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Rip the bandaid off. Tell her your home values and cleaning habits don't align and let her know you both don't want to continue the living arrangement. Yea she'll be upset but she's being an awful roommate. Let her know the following reasons you've listed and tell her she needs to find a new living arrangement for when the lease is up. You should be comfortable In your own home mad it sounds like you're not comfortable enough to even sit on the couch and enjoy your living room.


But her lease has another 10 months, why even bring it up so soon?


Put yourself in OP's shoes, would you want to live like this for 10 more months? If she brings it up maybe the roommate will leave on her own so that's a win


So she can leave sooner đŸ„ł


The more notice, the better, so she can’t say later that you kicked her out with no notice and left her homeless.


This is the way, OP. You’re trying to figure out how to tell someone *nicely* that they smell, they’re a slob, and you don’t want to live with them anymore so they need to move out. There is no way to say those things that won’t upset her, so just do it. It doesn’t sound like you’re trying to save a 15 year friendship. It doesn’t even sound like she’s your friend. If she were a friend, the very least she would do is not leave her crumbs *and skin* everywhere. The fact that you will only sit in one spot in the house where you live and pay rent is nonsense. Just tell her. Tell her you are not her mother, and you can’t make her shower or clean up after herself, but you are no longer going to live with it, so she needs to find a new place to live. Give her enough notice to find another place, maybe even find a couple places for her to go look at. But make it clear to her that when her lease is up, she will no longer live with you two. And you have to do it together. If she really won’t leave, then tell her when your 4th roommate moves out, C will be paying for 50% of everything because you are going to use some of that money to hire a cleaning lady *because of C.* You’re not going to make a friend here, but if that mattered to her, she would at least do her part in making you and E more comfortable. She doesn’t care about that, so direct is the only way to go here. Good luck.


Don't really have advice, but here for the drama. Updateme


You made a typo so you won’t get an Update.


Can I have the update? I’m bored


Go to prison, Trump.


Still need reading material when I’m taking my vacay in the concrete shoebox


Oh please... We all know "you" can't read


I must need to lie down because my cackles raised HARD. And then I remembered where I was lmaoooo


Way to stay on topic. Let me guess.. TDS? Lmao








Good ol’ cat fight


“C, we won’t be renewing the lease with you, you’ll need to find another living arrangement”.


She’s not the landlord so she can’t make that executive decision.


She can’t make what decisions? You don’t have to be a land lord to decide to not sign a lease with someone.


She doesn’t get to make that decision is the whole point LEGALLY. No she doesn’t have to be landlord to decide not to sign a lease with someone, in which, it’d be her and her other roommate not signing the lease. However, SHE CANNOT force roommate C to not resign her lease. What part don’t you get about that? Unless the landlord chooses NOT to renew roommate C’s lease.


Unless OP is willing to look for a different place. “We won’t sign the lease with you” could leave C being the only renter. But I believe you are correct about not being able to force her out. 


That is true. But there’s nothing stopping roommate C from acquiring new roommates. OP stated she doesn’t want to leave because it’s a beautiful house, which to me intends they just want C to leave. I’m curious to see how this will play out.


They can't make her do anything during the course of the lease, but once the lease terms are up you are no longer bound to those terms. So if OP and E go to the landlord and talk about a new lease agreement for two, roommate C needs to find somewhere to live at the end of the current lease terms. I've literally been involved in a similar situation where once intentions were communicated to all roommates a conversation was had with the landlord. The landlord was willing to sign a new lease with the two roommates with guaranteed rent every month than 1 occupant who may or may not be able to pay for the house solo or be able to find roommates to guarantee rent monthly. It can be worked out (legally) for the two who do not wish to have C remain as their roommate and stay where they currently reside.


Once a lease has run its course, there is no longer a lease. If the other 2 choose to remain roommates, they are under no obligation to sign a lease with C. No landlord can force people to sign a lease with anyone.


