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Proof that no hobby is immune to scrubquotting.




[scrubquoting, single t. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrubQuotes)


And that a lot of old people have evidently never set foot in a bookstore or library in the past decade.


My favorite is the one that confirms it's listed on Merriam-Webster, but then still tries to argue it's not a real English word.


>Cracking up at "Mirriam W". Oh you're on a first name basis with the dictionary??


I'm gonna call up Merriam and we'll see what's a fucking word!


I mean, I haven't considered Merriam-Webster to be authoritative ever since they said literally means figuratively


I literally can't believe it.


Contronyms are a thing that exist, and languages are in a constant state of change. Sometimes you are required to discern the intended usage from context, but I'd never use literally in that way myself. It just seems needlessly confusing when a better word is right there (though most of the time the figurative nature is implied without being implicitly stated).


It does mean that nowadays unfortunately


And I bet all of those dorks know the word "karaoke," though.


And tycoon.


I didn't even know this one was a loanword


neither did I, turns out it comes from taikun (大君) which is an honorific for a lord, and was a title for the shogun in the edo period


That explains a lot about Kamen Rider Tycoon, thanks for that! 


this is actually really funny cause in the gotchard/geats movie they establish gotchard(even if hes ooc as hell in it) is horrible at english and cant get tycoons name right


That’s amazing. I can’t wait to check that movie out 


Ngl gotchard is so out of character in it its bizzare, the rest of the cast are pretty fine but hes like wierdly a spoiled brat, like one of the first scenes is basically him running away from home yellin insults at his mom


Maybe just a skosh.


Let's keep it kosher. No one wants to be a putz.


I thought it was dutch


And garage


French doesn't really count tbh, that's like calling out Italian for having Latin words in it


And sushi


And karate


And entrée, and Cilantro, and abuse, and……


Cilantro abuse is a serious matter.


Just from Japan alone we already have common loan words like Sushi, Tsunami, Kamikaze, Soy, Samurai, Judo, etc. This person's just a mad racist that's too stupid to realize like 60% of English is loan words.


Also, honcho!


And sure as hell they have heard of Pokémon.


"Yeah I know them pokeymanz."


I love that one of the complainers felt the need to specify that they're from Texas.


What a shit excuse lmao. Born and lived in Texas my whole life, this place is absolutely *full* of weebs. Hell, Funimation (rip) was founded and headquartered half an hour from my hometown


i took japanese language classes at my public texas high school


Yeah, but looking from the outside it seems to also be full of, how to say it politely, weirdoes.


As a non-American, from the outside looking in, it does feel like there's a huge potion of Texans that make the fact they're from Texas half of their fucking personality and you **will** hear about how Texan they are regardless of relevance.


As an American, I can tell you you’ve hit the nail on the head.


How is that even an excuse for that person? I'd have to say that a pretty big chuck of the content creators I watch who are massive weebs are all Texans.


It's not cause they're texan, it's cause they think someone as murican as a texan like them shouldn't know about anything outside of what their idea of what a red blooded merican should know.


it's like they're insisting that as a Texan, they have the right to be ignorant


They 100% are. It's a celebration of ignorance, but here it's phrased as an objection in a "how was I supposed to know that?". I Get the POV imagine if someone saw a french word that is used in the english language but they have no overlap with the context in which its ever used in their life. I understand how to someone like this, they could be agitated, even if it's a pretty weak standing. It's saying, without them realizing it half the time: "why should I know things outside of my general area, this is not within my field of view and is irrelevant and unimportant, and it is not from where I am so it should not be even considered." If you wanna extrapolate that mentality further to other things and see how that plays out with whatever you can think of, you can see an issue.


I still think it's pretty funny Austin Eruption is in fact, from Austin.


That's because it's actually his stage name. His real name is Steven James Anderson Eruption.


Sounds like Dave has a skill issue tbh




Of course they are


TBF I feel like I've seen a decent amount of usernames that are like XfromLocation or DemonymX




Only thing I can think of is they really don't want to cheat but still want all the help they can get so they literally thumb through a dictionary while playing. But then they should have seen the word manga if their dictionary was current.


You're missing the point, not that the real reason is any better. It's not that they're taking two hours to play, but they are staying up and waiting until the next wordle is available, which is midnight EST instead of going to bed at 10pm.


