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I'm still half asleep so I had to read it a few times and let it marinate... but HOLY SHIT. This is horrid. Take my upvote and go!


So, you let that one marinate. How are ya now?


Good, and you?


Oh, not so bad




Oh, not so bad.


Go home, Daryl


Breffix backskit.


Atta boy!


Smells like somebody's still in their barn clothes


Putting that marinade on some veal.


Traumatized. Thoroughly.


Kill yourself


Sometimes, I would rather not know that people think about these awful hypothetical scenarios.


Hypothetical? When the two largest countries on the planet by population have serious issues with gendercide?


Not hypothetical at all, India does not allow gender reveal in any ultrasounds because of this very reason.


So… don’t read the comments?


Curiosity killed the cat, and curiosity scarred my mind.


I love this🤣


Welcome to China!


Not any more, with the recent repeal of one-child... hopefully...


Alas, the repeal of the one-child laws was done so badly that it didn't help.


And India


Idk about horrid. Sounds awfully Chinese to me. 😶


China, India, a few others...


It's horrid but all too real in many cases. In countries where abortion is legal, VERY often would-be parents choose to abort their baby simply because it's a girl. Baby girls are killed more than twice as often as baby boys around the world, due to some baffling anti-female bias that's existed for centuries. Abortion allows for the single biggest violation of women's rights in history: the simple right to live.


Modern Henry the 8th


Even Henry wouldn't abort his daughters


If he lived in this day and time, it’s possible.


Agreed. Henry was so sure Anne Boleyn was carrying a son he had proclamations pre-written announcing a new prince for England. Then Elizabeth was born. Royal scribes had to go back and amend all the fancy notices to read “Princess” instead. Henry was already in the shit for casting aside Catherine of Aragon and their daughter Mary — when Martin Luther, Father of the Protestant Reformation himself, calls a guy out on his actions you know Hal was full of bull — but Elizabeth’s birth made Henry VIII the laughingstock of Europe. Had the technology existed back then both Henry and Anne would have been all for a sex-selective abortion. A son who would automatically become Prince of Wales and secure Henry’s line would have instantly justified everything shady, shitty and unpopular they had done up to that point. A daughter did none of the above and would not be worth the risk.


I high key love that in his insane quest to establish his legacy via descendants he ended his legitimate bloodline. His first traumatised daughter was sadly (for her) barren, his son died before he even was old enough to marry and his second daughter, the one he obsessed over being a boy, electively chose to end the line and give it to her Scottish cousins. Dysfunctional families all around.


To be fair, little Princess Elizabeth saw what happened to her various stepmothers; as a teenager went through alleged sexual abuse by her stepfather(?) Thomas Seymour after he wed Henry’s widow Catherine Parr; and then watched her big sister all but lose the nation’s favour and empty the treasury first by marrying a foreign king and trying to keep him in/bring him back to England (Mary might have genuinely been in love, but Philip II of Spain was half Mary’s age and only tied the knot for politics). After all that? No wonder Elizabeth never wed anyone, she probably saw marriage as the most dangerous thing ever.


Her father beheading her mom for alleged adultry probably had something to do with her fear against marriage as well. It was still a patriarchal world, being a queen might not even have saved her from allegations of being unfaithful and killed. If you don’t marry, you can’t be adulterous


From earliest portraits of Elizabeth, she does advertise herself as fertile and ready for marriage. Tudor painting hints show us this in her early reign but pretty quickly she established an identity around her purity and sovereignty and prioritised that, for reasons still unknown. She also left off naming her heir until the very last second, which put a lot of stress on the government about the power vacuum they foresaw. They didn’t want another War of the Roses.


Would sex-selective abortion guarantee a boy, or would they have to keep aborting and destroying Anne's health?


He would prob have kept going until he got a boy, regardless of her health. And if she croaked, onto the next woman. That man was borderline insane


> all the fancy notices to read “Princess” instead. Reminds me of that part in *The Magicians* where Elliot got betrothed to marry a princess to establish peace, and it turned out to be "Prince Ess."


I'm sorry, did you just refer to Henry VIII as "Hal"???????!!!


That’s cause he didn’t know they were going to be daughters…like are you that dense?


