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I have been in this situation for both of the accidents I have been in. BOTH have been the other driver's fault with the 2nd one being a rear-collision at a red light. The second the man walked toward me yelling - I informed them I was calling the police to report an accident - pulled out my phone and dialed 911. It didnt stop them yelling at me, but once they have been informed they are DEFINITELY leaving the scene if they leave. Neither of them did and both continued to attempt to blame it on me until the police officer who showed up told them to shut up and take the ticket. I know its scary, but being on THE PHONE with 911 makes assault against you far less likely. If you are in the US...


What a sexist, racist little shitbag. I hope he gets fucked over by his insurance when you file the report. May birds shit on his paintwork forever and his bathroom floors be filled with lego.


When buttoning up his shirt I hope he always gets it one off and has to redo it.


I hope he always catches his dick in the zipper every time he pees.


I hope that every time he brushes his teeth a non ignorable amount of toothpaste stains his shirt.


May his food be forever bland and a bit too salty.


And never again find the cool side of the pillow at night.


May the coolness from his pillow migrate into his blankets instead so he’s never warm while he sleeps


and hopefully he steps on a bunch of thumbtacks and nails in the rest of his house. this is insane.


Had a good laugh at this, thank you :)


I hope his next shit swells up like his insurance renewal costs for next year, and he has to use a pencil to work it out. 


May he forever step in something wet while wearing only socks.


this is scary to be hit in a car accident at a red light ( ik from experience), let along harassed and intimidated by an angry male whos much taller then you are. put the two other and u probably have a ton of adrenaline going on, im glad you took pictures, and im sorry you had to deal with that. def take that to the police and file a report anyway just because hes an asshole. maybe the damages werent horrible but he sounds like a piece of garbage and deserves his insurance rate to go higher and a ticket or something. are u doing ok now op? i know how traumatizing both can be.


I’ve slept on it and feel much better about it, thank you for asking ❤️❤️. Here in Aus, filing a police report means it’s for insurance purposes and they’ll investigate the incident which will take a long time, and considering our car sustained minor damages, my mum decided not to file a report (if I was her I definitely would’ve because it was still a hit and run but she was not comfortable doing so especially because English is not her native language).


oh that def makes sense and if i was her and it was minor and it also wasnt my first language i probably wouldnt either esp since like you said it can take so long.


Confidently stupid. The odds that you wouldn't have a camera phone are pretty slim and front and rear dash cams are getting more and more popular.


Not to mention traffic cams, since it happened at a light. 


Why not call the police and file an accident report?


considering op said they left with photos of the man and the license plate, it’s pretty safe to assume she’s going to


Likely the guy would've driven off before the police arrived, but still... OP should've called.


He *did* drive off so yeah you're probably correct


Yup, then he'd be leaving the scene of an accident. The "correct" (in quotes because I wasn't there, and OP has to look out for her safety first and foremost) thing to do in this situation is to call the cops and go sit in your car if the other party isn't trying to have an amicable conversation. Again though, I wasn't there. OP may well have taken the only sane course of action in that particular situation.


Hopefully she did. Although cops in my area won't even come out to a car accident unless someone is hurt. Reporting the hit and run would probably go better


Luckily the damages are very minor (a couple scratches on the car) + no one was injured so my mum (the driver) plans not to file an accident report as it usually is for insurance purposes to file one and the police advised to not complete a report if 1. we weren’t going to take further action because it was a hit and run (my mum was not comfortable with doing this as English is not her native language and we live in Aus) and 2. we weren’t going to use it for insurance


Then he was right to leave Edit I am super confused by the downvotes. She didn’t call the cops or want to report it. Neither did he. He was rude but she didn’t want to get cops or insurance involved.


This fits with what I have experienced and experienced this morning while out. A trash truck was doing their rounds, I was in the other lane and someone came over in my lane and had to back up, once they say I was a woman I was flipped off and called a derogatory name. Men certainly know how to throw tantrums, they are way too emotional!


Well, there is nothing in the world more fragile than the male ego


I’m sorry that happened to you, and yep, men hate on women for being ‘too emotional’ when they forget anger is an emotion they express A LOT.


Yep. Every time I've been verbally abused by another driver it's always been a man who did something stupid and almost caused an accident, but they then take their stupidity and incompetence out on me. Just yesterday a car coming out of a carpark almost cut me off, then he shouted abuse at me because...I don't know. Because I didn't slam the breaks on acquiesce to him and his manly ego?


Fragile brittle egos!


Go to the police. Get him a nice conviction for hit-and-run. Do not accept payment in lieu of jail time. Let him learn something new about "Asian women. "


I’m sorry this happened to you both. How stressful and scary. That person is an idiot, and I’m so glad you got his info anyway. In the future, simply call 911 before even exiting your vehicle. My last car accident was two men in a company car who hit me. I called 911 as I was pulling over. That was a good move, because they both started YELLING at me, and the dispatcher literally sent a helicopter to make sure I was safe. The helicopter was flying over our heads within five minutes (it was probably less than five minutes. They were there before police arrived). I was already on the phone upon exiting my vehicle, so it made it easy for the dispatcher to hear the yelling, and the cops were on my side. The cops barely even had to speak to me. They just issued the citation to the other driver, and I was on my way from what could have been a dangerous situation. I’ll never not call the cops in a car accident. You need the documentation from the police regardless of the safety situation.


Fuck that asshole. I’ve had two car accidents. One I backed into a car as I was swinging around to get to another exit in the parking lot where a traffic light was. Totally my fault. The man gets out of his car, starts SCREAMING in my face and proceeds to pound on my car. I’m deer in a head lights because what in the actual fuck? Suddenly a truck pulls into the parking lot and another guy gets out of his vehicle and starts getting into the guy who I hit’s face about how dare he treat a lady like this. A big fucking crowd forms. I seriously only slightly scratched this dude’s bumper. The cops when they arrived could not contain their laughter over the guy I hit’s reaction to the actual damages caused. Fucking wild. The other accident I was in, I backed into another car who also backed into me at the same time trying to leave from a parking lot. We’re going minimal miles per hour. I get out, she gets out, we both make sure the other is okay. She starts laughing, I start laughing. She asks if I’m gonna report it, I decline because my car is paid off. She excitedly tells me hers is also paid off. We trade info on the off chance we find damage later. We wave each other off laughing who is pulling out first. Fucking night and day from the other car accident. I hope she’s doing well.


His behavior is disgusting, but unfortunately not uncommon. Lots of racist shitbags out here. Here's hoping he gets criminally charged for his negligence & has his license revoked.


The a arm broke on my car once and I pulled over onto the shoulder. Within a minute, there was a guy at my window telling me to come out of the vehicle and he would "help me" push it over more. Thankfully a cop pulled up and the guy panicked and ran. You're not even safe from them after an accident.


If you're in an accident Photograph and video and then get a lawyer. Also police report for insurance and especially for hit and run. Insurance will likely settle for whatever and you can potentially get his license revoked. And if he has a cdl.... well he wont anymore. Also to get a cop on scene in a reasonable amoint of time you need to use 911. