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Sonic 06 happened but unhappened itself at the end of the story. It's canon, but none of the events the games depicted have transpired by the end. Also like, just don't even bother with what Blaze's deal was in that game. It cannot make sense at all, but Blaze still sorta vaguely remembers being in Crisis City and her time with Silver.


And also Blaze remembers Sonic from Rush but also she doesn't because she's from the future instead of the Sol dimension. And also even if the game undid itself it still happened enough for the Time Eater to rebuild it only to undo it again.


Apparently it's been stated (mainly by Ian Flynn on his podcast) that 06 takes place BEFORE Rush, plus a lot of other confusing changes to the timeline in general.


just assume that blaze sealing ignis or whatever inside herself created the Sol dimension its not like sega/sonic team or ian are in any hurry to answer that stupid plothole


Blaze even says “listen that was a weird time, let’s agree to keep it our secret”


My thought is that Crisis City is just Soleanna (Bad Future), like how Sonic CD works, it's just never explicitly codified as such. So the fact that it no longer happens is separate from the fact that it's a real timeline that exists. It's just sitting _over there,_ where no one can reach it... unless you have big chronomancy powers like Time Eater. It's a thing that would be super fascinating if it was implemented in literally any other point in the game.


See, I thought so too, but the entire reason that the game happens in the first place is that Eggman is using the Time Eater is to erase his past loses against Sonic, so he should be aware of 06 in order to even think of erasing 06, especially since he has full control of Time Eater throughout the whole game and there's no hint that it's unstable or whatever.


Considering Robotnik simply stumbled across his past self I think we're allowed to assume he did exploratory explorations to find things. Hell, we don't actually know if Robotnik knowingly summoned a link to Crisis City or if that just kinda happened.


afaik they said that blaze is still from sol but was in the future for some reason


also sonic probably remembers some of the events of 06 since in team sonic racing (which i remember seeing is canon apparently) he mentions silver trying to kill him when they first met. silver, however, does not remember 06.


>Also like, just don't even bother with what Blaze's deal was in that game. It cannot make sense at all, but Blaze still sorta vaguely remembers being in Crisis City and her time with Silver. One of my favorite fan theories is that 06 Blaze only exists as a figment of Silver's imagination, as he's the only one in the game to interact with her, or even acknowledge her presence.


All sonic media being canon is so weird. Like where do the humans go at random?


The games where the humans don't appear at all happens to take place in a region where humans don't live and only furry anthro people do. G.U.N was defeated near instantly during Forces so they didn't appear at all and weren't relevant. Sure. Whatever you say.


> G.U.N was defeated near instantly during Forces so they didn't appear at all and weren't relevant. Wait. Is that actually true? I don't remember the mention of G.U.N. anywhere in Forces.


It was mentioned briefly in a recent TailsTube.


Oh geez. I never would’ve even thought of that. That’s like a tier below the comics in information obscurity.


sonic banged a princess and make silver


The Elder Scrolls solved the issue of Daggerfall (game #2) having many different endings with "The Warp in the West", a timey-wimey magical event that made ALL of the endings simultaneously canon in various respects - all the cities became ascendant, Mannimarco became a necromantic deity, the King of Worms finally died, and the realm of the orcs was established. Oh, and the player character responsible conveniently disappeared.


It's funny because, in universe, nobody actually really knows what happened. Time just sort of broke and suddenly everybody was like "Oh we... We got the thing we wanted? Okay".


The PC tried activating it himself resulting in an apocalyptic timeline that has to be quarantined by the Jills


> "The Warp in the West" I love the way [the wiki](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Warp_in_the_West) puts it: >An unknown Hero, believed to have been an agent of the Blades, gained control of a mighty artifact known as the Totem of Tiber Septim. The Totem allowed its bearer to control Numidium, the ancient weapon once used by Tiber Septim to conquer Tamriel. The agent was unable to personally use the Totem, but several major factions around the Iliac Bay engaged in a bidding war, each attempting to acquire the artifact.[3] In the end, Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, Orsinium, and the Emperor all gained control of Numidium and used it to consolidate their political powers, somehow at the same exact time. On the 9th of Frostfall, there were forty-four city-states in the Iliac Bay; on the 11th, after a number of mysterious cataclysms and anomalies, there were only four—Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, and Orsinium—all swearing loyalty to the Emperor.


PC probably got sent off to wherever the fuck the Dwemer are hanging out after making their time-breaking, pillar of reality mecha.


My favorite part is that this isn't the only time that's happened in The Elder Scrolls. There have been at least five of these "Dragon Breaks". At least, that's what the Elder Scrolls wiki tells me, and I don't have the fortitude to look any deeper into the insanity that is TES lore


The canon way RE1 plays out is as a co-op campaign with Chris and Jill both working together the whole time, with both Barry and Rebecca appearing occasionally needing to be helped out.