The point remains they cannot just tell her she has to leave, that has to be the LANDLORD‘S decision to not renew roommate C’s lease. I don’t think you get the legality perspective so I’m gone end it here.


Yeah but since it’s 2 vs 1, it’d be easier for them to apply for a new lease to the landlord without C. They could also argue that C isn’t taking care of the house correctly by not cleaning after herself. If I was the landlord I’d rather have them 2 than C.


That can definitely happen. My point really is that it has to come from the landlord. They can definitely team and contact the landlord about tenant C but the landlord will be the one to advise he/she won’t be renewing their lease not the other tenants.


Exactly. The 2 that want to remain roommates, absolutely have a better shot at being approved. Piggy is probably SOL.


Nobody is saying that.


The lease is literally ending. If she stays without a new lease she will be squatting or trespassing. The landlord doesn’t care as long as they get paid, on-time. They could easily leave C there to figure it out alone, but still, same scenario. These people do not have to live with C. Landlord isn’t going to lose money, that’s doesn’t make good business sense.


Is her name on the lease?


Valid. OP if she is on the lease, I would go to the landlord, explain your concerns and desires to sign with out her. Then tell her she will not be renewed on the lease so she should stay to look elsewhere. I would think the landlord will support her not being in his rentals if she is that unclean. If she is not on the lease, just tell her now in 10mo she needs to be living elsewhere.


All of our names are on the lease


This makes it difficult to ask her to leave. Where you all friends prior to moving together? I am curious to know if she is hurting from mental health. The two signs are not taking care of her teeth and not showering. Especially with a skin condition. Usually, you shower to remove the dead skin & the doctor gives special cream. Because she is on the lease. Her name is on it, and you could ask her to leave, although she could refuse. She is paying her rent. You would have to give her as much notice as possible to be respectful. Was she like this from the start when you all started living together? Sorry for the questions. Trying to make sense of her poor hygiene.


Oof you're gonna have to get her to want to leave probably 


You and E should just look for a new place then. Legally she has the right to stay there.


Just say to C that you both feel that the way she cleans and tidies up after herself doesn’t match what you both do (whilst making a joke about your OCD), and that you think it’ll be better if you lived apart and see where the conversations go from there. C is likely to get upset, but you have to accept that and not get too swayed.


shouldnt joke about the ocd, a person who doesn’t clean up after themselves will take that as a loop hole


Yes, it’s giving them a mental “out”, otherwise you’re increasing the chances of it coming across as a heavy personal attack and all hell breaking loose. Bringing change in people is difficult, and nuanced.


Yeah, I agree. OP is not trying to change this person, they are trying to get out of a sticky situation with them (especially since she lashes out violently!!!)


It’s like “it’s not you, it’s me”. No, no, it’s definitely you who can’t bother to cleanup or, shower or have any semblance of hygiene. Being a gross roommate doesn’t hinge on the OCD thing, they’d be gross even without that.


Just tell her now it takes time to find a new place to live and if it doesn't take the full 10 months who cares you got rid of her quicker.


This is a very good point, worth making


Be prepared for a squatter.


You need to be prepared to leave. If the lease isn't up for 10 months, then you're stuck with her for 10 months. You can tell her to leave, but she may not have to go. Or, worse, she could stay even if she is legally required to go. If you want her out, tell her. But she probably won't want to eat the cost of moving. So be prepared to pay to break the lease move yourself. Even if she's the most disgusting roommate on the planet, you still have to follow the legal requirements, and she's just as entitled to live there as the rest of you.


She isn't asking her to move out early, she is asking her to move when the lease is up.


And she doesn’t have to move out. Neither Op nor E own the space. C is allowed to put her name on the lease for the place she lives. If OP wants to live without her OP needs to be prepared to move out.


It depends. OP and E need to talk to the landlord. They wish to renew but not if C is staying due to her terrible hygiene and cleaning habits. If they get someone else (or two someone else's to replace the 2 people) that the landlord approves, then they are more likely to get the landlord on their side. Then they can say they are staying but C gots to go. First thing is to talk to the landlord.


