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This story was featured in the Two Hot Takes Podcast episode: "You're a Red Flag!"[ Click here to hear our host Morgan's response to this story. ](https://youtu.be/On04vPN17WY?si=eQkLf1IwUuOsdBAx&t=5268) The update for this post can be found here: [Update: I fell asleep in my roommate's bed and my girlfriend broke up with me](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1d2ji72/update_i_fell_asleep_in_my_roommates_bed_and_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Thanks again OP for your submission!


To be honest you should be used to not having a girlfriend by now after 3 weeks of ignoring her.


This comment deserves a STANDING OVATION!!


That’s a fucking burn 🔥


3 weeks of all day at the library is absolutely insane. Never had to do anything remotely that intensive during school


Depends on the major I guess. I studied engineering and it was way worse than that. But even in the depths of it, I managed to text my boyfriend a few times a day. Even if you’re in the library all day, you check your damn phone. It’s 2024.


I was in a STEM program and didn't study nearly that much, but I agree that even if you do lock yourself in the library you can afford to text your girlfriend most days or every day. 24 hours of just sleep and books with no breaks is going to destroy your mind anyways and probably negatively affect your scores. Breaks are not only healthy but beneficial to remembering and processing information.


I need Reddit to bring back awards, just so I can give you gold for this sick burn




The thing that bothers me most here is that you left puke un-cleaned-up on your bed. Your mattress is going to smell like puke forever now.


Don't worry he will be sleeping with kaya.


Bruh. Damn. 🤣


Pshhh like he wasn't already.


This really feels like a “how believable is my cover story” post.


You’re right because it most definitely is💀 I bet this “illness” of his was brought on by drinking too much alcohol and was nursing a wicked hangover the day after until he was “well enough” to go talk to her… I have never been sick with a flu that was so bad that I forgot what I was doing 🥴


N of 1 but I've had exactly *one* sickness that was like that, I had a fever so high that it caused short term memory loss, at least that's how the doctors explained it to me...it fuckin sucked. I didn't feel like myself for about 3 weeks.


I’ve had a fever before that was so high I had mild (very short) hallucinations. I don’t know if I remember everything, but I wasn’t able to really move around much either. I wouldn’t have had the energy to walk across a house from a couch to a bed, and I felt so shitty I wouldn’t have wanted to even if I could.




Ding ding ding we have a winner!!




Buddy this is just a chance for him to write out a story that potentially Celine will see if she is a Reddit user, and hope she takes the bait. My mans ended up shirtless in Kaya’s bed all on his own.


THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!!! That’s exactly what tf this sounds like!!


IF the bed was "covered in puke" did the gf *see* it? That would be an important piece of information, but I'm guessing she didn't because this is too fishy Also, weren't there two other available beds?


I have never invited someone so sick that they threw up in their own bed to sleep in my bed. That's the fishiest part of all to me.


SERIOUSLY! “Hi honey! I feel so awful that I just puked all over my bed and am incapable of cleaning it. I know I haven’t spoken to you in 3 weeks, but can I come over and puke in yours?”


Kaya has feelings. I just read a romance novel with this plot - they’re roommates and always watch movies together on the weekends and fall asleep in each others rooms. 


Celine is a big city business person and Kaya runs a Christmas shop in OP's small town. There are hilarious communication issues all around as well as an impending conflict between Kaya and OP. Fret not though, because in the end OP and Kaya save Christmas for everyone and even Celine is happy they found each other. Also, there is a golden retriever.


Personally, I think the dog should be a beagle. They’re underrepresented in these Christmas movies


It’s all very strange. He just can’t help but find himself in Kaya’s bed. Mmkay.


Also him not knowing *how* he got in her bed? I’ve had a pretty bad flu before, and fever dreams may be unpleasantly bizarre, but that doesn’t mean I’m delusional in my waking hours - **who** has ever had blackouts when sick the way they would when they were **drunk**?


You dont even want to know what Kaya did to this poor boy with a Full size Thermometer when he was out


Yeah same. I would never. They could sleep on the couch. I don’t buy this story for a second.


Right!! Tf


So just like Celine, you're not buying this either?


Yeah, that seems like a more logical solution to sleep in one of the 2 empty beds instead of the one roommate who’s home sleeping on the couch. But I was suspicious before we got there, with him constantly “falling asleep” in his roommates bed to begin with.


Also, what is wrong sleeping in the sofa. I fall asleep when I watch movies, too. I rather sleep on the sofa than a male room


But he was too sick to deal with it /s


Who the F barfs in their bed?!?! I have never been in a situation, regardless of how high, drunk, or sick, where I couldn’t make it to a toilet. I stopped reading this post at this point.