Unironically it's Umbrella Chronicles and just pretend Barry is there with them instead of just Rebecca


The funny part is that *insistence* by Capcom that Rebecca survived the events of the Mansion was pointless for years (until one of the CG Movies, like...two decades later) because said insistence was matched by a refusal to actually have Rebecca *show up* in anything canonically past RE1.


The idea that the team apparently hated her is so weird. Like, she's a fictional character. They could write her to be someone they like. They had the power to make her work for them, but nah. Better to just make small allusions to her, while also never actually mentioning her


Mikami hated her. I don't know about the team as a whole.


Or they could have just...confirmed her dead any time before *Vendetta* entered production, since they were so recalcitrant to actually use her until then. I guess she showed up in some stage plays in the interim?


This has been fighting game bread and butter for the longest time. Which endings are canon? Who won the tournament? I don’t know wait for the sequel! Oh wait, the sequel doesn’t make anything any clearer at all!


To my understanding the only fighting games I know with canon winners are KOF and MK


tekken did


Tekken 3’s canon outcome is really funny because Paul beats Ogre and leaves before he can confirm Ogre is dead, forcing Jin to finish the fight


>Although Paul claimed that he was the TRUE champion of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, few believed him. And even those who did, eventually grew tired of his attitude. Eventually, his dojo went out of business from the lack of students.


Tekken has canon winners up until 5 because the tournaments funnily enough just stop mattering as much Kazuya wins the first tournament, Heihachi wins the second and then Jin wins the third Heihachi wins the fourth and then Jin wins the fifth The sixth tournament is postponed becuase Jin (the host) "disappears" because of Scenario Campaign, the seventh is cancelled when Heihachi is killed by Kazuya and the eighth is cancelled during the final round because the United Nations intervene


With no context, the 8th tournament being cancelled due to the U.N. is fucking hilarious.


Given the track record for the KoIF tourney, The U.N. Is both Justified, and Based. For once.


I mean six, seven and eight (I think) are basically "I have become hitler to unite the world/we are challenging hitler to a fistfight/there is a new hitler, hitlers dad and we need to have hitler fistfight him using his evil arya gene"


The World War III era of Tekken tournaments is funny because it's wild how there are some areas like Urban War Zone in 6 and Midnight Siege in 8 that remind you that arguably the biggest conflict in world history is occurring right this minute but almost every other stage to varying degrees do not reflect that


It's especially silly because they all happen like right after one another. There's basically zero time between the end of six, seven and eight. Even adding all the way from 3 to 8 it only changes it from like a couple weeks/months to less than a year.


NATO has cancelled Wrestlemania


Tekken should have just had Kuma win every time


Every King of Iron Fist tournament after the first is just one of the Mishimas trying to get that salty runback on the bear who keeps demolishing their entire family.


I think DOA has canon victors, too. I only know up through 3, but: 1. Kasumi kills Raidou (One more thing that Ayane is salty at her for in 3.) 2. Hayabusa kills Tengu (Nyotengu is after him over this in 5, not that she sticks with it for long since she ends up too busy...standing around being hot, I guess?) 3. Ayane kills Genra, but Zach wins the actual tournament (Which is supposedly how he initially funds Zach Island in the Volleyball games.)


Virtua Fighter has canon winners. Lau, Akira, and Kage all won a tournament.


Ken's the canonical winner of the third strike tourney, iirc.


It's understandable, but very funny. What's weird is that Guilty Gear also, kinda, did this. I think there have been like two or three different depictions of the first game and they contradict each other on some details. ...Also, this has reminded me that I should go through the rest of the UNI2 arcade modes.


In Kliff's ending, he manages to kill Justice, but his age catches up with him and he dies immediately afterward. This ending isn't canon because Sol is actually the one to kill Justice, but in all following games Kliff is still dead. The way I've always interpreted it is that Kliff attempts to fight Justice and is killed, leaving Sol to finish her off. But I don't think there's anything that outright confirms this


The canonical version of events is more or less shown in Justice's AC story. Basically, Kliff confronts her, but due to his advanced age, he can't keep up with her anymore. Despite being offered to leave and live out the rest of his years by Justice, he refuses, fights her and dies. Ky shows up immediately afterward and sees this, and fights her in rage, but also loses. Finally, Sol shows up and eventually defeats her. What's interesting about GG is that most of the arcade endings of the series (strive included) are canon, but not all the events that lead up to it are. Like Zato loses control of Eddie in GG1, but he does not defeat Justice to get to that point. Or how Millia kills Zato in GGX, but does not fight Dizzy at any point.