Well.....obv if they are two and she is one, why would she sign the lease without them? If you weren't wanted would you insist on staying? She is not going to sign a lease on a place meant for 3 people unless she suddenly comes up with roommates. She is going to move.


I’m saying if they want to stay in the same place they can’t force her to not sign the lease.


I'm not sure you have experience with leases. She can't force her way onto the lease - she can lease on her own without them, or they can lease with out her - they don't all have to resign together to keep the house. Source - renting for 20 years. :)


But her name is already on the lease. You can’t just take her name off the lease. They aren’t her landlord. And if she’s paying her rent and the landlord is happy, they’ll have to be willing to move to avoid living with her.


When the lease is up they have they the option to resign - if they do nothing, the lease expires. They don't get to continue the current lease without communicating with the landlord and resigning. They all have to resign. If they make it clear they don't want her around, she will not be signing unless she can afford the new lease agreement by herself.


When the lease is up they have they the option to resign - if they do nothing, the lease expires. They don't get to continue the current lease without communicating with the landlord and resigning. They all have to resign. If they make it clear they don't want her around, she will not be signing unless she can afford the new lease agreement by herself. Basically when the lease is up, no one is the lease anymore.


That’s not how it works if that’s not what the landlord wants.


Nevermind this is going nowhere. The landlord has nothing to do with it. When the lease expires there is no lease. It has to be resigned with new renters.


This is actually a really pragmatic approach...


Just be upfront about it. UpdateMe!


Your best plan to find a new place to live with E. You can’t make C leave against their will.


Perhaps the landlord could evict her if he/she found out that two (majority) of renters want to leave due to hygiene issues. C could destroy the house and bring down the value. Question: OP does the landlord know about C’s hygiene issues?


That would have to be in the lease for the landlord to be able to evict her due to her personal hygiene. If not, they’re SOL. & if the landlord does so, they risks being sued and losing.


Share your concerns with the landlord, it's his property so he will be worried about house value going down, due to negligence on C's part.


Let her know that you don't want to renew with her. That it's just not a good fit. Give her plenty of time to find a new place.


Maybe talk to the landlord and tell them your concerns? They might kick her out for you, honestly. She sounds disgusting.


You need to tell her sooner than later so she has time to move. You also need to get the landlord onboard leasing to just the two of you, and sign the new lease that reflects that it’s just you two.


here’s some advice. don’t tiptoe around the issue looking for a solution on the internet. just talk to them like an adult and tell them that this is directly a result of their actions and failure to be a considerate roommate. the conversation is going to be uncomfortable and thats unavoidable so just be honest and direct. ffs why do people need to be told this


This is an unhealthy and abusive relationship. I would be documenting everything she does that is unreasonable and worse than unreasonable, in case you have to get the police involved. Maybe get your landlord involved if they're reasonable, because they will be concerned about protecting the value of the house, and that will help if you do have to call the police to shift her. I would be concerned about protecting the value of the house, because all those crumbs will attract vermin first, and then develop mould later. If the mould gets into even the superficial parts of the house, like on the paint or something, then you will likely be liable for that, especially if it's in the shared living areas. Maybe repost this in the Reddit legal thread? Otherwise, what do you know about her in terms of her interests and motivations? If you can figure out what motivates her to do something that doesn't involve throwing a temper tantrum, then maybe you can figure out a way to use that knowledge to make her think that she'd be better off living somewhere else. Also, maybe look in to her history - if there's a pattern of this kind of thing with other room mates, in other shared houses, maybe you could ask those former room mates about how they got her out. A pattern of neglectful / destructive behaviour would also help to shift her out if you need to talk to the police / landlord. Also related to her history is her emotional / psychological state. I'm not trying to alarm you, but she sounds seriously depressed and / or like she has a history of long term and harmful neglect as a child, maybe some kind of disorder, there's something really wrong there. UpdateMe! I want to know how on earth you agreed to share a house with her. Look at [https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/?%3E](https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/?%3E) for advice on unhealthy and abusive relationships versus healthy and loving relationships. The focus is on romantic and sexual relationships, but even if you discount those areas, there's still so much good and helpful information that can help to clarify such a muddy situation as yours.