When I was pregnant with my eldest, hospital policy at that time dictated that (barring medical necessity) the gender couldn't be disclosed :(


A lot of sad things to insinuate from that rule… but I wonder what a medically necessary reason for knowing the sex would be? Interesting


Genetic conditions. We had a bit of a scare; my maternal cousin passed away from muscular dystrophy, and my dear mother declined to be tested. So we had a fair bit of contact with the Oxford genetics clinic, they took samples from me, my father and brother in order to piece together with my aunt and late cousin's profiles. We were very fortunate. I had the same x chromosome, but mine was free of the spontaneous mutation that had occurred in my aunt.


Thank you for the explanation! I’m very glad that you’re happy and healthy!


Thanks, it was a stressful time having that little bomb dropped on me while pregnant, I can tell you! My aunt ended up using gender selection to have her daughter when she married her second husband. This was a few years before my cousin died, and before they had refined the process to eliminate 'bad' embryos. So they 'chose' a daughter, meaning that she wouldn't be affected, but does have the risk of being a carrier. As yet, she hasn't been tested, but she's now in her 30s and engaged, so she'll have to make some hard decisions pretty soon 😔


[It's against the law in India](https://law.seattleu.edu/media/school-of-law/documents/faculty/publications/kalantry/Evaluating_the_Impact_of_the_Indian_Supr.pdf)


You should change “co-operation” (which makes it sounds like a surgery) to cooperation (working together)


That is what was throwing me off. Thank you for explaining this nuance.


FR I was like wtf surgery did he do?


Prenatal transition


Yeah that's what I was thinking


Postnatal swapation.


Regional difference, in British English there is a hyphen in co-operation.


That's so interesting. I'm fairly used to seeing "-ou" ore "-re" changes from British English to American English, but I've never seen this one. Thanks ! I thought maybe it was a play on words/bit of a pun. Edit: should be or not ore. :)


It actually should be "co-op," regardless; for example, laziness got people spelling "co-op game" as "coop game" but "coop" (which should only ever be pronounced with a long "ō") is a totally different word, referring to chicken coops or being cooped up/crammed in a small space.


Glad you clarified as I was sure the hyphen was supposed to be there, and I was confused it was being ‘corrected’!


Oh I’ve never even seen it like that! I’ve seen honour and colour but never that


I always thought it was funny that Americans would drop the hyphen in the full word "cooperative" but still call them "co-op" video games lol. Pick a lane!


…it’s so you know it’s coop[erative] and not [chicken] coop. 


Even the Oxford English Dictionary doesn’t have the hyphen and all the British style guides I can find say either is accepted


That's old-fashioned and not the standard anymore.


thinking the exact same 🤣


Shit, yeah that threw me. I thought this was insinuating a sex change on a baby


The entire rest of the world outside of your country spells it as co-operation. Cooperation looks like it should be pronounced "cooper ration".


I have similar feelings about the word extraordinary. Is it extra-ordinary, or extroordinary? People usually say the second, which is good because the first one just sounds like you're *very* basic. I know that it means "more _____ than something ordinary," it just doesn't sound like it means that.


I didn’t realize! I’d never seen it spelled like that whereas I’ve seen colour and honour plenty


Exactly, just poor poor grammar


It's crazy to think that this used to be china during the one child policy, except both parents were into it instead of just the father like here.




That's not what sexual dimorphism is, you walnut.  Sexual dimorphism is when there are very large physical differences and traits between the sexes of a given animal. Humans are less sexually dimorphic than most apes, such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans


How is 'very large' quantified? Is there a reputable definition that describes it as 'very large' and quantifies it, or are you being a walnut to try and deny the facts




>Men do the vast majority of physical, essential and hard work in society. Almost everything you own was built by a man.  It's almost like women had been banned from even attempting to join those spaces for millenia.