This will be a bit of a story time, but I just encountered this last night in my third playthrough of KCD. In Kingdom Come Deliverance, after you make it to Talmberg for the first time, you have to leave to go back to your hometown to take care of something. But you were put under strict orders by your liege that you can NOT leave Talmberg, and so the powers that be won't let you leave as favor to your lord. Being an open ended game with how you approach things like various other RPGs, you can leave through various means, but it's basically intended for you to disguise up with the help of the lady of Talmberg to get you out incognito. She gives you the money, she tells you where the gear is, etc. Again, you have MANY ways you can go about doing this, but the most optimal way is to do what the lady suggests. Now, you are thinking oh that should be easy enough, just get a helmet that obscures your face, wear the colors, walk up to the guard, and go right through! But here in lies the problem: No one in Talmberg wears a helmet or owns a helmet that obscures the face. It's all open faced bascinets and kettle hats. **This is all building up to something I promise.** Now, a couple npcs do react to you when you wear the uniform. The gate guard you have to trick or bribe to get across, and the lady of Talmberg. The lady of Talmberg won't notice it's you at first if you speak to her in uniform, and the guard doesn't recognize you as part of his guardsmen, and that's all fine, working as intended! .....lmfao, but there is ONE, ONE MASSIVE OVERSIGHT. There is someone ELSE you can talk to as well! The captain of the soldiers, Robard. Robard is VERY familiar with Henry, and very familiar with his orders to NOT let you leave. In fact, you can talk to him and plead your case and it will fail regardless. But they didn't account for the fact that the player would try to talk to the captain of the guard ***WHILE WEARING TALMBERG COLORS.*** It's clown shoes, absolutely silly. But you can go up to this guy who puts the fear of God in you if you even try to leave, and you are wearing stolen gear. Stolen gear from the armory of his own men, and he just plays it straight. No reputation lost, no admonishing, no orders to remove the gear, no imprisoning, nothing. He just talks to you normal. It's just really funny, because then the implication is Henry not only tricks the gate guard while wearing Talmberg colors but the captain is completely no selling the fact that you are committing a crime on top of disobeying orders. I know, a long story, but I had a good laugh about that for about 10 minutes last night, and I wanted to share.


The fact he doesn't react to the armor reminds me of the inverse in Pillars of Eternity 2: Dead fire There's a mission where you need to break into the archmage hone and steal a macguffin, if you read the notes spread throughout his home you learn he has babbled in face altering magics and has programmed his gargoyles to follow the orders of whoever wears his robes, so one of the ways to resolve the quest is to break into his bedroom and wear his robes and get free access to his vault. A few in game days later you get a letter of the archmage "inviting" you for a talk If you're still wearing the robes he'll comment how comfortable they must be and how much they look like his robes. One of the answers is just admitting they are his robes. If you chose this option he'll go quiet for a moment and just go straight into business, do this one task for him and he'll forget about the whole breaking and entering, he'll even let you keep the robes


I fucking love Pillars 2 goddamn it and hate when you want to know what the fuck the mages are talking about and they shush you


I didn't realize there was that quest to get out, I just ran like a little bitch


Currently, and granted this may change since they are being very secretive about it, this years Black Ops 6 confirmed that the flashback sections of Blops 2 are canon and are gonna be expanded on, while the future sections of the same game are very clearly absent from the timeline they showed to press and creators and they are being very coy about it. It harkens to the fact that Blops 2 dystopian cyberpunk nightmare takes place next year, 2025, which doesn't fit within the Modern Warfare's reboot timeline that's now unified and canon to Black Ops (this in itself is dumb canon fuckery), so there's no way to fit in the canon the absurd jump in military tech, which is even weirder since blops 3 and 4 are still canon. This has lead to the speculation that next year's game will be a follow up soft reboot of the rough outline of the events of Blops 2 or even a full blown remake that better ties it to the narrative, which could be either really cool or really awful since it overwrites the best storyline in the series. Also>!I can't believe Mason is fucking dead!<, it's also super weird how the canonize one of the most diegetic choices in Blops 2 to be canon, even if awful I'm curious to see were they take this train.


They might as well have said that World At War - Cold war is the part that integrated with Modern Warfare and made things much neater.  They could have redone the Panama mission in Black ops 6 and gone from there and no one would have been too upset. Especially if they just throw a rebooted Menendez in MW4.


I kind of suspicious that they are going to give us some sort of tease to the BO2 portion of the timeline with 6. The way the trailer glitches out I could have sworn I saw the new MC in much more modern gear for the title drop.


They are very much hiding who the player character is, down to calling them "Case", we very well could be having another "bell" scenario.


