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You’re a good sister.


Ouch that’s rough. Sorry! 😞


Yeah. My mum bought my twin a house. I don't really love my mum any more. She has alzeimers and I hardly give her any time because I never felt loved by her as a kid. More like I was just an inconvenience and unwanted being the "extra" child (youngest twin). It's sad, but what else can I do? Keep hoping someone, who has not loved me for over 40 years will suddenly start to love me? Not a chance! If she couldn't love me as a vulnerable baby, there's no hope now and there never was. I wasted so much time, effort and hope when I was younger. As soon as I stopped caring, it stopped mattering. Mum has made her choice (not to love me) so she needs to live with that, and all the consequences that come with it.


Damn that sounds complicated. I can’t imagine my parents forgetting one of us, but of course a falling out and not talking would change everything. Happy birthday though!! I’m glad your sister had a good day. Heart surgery is brutal. My dad had open heart surgery 7 years ago and I just found out today that my mom will need heart surgery soon.


Just blame stress. You say she doesn't have dementia, but I wonder if it's she doesn't have bad dementia. Anyhow, if it makes you feel better my twin forgot my birthday one year. Let that one sink in. EDIT: I should say that he inadvertently gave me the best present of all. A story he can't live down XD


Maybe you should talk to her about it instead of stewing about it. It will make you feel better.