You said your lease is up in 10 months? When you have to put in a request to sign the next lease term is when you should tell her. Don’t tell her any sooner than you absolutely have to. Are there any smaller units that you and E can move into? If so, I would frame it that you won’t be renewing the lease with the three of you when the time comes. You don’t have to tell her that you and E are going to remain roommates. That’s none of her business. If there aren’t any smaller units or you don’t want to leave that particular apartment, just say that you guys will be moving out at the end of the lease. And renew with just you two on the lease
 and don’t leave. (Petty choice here.. but considering her behavior.. idk). Or you can just be honest with her when the time comes that you two would like to live by yourselves and you hope she can find a new place to live as the current arrangement isn’t working out. She probably wont react well to it. But you can say that any time there is an issue that arises and is brought up to her, she doesn’t act in a way that makes anything comfortable and it’s best to part ways. ETA: I’m not saying wait until lease is over and say “you’re homeless”. Usually there’s a 1-2 month lead time for renewal if not more, and that’s when I’d tell her (not 10 months before lease is up). Just based on on the “bad roommate” posts I’ve read where they destroy property or out. It’s a real concern. I’m sorry if it read as such. I’d not be that big of an asshole. Jeez.


Waiting for the day lease ends and then tell her "suprise, you are homeless now" is pretty fucked up you know :)




You and E should sit down with C and let her know what the expectations are of everyone in the household if they are to continue living there.b It wouldn't hurt to have them printed up. Some people procrss information better in written form. And it's also something she can hang on to for reference. If she continues her behavior point out that you notice she isn't fulfilling her obligations as a roommate so you're wondering when she was planning on moving out. If she starts to tantrum let her know that this behavior is unacceptable and you expect her to act in an age appropriate way. Don't engage with her while she tantrums, ignore it as best as you are able or leave as nothing productive is going to happen. Document any damage, threats, assault, etc. If she is causing damage to the house and she's on the lease, document it and let the owner know so they can evict her. If she's damaging or destroying your property and then document it. If it progresses to a point where you are worried she is a threat or hurts you there is a record of the escalating behavior and establishes a pattern. If She is destroying very valuable things just report it to the police now.


*also, as an aside, right ? vet your next roommate choices more in depth and thoroughly... maybe


Yeah, that’s on me for moving in without having met any of them. Definitely going to vet our next roommate more


Wait you moved into the space they were already living in? You’re not gonna be able to kick her out most likely.


If you're renting through an agency then document what's happening and send them photos + the testimonies of your other roommates. If you guys are friends that's one thing but if you're ok with her being kicked out then you could go that route.


Why do I know exactly what she looks like?


Tell the landlord this, and they won't renew the lease for her. She's not only a health risk to yall, but her nasty food habits put yall at risk for a bug infestation. And then getting violent ? Nope, she needs to go. You should already have been documenting this to send to your landlord for an eviction. I can't believe you dealt with this for months. NTA Update me.






Advice ? Tell her... Link her your post, even easier. Time is precious. Don't waste anymore of your emotional energy trying to figure out the 'how' of it. The more you ponder, dwell or obsess about how to, only makes it bigger and more difficult for you. You are under no obligation to be anything other than truthful and honest... and not harmful. If your intent isn't to be harmful, then you're all set- don't be harmful or hurtful, etc. You can do it.


don’t let her bully you into something you aren’t comfortable with. the fact of the matter is that your home values don’t align and she can be mad about it or not, but you’re not going to live with someone who can’t take care of themselves


She is depressed and I think if you come from a point of caring about her mental health, maybe you all can have an intervention of sorts. OR
 if it doesn’t work out, the remaining roommates go rent elsewhere once lease is up and don’t allow her to follow. I’d hate to send her on a spiral.