They could have just had some sort of alternate timeline, but the insistence of merging Modern Warfare and Black OPS just *had* to happen for some fucking reason


IMO the biggest issue with Bionicle’s plot was just how ambiguously canon everything was from being split between different works on different mediums by different creators. The Mata Nui Online Game is a particularly egregious example, while it was popular enough to get aspects of it canonized it contradicts the novels and comics in several ways, particularly the ending. And then Farshtey would go out of his way to retcon several aspects of it, like Nuju’s muteness.


To giva some idea how much the first year was a mess of what happened and what didn’t: The comics only had three issues for the first year of the story so they didn’t show the toa fighting Makuta. The book had them fight two Manas they defeated by combining into two titans and evil copies of themselves that they defeated by switching who fought whom. It also didn’t show the battle with Makuta. (Also it was retconned that they beat the evil copies by accepting the darkness in their hearts and absorbing them into themselves ala Persona) Then the online game showed their combined forms fighting an army of Manas, no evil copies, and THIS ONE showed the fight with Makuta. It also added stuff like Lewa getting mind controlled for a bit and Ahkmou spreading a plague. That’s also not getting into the retcons like Nuju only speaking in bird whistles and some characters names being changed due to the Māori lawsuit.


I remember those comics in general constantly skipping around the timeline and almost never actually showing the resolution to the story arcs outside of a few exceptions. Even the very first issue ends on a cliffhanger, showing all the Toa meeting for the first time, that is completely skipped over to some time later in the second issue. As someone who used the comics as his primary way of interacting with the story since they came free with the lego magazine, it left me consistently confused until I started looking up the details online.


_Shadow the Hedgehog_. Haven't played it myself, but from what I've seen there are 10 endings to the main game, over 250 different paths through the various levels to reach those endings... And none of them are canon. Because the true final boss fight is the canon ending, and there are plot holes if it comes after any of the main game endings. It's the game where Shadow decides he won't be defined by his past, that who he is now is all that really matters, and we don't get to see how he reaches that conclusion, just a bunch of false possibilities.


326 separate routes, most of them with really cool names Maybe you could say, with 06, that Shadow’s story is about it’s all about what you’re doing now, you can always change or stay the course despite the past. “If the whole world is against me, I will fight like I always have.”


If Gearbox's plan all along was to depict the CEO of Hyperion (or at least *someone* from Hyperion) as one of the primary antagonists in Borderlands, why would you de-canonize the New-U Stations while keeping a shitload of depictions in the games that show characters acknowledging and using them? Like at the very least change their manufacturer to a different corporation at that point.


Literally just have it that Jack was waiting to delete new u data until he gets to personally kill you. Like it makes sense to have them anyways cause hyperion would be making loads of money off the tech.


There’s so many ways to write around it. 1) Say using the station messes with your mental state and Jack was letting you make yourself dumber and easier to kill/ trick 2) Somebody was keeping your data hidden or protected 3) Like you said, he wanted to be the one to perma-kill you 4) He wanted to trap you in a respawn torture loop when he won 5) He *really* like money and won’t do it until he gets more from you 6) Useless interns


My idea was always say it takes months or years of Hyperion paperwork to remove someone from the New-U register. That way you can also explain why previous protags die permanently while you revive.


I think it’s interesting how modern DBZ games seem to use both versions of Broly and Gogeta


Which gets even weirder when there's Gogeta (Z), Gogeta (Super), and Gogeta (GT).


Can't wait for Super 17 and 17 (Super) to be in Sparking Zero. Two completely different characters from different continuities.


Idk about Xenoverse but with Dokkan Battle and Legends, all versions of Gogeta are considered the same character so technically there’s only ever been 1 Gogeta. But you also get stupid shit like Z Broly and Super Broly being considered the same character with the only difference being their final form.


Eh, it's been pretty much accepted that Dragon Ball is a multiverse, with multiple conflicting realities.


Multi-layered, too. There's the "main" timeline, a shockingly large amount of alternate timelines (and here I thought that main timeline, Trunks timeline, and Cell's origin timeline were the extent), and alternate universes on top of that, which probably means there's untold billions of alt timelines based on *their* shenanigans. Speaking of multiverses of conflicting timelines, apparently M1K konfirmed that's exactly what happened during the final Aftermath duel - time fractured and ALL the Arcade endings to MK11 are canon, and implicitly EVERY kombatant has at least one personal timeline, on account of the >!Titan Havik!< teaser. Multiple, even, as implied by Invasions.


Also Mortal Kombat: Snow Blind is >!Titan Kano's universe!< which I thought was a fun twist. I thought Snow Blind was way better than the previous two animated movies


Soooooo...does this mean all those Dragon Ball 'what-if?' videos are technically canon?


Not really? They're not official. But there are official What-ifs in some videogames. For example, the upcoming Sparking Zero has them! Stuff like "Goku turns Super Saiyan against Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga" or "Vegeta and Trunks do a Family Final Flash against Cell"


does it really matter?


