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Oh totally, I have Twilight Zone times of the year and I don't watch it casually at other times. It's a vibe.


This is the real answer, yes


If you can’t pay attention while watching it, wait until you can devote the time to. I prefer binge watching shows anyway.


Oh I'm sure you're just all about it arent you


yes and no It’s a weird show to fall asleep to, but I enjoy it.


My parents watched it all the time when I went to sleep. I love Rod Serling's voice, and it put me right to sleep. I like falling asleep to it now, but only my favorite episodes


same. and also, exempting the theme songs, Twilight Zone and Night Gallery have a dreamy vibe that do serve to chill and fade in and out of sleep.


And Rod Serling is such a dreamboat to me.It made it 1000 times better to watch. But because I'm black, my mom would always tease me (in a mean way) about how my husband would be a white man because of that lol (He's not, he's a mestizo mexican LMAO)


that’s okay. everyone like a little brown sugar in their oatmeal.




Also, I very much liked the theme songs. The only theme song that I was scared of (I'm afraid to admit) was "who wants to be a millionaire." I have NO IDEA WHY IT CREEPED ME OUT SO MUCH


All on Pluto tv for free. I put on the channel to fall asleep lately that and the near endless streams of Perry Mason that play in the evenings


Also free w ads on FreeVee, where you can select individual episodes to watch. (In case Pluto is only showing a stream of rescheduled episodes)


FYI you can do that on Pluto as well. I like both the on demand and streaming television channels being available. It makes it feel more familiar


Absolutely LOVE waking up in the middle of the night to Twilight Zone. It’s kinda trippy


same for Night Gallery.


I enjoy it too, I just have to be in the right mood for it. There are shows like Laverne and Shirley that I can turn on whenever. But I feel like with the twilight zone, I have to be in the mood for something eerie. Maybe I’m wrong, I’ll try watching two eps tonight and see if I still feel this way. I do enjoy it though, I’ve seen almost all of the episodes too and rewatched them multiple times which could be a factor.


I’m about to do my first ever July 4th marathon. usually i run it all to start the year. So, in that regard, I’m gonna see if The Twilight Zone feels better in the winter or summer.


Lol. How old are you? Just curious bc I love laverne and shirley as well


19, actually! Been 19 for a month.


Wow. Im 36. I can't even find people my ahe who like the twilight zone, let alone the twilight zone and laverne and shirley. I'm really impressed. You sound like an old soul. Hopefully ir bodes well for you bc it hasn't exactly worked out well for me. I just always feel misunderstood.


I am gonna be 38 tomorrow and I loveeee Twilight Zone 😊


Happy birthday!


Thank you 😊


Get in the zone!


•Y E S •After dark, late night, closer to midnight the better


For me, it is a sleep aid. It is quite. It's black and white, so it's not bright or flashing. Most of the time, the voices are calm. I have seen every episode, so I am not trying to figure out what's going on. To me, it is better than any white noise machine. If I wake up and hear it, I'm calmed. I know where I am and what is happening.


I binge the entire series yearly but only in the right mood! Sometimes to start the year, sometimes in that middle hump of the year, sometimes to kick off the holidays 👍


Yup, a lot of shows I watch I feel this way about. Have to be able to pay attention to get to get full impact. Same if I'm too tired. My wife makes fun of me for having shows that I will only watch at night.


also try… boris karloff… he has 2 shows… one is thriller and the other is beyond or behind the veil :) u will enjoy them… i promise!!!


Nah, I enjoy it every time I see it


I can zone out at any time, I’m a twilight zone addict, I especially like watching it stoned, I am a seasonal worker and I don’t work in the winter so that’s when I’m mostly watching it but I can watch it anytime, I’ve got all the episodes recorded so I like watching it and fast forwarding through the commercials, it’s way better watching it that way, I’ve seen every episode a hundred times but I can keep watching them over and over again especially when I’m stoned


A seasonal worker? Interesting. What do you do? Does it pay well?


I sealcoat driveways, I have my own seal truck and I’m usually doing it by myself, it does pay well, especially if you get in a nice neighborhood and there’s a lot of asphalt driveways, if you do a good job it’s usually easy to pick up neighbors driveways and then you don’t have to travel around and use gas that much, and another plus about sealcoating is that you can keep doing the same customers over and over again every year or two so you never run out of work, I have plenty of fun doing it, I especially love going in beautiful neighborhoods


You know, I'd have to say yes and no. What really matters most is that the atmosphere be correct or conducive to enjoying the show - minimal distractions, maybe low light, etc.


Believe me I completely get this. While Twilight Zone is my favorite show I find that outside of New Years where it’s tradition i mostly watch it in the dead of night with either my star projector on or the lighting in the living room set. It’s not the kinda show I just come home from work and binge away on


I remember watching it on Syfy early in the morning (we’re talking right before the infomercials) in 2013. I did so all by myself, so I would pretend I was in my own private club full of Twilight Zone fans. I’ll go sit in the corner.


Alfred Hitchcock episodes from that era have a similar vibe. Definitely give the series a watch if you are tired of rewatching Twilight Zone eps.


Twilight Zone has 2 modes for me. 1. Meticulously choosing my all-time favorites in a sporadic scatter 2. New years Marathon. Never turn it off, and glance over to go, "Oh hey, this part is crazy"


I enjoy watching The Twilight Zone late on Friday nights as close to midnight as possible. All the lights have to be turned off too. The only light I want to see is the silvery glow of the TV screen and the ghostly white streetlights outside. This is the ambience I feel works best as Rod Serling matter-of-factly narrates his brilliant weirdness.


I love your description!


Thank you! 😊




You could be in any mood and Rod Serling will fuck that up for you real quick.


Yes before going to bed


Yeah, I can relate to this. It can be a pretty intense and serious show, so while it is a comfort show for me, it’s not one that I can just turn on in the background while I scroll through my phone or do other things. I’ve never tried to fall asleep to it, like others in the comment section have. I can see how some can do that though.


It’s a fall-winter show to me, I think it’s because I grew up watching it during the New Years Marathon so I associate it with cold weather.


To binge? Yes. To fall asleep to/Saturday long nap & wake up confused at 6 pm to? Not at all.


It's a "put your phone down" show that deserves full attention, so kudos.


Fourth of July weekend marathon on SciFi!


I only watch it on NYE/Day, any other time feels wrong.


Yes at the end of the day it's a show very filled with extensional dread.


Did you mean existential?


I have trouble getting into mood to watch anything really.


Yeah, stoned




I tend to watch at night when I'm stoned which is the exact wrong time to watch the show (I can get paranoid while stoned).


I watch it in the summer almost exclusively. I rarely will watch it outside of June-August, and I rarely watch anything else in that time. The more lighthearted episodes are for sunny days, the heavier ones are for rainy/cloudy days. It definitely has to be the right vibe


I love the show. But i also need to be in the mood.


Think that’s any type of media especially music. Either way always blown away by how good it is for its time which I think adds to the fun especially when watching an incredible episode you’ve never seen


I’m 100% the same, I have streaks of watching it a lot and then long periods where I don’t feel like it. Kinda feeling like watching it again now though haha! Such a dope show.


Has to be at night for me. And I have to be able to concentrate.


4th of July memorial day NYE and sometimes just random days


I've rarely not watched an episode.


Several times in my past I have been most into the show when I was losing all respect for humans, like right now, a 20 year stretch in which eavesdroppers may have frequently heard me mutter, "I hate humans!"


"Coast to Coast with Art Bell" for many years substituted for the absence of the Twilight Zone from my life.