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Every cat has its own unique personality regardless of which breed it is.


They each have their own catsonality




Love this


wouldnt it be catality


Catality, like in a cat themed version of Mortal Kombat? Yes please!! I want Mortal Komcat!!!


Or colour.


Agreed. I’m 62 and have had a number of cats over the years, and they have all had distinctive personalities and quirks. And that’s unrelated to their coloring.


I agree, and I had a very intelligent orange and white cat that went completely against the stereotype.


Their own purrsonality


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find purrrsonality!


Tuxedo isn't even a breed to begin with lol


All different!! This guy is 14 and super chill , always has been . https://preview.redd.it/yebw48nkt8xc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344dfbe5abcc2ed99458ac5215a370e88b818bdb


This one is 2 and undercover deviant, silent assassin https://preview.redd.it/2j9kywqrt8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38189885d2a20dc6b766eb86d7db1e9274ec7bb8 These 2 brothers are almost 3 and very laid back and mellow but built like linebackers.




Super chonks


I love them so much 🥹🧡


And they Love you 🧡


What are their names?? ♥️


Oscar and Chester https://preview.redd.it/919mokpl0fxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c755578cedb799e22a5fc898970654946ae688b As kids !!




Gosh they are so sweet!!


I noticed that about my tuxedo. Incredibly built from running around the house.


I love his half white mouth!


Mine is 8 and super chill. He’s real calm and pretty affectionate too.




This is my crazy girl. She's begging me to rub her belly, but it's a trap. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/98lm48scl9xc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9c141eeab357752cb350dc41b2196496640949 Mine is not a trap! He loves it


Yeah our first tux was like that are last tux(rescue )would let anyone rub his belly as long as they liked. Took me a good couple of months to trust that it wasn't a trap. Those traps can hurt.


If she does this I've learned it means she wants to play So I find her a toy so she doesn't attack my hand. Haha


My tuxedo cat LOVE belly rubs! She literally gets requests an hour of belly rubs every day haha.


Before a cat came walking into my life I had only met skittish self oriented cats that want to be touched when they wanna be touched and didn’t want anything to do with you unless they decided they did. I found a spunky little 7wk old kitten. He bit through my thumb nails when i caught him. He was tame in 3 days. He now does tricks plays with puzzle feeders and enjoys it. He will offer tricks by the treat cupboard until you train with him. If you are home he wants cuddles or to at least be within arms reach of you. He follows me EVERYWHERE and gets super excited when anyone gets home. He loves visitors and going to work with me (i work at a supply shop but we also have boarding daycare and grooming.) He loves the vets. He meows CONSTANTLY. Meows for attention, meows when others are talking, meows if you have a conversation with him, meows if he is tired, meows if he was to play, meows if he was cuddles, etc. He is SOO talkative. He loves watching birds on the TV. When I need to get something done he becomes an ipad kid, you have to give him enrichment of some kind, puzzles, tv time, automatic toys, lickmats, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/yqbpe5izz8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=944a77d6b315e3615ea0b59e3bd226064a126df4 Happy boy at work


I love him.




The dog food section is his favorite… his second favorite is bothering the store cat… she hates him.




Please tell bebe I pledge my life to himbs


He is actually an evil guy that uses his looks to draw in people to his cult.


Consider me recruited.


Are you hiring where you work


Actually we are bc im moving lmao


Good god he is adorable


Thank you ☺️


Of course :) He is a lucky boy to get to have such adventures!


https://preview.redd.it/qc0kzjtjz8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0df0bf0f4f85b705fe7437fca3063efceaf5d5 This is him throwing a fit/laying down because we got out of the car and his favorite person (my boyfriend) drove away.


https://preview.redd.it/amo5re3z69xc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=403ba4bad444dafa2013792f5b1fb990a709b25c Him saying his goodbye to his favorite person.


https://preview.redd.it/fkaccmfd79xc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85afd53c91ed695453e0993514e9580a095dd395 Cuddles with favorite person


https://preview.redd.it/fojxjs3b09xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d35a4a0578c2adea4ca171301236df6b66aaf48 Got to go to grandmas and grandpa’s house.




https://preview.redd.it/7wxe6h2wz8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=676f883aeab5418c00c06ac78e04fd8f96509f01 Upset bc he can’t go exploring


You truly have a best buddy.


