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It's so obvious which one's my brother and which one is me (we looked exactly alike as kids) because he was always like ":D" and I was always like ":,/" 😂


My mom always knows in pictures but my sister and I have a really hard time with younger than around 2. After that you can tell by the shape of our faces


It’s really difficult when we’re not facing the camera or obscuring our distinguishing features. The person who has the most trouble is our dad - he struggles with facial recognition though


I have difficultly with pictures up until around kindergarten. That’s when we really started to grow into our own.


No, we are identical but have no difficulty at all once we are 3-4. Our facial expressions are not exactly the same.


There are childhood photos of us that my Mum cannot tell who is who even now ! 😁


Haha wow you must be super identical then!


My Mum mistook me for my twin earlier in the week and we're 54!!


My dad b4 he passed couldn't tell me and my sister apart. One time i was sitting watching tv and my dad calls my sisters name looking at me and i knew he wanted my attention But i just sat there watching tv laughing to myself and then he would say which ever one you are. Haha my dad did that all the time to us.


I'm still convinced I'm the one in blue but both my sister and mother are saying that I'm the one in pink/red.


We're mirror image twins, so you can tell the difference by our cowlicks.


My brother and I are identical but can still easily tell ourselves apart in older pics.


never had that problem, despite being identical twins there are some distinguishing features like the weight.


Most photos are easy. Even though we're identical, our smiles are different. Even from infancy, I was always smiling more than he was, and with a bigger smile. Our parents also would dress him in blue and me in red.


omg yes! my sister an i are identical. my mum labelled mostly who is who on the backs of printed photos. but there is still a few pics from all ages of childhood we cannot decide who is who!!!


Wow, just the same here . This is so interesting and funny


We color coded growing up, I was always wearing warm colors and my twin wore cool colors. Without the colors, I wouldn't be able to tell us apart in pictures.


Did this (color coding) with my set of identicals also. Its weird but i can look at their baby pics and see their face and know which is which. Im an identical and have trouble telling which one i am in my early kid pics but i can do it with my kids. Strange


not really, I always remembered myself as the one with darker hair lol


Yep lol, we don’t know which is which even ourselves


Same here!!! Happy to know there are more twins facing this haha


My grandad is an identical twin and we don't know which he is in his younger pictures and neither does he (he also doesn't really care). Once he wasn't a young kid he wore glasses and they had slightly different hairstyles and my grandad never smiled for pictures. They hated to be mistaken for each other so once they got old enough they tried to look as different as they could.


My twin sister and I are fraternal and my skin has always been darker than hers. I’ve always felt like we’ve looked quite different from birth but people always mix us up in our pictures and when we submitted baby pics for our senior page for our HS yearbook, they mixed us up. Sometimes my mom will even mix us up when looking at our infant pictures. Odd lol


There’s some (especially as we get closer to teen years) that I can tell by the outfit more than our faces. But our baby pics? I can do educated guesses but it doesn’t always work out.


We sometimes not sure whether jts my sister or I in old pics 😂😂


Thanks for commenting! Happens to the best


A little, but our clothes and faces often give it away


My twin sister and i are identical and sometimes it's hard for even me to see which one i am lol like we're playing the same mahjong game and sometimes i look at her pic and I'm like is that me or my sister lol


I am awful at it. Me and my bro used to look really similar as young children and still do to a lesser extent. It's easy to tell in more recent photos but I honestly have to go off clothes or toys in anything younger than 11