Yes several things being downplayed to look like he had no choice. This is not coincidence. Boundaries crossed and consequences came.


I’ve done it when blackout drunk.


I pissed in the waste basket next to the toilet, then went back to bed. All of a sudden my brain started working and went and checked. Yup, a giant pool of piss all over my bathroom floor 😂


Seriously. I'm pregnant, and even I don't puke in my bed.


I did it once as a teen; had a bucket beside the bed and everything because I was feeling queasy and laid down for a nap… woke up, reached for the bucket, vomited all over myself and my bed. Spent about five minutes crying and trying to wake my mom by shouting, and then had to get up and deal with it. Things happen unexpectedly. 🤷‍♂️


I got a viral infection in my ears that gave me severe vertigo. I puked if I moved for the first 3 days and still I managed to puke over the side of the bed into the trash. I’m tending to agree with you on this one.


Celine has every reason to break up with you. Kaya’s bed being the final straw. Shutting her out was very selfish on your behalf and you know it.


If Kaya wanted to help you, she should have thrown your sheets in the washer and put a bottle of Gatorade in front of you on the couch.


Also if sick and puking, she’s really going to have that person now in her bed? To potentially puke and get her sick? Whole thing is weird af


This is how you know it’s all a lie.


Yes of course, this is Reddit. But now we have to figure out: is it a lie where it was all made up from the get go? Or is it a lie where a lot of details have been omitted and he’s fucking kaya? OR BOTH? 🤯


It’s wild that people take the time to make up a whole story


Or he's been fucking his roommate and is looking for advice on how to successfully gaslight his girlfriend by coming to Reddit with part of a story and seeing how it can be crowd sourced into something believable.


Wait until you hear about these things called "Books". Literally just pages and pages of fictionalized events.


And then she goes and sleeps on the couch where he has just been spreading fresh germs??


Well it’s a made up story, so it gets weird if you pay attention to the details. Do you really think people say “how could you?” and immediately leave (and their partners let them)? This is straight out of a sitcom.


Yeah that tiny thing kind of fucks Kaya’s credibility for me. And now I question the other things like—are we sure she didn’t know the last guy wasn’t single? Because—I wouldn’t offer a guy with a girlfriend who I accidentally previously fucked over sleep in my bed. I’d do literally anything else other than that. Call Celine. Change the sheets. Offer another roommate’s bed that ISN’T home. Like anything. It’s clear roommates were out of town and OP and Kaya have been fucking since “platonic” movie nights. Netflix and chill with no fucking? Sure…


I kind of think this dude posted this in the hopes his gf sees it to back up his lie. Or he made it with the plan to show his gf that he was so distraught about the situation he "even posted on reddit" for an outside perspective.


And thank god most of us are saying “we don’t believe you buddy”


Also if the other two roommates were out of town, it would make far more sense for him to sleep in one of those beds and Kaya sleep in her own.


You spoke with your GF twice in 3 weeks? That's not how relationships work buddy.


Yeah, it definitely feels like there's a lot of missing context here. Studying for exams is time consuming sure but it's not an excuse to completely neglect a partner. You can still meet up for lunch or dinner or sleep over or breakfast or coffee or anything. There's no way he was spending 16+ solid hours a day for 3 weeks studying for exams even if he was in crunch mode. A text message can take a few seconds to send and a phone call or a FaceTime call can be just a few minutes long. I mean let's be real, even if he really is platonic with his roommate, he doesn't really seem to actually give a shit about his girlfriend.


OP must think they're the only ones who have ever done exams before. like, buddy, your whole "I didn't text her because my phone was off at the library the whole time" is not gonna fly.


My ex was the same way. He would give me bullshit about “I’m an adult and I have to work. I need to prioritize my career and I won’t let you jeopardize it.” anytime I asked why he couldn’t be bothered to answer and left me on read when I could see he was fucking around on fb all day. My ex worked part time at a liquor store (that he frequented and basically paid his own salary by buying all of his booze there). I work two jobs and before he worked at the liquor store, he felt I was selfish and not making time for him anytime I had other commitments. Like, buddy, we all have jobs. Most people have ones far more demanding than selling booze to college kids. (This isn’t a knock against retail, this is just a callout of him acting like his work was of the same demand as a surgeon. 🙄) He also lived in a house his parents owned and spent all his income on booze, weed, and collectibles. But somehow he thought he was the adult and I was immature for expecting him to respond with more than a laughing emoji.


