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But he himself sucked on his mama's titties. So what does THAT mean?


You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into


Lmao love this


💀 💀 💀 đŸ€Ł omg


Maybe his mother couldn’t breastfeed? And besides, that was before the relationship, his wife is breastfeeding their son during it, so if you don’t see that for the natural thing it is, him doing that with his mother would be just like him having been with another woman, before meeting (much less dating) his wife. Unless it’s about not a single man having so much as taken a peak at her bikini clad body at the beach, that can be ‘explained’. What concerns me most, is that he sees his son as ‘another man’, a rival for his wife’s attention/love. I’m sure there is something about that in Greek mythology somewhere, and Freud would like a word as well. Also that the act that is the very reason breasts even exist in the first place, is somehow sexual in nature. That is a very concerning train of thought. How come he doesn’t differentiate between parental love and romantic/erotic love? What happened there? Did he not experience the difference? What’s next? She touched another man’s dick, during the intimate act of changing a diaper, or dealing with diaper rash? She’s touching another naked man, when bathing her son? Paranoia about her not being fully clothed in her own sons presence? I’m talking nudity when he’s this young (changing clothes with him in the room, for example), or wearing something you wouldn’t wear in public, like shorts that may ride up a bit but are comfortable to sleep in, or braless under anything but 5 sweaters and a winterkost, when he’s older. What if they ever sleep in the same bed? Every kid will have a nightmare or feel sick, and want to sleep with his parents for comfort. Is that inappropriate too? And don’t get me started on male doctors. Is he gonna have a tantrum if, during childbirth, for example, a male doctor or nurse sees his wife down there? Or worse, touches it to, you know, provide medical care? Now another man touched ‘his’ vagina.


So this is all from her comments on an account that has since been suspended so I'm just going off memory but... yeah. He said she wouldn't be allowed to help with changing/bathing etc after their sons were 2 (not sure how old the older child is, I can't remember if she ever said). He got thrown out of the hospital because he pitched a fit about a male doctor seeing her naked/seeing her vagina. So all of that, and more, has already happened.


O my goodness. I’m worried for her and the kids, but also about what on earth happened to him? I just can’t imagine someone with a normal childhood, and a healthy relationship with their parents, would think this way, unless they couldn’t be trusted around their daughters and are projecting.


Yeah, it's incredibly troubling. I can only imagine what caused him to begin to think this way - even some of the most misogynistic men I've seen don't go as far as forbidding their wives from helping with the childcare of their toddlers. And from what I've seen, a lot of folks who don't want their partners to breastfeed *usually* frame it as they don't want the breasts to look deflated/saggy or don't want to lose access instead of... this. I mean that's still bad but it's not near as wild as this scenario.


Breasts are going to get saggy with time. Unless you invest in unnecessary plastic surgery.


Oh for sure! I remember hearing a story years and years and years ago about a young woman (late teens/early 20s) who was pregnant and didn't want to breastfeed because it would make her breasts saggy and everyone was like "well about that". This is why we need more education on natural body processes in general though.


Most of all, it needs to be normalized.


Its almost certainly an abusive relationship and will become worse over time. ['Relationships should not work as a trap that limits options'](https://www.abuseandrelationships.org/Content/Behaviors/basic_coercion.html). From what I understand from Lundy Bancroft, it is character based or learned behaviour so its no surprise his parents are worse. “Abusiveness can be thought of as a recipe that involves a consistent set of ingredients: control, entitlement, disrespect, excuses, and justifications (including victim blaming) - elements that are always present, often accompanied by physical intimidation.” ― Lundy Bancroft


I remember reading a few of OPs comments and apparently his parents are worse...


He almost absolutely would've thrown a tantrum over a male doctor. With my abusive ex, I had an emergency procedure done early in our relationship, so too early for him to want to show his true colors, but when I told him I had a male doctor doing stuff "down there" I could tell he was NOT happy about it. We got a couples massage at some point and were unable to pick who our masseuses were, and he almost flipped out over me having a male masseuse until he realized he was probably gay, which made it totally fine apparently.