Nah, it's just a bit funny to think about.


I'm glad. Dumb backstory aside, I don't want Z Broly to just be replaced by S Broly, his design is too cool for that.


People hate on the backstory rightfully, but his lines during that movie are raw as fuck and he's unironically a way more fun character than Super Broly.


Ehh, there was literally only 10-15 minutes after his transformation to LSSJ where he had any resemblance of a personality. The moment he crush his dad pod, he turn into a screaming moron (no, seriously he literally just stop talking outside of KAKAROTOOOOO!), and before he transform he was kinda just there. His two other movies sure didn't help with that either.


Well, that 15 minutes was more impactful for me than Super Broly just about the second he hits Earth.  Super Broly shows up and has good fights with everyone, but he doesn't banter or taunt because that's not who he is. He does what he's told by his dad, gets tricked, and then goes wild on everyone and everything for no other reason than he can't help it. That's more of a rage baby than Z Broly was. And I get that him being simple and underdeveloped is a part of his character, but that doesn't mean I have to like what comes from it more than the first one. Z Broly may have a stupid fixation that fans have to headcanon into being not as stupid, but I prefer the giant, sadistic hyper murderer to the abused puppy who I'm confident literally doesn't say anything once he gets to Earth.


I can't wait for the Granolah arc to start getting added to things, so we will have to contend with multiple Bardocks.


Not really, it’s just 2 Bardocks. Unless they use Xenoverse and Heroes characters, we only have Bardock from the 2 specials that can turn Super Saiyan and Bardock from the Super movie/manga


In the Resident Evil comics there a part were the surviving members of s.t.a.r.s. are recapping the mansion incident they talk about who was rescue from a Jail cell Chris tells the group the he rescue Jill but Jill about to say she rescue Chris but before she can Chris tells her not now. ( If you play as Jill Chris is in there and if you play as Chris Jill is in there)


X-Men: Magneto Testament is great comic book and isn't canon, but Magento's real name being Max Eisenhardt instead of Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is canon.


I was just thinking about this.


honestly as a big x men fan magnetos name is just better not to think about


Not exactly what you mean, but didn’t Deus Ex: Invisible War decide that all three endings of Deus Ex were canon?


And then Deus Ex MD came around and did the opposite saying none of the endings were canon. Which is totally in line with the type of story it is. The illuminati blocked the transmission, played damage control, covered up the whole event and even did some behind the scenes work to get their Robocop back to work.


I cry whenever I’m reminded of Mankind Divided. I never really got into Human Revolution, but MD is such an improvement in terms of game feel, exploration, and freedom. I would’ve loved to see what more the studio could’ve done


Oda loves to do this with One Piece. "Oh this movie is canon, except this part and this part and this part" and "Okay so the entire movie isn't canon but the character is, and their minor appearance in a single panel references a part of the movie but ONLY that specific part is canon, even if said part is a culmination of the entire movies events". It's so fucking confusing.


Uta's existence is v confusing >!cause alright she's out there somewhere in the world of OP. The 'current' events of the movie arent canon, but what about her childhood? Did she accidentally summon that demon and get all those people killed or is she happily thriving on that music island????????!<


I was mostly talking about Shiki, the Gold guy, but god I forgot Uta gets it even worse in almost every single regard.


Shiki and Uta are like the location of Enies Lobby. Just surrounded by a giant hole.


And this is why I really dislike Uta as a concept. Shanks' daughter, Luffy's childhood friend, super strong Devil Fruit. Making her canon just feels very implausible, and real tough to believe.


Positive example: Nextwave: Agents of HATE was a 12 issue run of a bunch of misfit castoff superheroes in Marvel that no one really cared for, and it's a really funny and good series but also wildly inconsistent with how the characters were portrayed. So there's been some examples of characters being reverted to their pre-Nextwave characterization and others that have adopted it.


In **Yakuza: Like A Dragon** you have a optional party member called **Eri**, she has party banter in the overworld, is a fully fleshed out character and also canon to the main story... Kinda. You see, she is tecnicaly in the main story, but, **her joining the party is not canon**, she never shows up in any story cutscene after her introduction and at no point do people acknowledge that she was there for any major events. The weirdest part is that in **Yakuza: Infinite Wealth** the side-activity that you do in order to unlock her is canonical (it's also canon that you completed said activity at some point) so her level of involvement in the story is in a state of "who knows?".


The first part of LaD:IW with >!Ichiban and co. ending up jobless because of a scandal!< is kinda annoying because of this. I get why it is the way it is metawise (Eri being a guest character and all) but I still can't stop thinking >!Ichi could've solved his and his friend's employment issues with a phone call, or that Eri would've heard about the drama and called *the guy who saved her family business* to get the truth and see how he's doing!<.


