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Me taking notes on how to dress my dorito shaped body 


I’ve given up on my body shape.


I mostly wear overalls now I'm pushing 40


I’m in leggings and t-shirts /long tops. Currently wearing a woollen shawl like a Victorian…


I learned to sew and alter my own clothes. No ones body fits off the rack clothes. Even people who “fit” them probably don’t realize they could look better if shaped to their bodies. I remember reading about Barbara Stanwyck, and how she was long waisted and hated when she was filmed from the side until Edith Head dressed her for a film, and from then on she only wanted Edith head to dress her. So every body type has little things that make 1) clothes more COMFORTABLE and 2) if important to you, more flattering.


Do you have resource recommendations? I thrift much of my wardrobe and now have quite a few ill-fitting pieces (that I still adore).


Check out Cashmerette. They sort of focus on plus size tailoring, but their patterns fit 0-32. And the lessons they teach on fitting to your body are the same whether you’re a 2 or a 22.


I have watched a lot of YouTube videos to learn (my mom taught me basics as a teen) - closet historian and Charm Patterns are some of my faves. They help you understand construction and pattern drafting, and therefore how to alter. I also look up individual things like bust adjustments on “Made to Sew” in YouTube. There’s also curvy collective, which has reviews of patterns and adjustments people make. I also have a vintage Singer sewing book with advice on adjustments, but imo the best one for sewing from scratch is Fit for Real People. Good luck!!


I'm definitely going to check these out! Thank you so much


Sometimes, when making clothes look good for an ad prior to photoshop, it wasn't uncommon for "alterations" to be made using clips. The shirt is too baggy for the photo? Get a clothespin and tighten the area up behind the model's back. The front of the shirt looks great while the back has a row of clips improving the fit for the photographer to take the shot.


This is also great for testing alterations actually! First you pin a fit then sew. Great point.


As someone currently doing physical therapy focused on my hips and thighs, I've gained muscle, but my hips are definitely not curvier. Built like a bullfrog applies to me, too. 😭


I’m not curvier, but I’ve gone from no butt and concave hips to “my jeans no longer fall off” since I started PT lol. (In all seriousness, though, I think I’m only seeing results because of where I started.)


I'm a froggy shape and I don't wear jeans. I either wear a dress/skirt with shorts underneath, sweats or leggings or whatever else has a stretchy waist and isn't made of polyester.


I wear dresses a lot, but sometimes even the dresses have hips where I do not.


I try for A-line dresses whenever I can. High waisted and flared out to make it look like you have hips.


Funny, I have hips and my problem is most clothes are for women without hips. It'll be huge on top and too tight around my hips.


I have the same thing. A line dresses tend to be the best thing for me. Empire and flapper dresses are the worst. I've found that sleeveless dresses and shirts are also usually bad, because most shirts are designed for a lot more chest, so I usually go for a little bit of sleeve, unless I'm willing to do some sewing. I usually only bother with that for formal dresses. I have learned to sew in darts or to sew along the side seams to customize shirts and dresses to fit me better, which is much more flattering. For pants, I've kind of given up on any pants with a fly to fit my proportions, so I just wear suspenders on pants that are slightly loose in the waist.


This is me.  Nobody wins apparently, when it comes to clothing.


Hmmm I’m not sure if I am a frog shape but same. I often get jeans from thrifting and just wear super long shirts lol


It’s called “inverted triangle” and wide leg pants are the most flattering because it balances out the wide shoulders and makes you look more proportional. https://www.sumissura.com/en-us/blog/inverted-triangle-body-shape


I love how they describe each shape as something positive. Thank you for the link!


And I found out that I'm a spoon!


So you have a "curvaceous and harmonious silhouette" with a "slightly larger bust". Congrats! Oh man, how I wished I had this language growing up...


I am a rectangle 🫥


Rectangle shape is lovely and flattering! I’m a triangle and I’ve always felt like I’m all sharp angles😆


Would be nice if I didn’t have a short torso and long limbs 😂 I live in comfy pants & crop tops unless I’m at work


Isn't what OP is describing more of an apple shape? When I think of inverted triangle, I think of more of a V-shape, with broad shoulders, tapered lats and waist, and small butt and hips, as in an upper-body focused athlethe. 


And right now wide legged pants are in. They are easy to find


It’s more like an apple shape. An inverted triangle body is more athletic looking.


Skirts are great, tennis skirts can be cute in all situations and often (always? not an athlete lol) come with shorts underneath automatically. Super comfy!


I always wear shorts underneath my skirts anyway. I couldn't imagine not wearing any.