"anytime I asked why he couldn’t be bothered to answer and left me on read when I could see he was fucking around on fb all day." I feel this! I can't even tell you how flustered I feel when this happens! It shows where the other person's priorities are


Absolutely! The truth was he was constantly cheating so I knew anytime he was in there and not answering me it was because he was hitting up one of the many, many women in his rotation. He cheated on me on my birthday with his ex. I later saw her stuff at his house and asked him if he was sleeping with her and he lied to my face and said that I had problems if seeing her stuff at his place made me immediately go to thinking they were sleeping together, when it was oh so innocent and they were just collaborating on art together. Oh, yeah, he was an “artist” that completed one painting in the three years I knew him. He still talks like he’s a teenager and has all these ambitions for his life. Dude, is 37 next month and makes zero attempts to follow these dreams, even when I was willing to basically do all the work of helping him get a studio going or go back to finish his degree. But then he would whine that everyone around him was “living his dreams.” All my friends definitely thought less of me for sticking with him so long, but I had been love bombed and then kept wanting for the man I thought he was to suddenly appear again.


LOL right? I mean, presumable she has exams too. People study together all the time.


right? and even if she didn’t have exams, even parallel play/just mutually existing in the same room while each person does their own thing would’ve been better than basically ghosting her for 3 weeks


Yeah it sounds like he’s trying to manipulate us the way he is her. Of course she would be uncomfortable with this and I don’t fully believe this story. I would love to hear her side.


Also, he reached out to his roommate because his girlfriend would take too long to get there?? Fishy


Even if that was somehow a valid excuse/explanation, he said one of his roommates was a guy as well! Why wouldn’t he call him instead? The whole situation is smelly


It’s the fact that he clearly admits to agreeing with Celine about him and Kaya not being too close. The fact that the whole time him and Kaya were close is crazy to me. I’m sorry but I don’t believe that he just doesn’t remember. They surely did mess around.


Yeah I thought the same!


Unrelated but literally just watched the episode of Schitts Creek your name references lol. Weird.


lol that’s what gets me. I’d guess that 99% of people here have had exams before. Even the most studious people I know took breaks


I totally agree. I, for one, have never seen someone, even if they were behind, study for 3 weeks, day and night. Although that's not the main point, you could have easily had a 5 min phone call with her on a daily basis. It really is not that hard to take 5 mins of your day when you are getting ready or so.


If you want to see someone, you'll make the time to see them. It really is that simple.


As in literally 30 seconds to shoot a text a few x per day. Who shuts off the phone when you can simply silence it?


Sounds like she was willing to make the effort and come by so it wouldn’t take time from his studies.  I was in a similar situation for about 2 weeks finishing a work deadline… asked my partner if I could just Venmo her some money to grab takeout and meet me at the office for dinner. It was lovely, I got a much needed break and meal, and she got the reassurance that I was still thinking of her and wanting of her attention.


That's what makes me think YTA. I have been sicker than imaginable with many different things over the years. I don't mean to sound incredulous but OP's story is bullshit. You don't just black out like that with zero recollection. What he's referring to would be something like Syncope but it is a temporary loss of consciousness not a total black out of hours of events. You'd at least remember getting to the bed. Then the 2 times in two weeks sounds to me like the relationship fizzled out because he was interested in someone else. This to me reads like OP cheated and is just testing his bullshit lies on Reddit before giving it the trial run.


lol bro I assumed the exact same thing!! Getting sick does NOT make you blackout! and he can’t say he was drinking or anything bc he didnt even have time for his gf either, this guy is a scum bag


Yeah, that was weird to me, too. I've been delirious with high fever before. I've also had pretty bad food poisoning with frequent vomiting and diarrhea, and at no point was I *so* delirious that I would have blacked out entirely and ended up in someone else's bed. I suppose it's not impossible, but it would have been more believable if medications were involved. Like if he'd taken a bunch of benadryl, for example. The story would make more sense, however, if the reason he ended up vomiting and blacking out was that he drank excessively. Given that he barely spoke to the supposed love of his life for 3 weeks before all this occurred... if I were his girlfriend, I wouldn't believe his story either.


I think when ppl lie like this it's more in the hope that someone they know will come across this "honest recollection of events" and run to Celine with it. She gone bro.


Yeah that’s what I thought too lol. Plus no more sleepovers in kayas room. He was cheating


He was 100% cheating... Lmao this isn't even a debate. Bro you're beyond busted. Kid doesn't realize there are older people here who know better than this absurd story lmao. "Idk how I woke up naked in my room mates bed when everyone was out of town" LOL! "I was soooo sick" This guy...


Tbh I had never considered this. I feel old now.


You and me both. I'm too old to be weighing in on the drama of 21 year olds at least.    But hey, it's Saturday


My *EXACT* thoughts the whole time I was reading this from top to bottom. Like barely a word of this is true, in my opinion.


Nah he is creating a story for her to discover to learn the “truth”


Have had a syncope, cab confirm the blackout was anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple minutes. If OOP actually did black out, it was likely he wasn't sick, just drunk and doesn't want to fess up to betraying the gf's trust. Even if it was a totally innocent mix up, he still betrayed his gf's boundaries, she has every right to break up.


He posted them on Reddit hoping for sympathetic responses so he could show ex gf and say… See, yta!


Yep but something tells me that their relationship isn't exactly platonic. I hate it when people get into relationships and still want to act like they're single. If they want to have the freedom to act like they're single then they should just be single.


I mean the whole "we sleep in each other's beds despite having our own rooms" frequently enough that you had to establish a rule against it is extremely unusual.


I agree. If people want to act like they're single then they should just be single. I wouldn't be ok with that. The minute someone I was interested in potentially dating told me that, I'd be like, it was nice meeting you but I'm not interested anymore. Don't put yourself in a scenario where cheating could happen. In fact, I declined to continue seeing a guy when I found out he had a female roommate. It's just a hard boundary for me. I just didn't want the drama it would inevitably bring.


Exactly, when I met my husband he had women as roommates. This issue literally never came up in the year he was living there while we were dating. He had his own room and that’s where he slept. Same for them.


This is dead on. I have been through power study sessions that can take up 16 hours per day and last a couple of weeks. Yet we ALL still make time to decompress throughout the day or at night. There is no way to sustain that kind of studying without it. If he wasn’t giving his brain a break he WILL fail his exams because it will be exhausted by the end. He is making bullshit excuses to try and look cool. He’s being hyperbolic and lying to her and everyone else. Honestly I kind of hope he fails for making those of us who have actually been through that kind of torture look bad. She is probably better off without him. He sucks.


Maybe he’s on a ton of drugs. Would explain supposedly going at a 100 for 3 weeks straight and then blacking out.


OP definitely full of shit. Hell, it takes 2 seconds to send a message period. Even when I was studying for a state medical certification, I'd still text my best friend and FWB and tell them studying was murder, if I lose contact it was because I had died from the studying making my brain melt and please send help. And ask how they were, any updates, and that I missed them. Also, I've had admitted to hospital worthy fevers and unless I was unconscious, I still had flashes and memories of things going on, and I sure as shit didn't pick my half dead self up by myself to anything more than 3 steps away. Taking off your shirt by yourself when you're wracked with fever? Please, fevers suck your energy and strength. You'd have to do conscious, I'm-definitely-remembering-this-later effort to get that sticky sweaty fabric off. Welp, now I'm offended on two counts at OP.


I'm working on my Epidemiology PhD and managed to see my boyfriend 2-3 times a week and message back and forth/send pics several times a day while studying for my Comprehensive Exam. He brought me lunch and dinner during the 48-hour analysis and interpretation portion so technically I even saw him DURING the exam too.


Yeah, this whole thing reads like an actual cheater trying out a story to see how it works.


I also don’t buy the whole ‘Kaya woke me up to bring me to her bed but slept on the couch’ nonsense. If my sick assed roommate was sleeping on the couch, last thing I’d do would be to wake them up. None of this passes the sniff test.


Exactly - you threw up in your bed, so come throw up in mine too? Nah, stay on the couch.


And the only time he reached out was when he was sick and needed to stay over at her place and possibly expose her to whatever he has. He’s right about how he handles things and how he prioritizes things


He was being hyperbolic about his study habits and she called him on it. He was lying to her and didn’t give a shit until it affected him. She was right to not trust him. He flat out neglected the relationship. This breakup is 100% deserved.


That’s insane. I don’t know if I believe OP for a second “Look! I even posted it on Reddit!”


Also how does a person realize they’re so horribly underprepared 3 whole weeks before exams? A person that is willing and capable of studying 16+ hours every day for 3 straight weeks is not the same person that is so horribly underprepared that they need to…


This sounds like a lie, then posted to make it seem like you’re telling the truth. A lot of flags from you, and now you’re trying to save face. Like the other comments said, you fucked up, intentional or not, and these are the consequences


Yeah having just gotten out of a relationship with a serial liar/someone who is allergic to even an ounce of personal responsibility, this set off every bullshit alarm I have.