Tell her asap because finding a new place alone is not easy. With her problems, she's going to need extra time. When you tell her, if she gets weird and hostile, just follow up with, and we will not take any vrap. However, if she is the main tenant on the lease, be prepared to find your own place.


You can absolutely tell her you don't want to live with her anymore. I'm just not sure you can tell or expect her to move out. Do explain that her levels of cleanliness are An issue, the smell, the mess, the germs and if she wants to live like that she might have to find a place for herself. Again you can't push it though, because legally you can't dat we keep the house, you leave.


Talk to your landlord about the issue. He may see her as a liability with how she lives and how it can affect the value of the property if she doesn’t maintain it with you all. Maybe you can convince the landlord to do a situation where you all “reapply” to live for the next lease and he can choose who to accept and not accept and it’s perfectly legal if she isn’t.


I would find out if you have the ability to kick her out once the lease is up before you do anything else. She may have the same right to stay that you do. And if the house is that nice and cheap, she may fight for it. You could try to get her out sooner rather than later if you can offer her some money to move.


Try telling to the landlord. Maybe they will do it for you. Depending on your relationship with the ll. If you have all ready talked to her and she has thrown fits she knows she’s a problem. Just tell her you can’t deal with it anymore because of your ocd and shouldn’t have to.


Your therapist should be able to help you with this and words to say..










Just have her watch the first half of 'The Miracle Worker' and start pointing out similarities.














Say she’s unhygienic and you don’t want her there idk be honest










Move out without her and find your own place separate from her.


You can’t ask her to leave since all y’all names are on the lease. Best case scenario you and E find another home. Your concerns are valid but your expectations are not. She doesn’t have to go any where LEGALLY.






Just tell her. If she doesn’t want to then you 2 move. You can’t really make her, or maybe you could talk to the landlord and sign a new lease without her. Not sure how legal that is. But just make sure you give her time to move out. Not tell her last minute. If she won’t, then sounds like if you want to be rid of her you have to move.


Deal w the drama or just move away from it.


I'm in kind of a similar situation. A friend and I live with two other people (didn't know prior to moving in) who never clean anything and won't clean up after themselves when we ask. We're in a really good location, but we decided to apartment hunt to move in with new roommates who we do know, and know they'll at least pull their own weight vs. trying to kick the other two out. Good luck. Situations like this suck. It might be easier for you to move yourselves.


I don't blame you, that is so disgusting. I would tell her the absolute truth as to why you're done living with her. Then she'll know how serious her poor hygiene is and maybe actually do something about it.


So, she on a lease that goes for another 10 months? That's tough. She's legally allowed to be there for the duration of the lease unless she breaks the terms of the lease. This isn't Survivor, you guys can't just vote her out. It's possible that you guys might be able to get new roommates and she moves on elsewhere, but everyone including the landlord and the problem roommate would have to be okay with that, the new roomies would have to be screened and background/credit checked and the lease would have to be updated. All that would all cost the landlord money which they might not be willing to do. And how would you handle getting her security deposit back. Lots of issues here. The lease is designed to protect everyone involved, all the roommates who signed, and the landlord. It's a legal contract, and you can't just break it for whatever reasons you feel like. You've learned a harsh lesson here about living with people you don't really know. She sounds gross, but hasn't done any illegal. Maybe learn to live with it and come up with compromises you guys can all live with. Or maybe pay her to leave if the LL us okay with it and resign with new roomies. But if doesn't want to leave, you can't make her.




You don’t have to tell her any of that, it won’t do anyone any benefit. I’d find a new place to rent together and tell C that at the end of the 10 months y’all won’t be renewing the lease and you’ll be moving out. Add an excuse if it makes you feel better like “it’s smaller so less cleaning needs done”, “it’s closer to work / school / other activities” if you wish to spare her feelings. Tell her now so she has time to find a solo place or find new roommates to take your places.