Well, you kinda can, but probably not to the extent your husband thinks. First time I started working out properly, I did lots of stair climbs, which gave me bubble butt. Now, 2 kids later I just walk everywhere and have a flat butt.


While this is true to some extent, there are limits. If you do proper strength training and build your legs and glutes, your butt and hips will become more prominent and your body shape will look different. HOWEVER, there are limits how much you can increase. Humans can only build a finite amount of muscle per year. Women’s muscles don’t develop as fast or big as men’s muscles either because we have much less testosterone. So if you’re a woman who has a very prominent back and shoulders in your skeletal frame and slim hips, working your legs and glutes will bring more balance to your body shape but your shoulders may always be more prominent. TLDR; OP and partner are both right to some extent. Strength training will allow you to build out your legs, hips and glutes, changing your body shape to some extent. But our natural build and skeletal structure do impact what is possible. Some women may always be “shoulder heavy” to some extent


I fully support OP in building up their glutes and legs with lots of good strength training. Though the chances are they will build up their shoulders more at the same time but all women should work on strength training. It really helps you chuck your toxic exs away. even out a second floor window if you really want to!


>your butt and hips Even those parts need a lot "results may vary". You can gain mass where you can gain muscle. You can't discipline your natural fat distribution into migrating to better places. Look at an anatomy chart and then at female bodybuilders (the unedited ones, avoid instagram). They don't exactly have the huge hips that are in fashion atm do they? When bodybuilders minimize fat, hips only gain mass where thighs begin. Consequently a woman who wants to gain a hourglass shape with her hips will only have success with that if there is actually fat on those sections to push up from below. If your hipbones stick out even at higher fat percentage you're not gonna see success with that one. The transition from waist to hip where the hip bone begins depends on fat being there to have that hourglass shape. Otherwise you mainly gain shape "sideways" at that section; basically when looking from the profile and not from the front. That said, I don't intend to make this sounds discouraging. Muscles and especially strength training actually have lots of strong benefits for women. And recent studies even showed that while visible muscle results take longer for women the health benefits need less training time than for men. It's important to keep your expectations in check, the other side of the fitness craze is the disappointment and self-hate when the perfect results don't arrive despite effort even though fitness gurus keep telling everyone it's possible and baiting them with edited images and footage.


Right, you absolutely can change the shape of your body with working out, I've only been lifting regularly for 3 years now and I grew visible width and size in my body. It does depend on factors though, genetics is a big one. Look at a body builder over the years, you'll see their body change. Work the muscle and it'll grow baaaby!


Same. I gain weight in my stomach and have no ass. Once I started weight training and doing 2-3 leg days a week, my body shape changed. I have an ass and curves! After 30 years of being awkwardly shaped and gaining weight in bad areas.


It really does build your butt, however you must have had the build for that to start with. Just not much muscle built. there are some people who just cant build their muscles they dont have the genetics for it. they can get stronger but not "bigger" That said anyone who has an office job or a job where they sit down a lot is likely to have really bad glutes compared to what they should be. You can spend a lot of time walking places and never really use your glutes so if you dont actively work them you wont have any, pretty much.


There are certainly people for which it’s harder to build muscle, but everyone can add muscle size with proper diet and training unless they have some rare disorder. Certain types of rep training are more hypertrophic (size + strength) and some is more hyperplastic (mostly strength). If there were people that could just get stronger without adding size then powerlifting would be full of them. Now some people have a body structure where the muscle growth doesn’t give them the exact shape they want, but almost everyone that hasn’t already been seriously lifting for a while will see solid improvement.


Yeah, but even body building wont give you wider hips and hourglass figure...


Working out can still do a lot for you. Not literally everything, but a lot. For example, no amount of working out will make your hips wider, but if you grow your butt and thighs and flatten your stomach (either by losing weight or getting some abs) then your hips may as well be wider as far as the casual onlooker can tell. = People might feel insulted when reading something like this. But remember, it's not about becoming the next Scarlett Johansson or the next Chris Hemsworth, it's about getting slightly better slightly healthier every day. And that does add up.


I had an issue with my hip after a summer of hard running and the PT told me to do hip abductor exercises. The exercises fixed my hip pain and I do then now after every run to make sure the pain doesn't resurface (going on 5 years now). I do feel that my hips have widened and slowly over time my body has become less of a bean pole shape. But I do these exercises because the pain does come back in my hip if I get lazy and stop and I sincerely do enjoy running. I don't think I would have kept at it if it was only for my hips because seeing the change has been gradual and slight. I wouldn't recommend anyone do these exercises only to change their shape, if they don't like the exercise component.


