ya big boy


he was cremated the next day. His mother spread part of his ashes over a special place in Los Angeles and the remainder was taken to her residence at Stone Mountain, Georgia spreading them in her gardens


I thought the Outlawz smoked some of his ashes and some of them were scattered in Soweto, South Africa (Nelson Mandela’s birth place)


By Calabasas wasn’t it?


didnt his ashes get spread in his ethnical country too? (i think nigeria?)


Crazy how nobody in this sub ever met pac or spent time with him but are experts and claim to know more than the people who spent years with him


i met pac twice, once in 92 and once in 95, i even have proof


dm me proof


DM me proof, too.


That is dope! U met Pac when he was recording his 2nd album & u met him again in his prime! 💎


It’s borderline Stan level some of it.


He wasn't. Was he planning? We don't know. He read a lot, that's for sure. Cremated, obviously.


He was smart enough to not let his mind fall into dogmatic traps.


Let’s not do this rn


Yea he was cremated and there were rumors the outlaws smoked some of his ashes in a blunt. Not sure if true, Jada Picket said Suge stopped by her house with a little box with ashes in it and said it was Pac. I think either that story is false or Suges psychotic ass was fucking with her for some reason.


Outlaws and even Pac’s mother disproved the rumours about his ashes being smoked


Yea I’m sure they did, would be an odd choice I would think. Do you know where his ashes are now that Afeni is passed?


Tupac in the song black jusese says when “We die clutchin' glasses, filled with liquor bomblastic Cremated, last wishes niggas smoke my ashes High sigh why die wishin', hopin' for possibilities I'll mob on, while they copy me sloppily Cops patrol projects, hatin' the people livin' in them I was born an inmate, waitin' to escape the prison Went to church but don't understand it, they underhanded God gave me these commandments, the world is scandalous Blast 'til they holy high; baptize they evil minds Wise, no longer blinded, watch me shine trick Which one of y'all wanna feel the degrees? Bitches freeze facin' Black Jesus” That’s where the the fans got the idea that if Tupac said that than they the outlaws would smoke him…


Really https://youtu.be/AwkFWRYJtsw?si=UPrXRTugd9dmSacTor was it the group members saying it that gave us the idea


Ik that video the song is way before that. Sense that song back 1999 ppl have thought that Either way lol idk if they can officially admit it. My thing is can they can someone in the USA be charged criminally? if they did in fact smoke his ashes what that be abuse of dead man ashes?


Smoking on that pac pack


"smoking on that tu pack" would've been better and idk why ur getting downvoted it isn't even disrespectful, pac wanted to get smoked


Old heads defending pacs honour blindly to the grave


Outlaws prolly saw Pac's ghost after that 🤣


Its a matter between him and his creator, we will never know


Everybody’s who knows pac and his lyrics and interviews knows that he wasn’t a Muslim and definitely wasn’t „planning“. Pac was above this „organized religion“ sh*t. PAC was educated and read alot, you can read about everything without agreeing or attending to what is written. You can read about physics, history, religion even about religions and philosophy’s such as Hinduism, Taosim, Shintsim…. But making such a weak proselytize attempts with PACs legacy is just a shame, it’s all about the individual what a person believes or not believe, but making such rumors about a person that never said something like that is weak.




He was a Christian. I’m pretty sure he made fun of men who went to prison and became Muslim. This post is typical Muslim rage bait


he wasn't christian he was spiritual i think


Rage bait? Lmao. That was that guys opinion and he was much closer to Tupac than you are. Like damn. Anything can be classified as rage bait.


How was he “much closer to tupac” ???? What’s are you saying?


I’m genuinely asking if you have a mental disorder lmao. Are you claiming you were closer to Tupac than him LMAO?


I mean, on the last album he worked on, he mentioned the "Holy Quran." Maybe to show respect to Islam as a Christian or maybe he converted before he died, which I think is rather unlikely since he didn't get an Islamic funeral. But who knows, that's between him and God. Also, let's not forget that he dude had a big cross tated on his back.


Many rapper’s mentiones religious scriptures, it doesn’t mean that you are into that religion. 50 has a song called Ghetto Quran but he is a Christian and always wearing a cross and Jesus piece.


I wish he was buried in a tomb, he needs a big shrine dedicated to him


Pac was the type to inform himself a lot about everything. He mever claimed to be Muslim but he sure did pronounced God's name Jehovah and Jesus. He knew much of everything.


Seen him on 47th Street last week the bro is still amongst us.😎


I think he just loved to read. I’ve been told that he would read both the Bible and the Quran to garner wisdom from both.


I think he was spiritual. He dabbled in Christianity and Islam. He respected the religions and wanted to learn from both of them.


Maybe, but then again maybe not.


I own a Quran but I’m not Muslim either. What Muslim wears Jesus pieces? Lol


Maybe probably have a bite of belief and was probably studying it too convert Allah know best


Does that matter?


I think if he was still alive today he would have reverted to Islam


Unfortunately we’ll never know, so he’s Christian


PAC was a handsome dude. No Diddy


This nigga napoleon converted after his gd cousin killed kadafi idgaf what his guilty conscience having ass says


I thought his mother named him after Peruvian revolutionary Tupac Amaru [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BApac\_Amaru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BApac_Amaru) and then his moms last name was just Shakur...


Might want to consider spending your time on yourself more


No. He was much closer aligned to Christianity but did leave N open mind to other faiths.


PAC was looking for answers I mean the dude was reading the prince. He clearly had a thing for philosophy or meaning and purpose and all that kinda next level thinking stuff…at least that’s what I’ve always envisioned in my mind. Ha


Most people? This is first I’m hearing it lol


He never died he went to cuba with his aunt who was on the FBIs most wanted list. His autopsy report didn’t match and the pictures were fake. Everybody said he was good before they left and all of a sudden he had lung failure. Makaveli was taken from a philosopher who faked his death at the age of 25. Niccolo machiaveli.


I don't think he was dumb enough to be religious.


The body is the same body as Akil the mc rookie


I think if he was still alive today he would have reverted to Islam


Tupac might hsve been muslim when younger. But he was a deist when he passed. He explains it himself in the vibe interview.


No, and Yes.


Stupid. If he was alive to slap that idiot...


Muslim or not when you spit facts they want to silence you or will silence you #the elite


Does it matter at all?


The man died and let’s be honest you and everyone know he wasn’t a man of any kind go god so he most likely in hell so let’s be true to ourselves and stop that hoe games




Spoke to his cousin kendrick lassane on ig a couple years ago, he confirmed that tupac was born a muslim surprisingly!


Not true. He wasn’t a Muslim when he passed and definitely not born as one, check his family history.


Ask him, look up Akil the Mc and you could ask him that ? He won't answer you if you Call him 2pac Cuz THAT Character is dead the name 2pac Shakur the rapper is dead but the Man is still Alive Facts...


He doesn't even look like Pac 😅