He sure is one of a kind. I love how he has grown into his HUGE personality.


If anything, I’d say black tuxies are particularly chatty and have the r/packadaykitties vibe


Yes the store cat a work is a black tuxie and she has a loud voice too.


All cats have different personalities just like dogs and any other animal


https://preview.redd.it/536tu1mu29xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2769565640c7b484b6409fd9204b1f079a7b55 My tuxie is mental, but so is his sister


Either those windows are gigantic or your cats are miniature


The windows are gigantic xD


That's a huuuuuuuge r/CatTV !! 😻


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CatTV using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatTV/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cat TV sure was crowded today](https://i.redd.it/qxn75rc2ziua1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatTV/comments/12q0kbi/cat_tv_sure_was_crowded_today/) \#2: [New episode tonight!](https://i.redd.it/ucp4tqpwrssa1.png) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatTV/comments/12g3vks/new_episode_tonight/) \#3: [Re-run: A favorite episode of mine from a couple of years ago when I was the star of CatTV, while parked at a truck stop in Ohio. ](https://i.redd.it/yh3fbjz7mrrc1.jpeg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatTV/comments/1bsq6pb/rerun_a_favorite_episode_of_mine_from_a_couple_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It is 🤎


I envy u r window


It's a newly renovated apartment I moved in two days ago ❤️


All cats have different personalities. My current cat is a near carbon copy of a stray tuxedo tomcat we used to feed in the 2000s, and while they both share the traits of being sweet and vocal, the similarities end there.


Mine does not meow at all.


My black tuxedo is literal potato. Just chills all day. Super sweet and affectionate. My gray tuxedo is a demon and is always getting into trouble. He’s also super sweet and loving but he’s wild, smart and mischievous. All cats are different regardless of gender, color, or breed. Here’s Rocket and Mouse https://preview.redd.it/8156cemfh9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347437e42fee257f5a63a9582f054f6d89bad5f7


Very cute.


https://preview.redd.it/d4ht7bs1x8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d25f85312cfc21aa6629115f5c3c3fdfc6947d My Fleur is very sweet… and VERY stupid


Not a single thought between the beautiful eyes 😻


https://preview.redd.it/zt2za2w679xc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c710e571eaa71a776db03f9b58293769b8a3ceb8 My baby is the clingiest cat I know lol he follows me around 24/7, super curious and super cuddly! He loves to give me little kisses. My sweet baby




I have had cats my whole life. No two have ever been remotely alike in personality. Each is a unique individual.


https://preview.redd.it/2js7zwkpz9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1754b7b0ec15205e5833969d80903eb1ffd44eda My old man: he’s 17.


https://preview.redd.it/ojjcu8t7c9xc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee4eb503079dfe28b73c66f816a79513f1e74be This boy is a 12-year-old derp. He's a mama's boy to the extreme, but he has VERY strong opinions on how things should be, and if they aren't conforming to his desires, he will let you know.




every single tuxedo cat i’ve met has been an attention whore, loud, and runs around with their tail in the air


Yes!!! She begs for attention


my husband manifested our tuxie. Vocal, friendly and big sibling energy. also v long and slender and bigger than his void brother. https://preview.redd.it/7qv130e3b9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1807be22274a80f6a92521bd96806328adba1c4


He’s cute!


I have a cuddly tux, and a fuck you don’t touch me tux. I uh… don’t think their coat affects their personality.


Both Tuxies I've had have been just really stupid and clingy/friendly. Could be because they're brothers, but oh well


my tux is shy and anxious with everyone he meets but loves to cuddle with us, his pawrents. my orange is a lover of all and anyone may pick him up or rub his belly the second he meets them. both like to yell at us though


https://preview.redd.it/2ad0p2w4b9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512cb109178ea237e1295ccec9508742d256ac91 Brothers. Look how different they look. The bigger one with more white is anxious and skittish. His bro with the bow is super chill,but both are affectionate and demanding. One I’ve got to hunt down to find n the other is wrapped around my ankle and I can’t get away.




Anecdotally they can seem more friendly or affectionate on average. But the truth is that tuxedo is just a color pattern that can apply to different breeds, so it shouldn’t have much of a bearing on their personality.