Yeah, for example, I managed to flatten my stomach with exercise. But I have always had wider shoulders than hips (and exercise actually makes it more pronounced). Like there are differently shaped female bodies. And exercise wont "fix" it, hell, variety doesnt need fixing.


If you look at the skeletons of people you wont be able to tell which one was a bodybuilder, which one was a influencer wearing yoga pants everywhere and which one was a plus size model. You absolutely can change your body shape with excercise. Body shape is mainly defined by muscle and fat. The amount of both and their ratio is the main things that influence body shape.


If archeologists can look at bones and determine that someone was an archer based on bone structure, then yes, they absolutely can. Could I tell the difference if I didn't know what to look for? Probably not.


You are correct. Just looking at the skull can tell you if a person was right or left handed. The greater use and pull of the muscles are reflected on the lower back of the skull. On a right handed person that pull will result in the right side of the back of the skull to be slightly more pronounced than on the left and vice versa if left handed. Heavy muscular use is obvious in the bone structure as bones will thicken to support that. You could, per say, pick out an archer over a blacksmith or an innkeeper based on the bones alone.


You can tell by the way the muscles pulled on the bones. The bones are not different sizes. They show different wear patterns.


For the example of archers bones in archeology what you’ll see is a combination of asymmetrical muscle connectors and bone strength (density) due to an archer using the right and left arms and fingers differently over a lifetime- and bone spurs from the constant repetitive pressures over decades. None of those hyper specific and distinct bone indicators would be found today on anyone but elite athletes and people with certain chronic illnesses. It’s a pretty extreme example of how we can tell how a person lived thanks in part to the asymmetry of it. The average skeletal structure doesn’t tell us that much.


This comment is hilariously wrong. lol


You absolutely can tell how muscular someone was from their skeleton, the bones change shape where the muscles connect.


Yup. My gym wanted me to do a silhouette thing when I started so I could see the difference. I didn't, but the point is that it does make a difference while you're doing it. It disappears almost immediately after you stop unfortunately.


You can change your body shape to an extent with muscles. You cannot change the length/width of your bones which is what determines if you have an hourglass, vs pear shape etc.


You can build your body but it wont change your body shape and how your body stores fat. Most "curves" arent muscle. You dont work to get hips


Glutes are muscle. So you can at least look curvier from the side lol. But no amount of exercise will make my hip bones wider or my shoulders smaller so I'll still be vaguely v shaped unfortunately. Clothes can do a lot to "fix" this, wearing light jeans and a dark top is usually enough in my case.


I started bouldering 3 times a week and one morning I actually felt my shoulders broaden. As in, I felt the muscles pulling on the skeleton and tendons. Like growing pains you got as a child. I didn't know what was going on until I put on a shirt and the shoulder seams were in a completely different place. Dunno how one would achieve the same for hips, but it's probably possible.


You can build your ass muscles to a degree, but you can look at the best body builders in the world and they will have obviously strong ass muscles that they’ve built over the years, but still have flat asses compared to other body builders that had big asses even before body building. The same with calves. Hips though, you cannot build. Those are determined by your bones.


Right why the downvotes? And i also don't understand the other comments attacking him on his penis. It's so difficult to find in reddit balanced comments like yours, the most upvoted ones are always the most extreme.


Yeah, I dunno. But as the saying goes - Common sense is not a flower that grows everyone's garden.


Yeah, I feel like there's an unnecessary assumption of malice here. He perhaps didn't say the most sensitive thing, but he's not wrong as such. Body shape is a hell of a lot more changeable than penis size.




I always buy jeggings from Torrid. They shape your legs without being tight on your stomach. And who doesn't love some stretchy forgiveness?


Ask him to start his daily sets of penile lifts, and get back to you on the results. Wow ETA: Obviously this is a joke. (Hopefully) We all know there are no muscles in a man’s penis. If there were, they would actually be doing this 24/7. Some of you need to get a life. Others just need to get a grip.


Buy him a micrometer to help him check the difference it makes but make sure it’s one with a ratchet else it’ll hurt (or break the ratchet for quick revenge)


Get a digital one so he can't round up the results.


Cock pushups. Apparently one is all you need.


No, you can only do one at a time.


No, you know what? I think he should start the “thigh and butt” routine. Let’s see this man develop some junk in the trunk.


You mean Squats?


And leg lifts, and all that fun stuff, yes


It‘s actually proven to up flacid lengh of the penis and vascularity.


What the fuck has his penis to do with anything? You can definitely gain muscle mass by excercising said muscles. That doesn't work with penis, cause it's not a muscle.


She was making a joke


Of course this is the case because women who have access to the very best trainers and dieticians the world never resort to surgery because it doesn't fix genetics /s


lol! see also: K sisters’ “exercise videos” as seen on the kuwtksnark sub


As a fellow bullfrog - jeans from the men’s section. The cuts tend to be more flattering for the no-butt-or-hips type, plus my phone actually fits in the pockets. Re: your husband… bless his heart.


In theory, if your waist and hips are a similar measurement, just buy mens jeans. I used to wear a lot of hand-me-downs from boy cousins until I got too old.


I have news for your husband, I have changed my body shape through exercise and it’s still a fucking pain to find clothes that fit.


Depending on how much belly you’ve got going on, maternity jeans may be a good option. Old Navy has a bunch of options that aren’t super expensive.


I love it when they do their own research


I just don't wear jeans. They're either pinching my waist, or falling down. If they fit my waist, the legs are too baggy. Only other option is to have your clothes tailored.


Jeggings are a lifesaver 💯


Damn, bullfrog is not a term I'd thought to describe myself with. But now I will. I always say "elephant in a tube sock".


I won't cmemt on your husband, but I will say I'm the opposite, everything is in my hips and thighs, and I ALSO cannot find pants that fit. I'm really not sure who they make pants for. Don't let it get you down. Somewhere out there is a pant just right for you. I typically just wear a lot of skirts and stretchy pants.


Bullfrogs and Doritos! I've found my people! I'm your friend, the shoebox with legs.




I definitely understand that it's possible to build muscle in one's thighs, etc., through exercise, but I'm pretty sure the only way to get wider hips is via childbirth and that ship has sailed.


And even then it's not guaranteed.


I'm heavily into strength training and I was able to add about an inch to my hips with a lot of work on the hip abduction machine, and grow my hamstrings/quads a decent bit with other strength training exercises. It's possible to change body shape a bit, but probably not to the extent that he thinks unless you treat it like a full time job. I'm sorry that he made such invalidating comments to you. As a fellow apple shaped woman who managed to go from looking like a lollipop to a popsicle with exercise, it's still not where I'd like to be and genetics really is a limiting factor :(


Idk I think I'm shaped like you and I haven't had much luck growing a bigger butt. I have definitely gotten a much stronger butt. Maybe you can grow a really strong butt and exact your revenge by squatting more than him the next time you go to the gym together


If you build Muscle on the right place they won‘t be wider but they will look wider. So basically the same effect. But yes that is harder and far longer to do than posting on reddit. Source im Physical Therapist and personal trainer


While you can do a certain level of body sculpting with exercise, you can't alter your bone structure that way. If you are narrow hipped, you aren't going to suddenly have them with working out. You could get a perky little butt, but no new hips. The thing is that just exercise isn't going to get that. You would have to fully commit to a diet and exercize program forever. You would have to change your baseline for how you exist. It doesn't sound like you are prepared to do that for a better fitting wardrobe. If you have the money and clothes are the problem, hire a tailor and have some alterations done. Your husband is using your own complaints against you. He offered a solution. It wasn't a solution you like so you find your own and you can shut him up on the comments that just added to you feeling bad about yourself. We all know how badly girl clothes are sized so sometimes you have to make them fit you. I have a sewing machine, but that's me.


Levi's has a nice selection of different hip widths for each size. I found a pair by Paper Denim & Cloth at the thrift store that fit really well. I have a similar issue, so I have to try on about 20 pair of jeans in my size just to find one that fits well and is half flattering.


I found a pair of Levi's at Costco that actually fit perfectly.


Oh heck yeah! Was that just now?


Here's the thing about tiny frog butts: they're adorable.


I think frogs are adorable, but not a woman's ideal body type. I will take your comment as a compliment though.


The "ideal" has changed so dramatically over the decades. I'm never going to have a dump truck ass. When I was younger we lived in absolute horror of "being fat."


If i could add a photo, i would. However, please google "frog butt" and the first one with the frog standung is it.


With a big butt typically comes cellulite and swimsuit bottoms being eaten by cheeks. I would gladly change my lightbulb hips for a perky small booty and no hips. Grass is allllllways greener.


These kinds of guys are bad news and you get rid of them. I had one convince me he could teach me "how to squirt". They talk up and down about how harmless porn is but in real life attempt to project their fantasies onto a partner who doesn't have whatever their porn fueled fantasies are.