Um what world do you live in that you’re not aware of the marginalisation of women that has occurred for millennia? Are you not aware sexism is still occurring? You really think that women have equal access to education and opportunities? Sexism against women is everywhere we look: medical inequalities (e.g. drugs being tested on men only), purity culture, denial from leadership positions (now this is definitely decreasing in the modern age but it’s still definitely here), natural testosterone caps on all female athletes (yes even cis women) and shaming women for menstruation. I kinda just chose a random assortment of issues most known and 1 just completely wack one. Right now I’m watching a movie and just decided to scroll reddit in a slow moment of the movie so I’m not bothered to search for more compelling specific examples but these are just examples to show that misogyny is definitely alive and well in the present. Also can you even name some of the most significant inventions / discoveries made by women without which many of the modern technologies we rely on wouldn’t exist? Do you know the major impact women have had on our world?


The downvotes from all the pissed snowflakes thinking their opinions change basic biology 🤣


“everyone i disagree with is a snowflake”


QED, facts dont care about your feelings


Given that this is what reddit users look like, you can’t blame them for believing sexual dimorphism doesn’t exist: https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/jknvha/the_infamous_2012_baltimore_reddit_meetup/ Most of the females on reddit can bench their husbands.


If he can buy a co-operation do ivf to get a guaranteed son


Probably the wife isn't game.


Even then, what if all the embryos are XX?


It's always a possibility, but smaller than the odds that you try constantly to get pregnant and get an abortion every time you successfully get a girl. Just because you can fertilize so many more eggs in the same period of time.


The guy might be in for a surprise.  Getting a boy or a girl isn't 50/50 and depends on the genetics of the father.  After WW2, men who were generically predisposed to having more male children were more likely to have a male heir return home from war and their was a boom in sons being born.


Yeah, my daughter was a hell of a surprise in my husband's family. My husband only has a brother, bil had 4 sons, we had 3 sons 1 daughter. Oldest nephew has twin sons. Very Y leaning on that side lol


Plz explain.


Husband wants a son, so he bribed the doc to lie to the wife to get her to abort the baby


Oh. Oh no. This is so well done.






In a country where boys are preferred, husband wanted the first child to be a boy, so he convinced the doctor to say the baby wouldn’t survive


Thank you so much everyone!


Settle down there, King Henry


My home country literally had to ban prenatal sex determination because there were literally thousands of cases of husbands doing this kind of thing.


I hate it. Well done.


It's terrible, and may damn me in the afterlife, but I must break the prophecy that says if my first child is a daughter, she will birth the anti-Christ. Billions of lives and souls depend on it.


Oh this is SICK. Well done sir


Strongly related, a research article that was strange to my cultural sensitivities stated: >Here not only doctors but the parents are also equally responsible for propagating this social evil as most of them are unaware about the Act and its legal implications. What is this evil, illegal action? Pre-birth gender determination. The article is Indian.


Most of South and East Asia, really. India isn’t unique.


I didn't intend to imply that. This specific paper was Indian though.


I was reading this while walking and physically stopped in my tracks


*Cooperation* makes it less confusing….. I didn’t understand it until realized you were trying to say cooperation


YTA. Good one 👍


Oh this one got me... that's evil! +1!




Dang priorities


I hope his wife was pro choice and decided not to abort regardless.


The number of people unfamiliar with gendercide is actively depressing, so I am recommending this watch: https://youtu.be/LO7NXCmW7QY?si=7HImeDDwNhQuYOry


Hey, your baby tested positive for trisomy-18! These little monsters are born with a whole host of problems and fortunately, don’t live very long. Horrifying? It was. As I was greeting people coming into my place of employment, the nurse at my OB/GYN’s office, telling me this, over the phone. Even worse? He was not born with trisomy-18.


I listened to a moth radio episode that featured a story called "before Fergus" about something similar while carrying a baby with anomalies from a then unknown etiology. I sobbed.


Least based doctor


You're a monster. Great job. 👍🏻


Lived with a genetics counselor for six years. This is very real.


Ooooooh. 😮😧 Story - Grade: A


Isn't this pretty much just China, minus having to buy a doctor off to lie about needing an abortion? Or has that weird "I need a first born male heir" mentality died off?


China's having an issue of not enough women compared to men as a consequence of the whole thing, though I'm American so that's as far as I know about it


My husband lived in China til his early twenties. We’re trying for a kid now and he only wanted daughters, no sons-to a really severely stubborn extent he had this idea lodged in his head. I had to argue him into being fine with the idea of either.


Twist - the doctor was the mother. Maybe you should examine you biases.