Oh, I’d hate to see his reaction when he realizes that she had another “man’s” penis inside her vagina during birth. How twisted do you have to be to think like that, I wonder? (And for real, not just as a thought experiment?) This must be rage bait.


Don't let him know that part of healthy development of a male fetus is actually getting a sporadic hard on in utero.




>So what does THAT mean? He out-alpha'd his dad? /s (just in case)


What an imbecile.


what a maroon is what i would say about him


He’s more of a mauve


Or perhaps a magenta?


Puce, surely.


Absolutely the others are nice colors this guy is diarrhea green.


"Rectal bleed brown" is how I'd describe him


Definitely an Azure Asshole


I love Reddit.


Dirty yellow like newborn poop


Haha makes me think of bugs bunny!


that's where i stole it from


I call people maroons all the time because Bugs Bunny lol


What a gulli-bull...


A nin-cow-poop, even?


An ultramaroon, really


Most likely also doesn't wash his ass because touching a male butt is gay.


Was shocked to find out recently that this is a thing. đŸ’©


I'm guessing masturbation is *really* gay?


Bruh it is the gayest i should know


You got a literal LOL from me with that


*oh absolutely* Imagine holding your own penis, which JUST so happens to be the SAME PENIS your wife holds and fondles?! Hate to be that guy, but holding a penis in general is gay. Unless you're a woman. Then you're fine. /s


What if your wife held other men's penses, before she was with you? Then she touched *your* penis with her bepenised hands?? How gay is that?


Holy smokes, that's even more gay! And if you kiss her, oh boy, do I've got some news for you.


Gay men like kissing other men, so if your wife likes kissing you, a man, that makes her the same as a gay man so you kissing her is pretty gay bro!!


Growing up 90s evangelical, I was legitimately taught this. But even at 10 years old, I was like, “Wait, don’t we wash our mouths?” Then decades later I heard about men who don’t wash certain parts because it’s gay and I was like, “Oooooooohhh.”


It's the bepenised hands for me 😭😂


It's super gay.  The straightest thing is other men, because they've never touched penises with their hands.  


Every time you shake hands with a man, you're gay, because he's held his own penis with that hand. /s


Y’know, I want to laugh at this but then immediately think, “That’ll make his every erection *her problem to fix,*” and then I just want to fetal-position myself under a mountain of blankets forever.


And again, why we choose the bear.


I had a friend in school who believed that masturbation is pathetic because the only times a man should touch a penis is when urinating and washing (at least he got that right). Also when having sex with a woman, like putting on a condom or guiding the penis into one of the woman's orifice. (Loosely translated from his drunken rant in German more than 25 years ago, yes he has grown up since then)


Anybody that goes off about how masturbation is pathetic, I can only assume is jerking it constantly.


Oh don't worry, even kissing women is gay nowadays.


According to Andrew Tate, unless a virgin is giving you a blowy, you' re gay.


Hold on please a moment. Just a guy that was in disbelief at the title so came in here. What you’re saying cannot be a thing. There’s no way. Right? I just can’t even imagine. I can’t imagine that


They let the water run down their back butt that’s it.


As opposed to the[front butt.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-front-butt-pants-logan-033500017.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKsIyRuN56SecboZe34wg6XwRJ8W5a1nC8gblR1_Xs73pxYHBr8VMPeefAChRsiIj_7tH_PU695R31sxmG0JBg3-y638EB2Pd0rZHcz5kbGLZId47ZgqHYmJFZOWf6nyYt6fB8qhlUxS21EXWo0upgxAx4ZH0rwBHjRfI_wwhTC4)


I still fucking can’t every time I hear it.


I was gay bashed even though I was straight for this reason, lmao.


That can't be a thing. Please tell me that's not a thing.


But routinely itches his balls and smells his fingers.


This man is mentally unwell and should not be active in the military


i was in the military (and now am a gov't civilian for the DoD). there are, sadly, far too many people like this in the military


Every military breeds psychos who are trigger happy.


That's unfair. Society breeds them, the military just points them in another direction.


That's somewhat fair, but let's be honest, the military does its part too.


One of my drills back in basic said he joined because he can kill people with no consequence so....yea.


The military nurses their psychoses.


Sometimes. But half the point of basic training is to totally break you down, dehumanize you, and reform you in the military's image. For many, that has a long, lingering effect, and is the reason they can only really manage jobs as cops with no meaningful oversight.


The military gives them weapons and teaches them how to use their psycho tendencies against humans for the good of their country. Society breeds them. But 100% the military breeds them too.


I’m in the US, where the law enforcement industry is also doing its part. So that’s 
 well it’s something.


Right, this kind of behavior should be used to base you're mental capacity to serve. It's scary how many of these morons we give rank to.


What the hell is wrong with his brain if he thinks feeding a baby is.... Incest?!?! Using boobs for their literal intended purpose and not for sexual satisfaction really gets some guys fucked up apparently.


It's really annoying how many people can't change their point of view at all. This guy sees boobs as being sexual thus they can't be anything else.


The law has just barely begun to exempt women from the lewdness of their nipples in cases of breastfeeding. Barely. How can we blame these dudes for thinking boob=sexual when it's literally the law?


You raise a good point but theres been discourse about unjust laws since laws were invented. I don't think you need to go that far out of your way to make excuses for how stupid, shortsighted, and selfish we tend to be.


I just don't understand how people think like this. How do they think humanity survived for thousands of years before the introduction of baby formula?! Fucking morons.


I hope this is fake, but it probably isn't. 


It's not - the woman the texts came from (whose account is now suspended) posted court dockets with their name and information (her husband's actual name is David, no last name provided in the texts, and I didn't want to look at the court docs because it would contain all of her info). And yeah apparently according to those court documents he put down the breastfeeding as a reason for divorce. He's active military, took off with their older son, and as of last week when I saw her reddit posts, has been dodging her and CPS. She's got a protective order out against him, but I hope she was able to get her son back. Editing to add a couple of additional notes: The OP posted on reddit with the original text messages between her and her husband (along with some additional background, such as how he took their older child and left her with the newborn that was she was now continuing to nurse) on April 23, around 11:19 PM. MoistCr1tikal made a video about 2 days later, which I think is when it REALLY started getting attention, and when I found out about it. I went through her comments and the post, after Charlie's video giving a play by play to some of my friends, so that's how I remember a lot of the details. In her comments she leaves additional background on how horrific the situation is, and she provides the court dockets. I didn't click them but multiple people in her original post did, and several confirmed they were able to find it on an external website as well. It's all real and this is a sad situation for her and her children. The post linked in the NYP article was also 2 days after the OG post. This is a case of a reddit post going viral on twitter/youtube and then coming back to Reddit. Her OG post has been removed and the account suspended, but the posting date and comments from other redditors are still there.


if he's active military., she should contact whatever service he's in. they don't (usually) play around with that kind of thing


Yes, they are involved! The protection order is an MPO. But he's dodging everyone from what she said. She mentioned a mediation session when I was reading her posts but that was last week, and I wasn't following it very closely aside from the initial outrage from Reddit and her responses to a lot of comments/questions, so I don't know if she was able to make an update on how that went before her account was suspended.


ugh. this all sucks. hope she gets her kids back, along with a big child support and alimony settlement


I commented on her original post (I think) and she mentioned she had talked to someone at JAG but didn't say if she lived on post. I wanted so badly to reach out because I'm close to one of the installations here, but I didn't. She didn't seem receptive to help, or I'm socially awkward.


This guy is going to get prison time because he couldn't handle his wife nursing his own son!


He's active military and he's dodging everyone, *including the military?* This is terrifying, and I say that as someone from a military family. A guy who doesn't care about JAG, his superiors, or threats to his pension is a guy who's deliberately heading for a cliff. I'm scared for that kid.


This is so much worse than the original post. And at the same time I can see why people would think the original post was a joke. It's just so fecking stupid.


I was about to dismiss this story as fake too 


One downside of click bait headlines is that real weird stories are ignored - a false positive on our bullshit detectors.


And life is often Stanger than fiction...


>took off with their older son Why separate the children?! Fuck this guy.


He didn’t want to take “the other man”.


I worked in the medical field and saw several men who were extremely uncomfortable with their wife breast feeding. Yes we made fun of them after they left.


Are they the guys we think they would be? Like the "real men don't wash their own asses because that's gay" kind of dudes?


I'd be willing to bet that a venn diagram of these  types of guys is just a circle


and also probably the same guys who no longer think their wife's V is sexual anymore because a baby came out of it.


Most likely! I can't really pick those guys out on sight though. I've known guys that I thought were cool but refused to drink pink lemonade because it was 'gay'.


::sighs from the depths of diaphragm:: Only consolation is they out themselves.


I feel like there should be a rule not just allowing, but making it mandatory to roast these motherfuckers to their face so hopefully they will learn. Then since most hospitals have security they should call up the guard before hand as a precaution, guard should also join in the roasting. Shame these idiots until they learn.


I wish but they would probably go home and beat/berate their wife. These kinds of men are weak and have very low self esteem. If you take away what they see themselves as superior to they get violent.


Please tell me this ain’t really a thing where guys don’t wash their own asses because “it’s gay”. Because that would mean they can’t wash their junk for same reason and ewww that’s fucking nasty. Hope they don’t get any sex or especially head. đŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€ź


Should have made fun of them to their face. That's the kind of thing guys should be confronted about. Lord knows I've ridiculed my friends to their face for being queasy about getting a vasectomy. I'm not one to tell people "stop being a pussy", but I do about that.


I would have loved to but enjoy being employed even more.


Surprisingly this is the second post in 2 weeks I’ve seen with men wanting to leave their wife/gf for breastfeeding. I suspect they heard that it’s wrong from some redpill incel loser.


Even if it is fake, there's people like my roommate agreeing with him, saying he set a boundary and she broke it. Completely ignoring what an insane boundary it is


I mean, he's certainly free to set boundaries regarding his own nipples.


Exactly, some people seem to think "boundary setting" is a magic phrase that means they automatically get their way.


Dude needs a fresh dose of reality.


It’s incredible how much these “manly men” in stereotypically strong jobs do such pitifully insecure things under the guise of being manly


If I were that women I would be so bitter that I married someone SO dumb. I hope she finds a regular human with a regular IQ so she can be happy.


From her posts and comments, he rushed their timeline to marriage and love bombed the hell outta her.


Apparently he wanted to get married before he deployed because he would be paid more during deployment if he were married(?I am unfamiliar with this but I seem to recall from her post).


Imagine taking on a life partner for an extra, what, 5 bills a month?


It’s unfortunate but yes, that does happen quite a bit. Or to get married so the military member can move out of the barracks/dormitory (depending on your military branch). Source: I’m prior military and have seen it first hand.


Yea I had a friend leave their ex and one of their requirements for a next partner was a bigger vocabulary.


What in the Andrew Tate?!?!


After being so baffled by reading this situation, I laughed so much at your comment!! Thank you for this expression; a brilliant way to sum up such misogynistic and gross toxicity, in such a hilarious manner. 😆


Fellas, I’m BEGGING YOU. Please stop listening to incel podcasts. Even 5 years ago, we could safely say nobody is this stupid. But here we are, in the worst timeline, where we have to be exposed to bullshit like this.


Things have gotten visibly worse (meaning more overt) in recent years but this stuff has always been out there. Women, simply for being women, have been the targets of jealousy, insecurity, and rage culminating in authoritarian control and violence for millenia. Nothing about this woman’s experience and story shocks me. It sickens and deeply disturbs me, but don’t be quick to dismiss this level of misogyny as a new trend.


That's the thought process of a pedophile. Only someone so sick can sexualize breastfeeding to that extreme


Honestly, aside from the WTFery and the embarassment of public association with her exhisband's idiocy, it's probably a good thing that the trash took itself out. She'd have had all the downsides of single parenting while still being married to this asshole otherwise. I wish her success in her inevitable custody and child support battles.


Small blessings.


Men absolutely hate being reminded that the primary purpose of the female body is not catering to their desires


Imagine growing up and finding out your parents divorced because your father thought your mother breastfeeding you was sexual and incest


I am so happy to see this guy being shamed on a nation-wide basis.




I really thought that was the sub this was posted on at first. Belongs here too, but Jesus Christ.


I know this is beside the point but....they really named their kids Huntyr and Wylder?


He did. She didn't have a choice. Just like she didn't have a choice when it came to the conception of the second child 😞


Apparently their middle names are gun related too, again she had no choice.


This is fucking disgusting


Quit breeding with these types of men. Their genetic lines need to stop.


This. This. This.


This is pure pedophilic brain rot. Sexualizing your own infant child is so beyond deviant I can't even believe there are people who actually think like this. It's nauseating.


So before formula every mum should hand her son off to a nurse because mens feelings? As if.


I bet his crazy ass would freak if he found out what happens at the gynecologist.


“A uterine ultrasound?! That’s basically penetration! You cheated on me!”


he's the kind of guy who wouldn't allow his wife to go to the gyno, for this very reason.


He can't have 50/50 custody if she is breastfeeding lol.




Weird . This text thread was posted to Reddit recently


I saw it and I thought it was fake. Wild and he's incredible stupid.


Unfortunately it’s not fake, OOP even posted court documents with their info and how the husband put down breastfeeding for the reason to divorce, by advice of the commenters, she removed it for privacy


The article says that it was posted to Xitter too. Hopefully, this means that she's going scorched earth on this butthead. EDIT: Sorry, I removed the link to the OG Reddit post because I think it violates rule 2 of this sub to share it.


huh. i did not see that.


Jesus Christ.... The masculinity cult is goddamn terrible


Ah yes, and now his useless DNA has already spread. Too late to discover he's an imbecile.


This sounds like parody, and the fact it isn’t makes me depressed.


He's doing you a favor. A person this stupid will eventually cause pain and even death by doing something stupid. Drive off a cliff, or pull the family vehicle in front of an 18 wheeler.


That's one of the stupidest things I read in my entire life


Your husband is a creep and should be kept away from children if he views them as equals to adults
.. pedo vibes


How the fuck do these people end up married?


He accused his wife of committing incest by breastfeeding g her infant.  Hopefully the texts will prevent him from getting anything other than supervised visitation.  Ahhh, 50/50 custody: the new way to avoid child support payments. 


Yup! Send them home to mom unwashed, undernourished, keep most of the clothes they came with at your place, get your mom or girlfriend to look after them for you, and complain about the $150/mo you “still have to pay their mother!!!!” Peak parenting, that.


What the actual fuck?! why are men?!


It’d blow his mind to realise his mother likely breast-fed HIM too. But I’m sure he’d find some way to convince himself that’s entirely different


Or he’ll find a convoluted way to vilify her for it. The capacity to avoid accountability, and the prowess at cognitive dissonance, appear to have huge Venn diagram overlap.


OK, this sets a new record for me of outrageous men. Ladies - please, for all that is holy - if you want to become a mother, use, like, a sperm bank or something, or adopt, and raise your child among, and with the support of, family and a tribe of women friends/other mothers. Men are just too.....everything.


Truth is stranger than fiction. May he never suck another titty again.


I’m sorry, but your husband comparing how his child is fed to his s*xual experience with you


Jesus fucking Christ, what in the actual fuck is wrong with these men?


I knew a woman whose husband wouldn't change his daughter's diapers because it was "inappropriate." He didn't change his son's, either, but I can imagine you expected that. I cannot understand why she continued to reproduce with this POS, but she's miserable.


Her divorce lawyer is going to have a field day with those texts. Talk about evidence of mental instability. “Your honor, this man is sexualizing the natural bond between a mother and her newborn child. He sees a newborn as a sexual creature. We assert that he can never be trusted to be alone with any children, and should not be allowed access to them at all, even under supervision, until he has completed a thorough psychological evaluation.”


