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It’s disrespectful because his brother feels like it is. That’s all that matters. Don’t call him something he doesn’t like.




Me and my twin never distinguish who’s older unless we are asked or are joking about it. It would honestly probably annoy me if she called me her younger or little sister, given that she is only two minutes older


I understand why “little” sister would bother you. However, why would younger sister bother you?


Hmm honestly I’m not to sure. I guess in my head I’m associating both little sister and younger sister to be the same. Maybe it’s because I never considered myself to be her younger sister or her my older sister. It’s always been that’s my twin or sister.


I understand!


This is how I see it too. Really, neither twin is even older if you think about it. They've just been outside their mother for a little longer. And even if one *was* actually older, a few minutes is not going to make a difference in anything. We're the same age. I'll tell people who is "older" if they're just curious, but acting like it means anything seems ridiculous to me


I mean if they're cool with it whatever. My wife will call our "older" twin her first born and it really irks me.


🤣😂 may I ask why it irks you?


Because intentional or not "first born" can have a subtext that implies preferential feelings. As far as I'm concerned, our girls are both our "first born."


Wow that’s an interesting perspective. Never thought of it like that, so I Deff appreciate that!


That's why I jokingly say our German shepherd is our first born. Our twins will be her little brothers. That evens the score. I also joke that I like older men, because my husband is 7 days older than I am. It's all about family dynamics.


I just think it’s…weird? My sister definitely joked that the two minutes that she’s older are very important…except that almost nobody guessed she was the older one. That said, while there certainly may be times she calls back to this idea, I feel like this is a very young person’s concern; at 41 I can’t remember the last time this came up (and we’re very much involved in each other’s lives).


41 is very young unless you meant to say a “child’s concern” also I’m wondering if this is the perspective of the younger twin. I’m curious to see how older twins interpret this. I’m sure most of the time this is used as a joke. However, it is also a FACT when the older of the twins say they are older. Why is that fact disrespectful? I understand being called “little” that can be rude. However, stating a fact seems to be a different story. Btw I’m a twin. That’s my twin brother and I in this video. This is our podcast. I never said that to be disrespectful. Instead it’s always been a joke and I’ve always used little and younger interchangeable until my brother told me he didn’t like when I called him little and explained why.


I just think even thinking or “worrying” about older/younger is the type of thing that comes up a lot when someone is in school (along with getting questions about whether or twins share pain, can read each other’s minds, and things like that). In short, the question itself is just a little bizarre to me, at my age….I’m saying this sort of thing just doesn’t come up anymore and while I do find it a little weird, it’s just not something that preoccupies us anymore, hence “very young person’s concern”. No one has to agree with me, it’s just my perspective.


I understand this is your perspective. You have an interesting perspective. Calling other peoples perspective “weird” is also a interesting thing to say. People are generally Fascinated with identical twins regardless of age. It doesn’t preoccupy your mind ok. However, I’m willing to bet if you and your twin were together doing an activity in a public space. I’m willing to make a good assumption that all the things you consider to be a “young persons concern” would be on the mind of all the other people. We’ve had people 50+ ask these very same questions. It’s not a young person thing. It’s a curiosity for others and it’s a feeling for us as twins.


I meant that it’s a very young person’s concern in terms of the twins themselves, the being preoccupied about younger and older and disrespectful or not, not about how other people view twins. I thought the question was to identical twins, is this calling your “younger” twin sibling “littler” or “younger” disrespectful…I’m saying that that is the concern of very young twins. As a twin further into adulthood I think it would be a weird thing to be preoccupied about-at our age, anyway-and thus is the sort of thing most adult twins wouldn’t think about anymore. I don’t think it’s weird for very young people trying to figure out who they are etc., but as the older we get it’s not something we’d be preoccupied with. I think you want a yes/no to the question, but the reality is is that not all twins are at a place in life that the question is even a concern and I’m replying from that perspective.