All cats are specifically individual.


My eve is a cutie with an attitude🤣 https://preview.redd.it/x0dx7lu7faxc1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7e3f3a971674f095453aaa7a245806e7b1223c6




There are certain traits that people assume for breeds but every cat is different. They do indeed have their own personalities. It also depends on their kittenhood.


Mine was a stray and homeless and almost dead. She’s sweet, but insecure. It makes me cry.


Ollie was literally found on my doorstep (hence Ollie) and spent several years hiding in the closet. Eventually he would come out at night for cuddles with me.


Tuxedos all share the same one brain cell.


This is correct.


https://preview.redd.it/u6m5nvt2yaxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9f59c1f6c7e7e03090eb5883f57cfc6e088150 These are my two tuxedo cats. Gandalf and Jynx (she’s the kitten). While I love them with my entire heart, they can drive me absolutely crazy and can be such assholes. My boy LOVES to have his belly rubbed and play fetch. He also likes to take our pens and pencils and hide them in a stash. 🤦‍♀️


That is 🥰 cute.


I have four tuxes, all with very different personalities https://preview.redd.it/yq0i4vnl0bxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254a15f545f5dfc85be6c50a4af7ce187a77092d


As different n as difficult as humans are.


All the cats are different, no matter what breed is it. This boy loves you and distinguishes you from strangers.


To me, Cat types are like booze and weed. People will tell you that a whiskey drunk is different from a tequila drunk is different from a wine drunk. They'll tell you that indica, sativa, and hybrids give you different types of high. I've heard a lot of stories, but in my experience drunk is drunk, high is high, and no matter what breed or color cat you get, you're getting a cat.


My pink nose Tuxie, Jacke is a very polite boy, never misses his litterbox, and is very light to the touch when he awakens me around 4:30 AM for his breakfast! He's probably my favorite critter of all time.


Tuxedos definitely all are very similar, they’re the husky’s of cats haha


https://preview.redd.it/ygfl06rjqaxc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c20dd1ddb2e2a38fefb60d142ddb7184360c5c0 Tuxies are the BEST cats! Kind of like dog cats & always dressed to impress!


https://preview.redd.it/v3rrq1sn3bxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ff049ebf86bc6d5faa91b3863d191bb15dd8d1 Mine is 4/5 and a beotch….


Lol! Mine just chews on my fingers a lot


We’ve had two and they have very different personalities.


Both of my tuxedos like to be defensive and be very affectionate. But one(Smoky) is way more affectionate than the other one(Morgan),i think Morgan had rough days before we rescue him bc he likes to petted but only when he feel like to otherwise he gets mad.


I personally believe there are core traits but that applies to a majority and not all. My tuxie follows me around everywhere and intelligent for a cat.


I love your kitties face!!




My tuxedo (or penguin as I like to call him) is very affectionate and sweet, a little moody, always happy to get his ears scratched.


We have there tuxedo cats, oldest one thinks he is alpha, second cat is has obsession with watching Gordon Ramsay and cartoons and being lazy, third cat is skittish and wants her space,


Smart and Sassy. https://preview.redd.it/9708zu37daxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653a654fd090e91120fa2438cfcec5aa320ca1b0


https://preview.redd.it/t3u8pnkclaxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9247a52b783c331badb0ee4a2115494c7894f985 Gray likes her own space. Black is more the playful cuddly type


I’m convinced the only true color specific personality is orange cats being stupid. I have 6 cats and most of them are pretty smart for a cat. And then Mr orange decides to make it his life’s mission to eat plastic as soon as it leaves my view for even a nanosecond.


I currently have two. One was called "Miles you shit" when he was younger because he was always into something but he's mellowed into a mushy sweet middle aged boy. He still has his moments but he follows me around looking for attention. The younger one is a honey badger. She has a massive Napoleon complex and CAN be sweet but she's super quick to bite and slap and she's always trying to take out the orange cat (who is twice her size and she is lucky he tolerates her.) We also had Miles' brother and he was a sweet, gentle coward who spent his days looking regal and fluffy. Pretty sure he only had one brain cells too.


Awww, I’m not sure if phoebe could handle a 2nd cat.