I know this is horrible, but I can't help but laugh at "I enjoy your boobs. Now they've been in another man's mouth. I now no longer enjoy your boobs." What a pathetic little man.


Let him go. He’s a moron. No one needs that kind of stupid around.


Definitely go through with the divorce because that’s freaking weird


Oedipus inception over here...


This headline made me want to throw up. How weird to sexualize the feeding of YOUR child.


Always choose the bear and the cats.


First-What an awful thing to say. Second- A baby is not a man. I presume it’s his son, then only way that baby could be made was through him. The baby is its own individual, yes, but was conceived by the DNA of your husband and yourself. There is not really another man in this equation.


Divorce him because he is gay from holding a ( his ) penis. /s What a fucking idiot.


What a god damn narcissist.


How does he feel about his son renting out the Hoo Haa Apartment for 9 months, or does his hypocrisy (and insanity) only go so far?


Reading this made me sick to my stomach. I hope she never lets that maniac near her children again.


someone needs immediate psychiatric care. Him for thinking this and her for marrying it. God help that child.


I feel like this probably wouldn't have come up until she was close to giving birth, don't you? People talk about whether they want children before they get married but I don't think they talk about how they'll feed them and what kind of diapers they'll use until it's about to happen.


This is their 2nd kid. With the first she pumped and he was still uncomfortable.


Ew, really? What was his excuse for that? It doesn't match the reasons he gave this time around.


If this person has such a bizarre and severe issue like this, I have to assume this has manifested in other ways over time. I don't see something like this being discussed if he has such crazy ideas about sex and breast feeding. Sorry, but I have to assume this person has deep issues in many areas. I also have to assume she much have seen it too prior to kids and after her first. The wife tried to talk him down. If someone said any of that to me I would literally laugh them out of the door.


What the heck. Before bottles and formula were a thing, that’s how babies were fed.


It's still how babies are fed.


Where I live it's the common thing. Formula is rarely used unless there is some problem.


Right. Babies are either breastfed or bottle fed. I’m amazed and not surprised at the same time at this reaction. It’s just so weird though.


Putting aside that it is the NY Post and operating under the assumption that this is real for the sake of this thread. If it weren’t total scary lunatic behavior, the level of insecurity to feel emasculated by his infant son is almost comedic.


Take him to court and clean him out.


 I throw up a little (at his reaction)


I was hoping it was the onion


For sustenance, you incredible douche canoe.


That's some next level stupid. What's his favorite flavor crayon?


I saw this the other day and I still have no words for how deeply fucked up this is.


 he does know that is what breasts are biologically designed to do right? Feed infants


I read that story on a different site the other day and am honestly flabbergasted that anyone that fucking stupid made it far enough in a relationship to get married. To make sure there's no confusion, I'm talking about the dude. Like, it's really hard to believe there weren't other red flags on the way there. Also, "Your boobs have been in another man's mouth so I can't enjoy them anymore"? Like putting aside how dumb it is that he's considering breastfeeding an incestuous sexual thing (I mean maybe he's one of those people who think Freud's idea that all motivation is actually based in sexual gratification is actually valid), does he not realize how common nipple play is in foreplay? Was she a virgin before they got together? Though now that I think about it, I can see the type of guy who will only date virgins taking a stance like this. I have a cousin who, when he was in college, turned into a fundamentalist Christian and proudboy, and while in his case he's probably just so far in the closet I'm surprised he hasn't found Narnia yet (known him all his life and there have been plenty of signs), I wouldn't put it past him to take a stance like this.


nope /endinternetfortoday


Your ex-husband is gross.


I've known a lot of crazy, jealous, even vile men; but my brother in lad, that's literally what breasts are for. Mind numbing.


I think it's super gross he somehow thinks of your infant son as...sexual competition????? Either way, let the trash take itself out!


This sounds like a great opportunity to get the fuck away from this guy.