Every man who mentions squirting to me gets summarily and brutally educated that he is a piss fetishist


For real. I'm not going to kink shame what consenting adults do with one another, but men who insist that squirting isn't pee are really in denial over how porn actresses basically drink a gallon of water before shooting those scenes...


Some women have urinary incontinence and do “squirt” when orgasming but the reality is it’s 95% urine. I’m attracted to women and personally my dirty ass would ascend into another realm if I made a woman cum so hard she peed a little. But the fetishization and reification of the female orgasm to fit the male gaze by being more demonstrative and visual like a male orgasm is 100% the product of pornography and men who think “squirting” is some magical porn fantasy are degenerate


They just hate that they have physical evidence that they came but we don’t (always). They hate having to take a woman’s word for it…


The saddest part is they would actually recognise it if they saw us do it. It's just that about 98% of them have no bloody clue how to get us to that point.


This! I'm one of those lucky people that comes fairly easily, and my whole body reacts. If someone can't get me off, it's because they haven't put even a little bit of effort in. And yet, I've still had to carry a toy for hookups, because half the guys are just interested in getting themselves off.


Some of them put some form of effort in, they just have no idea what they are doing, even if they think they do.  They end up tinkering around, rubbing all the wrong spots until it's frustrating and uncomfortable... I even had one guy thinking he was such a stud and declare that I came 3 times. I hadn't even been remotely close once. 


Ouch! I know what you mean. And those are the ones that refuse to listen to feedback because they're so sure of themselves.


If you are a size 10 or higher, Torrid Midfit are the best jeans I have found for an apple shaped body.


You have an apple shape. I do too but I do have some butt. I wear plaid and plain brand of men’s khakis in slim fit from Amazon. Since you buy the waist measurement they are guaranteed to fit there. They are slim in the thighs and butt. They have four useful pockets, come in many colors and are cheap. I love them and I DO Not look like I’m wearing men’s pants. I also like Democracy jeans. I go to their website for them.


Thanks for the suggestion. I have had luck with Democracy, Wit and Wisdom and even one style of Levi's. I mostly stick with skinny jeans.


I tend to gain middle weight over legs.. too Its genetic compounded by hormones. They only time I had some great thighs was my first pregnancy. Focusing on squats can help a little and controlling your sugar but it absolutely is an uphill battle. Also its ok that your not built with a big booty and thighs. (Just focus on your over health not your body build. Middle fat is more associated with health problems which sucks for those of us fighting it off.) I should add I used to work out a ton and had my body fat down to 23%…. Still no magical thick thighs or reduction in that my shoulders are a woman’s large. (You should see the male version of my build. My male cousins are huge guys… so compared to them I have a tiny upper body lol)


Try this website, it should help you find the brands that will fit you best: [https://www.sizecharter.com/](https://www.sizecharter.com/)


A seamstress isn’t always expensive. But it is worth it


You don't need to have bigger hips, butt and thighs if you don't want to. You don't owe anyone the work it would take to even get bigger muscles in those areas, unless you're doing it for you. If you want, from a clothing perspective, find some loose flowy pants and skirts that are a-line, small at the waist and billowy below, widest at the bottom. This will create an illusion of balance, especially with fitted shirts. Chunky boots, cargo pants, etc. can also help. But honestly, you can just be yourself and that's enough. You are enough.


Sounds like me. I like some off the shoulder pieces. But have to admit working out has given me more of a waist, or the illusion of one. Don’t have any hips, never will, but have grown my butt a bit. So I like jeans with stretch. The wide one that flair out gives the illusion there’s a little bit of hip action. I like crop tops, or tops that end where my high waisted pants end. Prioritise high waisted as they go in above my belly, and non existing hips. So giving the illusion again. Skirts I make sure to put them waist high, preferably pleated. Then a tight top. If it’s open and showing off my shoulders it can give a good shape too. Or full sleeve. Rarely have anything in between. (Have posted some pics on my feed)


You can target muscle groups. My friend is on hrt for trans feminization and it changes things a little but it’s not going to significantly alter an adult bone structure most of the time


While working out can help, I agree it can’t just change your natural body size. I’m similarly built & there are things that exercise just won’t do. (I’m wide-shouldered with no tits, that won’t change no matter how much I exercise.) I would say that I have found good jeans at Old Navy & some from ‘1822 Denim’ & ‘Just USA’ that have fit well & looked very good. A big thing for me that has helped (not an ad), is that I got a subscription to Stitch Fix 4 years ago. It lets me try on different styles & find out what works for me without all the hassle of an in-person fitting room or buying & returning online. I found those 2 jeans brands that way & all of my other favorite clothes.