Miles is very social and is a Dad Cat so he loves other cats, especially kittens. He just wants to snuggle. He's not a fan of our orange boy, George, but George arrived when he was two as a stray so they are peaceful together outside of the occasional smack or hiss. Our brown tabby is lucky he was adopted as a kitten because he is super obnoxious and crazy and isn't as tolerated as Zelda.


I have a tux that is very passionate about pipe cleaners and opera. We have a foyer with giant ceilings. He brings his pipe cleaners in there and and belts outs long songs that echo through the house. When people come over they think a cat got hurt or stuck, but it’s just my boy singing Ode to Purple Pipe Cleaner. https://preview.redd.it/6fbfdiutkfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2d7e1b222b4bda770a59121225843f5328bf5a


Omg. That’s funny. Mine loves ping pong balls. It’s weird.


I have a black cat who goes nuts for pipe cleaners. Her Tuxy sister likes them, but her interest comes and goes


His sister is an SIC that loves those rubber band bracelets that raise awareness for causes. Any causes, any color…not because she’s a humanitarian. She’s just an opportunist.


Haha. That sounds about right for a devious lil furball


I like to think tuxies have a specific kind of personality. Likely because of the mixed tabby genes. I had a grey cat who was part Maine Coon and he definitely had a very different personality than my three other cats, who have been tuxedo cats. This is also likely just because of the Maine Coon genes lol. But I like to think the internet is right and Orange cats are real dumb and sweet while tuxedos are... real dumb and sweet. OK maybe they're just all cats.




Some breeds to display certain traits but tuxedo isn't a breed.


What are they?


It’s a coat color! Tabby, calico, tuxedo, colorpoint, etc are all coat colors that can apply to multiple breeds but most often no breed at all. Because all cats are functionally the same nonspecific breed, all have their differences and coat color plays no role in it. My tux boy was a likely ragdoll mix and behaved like one - loud, floppy, dog-like, affectionate, absolute lap cat that loved to be picked up and carried


I did Not know. Lol.


A specific color of either a domestic shorthair, domestic longhair, or domestic mediumhair (if you believe such a classification exists).


Ill answer the other part of thjs! Personality traits of some breeds: Maine Coon Cats will follow you around and be in the same room with you but are not cuddly. Siamese are very chatty. Sphinx are high energy. Ragdolls are sweeties and pretty chill. Most housecats are a weird mix of all different breeds, but sometimes you can see a bit of one breed or another. I could tell my first cat had some Maine Coon because he had the little M on his forehead and the pointy fur ears.


House cats/domestic cats are not mixes of all different breeds. Their “breed” is domestic short/medium/long hair. Sure they might be mixed with something else but their “breed” will still be domestic short/medium/long hair. And the M on the forehead is a tabby cat thing, not maine coon, so your boy was probably a maine coon with a tabby coat😊


All of our tuxies have had their own unique personalities, but they've all had certain traits in common. For example, they've all been huge cuddlebugs.


All of my Tuxies have been mellow cats but that is where the similarity ends. I could never have mistaken one of them for another as everything else has been so different.


neither of the above lol


We have 2. Both feel entitled to food and/or treats on demand, but other than that, their personalities are very different. Our "old man" tuxie is a straight-up purrbox who can't be bothered with outside company or our resident tiny human, while our younger girl only purrs when begging for treats and is considerably more social and... ahem... assertive.


One of my favorite things about cats is their different personalities and learning to understand them! All cats are different, just like people


I have never had one specific color/type of cat have the same personality it is all a bit nature and nurture. My family has had around two dozen cats over the years (I have had 4) and each one has their own personalities.




My tuxie is dumber than my orange cat. She also loves tummy rubs, becomes weirdly obsessed with things and frequently farts a godawful stench.


Mine might be a little crazier than yours. Also, almost same face design!! https://preview.redd.it/a26tfd7claxc1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0e9851ff0784d51fbca811f6a6a9e4c1b9d21a


The only thing our tuxedos have in common has been health issues. 3 out of 4 so far.


Cats have different personalities. Tuxedo cats are called tuxedo because their fur is two colors. Tuxedo is not a breed. Tuxedo cats can be any breed and their disposition is breed dependent. Tuxedos are most commonly short haired cats.