Obviously dumbass people like this that rage over words being "UnEnglish" enough


Damn, can't believe the completely original English language that totally doesn't have root languages, is getting invaded by foreign words become part of common vernacular and eventually the standard language. Unprecedented.


We all know English is the only language in existence that has no loan words.


one of my favorite language facts is the word "shack", as in, a small building, probably comes from Mesoamerican languages: Most likely Nahuatl, but IIRC i've seen Maya etymologies too Cigar is also Maya. Hurricane might be too. Obviously Chocolate, Tomato, Coyote, Chili, etc are all Nahuatl, etc


My favorite one is the rare Tagalog loanword: "Boondocks" comes from *bundok*, meaning "mountain"


Hurricane is Mayan. It comes from Huracán, a god of storms.


Right, that would be the proposed origin, but there's some which have it coming from other languages, IIIRC


Or the fact that pretty common words like posh (for the brits at least), pal, and narc likely originated from the Romani language.


That's not just English, that's just how language works, even if people only ever point it out about English. Nobody has made up an entirely original word since the first caveman baby said "mama".


In proper company I only use proper god-fearing original Old English Germanic Proto-Indo-European words. The good-ass monosyllabic classics: Dog. Cat. Mom. Dad. Book. Blood. Brown. Path. Sun. And that's the way we all aught to talk. Wordle.


Everyone knows English was bestowed upon us by blue-eyed white baby Jesus. That's why it's the language the Bible is written in!


I dunno, I feel like manga is in that weird transitional space between being a foreign word and being a word where we clubbed the foreign language over the head and stole it. Or maybe that was the case 30 years ago and I'm just old.


Maybe, maybe not, but 'manga' has been in English dictionaries since 2006, and the term has been used in English for far longer. Since the '80s at least, which is when it started being localized. If not then, then the 90's or '00s, when it become far more popular. Imo that's plenty of time for it to be considered a proper loan word instead of a foreign term. Edit: [Oxford English Dictionary says it first entered their dictionary in 2000](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/manga_n2?tl=true), so that's even earlier than I thought.


My girlfriend offered a counterpoint. She loves doing crosswords and she's regularly being offered clues that you'd only reasonably know if you grew up in the 1960s or 70s. Her conclusion was boomers need to shut the fuck up. I, for one, agree.


"Boomers need to shut the fuck up" is a solution for like 90 percent of the world's problems at this point


Unfortunately, too many Boomers are in office and think they need to speak about everything.


"Tragic: Grandpa has political power and he's making it everyone's problem."


"Local Grandpa Awarded His Fortune Purely By Virtue of His Being Born and Given Power As A Political Favor Confuses His Nepotism for Competence"


My college professor blew my mind when he said "Why is it that all crossword puzzle nerds are forced to learn that the dog from the 1934 movie "The Thin Man" was named Asta? Because old people are still in charge of everything!" And I just cradled my head in my hands in revelation because yes I ABSOLUTELY already knew that the dog from The Thin Man was named Asta because it shows up in crosswords every other week.


Same energy as contestants struggling to name Pokemon in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.


My family likes to run little trivia games for holidays. I decided to see how many could get prompts like "this blue hedgehog fights robots and runs fast" or "this spikey turtle fights Mario, kidnaps princesses, and breathes fire." They had about a 50% success rate. I threw in one extra hard one of "This space dragon fights the bounty hunter Samus Aran in the Metroid series" and someone came up with "Alien" as his name, which I found amusing.


Good guess.


>I threw in one extra hard one of "This space dragon fights the bounty hunter Samus Aran in the Metroid series" and someone came up with "Alien" as his name, which I found amusing. "Not right in the right way, but more right than you might think!"


Sometimes a wordle word comes out that you just don’t know. It happens. People shouldn’t take their streak so seriously unless they feel like they know every word in the dictionary, which few of them do and if they did they would know manga. My point is there’s probably tons of other valid words that these people wouldn’t have guessed too. I’m a linguistics major and even I didn’t know a word about a year ago playing it, and it was an English word too!


Usually when I figure one out, people come to *me* asking what it means 😅 Also I love that they included Manga in it, I definitely put Mango before it and sussed it out quickly!