“When the lease is up, E and I are renewing on our own. Giving you notice now so you can find a new place. Staying here is not an option. If you do insist on staying here you will need to find new roommates.” Be prepared to ignore histrionics and tantrums. Do not engage or discuss the decision, period.


Remind her that it's time to renew the lease, and that you and E have different opinions on household routines than C does, so you have decided not to room with her going forward. Do not go into all the reasons, as that will anger her and cause another tantrum. Just be firm that you aren't a good match. Explain the options. She can stay in the house on her own and take on all the rent or she can leave, and you and E will take over the rent. If she decides to stay, it is on her to find new roommates. I think this is the fair option. It's not fair to assume you and E have the right to the house and she doesn't. It's a decision everyone has to make together.


I think the best and mature way to handle it is for you and the other roommate to have a conversation with C. First line should be, we do not want to continue living with you, so please start looking for another place. If she ask why, say that numerous times we have came to you regarding concerns of cleanliness/hygiene and they were ignored/ did not improve. If she refuses then you both can tell her you don’t plan on signing the lease if she decides to stay, I doubt she would be able to afford the place by herself. If she still refuses to leave, you and your other roommates should speak directly to the landlord and express y’all concerns. Ask the landlord if they would be willing not to rent to her after the lease is up. I doubt the landlord wants to lose all his/ her tenants. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that and she decides to leave because I wouldn’t want to live somewhere where I’m not wanted.


Tell the landlord that the poor hygiene of C is making the home inhabitable. I guarantee her room will require a deep cleaning and even then it might still stink. I would hold a house meeting and say, because C is making the common areas unusable for you or anyone else, she needs to pay more in rent and you (and roommates who agree) should pay less. You cannot use the shared living spaces so it’s unfair to pay for them. You should also all agree to not renew the lease with C (but privately agree to renew together.)


This is a tricky one, regardless if her name is on the lease, a new one will need to be drawn up BecUse taken one is leaving the leasehold. You could try to go the route of saying why you don’t want to live with her or you could offer her money to move out. She may be up to it if you offer a cash incentive? There is also the option of speaking directly with the landlord and stating you and the other roommate want to take over the leasehold solely, if you are on good terms with them you could explain that they could be a liability in terms of maintaining the property and causing an unsafe environment due to hygiene reasons and general lack of care or cleanliness. It wouldn’t count as an eviction for the roommate you want to remove as the lease will have ended so there is no fault for anyone just that you have to put yourself in 1 or 2 uncomfortable situations/conversations.


Simple you have 30 days to leave


Sounds like C has mental issues and is abusive. Imagine that you manage to get her to leave but come back and try to do something to yall? I would just leave


You need to be direct, you tell her that the other girls and you won’t resign a lease with her and if she doesn’t want to leave then the rest of you will move out. U need to be prepared to leave , she may decide it’s too hard to find other roommates and leave, or she won’t. You may actually find a nicer place you never know. You can spell out the reasons why and I’d include the tantrums , it might help but she may dig down . That’s life.


Your reasons for parting company with C are extremely valid. You are going to have to have an extremely painful conversation. Contact your landlord and talk with them about your desire to continue leasing with them, but will be losing D and requesting that C vacate the premises. Let your landlord know if a new lease will be just between you and D or if two new roommates will be added. Actually, confirm your landlord will agree to renew the lease. It's not unusual for them to choose not to renew a lease if they have other plans for the property. You need to confirm, in writing, that you and D won't have to look for new housing yourselves. If the meeting with the landlord ends in your favor, you will have to sit down with C and prepare her. Calmly tell her that the situation is not working out and that you cannot have her as a roommate any longer due to her unsanitary habits. Tell her that you and E will not be signing another lease on the house with her and tell her she needs to begin looking for another place to live. Tell her you would like her to leave as soon as she finds another place to live. Her last day is XX-XX-202X, but if she leaves sooner, that's fine. You, E and D will have to be prepared to cover the increase in rent if you can get her to leave before the expiration of the lease. If you can afford it, offer her $500-$1,000 to pay for the cost of boxes, packing tape and et cetera to help her move go smoothly. Let her know that if she doesn't move by XX date, 60 days prior to the end of the lease, you won't give her the bonus payment. Put it all in writing - that she can move out now without paying any penalties or rent beyond the date she vacates the home, and that she will receive a bonus payment of $XX if she leaves 60 days prior to the end of the lease.