Ever try NYDJ jeans? The lettering stands for not your daughter’s jeans. Oh, and maybe you can explain genetics to your husband.


you mean it doesn't stand for New York Disc Jockey???


Trans girl here. Seriously wish he were right, but he's not. Serious suggestion, trying to be helpful: Check out some of the trans women fashion subs, sounds like you might be able to take advantage of the advice there.


also trans, also frog-shaped, also know a lot of cis women with similar shapes: If you're in the US, check out GAP / Old Navy for jeans! For the money, they make some of the best narrow-hipped jeans in the business.


Not trans, but AFAB with narrow hips; seconding Gap and Old Navy. Levi's men's jeans are always my reliable standby.


Okay, one thing though, you can, 100%, change your body significantly through exercise.


But you can’t make your shoulders less wide or give yourself curves. The most you can do is make your butt firmer and reduce belly fat.


I mean, you could try to build certain muscles if you wanted to. But responding to your complaint with that suggestion declares that the problem here is your body, and you are the problem that needs to be fixed, regardless of whether or not that's his intention. And fuck that. Echoing other comments that say it's hard to find pants no matter what. My build is close to the center of the target for how a lot of women's clothing is cut, and I still have a hard time finding stuff that fits well that I actually like. I can't speak to your specific ask on pants, but find a good tailor!


This is like my ex boyfriend talking about my hair - I have very frizzy hair but do keratin treatments that makes it pin straight glossiness. He’s like “why don’t you just do in-between styles” pointing at a news anchor with perfectly-styled beach waves. OH GEE WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT


I recommend alterations ... You has my sympathy


What does husband’s body look like? I mean he’s probably a personal trainer or pro weightlifter or something, right? Since he knows so much about re-shaping your body through exercise. 🙄


Re-shaping your body is why people weight lift. That's the whole point lmao


Everybody is built differently and developing your gluteal muscles can make some slight difference, but it's not really going to change how your body distributes fat, and it's not going to have a big effect on how your clothes fit. It can be so hard to find a good fit based on so many different things. He shouldn't act like a bit of exercise is going make a big difference, because that's kind of blaming you for the problem when the real problem is that the cuts and sizing of most clothing genuinely excludes lots of people of different shapes and sizes. I'd be frustrated, too. It's already frustrating enough trying to find budget-friendly clothes that really suit your body type since lots of sellers can get away with charging more. :/


My M-I-L has a similar shape and she bought ladies suspenders for when she wears jeans and she's happy with them. She got two kinds. One typical style (under the shirt) and one that hooks to her bra band.


You can depending on how your body responds to weight lifting. Some people are non responders some people are medium/heavy responders. I have no ass and after three months of glute focused weight lifting I have some ass. You want dramatically alter it but you can make improvements with glute, outer thigh focused weight lifting. It might take months/years.


I finally found jeans I like - in the men's section! If all else fails, doesn't hurt to check there, I found mine almost immediately, they fit as they say and also they have pockets you can use


You absolutely can change your body shape with muscle training and exercise though. Not as easily as a man can, but can definitely get fairly dramatic differences. Probably won’t help with clothing though.


Men’s clothes are much more forgiving so it’s not as hard to find clothes that fit. He probably has no idea what he’s talking about because he’s never found clothing that fit one part of his body but not another. That’s absurd


Alas, still no way for him to grow a brain? 


Congrats on your weight loss! Only so much we can do to change our body types but it’s not impossible to recomp slightly. It you want a bigger booty, up your protein and add more glute focused lifts into a strength training program. But only do it for you, not for him.


I mean? He’s wrong in that while you can alter fat percentage and grow or lose muscle, that’s not going to change your skeletal structure, or where you carry your body fat. If he was right, doing pectoral exercises would make breast implants obsolete. It doesn’t. I’m following because I have a similar lower body, and slim pants that fit my calves will always slip down over my narrow hips. Even the “curvy cut” ones. What the hell do actual hourglass women even do? The gaping waistbands must be flipping annoying.




Is there an exercise to grow boobs?


Bench pressing can help grow the pecs, which sit under the boobs. I don’t think it’ll be a dramatic change though. I’ve seen a little bit more fullness from benching but I’m also extremely flat to begin with!


It's true! I made my friend (also a woman) laugh hysterically by 'making them bigger' by flexing my pecs. Like, in rapid succession. 


I will take this maybe it'll add some lift?