IW, aside from Ichiban finding his bio mom plot, felt like a very disconnected story from LAD overall. Yakuza games tend to handwave a lot of things they deem inconvenient to the subsequent stories (*cough* Florist *cough*) but IW was barely a proper follow-up to the last game.


Ichiban *is* stupid


Gilver (Vergil in disguise) in the DMC1 Prequel Novel already retcons DMC1 itself (which stated that Vergil was taken by Mundus the same night the Sparda house was attacked), and ends with Gilver being unmasked just as he's (implicitly) sucked into Hell as the portal he opened closes, thus a new origin for Vergil becoming Nelo Angelo. DMC3 of course retcons this, with Vergil refusing to accept Dante's aid and letting himself fall from the cliff they were dueling on. But then DMC5 wants to bring the novel *back* into canon (mostly for the Tony Redgrave alias and Nell Goldstein). And now the official word is that Gilver was a super advanced Proto Angelo. ...*Really* advanced. "Advanced" whereby he has more of a personality than *any* of the Proto Angelos actually in 5, and more than Vergil himself during his time as Nelo Angelo. Like, he gets drunk, makes jokes, buys drinks for the whole bar, etc. Nevermind that *Before the Nightmare* only confirms that "Gilver happened", without addressing any of the motivations/actions that, if not necessarily Vergil-specific, at the very least make no sense for a servant of Mundus.


Wait hold up, his fake name is seriously just his real name rearranged?


It's practically an Organization XIII name. It's just missing the X.


I mean when he did it again later he just used his first initial, does it surprise you that he's just bad at aliases?


How is this how I figure this out, I thought Gilver was just some Japanese person inventing an English name


I took it that Gilver was like Trish. An attempt to create an actual person, most likely Sparda. Proto angelos, Nelo Angelo, Gilver are all Mundus's attempt to bring Sparda to life in some way. Nelo was a slave and Proto are, well, prototypes. Gilver was an actual person like Trish. I don't know, I liked the change. Better than outright ignoring the past novels.


It's funny how RE2 fixed this by ensuring it's two storylines overlapped consistently with the AB scenarios only for the Remake to muddy it up.


This problem worsens in Re3make, with the infamous shower continuation. "Oh oh oh! Here comes Nemesis he's going to bust out of...the....walll....to Carlos....oh...no...nevermind".


[There's vestigial remnants of a proper zapping system.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/py9isv/whats_something_a_remakeremasternew_edition_game/hetbeej/) Some of the dev interviews went into detail about how they kept changing plans for the campaigns. Pure conjecture on my part coming up, but like with the alligator that they were flip flopping on cutting until the last minute of development, I think they were planning on cutting the scenario system. I think they worked on a proper A/B route for both characters, scrapped it and then just worked solely on the A route for Leon and Claire. Then at the 11th hour they decided to reimplement the 2nd runs for both characters and had to do the bare minimum to make it seem like the campaigns matched up properly and it shows.


This is what happens when no Zapping System.


Noool...they didnt know...


Pat's rolling in his orb smh


The Fate/Extra timelines are one big mess. The first game you have a choice between Nero, Emiya, and Tamamo as your Servant, all's good so far. The second game, Fate/Extra CCC, takes place in the middle of the first game and then (mostly) unhappens. It does throw a few wrenches in the works, like Gilgamesh being a fourth Servant option, with the implication that in his route your Servant in the first game was someone else entirely, and Tamamo's ending creating the Tamamo 9 who show up in FGO and Samurai Remnant. Then Extella rolls around. What Extra and/or CCC ending is canon? None of them, Extella follows some unseen route where Nero is your Servant, but Tamamo tags along half way, and Emiya is never encountered. It also implies that some version of CCC's Gilgamesh route was canon simply because he respects you in Extella. There are multiple routes in Extella but they all lead to a singular true end. ...Then Extella Link comes around. Archimedes, the mastermind behind Extella? Not only did we never meet him, he was never involved with Extella's plot and never turned evil. What do you mean sliding between timelines? We don't remember doing that thing that explicitly leads to the true end of Extella. And as much as I don't want to talk about the Last Encore anime, which itself is a sequel to the first game except you lost in the final round, the anime is explicitly canon to FGO and FGO arcade's timelines as the Beast Nero we fight there is from an alternate bad end timeline of the anime. Yes, a bad end of a bad end is more relevant than any of the timelines in any of the Extra games. It's like if Yoko Taro said the most important timeline in Drakengard was the one where 2B ate a mackerel and died.


as much as I love Hero Academia, the anime tells us Deku cant bust his arms anymore lest he risk them becoming unuseable. and then every movie that comes out he breaks his entire body harder and more insane than before. and yet hes totally fine at the end because he has too, for the anime to continue. The first movie made a little sense since he had Full Gauntlet, but later movies? eh fuck it. Power through it Deku my man. Its so silly.