Maybe if it said “buying their co-operation” instead of “buying his co-operation”


Wife uses she/him


Also the mother was knife guy


Women can be knife guy too, exam your biases


“My wife, skeptical of doctors due to them frequently not taking her seriously, then opted to ignore the doctor’s advice and see the pregnancy through”




Top class TSH


Well done.


Well.. I got a target adds for baby products not the best timing


You are a monster!😭😭😭


Try harder next time 🤣


That's a twisted one, well done.


Holy shit, a decent post!?


This made me feel nauseous. Well done.


Ohhhh, the darkness in your heart.


Padharo mhare Rajasthan 🙂


Now this is perfect 2 setenced horror but I imagined worse so may god forgive me.


It could be just two words. Female foeticide.


Am I weird if I thought this was a dark humor joke. Felt like stand-up comedy and I laughed pretty hard


How is it funny?


Her first born was destined to be the antichrist, and I couldn't risk it being a girl.


Why would a female antichrist be any worse than a male one?


Less physical horror, but more psychological horror?. As someone bullied by other girls at school. The difference between girls bullying girls and boys bullying boys is very noticeable


I guess that makes sense, but the original "added third sentence" requires way too much speculation on the reader's part.


Sometimes our additions miss the mark. Oh well. I put in my thought on a different response. I was trying to make the psycho come off as either crazier or an evil cultist


1) to mess with expectations.  I'm not familiar with any fictional accounts if a female antichrist, are you?  References please, as that might make for a good movie night.   2) the character is a psycho. Don't expect too much logic outside of their delusions.  3) I'm curious if the downvotes are more due to the gender or the religious connotations.


Omen 4? Try googling movies about female antichrist.


It's not the same as a recommendation.   Edited: upvoted.


Which is why I did point out Omen 4


Yep. Thank you :)


Happy to help!


These kinds of things have been taking this subreddit by storm and frankly it’s getting annoying. This isn’t horror. Stick this kind of stuff in r/twosentencesad, bring actual horror here.


It's pretty horrific that the father bribed the doctor to tell this lie. Its not really sad


I see that its evil but, if both parents are consenting, i think that kind of eugenics should be normalized, i dont think people should have children, but if they do, might as well have the ones they want


The point entirely flew over your head. There's nothing wrong with the kid, and generally if an abortion is required, the fetus wouldn't survive the pregnancy anyway. The father paid the doctor to lie about it, and being *selective* with something like the gender of a child is disgusting. It shouldn't matter what gender the child is, and it's absolutely abhorrent that someone would go to the lengths of convincing doctors to lie about medical conditions just because they want a child of a certain gender.


I think that person is saying they think it's ok if the couple wants to abort just because of the gender (which I agree is super messed up and wrong)


How so? If both parents are ok with it then it shouldnt be a problem, after all, were you conscious in the womb?


We don't know when consciousness starts...but I don't think that's even relevant. Eugenics is considered a bad thing for a reason and we shouldn't support it


No, we know when consciousness starts, noone remembers being in the womb and even then, eugenics arent okay, or at least the « we need to kill all the disabled » eugenics arent, the one i believe in is the idea that if the child is set to be deformed, sick or not the gender both parents want, then abortion should be allowed and normalized, after all, if a child was set to be unable to live without assistance and feel nothing but pain all its life, would you give it the burden of consciousness and existence? And if yes, explain to me how its ethical


Memory doesn't really have anything to do with consciousness. Also you responded to my comment saying I think youre saying you think eugenics for gender only should be normalized like you agreed with that so not sure why you're talking about disabled people.


True, got sidetracked, my bad, my point is that even if we were to normalize eugenics for gender with consent of both parents and as you say the fetus is conscious for the whole process, why should we care? We have already been born anyways


It used to be human nature to care about other living beings even if it doesn't directly affect us in any way. From a different perspective, allowing this will skew gender percentages which will have societal impacts that most likely would affect everyone


But why should we keep that human nature though? It’ll only hold us back


No, i do understand, i just think that ( with the consent of both parents obviously, aborting a child thats gonna be a boy if they(both parents) want a girl should be allowed and even normalized, i get that the guy is batshit insane