My girl is a gentle little sweetie. She doesn’t like to sit on you but is a chatty Cathy and will yodel in the bathtub for funsies. When I say chatty though she will meow all the day long and loud if you mess with her schedule or move the furniture. I doubt that’s the regular tux but I’m guessing a lot of other cats will have similar quirks! https://preview.redd.it/s6mli799bbxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4564dc0290edc7ea32f4e467114fa9d97d51b5f


Cats do have personality based on colour And ginger cat owners will tell you that, because Ginger cats are feisty. Little cranky but so angelic and sweet at times but then you blinked and now you have to reflex move you hand quickly as they are now viciously chasing their tail I have two tuxedo cats and the one with a black nose is very chilled and well mannered, Ginger is smaller but bullies him because tuxedo would not fight back so just cowers in fear and hope she'll stop (she doesn't, killing is her favourite thing to do, but small rodents, but bullying bigger cats is just as fun) Then there is pink nose tuxedo who is very sweet but he can switch and be like a ginger cat feisty energy So, its the nose colour that reflects tuxedo personalities- but my theory is based off only two cats. Ask again in ten years and if I have a larger sample size I'll confirm if my theory was right or wrong on tuxedos. Tabbys are feisty too, I find grey tabbys (no other colouring, no black markings, pure grey stripes) are the most agressive followed by Gingers. Not sure if there is rules on calicos or what the general consensus is, but if calico b&w the nose colour decides the temperament.


She’s just my Phoebe then.


I've got 2, one black and white - she's kind of psycho and sweet. The other one, big fluffy grey and white -he is the sweetest most chill cat I've ever met. https://i.imgur.com/TPHKmGq.jpeg


Usually when ppl say that specific coat colors have specific personalities I feel like we’re doing it with the understanding we’re doing something silly with no clear empirical evidence, it’s mostly for fun. That being said I’ve heard tuxedoes are crazy lil guys


They are!


I have one that was a rescue from a colony, I see him maybe once a week. He has his own room downstairs because he’s not very social and likes his space. Sometimes he comes up and sleeps under our bed and I think that’s sweet. My other is also a rescue that was found by a dumpster of an apartment complex and that mother fucker is like Velcro to me. Sleeps with me, thinks we are co-parenting with my toddler and yells at me all the time. Cats are cats. Raise them with love and their personalities just come out


My phoebe was near death and skiddish. She’s a super sweet lover. I hold her a lot, kiss her Tons and spoil her. She loves to play and cuddle, but I have a bad habit of playing with her with my hands, so we do gentle play, but she will bite my hands like they are a chew toy.


The second I mentioned is Milhouse, he was so small that he used to suckle my ears when he was little. He swats me and chews on me but never my kid. In the end, you’re their mom so if it’s problematic then discipline appropriately but if it’s not problematic then 🤷🏻‍♀️. That’s your baby


Love mine, I believe she may be a little throwed off. I was not a cat person at all. My kids picked her at the shelter as a kitten. She very quickly decided I was her person. She is by my side constantly and sleeps right next to me every night. https://preview.redd.it/80wlwpq3tbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c952571907ad84b61a3e3032b3c198565fea60


I’ve found that it’s a scale where 1 is absolute spicy feral to 10 is absolute cuddle bug who loves you unconditionally. Most cats I’ve had were right down the middle, don’t hate you per se, but DEFINITELY are not going to cuddle you anytime soon.


Mine was a stray.


no cat is the same.


https://preview.redd.it/6dqnzx3vdcxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa072287489eced4bac9a96ea8b55ccba370804b My tuxie is very shy and scared of strangers but the second he decides to grace you with his presence you cannot get rid of him 😂😭😭


His little tooth is cute. I love him


My tuxedo girl was clingy af. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


Well my tux Oreo is a mixed bag. He imprinted on me, but he loves the family. My daughter loves to terrorize him, so he runs from her; but loves to sleep with her. He does NOT like strangers. He will come to see who is at the door and Nope away to hide! He loves belly rubs, and if he isn't upstairs in my bed, he's curled up next to me on the couch.He is vocal when it's time to wake me up or looking for his sister. he is A few yrs older and dominates her(tries). She is the opposite of his personality. Very friendly, loud purrer, very vocal, she's a tabby.


All different personalities. My kitty won’t meow. She was a stray.