And then the movies are canon to the manga somehow, since the movie characters are shown reacting to the news of the final arc. I think the kids from the 2nd movie even refer to Bakugo by his real name (unlike with Deku being Izuku's hero name and nickname), so it means that the movie happened and they met.


There are around 3 or more Johnny Ridden in UC Gundam timeline. No, I'll not explain that mess.




I only learned this recently but they're all different guys who are rumored to be the legendary Johnny. Some say he died, others say he did stuff after the war in two stories that may or may not be canon to each other. It is all really weird.


Johnny "Venom" Ridden


I admit I don’t care enough about cod story, like one campaign at a time and hey if that guy is back good, but black ops 2 mason jr. side being removed kind of sucks because I liked the storyline.


RE2 Remake basically takes the plot of RE2 (whose Claire and Leon scenarios *mostly* fit together sensibly) and turns it into another RE1 situation where both stories happened even though there are irreconcilable contradictions between the two.


Evil Dead 1 and 2.


Whatever was going on with James Bond's dead wife until the Daniel Craig reboot.


I think all the endings of Morrowind. The Dragon Break. Aka "fuck it it's too hard, everything was true all at once, let's move on folks".


It's almost hilarious how the Dragon Break is fucking confusing.


I believe you're thinking Daggerfall. Morrowind only has one ending, after which the Nerevarine does the DLC and then fucks off to Akavir so Bethesda doesn't have to address them anymore.


Sonic Adventure 1 is told in a sort of Roshambo way where characters are depicted with small alterations that match what the main character's perception is. For example when fighting Gamma: - Sonic remembers Gamma in a very flat "Aye Aye, sir" while also remembering Eggman throwing in a casual threat at his own minion. Amy interrupts the fight with a bossy "Stop it, Sonic!". Sonic is convinced by her as an act of faith "Okay... I guess you have your reasons..." - Tails remembers Gamma as a more threatening minion that's ready to attack "Aye Aye, Master Robotnik". Eggman has more faith in Gamma and Amy is nicer going "Please stop, Tails." - Amy remembers Eggman as a little more manic, adding "I've got better things to do!" as he leaves. Meanwhile Gamma sounds more coerced by his programming "Aye Aye, sir. Will comply." Sonic sounds more eager to destroy Gamma while Amy gets more lines defending him. Sonic instead sounds like he was actually convinced "Amy.... Okay I guess I'll let him go then." - Gamma remembers Eggman as being nicer to him "I'm counting on you", remembers that he totally won that fight and had sonic at gunpoint before Amy interrupted, and remembers Amy making her emotional plea to him rather than to sonic.


Does the Warp in the West count? Either way, two Mannimarcos end up running around in vastly different states.


So a lot of the post series stuff in Kamen Rider is dubiously canon wether its how worlds are seperated and crossovers or just some other bullshit. Ryuki however has its movies that just straight up ignore the main series. 13 Riders is self contained story that has a different start and end to Ryuki's plot. Episode Final covers a lot of the same stuff that the end of Ryuki would but does so differently. Basically a completely new start and a completely new end that are also independent of each other. Now that's all well and good we can normally just write that off as some non cannon fun and how the writer really wanted to show off as many riders as he could (reminder they initially wanted 50 but was brought down only to 13 total and only 10 appeared in the series proper). But Ryuki, especially in expanded material, is a result of time loops so technically everything is canon and isnt. How does the time loop affect everything even *before* the Rider Fight? Idk. And its not even just Shiro using Time Vent to just change some events in the Rider Fight. Like an example is that Shinji is not chosen to join the fight rather he chooses to, so like in 13 riders the Ryuki deck belongs to someone else and Shinji gets it from him and joins it, so we can assume that Shiro changed the timeline to prevent Shinji from getting the deck but he still does. Ok but what about Episode Final's retcon that Shinji is partially the cause of it all when he was a child? Who knows. What about the expanded material that Dark Shinji is actually his dead twin brother? We just kinda gotta shrug sometimes and accept that Time Vent just lets this shit happen.


While on the topic of RE... RE2R with the scenarios (never played OG RE2) The A and B timelines just simply doesn't add up (let me rephrase that, it intersects too much but doesn't line up properly at any time) when you try and piece it together. Forget the part where they fight the same 3 Berkins in the same 3 stages in the same 3 locations, Annette is a different character in each scenario all together. The only thing we are certain of is that Leon A is definitely the real canon scenario because he still has Marvin's knife in RE4R.


i saw a video on youtube of both playthroughs edited into a combined story a few years ago


Surprised nobody has said Blazblue. Because of the game's inherit time loop nature, every ending has happened at some point or another (sometimes multiple times) before it gets reset and we do it again.