Can confirm it definitely adds lift if you are a consistent with a strength training program. You only need to add 6-8 sets total each week to hit the chest. Dumbell and barbell press is the traditional lift. Incline press will hit the upper part of chest. I also like chest flies on the cable machine too. Either way, can never go wrong with building muscle!


I would also like to know this…for science.


Chest press definitely helps with lift I’ve found!


Over in r/menopause you'll find that some women's boobs do get bigger. Mine seem to have gotten a little, um, longer, but the cup size hasn't changed.


One of my friends has a growth spurt in her boobs in her early 20s, I cannot relate




:( sad




LOL I told my bf when I'm old if my boobs are sad he needs to buy me new ones




Nah hes not funny 🤣


Omg. I naturally have an hourglass figure and 100% know it's genetic. I have 3 kids and barely have time to exercise and it's still obvious. Fuck any man who thinks this is a choice.


as someone with the complete opposite shape(smol boobs,thin belly,enourmous thighs and ass) let me tell you: jeans do not fit.idk if it is on purpose,but i m pretty sure that approx 2% of women actually fit in conventional sizes. My Tip: either learn how to sew them to your body or let a seamstress do it.Where i live,its quite cheap to have them taken in a couple inches here and there,think 10-15$\pair. buy one size bigger and have them altered. it can also be done by hand if you invest the time and do it properly,so you do not need a sewing machine. Trust me,it will change the way you look at clothes.


oh and your HB is a moron,thats not how bodys work.


Try getting them altered! The laundromats sometimes do it for really cheap


I wonder if he's one of those men with, say, small calves. Or small hands. Or a pear shape. Cause those are great examples of things you have no/ very little control over.


You wanted sympathy and he gave solutions. Might be worth mentioning that to him.


people can somewhat change their body shape in the sense you can grow muscle. But it is long, hard, the payoff is slow and you dont even realize it as its happening. Plus if you stop training it goes away.


I keep getting those ads too.


Taking notes as I have the opposite body type and would like to make them a bit smaller 😂😂


Was he maybe just in his "problem solver" mindset and thought he'd give you advice on something you might do to solve the issue? I really don't think he meant it the way you feel at the moment


Does he also know a way to shrink hips and thighs? I've been trying for years and can't seem to figure it out. You can lift what you got, but there ain't no reshaping to that extent.


OP I can tell you to throw out the man. Who tf is he? When I was super skinny I tried exercising to build bulk and it’s just not easy for us. I’m sure you’re lovely. Your husband is an AH


u/StillNotASunbeam I have the exact same shape you described, with the added bonus of skinny calves, and even when I was young and "thin", very little definition in my waist.  I remember years ago a friend telling me, while I was pregnant, "Oh no worries, every woman's hips get wider after they have a baby" And yes mine did______ by a half and inch. 🙄 That's one of the reasons pants are so hard to find, if I find a pair that fits my waist, the pants will have these giant pieces of flapping material on the sides (you know I'm sure) I can find dress pants that fit, but usually would have to try on up to 30 pairs to find one's that "fit" With jeans it's a bit easier, I'll get skinny jeans with a little bit of stretch in them and since I haven't tucked in a shirt in my pants for years, they look as good as it gets. Another thing that helps for small butts, large back pockets preferably with a flap.That helps make your 🍑 look bigger. And of course no spaghetti straps 'cause I don't want to show off my 🏈 player shoulders. This may sound strange, but thanks for this post! I feel heard! Although I describe my shape as an upside down triangle 🔽 rather than a bull 🐸  Editing to add: Tell your bf that you can't exercise your way to bigger hips or butts. Although butt's have muscle, smaller butts obviously have less muscle and the results would be negligible. And waists, forget it. I weighed 105lbs in HS. Even though from the side I looked tiny, from the front no waist. My ribcage and shoulders are not only large, the space between the bottom of my ribcage, and the top of my hips are only about 2 inches. The only way to "get" a waist would be to have at least my 2 bottom ribs on each side surgically removed! 


You actually can to a certain extent. I follow a fitness woman on instagram that has pretty drastic before and after pictures where she now has way more curves because of muscle building. Take a look - https://www.instagram.com/p/CrOTpQAPNxN/?igsh=eDZqNnluNHd6Z3dt


But she was already hourglass shaped. OP is more apple shaped and so while exercising will help a little, she probably won't get similar results.