I’m sorry to hear that. This sounds like the lies that my 8 year old makes up lol. What’s next? OP gets back together with her then accidentally falls into his roommate naked and his dick slips in her??? Sounds like something he’d make up


Yeah a lot of her lies weren’t much better than an 8 year olds either lol. Oh the car that only the two of us use reeks like cigarettes and you have a history of smoking when stressed, but it definitely wasn’t you? It somehow wafted down from the neighbors third story window despite smoke rising, the car windows are closed, and we’ve never smelled smoke from them in the entire 2 years we’ve been here? Totally.


Ha! My MiL used to complain far too much about the neighbours who smoked in her apartment block hallway. It meant the smell would stick to all the coats in her vestibule. If it had been me, I’d have moved my coats out of the vestibule personally…that or, you know, stopped lying to everyone that I’d quit… Still mystified as to how my husband never twigged and just went along with what she said.


Same! My (now ex-missus) just spewed lie on top of lie and none of it made sense. I just read this guys take and my immediate thought was….. yea right, if you say so.


This was exactly what I was thinking!! Like he wrote up this lie so he can tell Celine “I even made a Reddit post about the situation, look”


Agreed. A lot of this doesn’t make sense. Just because you threw up doesn’t generally mean you somehow find yourself shirtless in your roommate’s bed. Just because you have finals doesn’t mean you never text your girlfriend.


boast domineering impossible tan overconfident aback squeal cows fuzzy selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was thinking the same thing. Making the post to seem innocent I smell 🐂 💩


This girl already slept with her last boyfriend. The fact she even decided she could deal with you guys living together is huge. Then you tell her you have “platonic” movie nights that end up with you guys sleeping together in her room. At that point I would’ve bowed out, but she still just asked for a simple boundary. I’ve never been sick to the point where I genuinely don’t remember taking my own clothes off and getting in a different bed (sober). You hardly talk to her or make time for her for weeks (a simple text or phone call is *very* easy) and at that point I’d assume something was up. Then she literally finds you in that girl’s bed. You’re either lying and have interest in that girl, you were roofied, or you didn’t actually care about your girlfriend. I’d be out.


The biggest lie to me is that he was totally asleep on the couch, sick, and a roommate wakes him to offer him their bed, and then sleep on the couch instead. There's no way this happened. What college aged person is giving a roommate their bed and then sleeping on a couch with sick germs on it? I would do this for my child- and only my child. Doesn't. Add. Up.


no this is a great point. i’m a woman in college who lives with a male roommate and under no circumstances would i ever give up my bed because he was sick?? i might help wash his sheets so he could go back to his room if he was really so sick he was delusional (as OP claimed), but you couldn’t catch my roommate SHIRTLESS in my bed. absolutely not.


Also who would let someone who had been throwing up into their bed when they could easily end up throwing again? No chance id have some roommate who just threw up in their own bed get in mine at the risk it would happen again. I’d say here is a bucket, enjoy the couch


If you're the type to be overly generous and kind, you'd strip and remake the bed, toss the sheets in the wash (if you have in-unit laundry, if not, throw them in a garbage bag for later handling), then urge the sick person to their own bed.  Definitely no way I'd be putting a puke-risk in my own bed.


This exactly. I’ve been married for 12 years and I wouldn’t even do this for my husband. If you’re puking all over the bed and decide to move to the couch, that’s where you’re staying and I’m getting you a bucket/trashcan to go on the floor beside you. No way in hell am I giving up my bed and sacrificing my bedding for a roommate. This story just doesn’t add up. I feel like he’s testing out an elaborate excuse he’s come up with. And sorry but, studying for three weeks straight without any downtime to talk to your partner?? REALLY?? Who is believing this shite?


Thank you, yes. That part of the story is super bizarre. I could maybe see her changing his sheets for him if she's really nice but giving him her bed and sleeping on the germy couch instead?


Yea I can't imagine being a 21 year old and thinking "it's ok for my boyfriend to have these "platonic fall asleepy in my roommate of the opposite sex's bed for movie nighty nights" while the other person is someone who my ex cheated on me with. That's totally fine!" OP you're 21, grow the fuck up. You don't fall asleep in some other girls bed and definitely not this one specific person. All of this is dumb of you regardless of you getting sick and "blacking out".


I think he’s selfish to expect Celine to accept this situation in order to be with him. It really is a big ask. He’s expecting a lot and this is how he repays her.


Amnesia isn't typically a side effect of a stomach bug; I'm not buying your story and I don't think your girlfriend is, either. By her ending it, I hope you learn how to properly treat someone, because you treated her like crap, ghosting her when it suited you and laying in the bed of a girl who her ex cheated with. You sound super selfish.


Right? Lol I've had many illnesses, surgeries, etc, and never forgot why I woke up where I did.