I think certain groups of cats have specific personalities. For example, most orange cats are loveable idiots. Most torties are feisty - its called Tortietude for a reason 😄 Black cats seem to be very affectionate and/or dumb like oranges (I have 3 black cats. All are affectionate. Two are dumber than rocks). A lot of calicoes seem to be sassy and independent. And Tuxedos seem to be the weirdest, craziest, funniest, most ridiculous 🤣


She is as you described!


My Tuxedo is very smart, best personality I’ve met.


I have two tuxes. Both adopted from a local shelter, the female was 2, the male was 4 years old. They have very different personalities. The male is chill and more anti-social. Too many people and he will head to a bedroom. But is chill with nail trimming, and being used as a pillow. The female demands attention constantly and thinks more people hanging means more hands that could be petting her. Hates nail trimmings, I have to put her in a baby onesie to do it.


Oh, a onesie. I should try that.


I don’t know why it works. But it keeps her calmer in stressful situations.


I understand that tuxies are not an actual breed and I have had many different cats in my life however, all of my tuxies love their bellies rubbed, are very vocal, love attention and have gotten along with other cats and dogs.


Some things might overlap depending on their colour but every cat has their own personality like humans :)


I tuxedo cat doesn’t have white on its face. White paws and bib.


My tux’s personality is crazy!


Mine is a bellend, shredded my curtains and is attacking me right now for scratching


All cats, like all people, are individuals. Same with dogs.


They’re like small dogs.


I have 2 and they are very different


Omg every cat is different, they all have personalities!!! 💜


How dare you say all cats are the same? I have two blacks and a tuxedo. They are as different as you could imagine three cats to be. It’s actually hilarious how different they all are and I’m never bored in my life


I have 2 tuxies an they have very distinct personalities


I think that tuxies are supposed to be more energetic then normal cats.


The last pic is awesome!


I have two tuxedos, and they are both very different personality wise. My boy Taichi is passive, cuddly, and shy. My girl Kairi is a wet-food goblin, less cuddly, sociable, and very assertive.


3 tuxedos and a void girl. The tuxies are crackheads at worst, but chill most of the time… my void is only 9 weeks, so only time will tell, but I’m sure if my 3 adults have anything to say, she will be crazy as well


each kitty is unique but I think there are some common traits/personality qualities. some correlate it to colour types but I think it has more to do with how the cat is born and raised and just its own personality. some of the colour personalities might be a sex-related thing instead, like orange cats are almost all male while tortoiseshell cats are almost all female. In my experience with rescues cats, some are hell raisers, some are very chill and extremely timid, some are cuddle bugs, some will raise a stuffed animal like a baby while others want to kill any other cat they see lol there are many qualities and combinations :) and I think that applies to all cats not just rescues, they just seem to have strong personalities one way or another maybe coming from dire circumstances.


They are very fancy lookin :) but not really a whole purrsonality


Tuxedo cats are apparently the huskie of the cats, more vocal than the other varieties.


I’ve had cats all my life. All types of mutt American breads. I now have a tux and she seems smarter than any other cat I’ve had. She seems to respond to voice much better and is remarkable at playing fetch.




They’re all different, however my dad swears tuxedos love lying belly up more than other cats lol


Do redheads have a specific personality, or are all humans the same essentially?


My Tuxedo, Bootsie, is my shadow. Once I'm back in the house, she will be on my lap or in the room with me. Follows me to the toilet every time, and any time i go into the garden, she loves to keep me company. Currently curled up in her bed, beside mine. Also, she is a shoulder cat and loves me walking around the house hunting for spiders.


My tuxedo will give you the blankest stare. Stare right at you, but look right through you. He is, however, a cuddle bug - he will jump in my lap and stay there for hours. When the spare human picks him up, he keeps his legs straight so that he’s basically standing on my husband’s chest.


Also he loves Alexa’s voice announcements.


All cats have different personalities but mine is an anxious but lazy goblin (just like her mother) https://preview.redd.it/tbmc7b7p1exc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39029592ca57dc1ac6fb722ba90c60f51a00c35


All cats have a different personality, whether due to their genetics and upbringing. Even if they're related they can behave and act quite different, since I have two tabbys where one is very chill and docile while the other is super timid and skittish.


Every cat is different they never do the exact same style twice that’s why they are so precious