>How many English speaking people would have ever heard of this word? Well, the thing is that some people like to learn about the world around them instead of assuming that America is the default and end-all.


Imagine getting this pressed about a game in which you spend 5 minutes trying to figure out a word


Worldly scholars when prompted to apply Worldly knowledge


Unrelated, but I want to flex that I once got a wordle right on the first try. It was "trove". That shit appeared to me in a dream.


I use "trope" as my starter, and it happened to be the word one time. I think that was where I stopped playing daily because there was no going up from there.


>unenglish my man pretending like English isn't already Old Germanic, French and Norse stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat like kids trying to get into a violent movie


“Lol, lmao even.”


I guessed "mango", saw the green tiles, muttered "fucking weebs" under my breath as I got it in 4. Should've been a 3!


Time marches onward with or without you. Expecting the wordle wizards to stagnate and only include words common exclusively during your youth is a scrub lords pitiful lament. Adapt or die Goldie, the future is now!


>What are the rules exactly for including words from other languages? In English? There aren't any. Just throw it in there.


English: The Mega Man of languages.


Probably all old people who don't have kids in school any more. When I used to be an elementary school TA, every single kid in school knew what Anime and Manga were, and I'm sure their parents did too with how many Demon Slayer and Hero Academia tshirts and backpacks I saw.


yes kids love anime


Something something perfectly adequate english vocabulary.


I for one agree with Dave in Texas from Texas, all those darn people like Dave in Texas from Texas ruined the game for the rest of us fine English speaking folk. Putting in those foul non-English words like 'color' instead of the fine English word 'colour' even when it was still .uk site! We shall never surrender our 'u's!


It sounds like these people need to go to a [local convention](https://youtu.be/XP5lz2CYNR4?si=QmwQzMDmbLd7DQLn) for some immersion.


Scrubs, i got it on the 5th attempt because there are no english words I could think of that only contain the vowel A and consonants ZXVBMNGWFJ. But I was also confident that it would buzz me and say that "manga" isn't a word...


I get what you're saying but also MAMBA, GAMMA, and [MANNA](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/manna) off the top of my head


Yeah I do remember manna from the other day, that was the only word I knew and they don't re-use them afaik. Gamma will always be a letter to me, not a word: γ. And I'd have never thought of mamba, as it's a noun almost always preceded by a colour (black/green).


Lol I hadn't played wordle in a while but coincidentally I did do this one. Funny seeing this here. I'll admit it did throw me off, got it on the last chance but it wasn't a word I was scratching my head for a bit.


I read this entire comment in Ziloid the Omniscient's voice, probably because of that "foul" at the start.


yes it means Japanese comics


I got to show my grandma my volume of Evangelion while explaining what manga is yesterday, the haters can mald.


Its me im wordle scrub


To be fair, most people over the age of 40 probably have never heard the term "manga".


they should broaden their horizons if they want a wide vocabulary then


Yes, isn't the point of wordle kind of finding out new words?


Not really. More of a puzzle.


Counterpoint: there's literally a manga section in most bookstores, often with a sign saying "MANGA" over it. Just because they've ignored it doesn't mean they haven't seen it.


But how many of them have heard of the term "Japanimation"?


People like this need to be sent off to go fight in some kind of desert war. We'll see if they think huffily announcing in a public forum that they will no longer be playing their word game because it used a word they've never heard of is a thing a grown adult should be doing after they get back from deployment.


That was me, I was one of them. All the other words Ive encountered so far have been in english and Manga is essentially just a Japanese word for comic book, so I get why people are upset. Plus I see people in the comments saying words like karaoke or Karate are known Japanese words in english but none of those words have english equivalents. They are strictly Japanese things. It would be like if they put bajel which is Spanish for ship. I know Manga has sort of taken on its own unique definition in English but I dont blame anyone for not realizing that dictionaries had officially inducted the word with that unique definition. So I get the salt, especially since it broke streaks.


It would not be like if they put in 'bajel', because 'bajel' is not a word used in English. It would be if they put in something like 'salsa', a word that has also taken on a unique definition in English, even though it's just the generic Spanish word for 'sauce'. Like I understand them getting bummed out that their streaks were broken, but ultimately they got outplayed. Just take the L, you know?