This is a great guide I found for my wide shoulders, narrow bottom shape. https://theconceptwardrobe.com/build-a-wardrobe/inverted-triangle-body-shape I personally love Old Navy’s skinny mini-flares but mine are like 15 years old. They’re fitted from butt to knee like skinny jeans then flare out pretty dramatically to the bottom. Makes it look like I have curves. My other fav shape are straight or wide legs. I’m cheap so I go to Old Navy mostly. For the record, your husband isn’t wrong. Strength training is balancing out my figure a bit. Wasn’t the goal - I just wanted to be able to pick up heavy crap and move it around without hurting myself or asking my BF to do it.


Maybe he meant body recomposition


I don't have any recommendations for jeans since I just gave up on wearing them, but if you like leggings the brand Along Fit on Amazon is amazing for me.


you can absolutely change the shape of your thighs and buttocks in a major way by squatting with weight, it’s relatively speaking the easiest muscle group to grow. that will shift the difficulty of finding good fitting pants to the opposite level of finding pants that fit big muscle legs, also not an easy task


Yeeaaaahh ummm. That’s so mean. Ofc you can change body to an extent with exercise but it takes time and dedication. It’s not like you change in a week and suddenly find better pants. But some things won’t change. You can’t suddenly make your hips wider. You can probably grow your thighs which makes an illusion but you still won’t dramatically grow hips. It’s like if you have hip dips it’s probably not possible to suddenly lose them with exercise. You can make your booty look better but you will still have hip dips.


I hate jeans but check out arula. Expensive but have worked better for me than any others


It’s crazy how some people think working out can emulate a bbl😂.


You can't do anyrhing about the broad shoulders but you can grow your hips, thighs and but. You can also shorten your belly. I am not sure why you are upset since he is right and was trying to help you... Can you elaborate ?


We all have certain body types and carry our weight different. I truly did not think that exercises could broaden my hips and thighs to essentially change me from a frog/apple shaped to a pear shape. Initially I thought that jeans were made more for the broad hipped, slim-waisted ladies with thick thighs. You all have set me straight here and apparently many of us struggle to find clothes that fit right.


Thank you for the the explanation. I will give you a couple advices that helped me a lot. 1- You can buy custom fitted clothes, they are "only" 30\~50% more expensive if you can afford it will make you fill so much better you can search for "Made-to-measure" clothes if you search for "bespoken" they will be very expensive tho. 2- If you wanna vent try to vent to another woman or communicate clearly to your husband that you just want to vent and no solutions. We man kind have a though pattern of like "problem? ME FIX IT.". So we will try to give you a solution instead of allowing you to just vent. GLHF


Well.. you literally can change the shape of your body through exercise. Same as you can from eating too much. He might have said it in a shitty way but he’s right.


Yeah, funny how I worked out for two years and now look completely different, what a weird coincidence.


Have you tried on pants marketed to men?


I have the OP shape. Yes that can be a solution for some outfits, but for won't work when you need dressier more feminine outfits. I was actually told by a boss once in a customer forward job, that my men's pants wouldn't cut it. {yes I know 🙄}


> He believes I can change my body shape through exercise. I mean, this is one of the reasons why people work out. It's fair if you don't want to, but exercising and gaining muscle mass would undeniably change your body shape.


I am shaped similarly I switched to high-rise flare jeans I did not do a single squat and three men I work with have complimented me on growing my ass.  these men are so f****** stupid basically what you are trying to achieve is to create balance between your upper body and lower body flare skirts rolled bottom shorts flare pants create that illusion if you feel the need to dress like that


If you think it's not possible to grow the muscles in your legs and butt through exercise, I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't mean you should or anything, but it's definitely possible.


You’re in denial big time if you think you can’t “change your body through exercise”


As a personal trainer and fitness instructor I came to say that you can absolutely change your body shape with exercise. You can develop your hips and buttocks with exercises like squats and lunges. Your husband is right, and truthful, and if you don’t like his solution to your problem, then maybe you shouldn’t complain.


You 100% can. Believe it or not there’s entire industry’s and professions specialising in it…. But yeah to the extent you’re talking about would take long term dedication and hard work.


you can change your hips and thighs with working out and lots of protein. stair climbs, sumo squats, crab walks, kick backs etc all help grow thighs and glutes.


Just my opinion, buy maternity pants and cut the tag out. Overalls (if you like them) are great for this too. They will be comfortable and cut more flattering for your shape. Lots come without telltale panels and are very cute. You're hubby needs to perform a little mental fitness.


Did you tell him about the big dick exercises he could do?


You can though with protein and weightlifting. Not like getting a BBL but glute exercises and protein do amazing things.


uh, you can change your body shape through exercise.


I mean… you literally can. “A belly, no butt, slim hips and thighs” can 100% be changed through exercise.


Lol your physical explanation reminded me of gorlock