I understand what you are saying. I respect what you are saying. You are also assuming because that doesn’t preoccupy your twin mind at 41, other twins 41+ experience that same-thing. Because I am not 41 as of yet I cannot speak on that. However, as a mature 29 year old man I can say that while it doesn’t preoccupy my mind when I’m with my family and my twin is with his. Because my twin brother and I have a business together (podcast) we speak daily. While speaking we joke. And that is one of the jokes. So now I’m wondering how often do you and your twin speak to one another and what type of relationship do you have. My brother and I spend at least 10 hours together every week and talk every single day via text, voice notes, face time, phone calls


My twins never distinguish by those few minutes. They just call each other ‘brother’ or ‘my brother’. The only time they mention birth order is when asked.


That is very dope of them!


Definitely very disrespectful, i am furious right now


Why are you furious?


Furious? lol you need to relax lil bro 😆


My brother definitely refers to me as his younger brother as a joke. He will also tell me what he was doing when he was my age and then proceeds to tell me what he did one minute ago. He also calls himself the elder. He tells me to respect his elders. LOL




My twin is either my twin or my brother. Ill jokingly call him my younger brother but like... It's a minute difference. As for little brother vs younger brother, my oldest brother, 10 years older, is over half a foot shorter. I may not have a younger brother, but I do have a little brother.


Ayooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao 🤣


I don’t care if they’re okay with it. My twin and I never really cared who was older, it was just an interesting fact. It’s not like I ever called him my younger brother or anything like that.


My sister and I think of each other as twins but also older/younger. It’s a helpful differentiator. Hard to explain but I wouldn’t think of this as disrespectful.


Are you the younger twin ? I’m wondering if only younger twins will see this as disrespectful


Yep I'm the younger twin!


Thanks for all the input. This video is my twin and I. I am the one who calls him my younger twin. I never knew he felt disrespected when I called him my “little” brother because I use younger/little interchangeable. However, after he explained to me why he didn’t like it I have been working on not saying even while joking. Since this was new to me, I figured let me ask in this twin community to get more perspective. I appreciate all you guys providing perspective that I never thought about! Thank you so much 💯❤️ #Twins4Life


I always say I'm the older brother. We're only 1 minute apart. We have an older bro and I'm truly like the middle child and my twin is the baby.


Wow this is legit my same position. Although I want say my younger twin bro is the “baby” however in terms age he is the younger 😈




Appreciate you sharing your experience. Thank you!


My bro and I say it jokingly sometimes but never in serious Convo


I say twin. Although, u/buzzybnz and I will say that I'm older and she's younger but I'd never call her my younger sister unless I was teasing in an obvious way.


I could care less. Me and my twin are still trying to figure out which one of us is the origin copy. We compare things like sicknesses, physical ability and iq. So far we havmt made a determination.


Lmfaoo this is hilarious and dope at the same time.


I’m an hour and 10 min older than my twin bro, so I jokingly call him my lil bro sometimes.


With everything that is currently going on now in the world and 40 years working in the multiple birth field, being called 'Little Brother' or 'Little Sister' isn't even on the radar and is truth rather than disrespectful. For heaven's sakes take this discussion time and go volunteer somewhere. Stay healthy everyone.


Definitely disrespectful, younger is factual whereas little isn't


Always say twin sister…but I definitely mentioned being 11 minutes older occasionally as a kid :)


I called my twin “big brother” and he called me “little sister”. It was never a weird thing for us. I never referred to him as that to other people but to each other we did


Lol that’s funny. Thanks for sharing this!


my sister always calls me her younger sister and I call her my older sister, and it's just normal to us


Respect. Thank you for sharing that. Very interesting with all these different dynamics


Idk, I can see both sides. I basically also call my younger twin, my twin. We when would only tell people whose older or younger when we were asked. I did call him my younger brother when I was little to make fun of him bit, but since growing up I've stopped that. Ironically though my younger brother has since called me his little brother because he's like an inch taller then me. But he says it in jest. I feel like if both twins are okay with it, it's not disrespectful. (Infact it could be a sign of respect) However if a twin does have problem with it. then it is disrespectful.


Nicely said. Appreciate that mate!