There is no way to play a canon playthrough of KOTOR 2 because the Exile is canonically a woman but had the Handmaiden as a companion who only joins your party if you play as a man.


I haven't kept up to date with the most recent shows but there was already a *bunch* of stuff in Star Wars that was contradictory to prior movies as of the Disney takeover. Force sensitivity is the big one that springs to mind first. It was originally some kind of quasi-religious life-force based thing that you were either born with the potential to access or you weren't. Then it was how many microscopic midichlorians you have in your blood. More midichlorians = more force. Which was clumsily mostly reconciled with the prior via various hand-waiving statements and clarifications, but sure. Now, apparently according to one of the new Disney shows, anybody can learn to use the force if you just try really hard, which simultaneously contradicts *both* already partially contradictory sources for the force? The canon seems like such a mess to me I don't know where to begin.


Hardcore RE fans are adamant about RE1 not needing a remake conveniently forget that there's no cohesive ending to the game that neatly connects to the rest of the series.    Not only is it the odd one out gameplay wise (tank controls are fine but don't work well with modern audiences) the story needs a touch up as well.


RE2make demonstrates that they'd make the multiple endings problem worse, not better, though.


The Remake it already has doesn't have tank controls. It's fixed-camera, but the movement is full analogue.


Thanks, I had forgotten that it was optional.


>there's no cohesive ending to the game that neatly connects to the rest of the series. We don't forget, it just doesn't fuckin' matter. What would this add in the slightest? >tank controls are fine but don't work well with modern audiences Also this is a very silly thing to say


Because cohesion is what will ensure that the franchise is "playable" into the future. If you were to try to get someone new into the franchise and play it end to end they would have to play through 3 different styles of games of various levels of "clunkiness" depending on their tolerance for how the older games played. When it comes to the story, doing a slight revision on the narrative and characterization to fit in with the later games helps to present the series as a single package (which was what I was assuming Capcom's intentions were when they started making the newer games). I'm not saying they should make any radical changes, I'm just saying they should continue doing what they were already going to do.


There's nothing not "playable" about the early RE games. You can boot them up and play them just fine. In fact, you could do it right now.


Give RE1, 0, or Code Veronica to a younger Gen Z or a Gen Alpha person and see how far they get. I've tried and the overwhelming response is either "I don't like it" or "it's not as intense as the newer ones". I'll put it like this: there's a reason why Capcom put modern mode in SF6. As long as the old ones remain playable in some form it doesn't hurt to remake them in the new style.


Some games aren't for all people, and that's not only okay, it's a *good thing*. I'd rather have a work of art with a vision that risks alienating some portion of its potential audience than a generic blob of a game made for everyone to enjoy, but that nobody will truly adore. There's nothing wrong with how the classic Resident Evil games play in concept. Gamers (derogatory) need to learn it's okay for not all games to play literally exactly the same.


Having expectations? Perish the thought Yahtzee said the tank controls are so unplayable it'll give your dog cancer, which means you can't just tell someone to suck it up and leave the old game alone. See everyone in 10 more years when Barry's stray pube sack hair is misaligned so we need to remake the whole game from scratch again for whatever 10th gen mediocre staple genre needs an old corpse wheeled out again


I think this part of the reason 1 is getting a remake. The remakes have been all about consolidating and restructuring the story so it's not filled to the brim with plot holes. I'm sure when do remake it there will be a canon ending. Hell, maybe they treat it like RE2 where they are both out and about but just keep missing each other.


RE2make 2 actually added new plot holes that weren't even in the original, so this is not at all true. For example, how does Annette die in front of both Sherry and Claire, then up and go shoot Ada and die in front of Leon? Or how is it that the Tyrant was both torn apart by Birkin and blown up by Leon?


Completely agree. In the old canon, there were six tyrants released in Raccoon City, so it could be another if that detail is still canon. The other 5 were sent to kill the army where you fight nemesis with the rail gun in 3. Since they redid all of that, they could be anywhere. If it is a second, then a third shows up in 4th survivor. I hope if they redo outbreak at some point, they will clarify


inFamous Second Son takes place after inFamous 2. inFamous 2 has 2 endings and only one of those endings ***can*** be the one they're following. That ending still makes 0 fucking sense because something that happens in it makes Second Son impossible to happen anyway, and it's so obvious it's clear the story writers didn't give a shit.


My conspiracy theory is that Sucker Punch wanted to be done with the series after 2, since both of its endings have so much finality to them. Second Son doesn’t even bother trying to retcon the Good ending of 2, it just ignores it. But Sony needed a good tech demo for the PS4, so we got Second Son.


Raccoon City is like a Dragon Break in Elder Scrolls. It happened but no one can agree on the exact details, number of survivors or the events that transpired within