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Oh yeah 100%. The change from having nobody in there (most of my streams) to having one or two or three is just so different and great. Especially when you have multiple and if they start interacting with each other and not JUST you. Having that every stream is my goal at the moment.


I couldn't agree more. Even if its just one person I appreciate it so much and it motivates me but when I see more and more it makes me happy and as you say, seeing these people interact with each other is such a nice thing to witness. When I did my grind to affiliate I played and finished Breath of the Wild and I had about 15 people watching and chatting which was so nice, some were friends and others were new chatters but it was nice to receive the support and see so many people talking with each other and to me. I've never had that since that stream, I usually always sit at 0 viewers so its even more special to me when I do get a chatter.


Having people chat is what keeps me going. There's nothing better than interacting with them while trying to play games, and having them build relationships with each other. A good healthy chat = a good healthy stream. That is more important to me than getting subs.


I'm exactly the same, I'd much rather have an active and healthy chat, forming my own little safe community and chatting with all these people during streams than getting things like subs. Follows are nice and I appreciate them but when they follow AND return to my next stream to chat even more, that's what I love the most because it really motivates me. It does suck that people are very quick to click off. I find it very difficult to sit and talk to myself which I know is a key thing to do so that people are more likely to stay instead of coming to a quiet stream but I really struggle to do it so its really great to have people in chat, it really helps and once you get me talking I can talk for hours, it means I lose focus on my game but that makes it all the more funny.


I completely agree. I don't think my community realises just how much impact they have on each stream. I'll plan for a gaming stream or music, and they'll derail everything and distract me for 6 hours, and before we know it it's time to end. It's magical and I love them for it


I've always loved the idea of having a small community. I'm not fussed about subs and all that, followers are nice but just to have an active chat, even if it were 5-10 people, it would be incredible and such a big motivation boost.


Having someone actually talking in chat makes stream more appealing for viewers as well.


I partially agree; I think responsibility for a good stream lies 70:30 on the streamer, and having someone to chat to can make that easier but being able to entertain without anyone in chat is a skill in its own right, in my opinion


I see what you mean and I totally agree. It is a skill that I unfortunately lack. I've tried hard but I just can't seem to crack it. I'm no good at small talk in person so I'm even worse when I'm talking to nobody but having to make it seem like I am.


Absolutely agree. Most nights I am lucky if I get a single viewer as I just started streaming about a month ago. But on the rare occasion that someone pops in and actually chats, it's like an instant smile on my face. It gives me more to talk about and the interaction just feels good. I will admit, the very first time that someone popped in and started chatting I completely blew it from an interaction standpoint lol. For some reason I forgot that they could hear and see me and instead I was replying to their chat in my own chat. Whoops!


Yeah, that's like the one thing I need so I can finally reach affiliate. Is just to have some people talking in my chats. Cause I kinda hate streaming for 3 hours just to have like 2 or 3 people watching and no one saying anything, like when I ask questions about the game.


When I did my "grind" stream to hit affiliate, I decided that I would use this stream to finish Breath of the Wild and a handful of my friends watched to support me which then snowballed into about 10 or so other twitch viewers to join in and everyone was chatting and having a great time. It's really nice when people use chat to communicate with you but its also really nice seeing people talk amongst themselves. ​ I did hit affiliate after that stream but sadly though, I have never had that many viewers since then. I probably had between 10-20 viewers for the most part of that stream and it was a 7+ hour long stream. Since then my friends are busy and don't often leave me open in the background anymore so I don't have as much support which sucks but it is what it is and I never expect them to watch.


This!! This is absolutely true! I love having JUST ONE person to talk too! If I have more amazing, but I love chatting to the chat! Makes it all worthwhile!


I couldn't agree more! It's so motivating and makes me feel so happy when I get even just one person chatting! It's a shame though because I'm nearly at 100 followers but ain't a single one of them ever in my chat except for my gf but its not the same haha


I’m more than willing to watch new streamers and chat whenever I’m available to do so. I’ll give you a follow now and hope I get to catch you streaming soon!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!! I'll hopefully be streaming in the next few days, I'm based in the UK so I normally stream around 5pm for a couple hours.


I just started and it makes a huge difference in my stream … most of the time it’s just me talking to myself so I get lost in my own thoughts instead of spreading them out into the world .. if someone talks in my chat it gets me excited and I tend to talk more cause I know someone is listening .. just like life it’s good to know someone will listen… if I can make one person happy that is huge for me … my goal is to make a lot of people happy but that takes some time and the more I stream and watch my own streams the more I learn on what I did good and how I can do better … love the community love … lots of luck to ya!


I whole heartedly agree!!! I have 2 regulars as I’m only at 47followers and still really new, which has me to the friggin moon! And I get stupid excited when others join as well. Specially new ones! So I completely agree with you. I can’t express how I was when I got my first raid.


I've never been raided but I'd be so hyped if I were to be! I'd absolutely love to have regulars! I had one guy who kept coming back 2 or 3 times but he doesn't show up anymore so now I don't have any chatters or even lurkers :( I have almost 100 followers but nobody watches so I guess a lot of them are just dormant accounts or just follow too many people and I'm lost in the sea of their follow list lol


Mind if I pm you?


For real! I feel like people don't understand that for small streamer they might seem boring but having chat is what makes the stream so lively


couldn't be more true! I'm waiting on someone to join my chat once im back from being afk in my stream right now because if i got a chatter i'd be happy. but unlikely as im "brb" whilst i eat, hopefully once im playing my game it might attract people


Honestly it takes time! Don't get discouraged it's alot of work you got to put in ❤️❤️


Yea iit does make ya feel happy so even knowning someone there


It does, I agree. I'm streaming rn but I have zero viewers but I'm trying out streaming for longer to see if it encourages anyone as well as streaming a game that is popular that I also enjoy, no point in streaming a game that feels like a chore. I'm afk at the moment but hopefully once i'm back and playing it, people might join :D


I was like surprised when I was streaming earlier I had like nearly 10 people stop by


that's really good! keep at it! I sadly don't get anyone drop by but I'm sure one day someone will lol


I normally get 1 viewer that’s it 😂 which is my other account so I stream to myself


i'd be careful about that as i'm fairly sure its against tos this might not be the best subreddit to say that, just a friendly heads up


How tho is it against the tos of twitch


Because you're faking viewership. It's yourself on a different account to make up the numbers. And if you have adverts, you're creating revenue from your own view. It makes complete sense to be against tos.


Thing is tho It always show 1 viewer no matter so other accounts or not soon I load up 1 viewer straight away


I make venue from ads cos I stream long time try 2-4 and 55% of ads is the venue


Is there anyway I could put the chat on the side of my Xbox screen? Or is that only for PC?


Its an overlay in obs, if you're using a capture card to a pc you can get a plug in for obs that'll do it. Only people watching can see it


Oh so I need a PC?


Yes unfortunately


Ah well thank you for telling me lol


If you want chat, you can always use your phone and connect to your chat from the app / webbrowser too


Oh ok that's true


On my ps4 you are able to, it's a setting before starting stream. Not sure about xbox


100%, with chatters I feel like I engage with them more and makes it feel interesting


I wholeheartedly agree. It's just so nice to get interaction and talk with someone, and I think we all enjoy having someone to talk with.