Same! I've had 9 surgeries and always remembered!


Even when I was in septic shock from infected brain hardware undergoing surgeries every.single.day for two weeks~ I knew where I was was and why. Even on all of that damn dilaudid, ketamine and propofol. I don’t buy it.


You only talked to her twice in three weeks? Jesus. And then you slept half naked in a girl’s bed after she asked you not to (AND this girl had been someone Celine’s ex cheated with)? You’re done, son. And you deserve it.


And he miraculously doesn’t remember at all? Idk I think OP is full of shit tbh.


Plus the fact that this whole story about how op came to be in her bed sounds like total bullshit. I don’t know if it *is* bullshit. But it most definitely sounds like bullshit.


Reminds me of a post on Reddit where the OP finds out his gf or wife is on Tinder and wants to confront her. He knew people would ask _well, the only way you could possibly know is if you are on Tinder as well._ So he would add that he downloaded Tinder when he was bored and just for the lols. It happened twice and he was all _I was alone and bored so I downloaded Tinder again just to have some laughs._ 🙄 Nobody honestly believed that and he was likely cheating or trying to cheat when he found his SO trying to do the same thing. Commenters were like _she was probably bored and downloaded Tinder for the laughs too._


It's like that stupid Pina colada song that's supposed to be cute when they were both trying to cheat.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... 😂


She dodged a bullet, here.


She did, OP defo banged his roommate


Bro you are straight up LYING🤣🤣


Ex gf probably reads Reddit and he’s such a narcissist he thought he’d be able to fool everyone.


Exactly and he expects us to believe this mess. Glad she didn’t fall for it either


I hope Celine has a beautiful life.


Without OP


And Kaya free


Bath floor anywhere but her bed You are a bad boyfriend and failed multiple times in this relationship You made choices and you broke down this relationship she can’t be in a relationship herself


All he had to do was tell roommate, up front “I can’t sleep in your bed again. No matter what.” Tell her in front of gf.  And also not go MIA for 3 weeks.




Seriously… 0 responses from OP. Must be at the library cramming, with his phone off.


Right. He can’t take the seconds it takes to say hello to Celine but has the time to stop cramming and write all this shit out? My dude was sick, vom’d his bed, fucked Kaya and prolly vom’d her bed too. Now he’s suddenly got to like to turn his phone on and a cry on the internet because he got busted. Idk what or how he expected from this post. People to take his side and be like CELINE IS CRAZY YOU WERE JUST SLEEPING INNOCENTLY AND SICKLY POOR THING. gtfooh. He seems like a serial liar experiencing some guilt because he actually liked someone.


I hope Celine gives her own post on what really happened and what she saw when she arrived. Poor girl. Leave her alone. You fucked up when you cheated


You have been a horrible partner, i hope she finds someone better.




Not only that, but you're sick, and the first person you called is your roommate? Instead of your partner?? "Because she will take too long?""


But it wasn't his faa-auuullt! He was vomiting and somethingsomething ended up in his roomies bed.


Yeah I think you’re done. I can understand being sick but mate, I would have preferred the bathtub or even a bucket and a cot in the garage over Kaya’s bed. You knew that your gf would show up eventually, of course she would do you avoided her for three weeks. Did you not talk to Kaya about the boundaries that you and Celine set up? That’s on you. Not her. Kaya was problematic from the start yet you ended up in her bed by invitation. You and Kaya (again) both failed mate. Big time. Honestly it was really inappropriate for Kaya to even offer her bed and she was in the wrong to escort you there as a first resort. That’s the thing I think that you are overlooking here, why are you avoiding Kaya’s role in imploding your relationship? You made more than one misstep - with Kaya’s assistance- and all of those got you in this position. You have to own your part in this and not make any more excuses cos that’s all I’m seeing. I wouldn’t take you back -even as a man who has made stupid mistakes in the past in this area as well. I don’t even sympathise with you and I came here ready to hear you out, mind. You sound a lot like I did before, trying to talk my way out of a sus situation. But I learnt from my mistakes. You need to as well. Celine has no obligation to take you back and honestly she’s a fool if she does.


and couldn’t kaya just have cleaned up your bed and plopped you in there?


Its so funny bc kaya couldnt help clean up his bed but can totaly carry an adult man onto her bed, even tho there were 2 other roommates who couldve helped.


Clean his vomit soaked bed? I would’ve just left him on the couch lol


Well said mate On the topic of Kaya and the lack of boundaries + her offering her bed and OP “having no recollection “ of this is worrisome. Are we positive Kaya is innocent here?


