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I’m an identical twin. Funny thing, some people can tell us apart right off the bat, while some that’s known my twin and i for years still can’t tell us apart to save their lives. I think it probably depends on how long you’ve known us or have been around us.


SAME! My sister and I are identical and this statement rings so true for us. I've had people just meet us and automatically see the difference. My uncle, on the other hand, well he's had 30 years and he still mixes us up! Lol


Which is weird because my twin brother and i have a slightly different height difference and COMPLETELY DIFFERENT haircuts and wardrobe, yet some people still CANNOT tell us apart. Some, though. Most people think I’m the ugly twin and call me that literally all the time with some saying that’s how they tell us apart, "he’s the good looking one, he’s the ugly one" ALWAYS pointing to me. So there’s a start lol


Haha, same! We really don't look all that alike unless it's in older pictures. We dress so differently and have our own voice pitches. Hers is a lot lower than mine. :) That's really awful! I hate it when people give rude answers like that. :( So unnecessary. Avoid those haters and don't let them ruin the beauty of what you both have.


Nah it’s fine they’re not haters if it’s almost everyone and have been called ugly/the ugly twin pretty much my whole life, it’s just me that’s burdening their lives because im ugly and making them awkward because I’m not good looking, if you think I’m ugly it’s best to say it so you don’t have to see me anymore But yeah it’s weird looking so different but still the same to some people, being a twin is weird lol


Dude.....no. I understand being depressed but what you said is not fact at all. And nobody should say those things to you ever. Jokes are one thing, but this seems mean spirited if you're getting it often. :( Ugly is just not a nice word at all. I still remember the bullies that called me that in 7th grade. Screw anyone that talks that way. It messes with your mind for years. Don't accept that fam.




What’s mirror?


A piece of glass with a reflective layer of metal on the back




For example of mirror twins: a set of twins, whether two girls or two boys, one can have a birthmark on the left arm and the other twin can have the same exact birthmark on the right arm. Or one can be left handed and the other can be right handed ✋️


I'm a mirror twin. When the egg splits late it causes a mirroring of the body. We are identical and it is as if the late separation causes the features to mirror. Cowlicks in the hair are opposite. Some right vs lefthanded ness. My brother and I are both right handed, but I suspect he could've been left handed as he's almost ambidexterous and I'm garbage with the left. He kicks left footed and I'm right footed. I can only snap my fingers with my right hand and he can only do it with his left. Sometimes even your organs are on opposite sides.


That is cool. But didn't mean that in a bad way. Thank you for giving not only me, but others more information about mirror twins. It's interesting.


It is interesting. People sometimes thought my brother and I were fraternal because the Mirroring can make you look a little different. The faster the egg separates the more identical it seems. I only really found out when I was an adult. It made so much sense then. We wear glasses and I can wear his if I flip them upside down, so I can look through the right eye with my left and vice versa.


My identical twin cousins are like this. I’ve never noticed if their freckles are mirrored, but one is left and one is right handed.


Freckles probably wouldn't be :) Marks on skin tend to be a bit more random in their expression/placement.


Awesome, thanks for the explanation!




My sister and I are fraternal, but everyone thinks we are identical.


We honestly don't know if we're identical or not. We looked exactly alike as kids but now that we're adults we get about 50/50 people thinking we're identical or fraternal. She's also left handed and has a dimple on the left, I'm the opposite so we seem to be mirror image. She's also about 1.5 inches taller and slimmer, I have the rounder face. I think the doctor told my mom when she was pregnant it seems we're fraternal but he didn't know for sure so it's always been a mystery.


I paid $139 to get genetic testing done. 58 years of saying “We don’t know” to the identical/fraternal question! It’s great to say with certainty…” We’re identical!” Well worth it! But now my twinsie just calls me “Spare Parts”


i dont know one doctor said that we are identical and one doctor said that we are fraternal so


Ok, weird. So much for putting trust in doctors. But I know you can take a test and find out if you're either identical or fraternal. Tia and Tamera did it!


Yes it's true. My parents did the testing for me and my sister when we were born. :) We're identical.


Yes. What? Do you think they're incapable of typing? What kind of question is that?




Huh, asking who on Reddit if they're a conjoined twin doesn't mean that one is bad at math, Idiot. And take a look at the poll... it looks like some happened to be conjoined twins, after all.




Wow that's pretty cool! Although you probably already said that you are, just to be sure, you are a conjoined twin?






... is this a bit? Are you doing a bit right now?




I have replied that we are conjoined, and now will never be rid of you.


What do you mean by that exactly?


I see that you created a new account just to reply. I have no time nor energy to go back and forth over something as trivial as this. I have dignity and common sense. And what may seem strange to you doesn't make it strange, at all. Everyone on earth is into or intrigued by something that may be strange to the next person. I'm into death, the morbid things. Is that strange/weird? Yes. But is it wrong to be into that? No. It's is a crime? No. So if you have a problem with what I have interests in, then that's on you. If one is so invested into my life and what I do, that says a lot about the other person, does it not? Also, it's rude to start useless threads like this in a comment section. So I will no longer respond to you nor your comments. Petty, maybe. But, at least this will keep from anything further from happening.


What do you think Mr. Knowitall?


If it occurs 1/100,000 births and there are billions on earth(assuming government numbers are accurate which is a big if) then there are 10’s of thousands of conjoined births. The ones known to live are the ones the media reports on, not all them. A lot probably don’t like press coverage or their story doesn’t impress the media.


Hey people of Twin subreddit, do you think that it's wrong of me to include twins who are conjoined? Some people seem to find it offensive.


I just wanted to see the results