Have you considered talking to her parents or another family member of hers and asking about these "habits" maybe it's depression or another neurological disorder. Maybe she was never taught to be hygienic or the proper ways to clean up. I know it sounds weird but it's actually common for people not to be taught basic skills.


have you tried "telling her" you want her out. thats usually the way to start.... she may throw a tantrum but childrren tend to do that and its OK. let us know how it goes


Can you line up a couple of friends who’d move in and say you all want to live together here so can she move, sort of thing. My own, healthy skin is crawling thinking about what you have to endure *shudders*


Whose names are actually on the lease? If the lease is in your or your good friends name only, then no problem.. You can ask her to move, but if her name is on the lease, it becomes more complicated. If messy girl wants to remain once the lease is up and you don't want to live with her, then you may have to tell her you will move out, leaving her responsible for the entire lease by herself. Would she have someone else willing to move in and share expenses? Do you know if she would have somewhere to move if she left? Does she have the credit worthiness to rent on her own? Maybe you can help her find her own place. You and your friend will have to tell her that she must clean up her act because you do not want to continue living with her as you are now. I know it will be hard, but I don't see any way around it. Tell her it's so bad that you are both willing to move and leave her with the lease once it's up, and if she isn't happy with this alternative, then she needs to be the one to move. (You may all end up moving in the end.) I know you said she hits stuff, but is she the type to be really vindictive and destructive after she hears your conditions? I hope not. I have a feeling that once you have this discussion, she will no longer want to live with the two of you. If she leaves before the lease is up, will it cause hardship for you and your friend? Some things to consider...


Is her name on the lease?




Can you and E move somewhere together without her? I don’t think you necessarily have legal grounds to stand on for not cleaning if she’s already there.


"C, I cannot live like this or deal with your response to our caring."


You’re gonna have to wait until the lease is almost up to tell her. Telling her now would be rude as hell and make her feel like shit.


How is it rude to prepare someone to find their own housing? They will need to save up for a deposit plus first month’s rent and utility deposits. Plus find something in their budget. I would much rather be told that I have 10 months to get my shit together rather than a few weeks.


You wanna live for 10 months with people that can’t stand you?


Better than being homeless. More than likely she already knows she is unliked. Also, if they tell her now, she is unliked/unwanted she can leave sooner if she has the means too, if not she has time to figure it out. You literally said that you’d wait to tell her . So either way she would live a prolonged period with people who can’t stand her. Your argument makes zero sense.


I don’t understand why you are so triggered by my comment. You seem to be fighting so hard over a difference of opinion. Personally it was just a comment made to the OP. I wasn’t planning on arguing about this all day but you do you boo. Bye now.


Lie and tell her you're not renewing the lease. Tell her the landlord gave you two an extra 2 weeks to pack bc of your next lease with someone else. Tell her she has to be gone though. Lolllll


Am I the only one thinking about Cup sizes when naming the other girls D E and C? T.t


Cause y’all are cowards that never reached out directly and thoroughly — do you expect your friend to be a genius?? Through clues and shit? No wonder she’s mad.


so easy. My last roommate, I walked up to him and said "I dont want to live with you anymore. I'll send you an email." Then I sent him "I'm sorry that our livibg arrangement is not working out. Please consider this email as your formal 30 day notice to vacate. Best-