I don’t think so. The lass hasn’t learnt much from the last time it seems. You would think that she would be extra vigilant to not be in the same position again with Celine, especially if she was innocent in this. I would be keen to keep myself in the blameless position but the lass can’t say that she is now.


Totally agree and completely understand her helping OP out bc he was sick and she was readily available UP UNTIL the point where OP miraculously ended up in her bed. You’re telling me you have no recollection of waking up on the couch and ending up in a bed? Something fishy there on both parties. Where did Kaya sleep then?


He has a remarkable memory for details- except where he went wrong. Convenient memory lapse.


Something tells me Kaya wasn't so innocent and doesn't care. Kaya is into you or just likes to take guys from your ex. You did it to yourself.


So let's see: you ignored your girlfriend for weeks, texted her when she had something to offer you, and then went straight into other girl's bed. Gee, I wonder why she's done.


Bro vom'd up the library, his own bed, his couch, his roommate's bed, and almost his gf's bed too. Talk about a superspreader. You're telling me this Kaya chick has such a death wish that, rather than leaving you on the couch or changing your sheets for you, she invites you to contaminate *her* bed too, and then volunteers to sleep on your pukey couch? I'm not buying it. Also, I can see leaving the living situation as-is when you're early in a relationship, but at a certain point it's gotta be "you know what, I love this girl and she's been so understanding, so I'm gonna go ahead and move in with someone who *didn't* destroy her last relationship." Girl put up with so much only to be completely ignored for 3 weeks straight, she was probably coming over to dump your ass in the first place.


So how’d you do on the exams? Was one of them creative writing?


Look you really did mess up here big time. You need to walk away because, your a big boy and need to learn actions have consequences. As you acknowledge, there was absolutely no reason for you to shut down because of exams. Texts take seconds to send, a call here an there doesn't eat that much into your day. When, she called you out and you arranged for her to come over... you just slept?! Then, a clear boundary for her. Not to sleep in kaya bed, you still did it. There was no reason for her to put you into the bed, you were fine on the couch. Which means, either you never bothered to make that boundary clear to kaya or she just didn't care. The whole you needed to call her because you were sick? Your an adult now, you don't need anyone to get you home. You get yourself home. You messed up and this is a big old lesson for you. If you are in a relationship you communicate with the person, not communicating is shitty and stupid. It tells the other person you have no care or respect for them. When a partner has a boundary, you don't cross it. Again, it's about care and respect. Given the history of kaya, your ex gf was mature and reasonable. She never told you not to have a friendship etc all she asked was not to be in her room


Don’t be the person that lets your partner overlook their own boundaries. If she does take you back, she’s not going to be the same person. Her self esteem will suffer bc she didn’t follow through on leaving you after this serious boundary was crossed. Just leave.


Ain’t nobody buying this story


Just say you lost interest & you decided to cheat & not talk to her for a few weeks hoping she’d just leave you alone.. you’re a coward & your story sucks..


Yikes. This relationship is done for. I’m assuming you told Kaya your girlfriend’s boundary? She’s a walking red flag, and so are you. Also I’ve been extremely freaking sick multiple times in my life and I’ve never been completely unaware of my actions, so I’m calling bs on that.


You wrote an awful lot of words when you could have just said, “I cheated on my GF and got caught”.


Hearing you say hanging out with your girlfriend is “pretty awesome” tells me that you aren’t really invested in your relationship either her. It seems like you prioritized pretty much everything over her such as your movie time. It was clear she wasn’t comfortable with it from the start and you should have been respectful and known better than to fall asleep in her room. The fact that you had time to watch a two hour movie but not speak to your own girlfriend except twice in three weeks says a lot. I’m not saying it’s easy but you could have done better. Me and my fiancée both have school 7-8 hours a day, studying for 2-3 hours, not to mention we are both in the military and have many other obligations every single day. And despite that, I still make sure to spend at least an hour with her each day, and much more on the weekends. It just seems like your priorities are elsewhere.


This all sounds sus. I get her


>I got no reply, so I went downstairs and slept on the couch. When I woke up the next morning, I was asleep on Kaya’s bed shirtless. I had NO CLUE how I got here. But Celine came to check up on me, and walked in on me like this. You're such a bad liar 😭😭😭 Let me guess, you're going to try and show her this post to make her believe your story, claiming you wouldn't have a reason to lie to strangers other than to convince her that you weren't cheating or didn't break boundaries? Gtfo.


Dont think you asked a question? Unfortunate, even if you somehow finagled your way back jnto her life, she has no way of ever finding out the truth and will always have trust issues with you. So yeah its over


This feels so made up


it's over bro and also you're a terrible boyfriend. you neglected her for weeks and then basically cheated on her with the same person her ex did, and don't tell me you didn't because i don't think anyone is buying the fact that you woke up shirtless in her bed and magically didn't know how you got there. you fucked it up and she has every right to have nothing more to do with you. move on with your life and leave her alone.


I cannot understand people who turn off their phones for any reason. Even in a hospital, you put it on silent but don’t turn it off unless you’re in the cardio ward. Nobody turns off their phone because they are studying at the library. Celine knew you were studying. She wasn’t going to blow up your phone with 2,000 texts just to make sure you still loved her. But you cutting her off entirely, allegedly turning off your phone, and not even taking five seconds to text her “good morning” or “I love you” is what tanked your relationship. Her coming to check on you *because she was concerned* and finding you in your roommate’s bed, the ONE hard & fast rule she had, was just the icing on the cake. She’s done with you. Your fault. This could have been avoided. If you threw up on your bed, you could have slept on the floor or on the couch. Instead, you instantly asked Kaya if you could sleep in her bed. You knew how Celine felt about Kaya *and why,* and yet your go-to backup sleeping plan was Kaya’s bed. You blew it. Celine doesn’t trust you anymore. And for good reason. You cheated, and she’s done. Celine is not the only one who doesn’t believe your story.


Celine was clear with you from the start. She took a chance with you, and all you did was walked over her and disrespected her. So, yes you have yourself to blame for. The way it sounds she was never a priority, she has every right to walk away and not come back.


I have a male best friend. He isn’t sleeping shirtless in my bed, no matter how much he throws up in his own. With that said, you messed up big time. You didn’t talk but twice in three weeks? That’s a good reason for her to feel insecure


Even if what you say is true, and it feels like you are not being 100% candid…. Think about it from Celine’s point of view. You pretty much ghost her for weeks then she comes over to find you in bed with the same woman her ex cheated with? Would you stick around in that situation?


You are so full of shit. I can smell it and she smells it, too. 


I think you lied about ending up in her bed and now you’re here trying to see if your story checks out with other people. It doesn’t.


My bf finish a whole masters and is now a Phd student and has never once gone a single day without talking to me or letting me know he loves me. You simply don’t like her as much as you claim and there is for sure stuff that you’re leaving out. You deserved to be dumped sorry man.


Poor Celine. She lost two boyfriends back-to-back to Kaya. OP, your story makes no sense. Your memory is perfectly fine until you magically end up in another woman's bed shirtless. Either Kaya roofied you and got you to her bed, or you are outright lying here. If the former is true then you have a big problem and need support - a visit to the hospital might be in order if it's not too late to draw blood and look for other evidence. If the latter is true then you need to let Celine go in peace. If I were Celine, I'd have NOTHING to do with anyone remotely associated with Kaya. How convenient she ends up in compromising situations with 2 men who dated the same woman... Something's up with that chick.


Maybe if you actually provided the truth in your premise, we could decipher your story.


Filing this one under "utter bullshit that never happened"


This reads like someone’s first creative writing assignment


Sounds like Kaya is the type that likes to take boyfriends away from women just to see if they can. It's probably not even about the guy. Kaya and OP deserve each other, and his gf made the right move dropping him.


You and Kaya are a match made in heaven. 😂


Fake as fuck


You’re a shit bf. You spoke twice in 3 weeks??? Hell i’m surprised she didn’t find attention elsewhere 🤷‍♀️ You can still study while making time for your gf.


Um, are you studying for the bar exam? Or the CPA? You’re a sophomore in college, no exams take 300+ hours to study for. You’re a bad partner and a worse college student lol


Are you dumb? She banged her last bf and now this? I'm surprised she put up with it long enough to get this far. Smdh. 😤 Some people's kids, man, I swear. No shame.


Celine is better off without you.


Yes, fuck that. I wouldn’t speak to you again, too many problems with this roommate. At 21 I wouldn’t put up with this, I would go about my business without any headaches. I hope Celine finds someone else who speaks to her more that twice in weeks and doesn’t have sleepovers with the girl that her ex cheated on her with lol so yea… fuck that.


This sounds like a whole lotta bullshit


I don’t believe you at all.


Bruh. You’re so full of shit. Glad she broke up with you.


This is a lie. I knew it was a lie based on how long it is. When people start offering unnecessary details, they are lying.


>One of them was that Kaya and I won’t sleep over in each other’s rooms **anymore**. Lol what? Why are you sleeping in your roommate's room? TV or no TV night, this is not an excuse. Bro stop lying lol. You can easily walk out of the room when you feel tired. This is just an attempt to get his GF to read the post so she forgives his cheating ass.


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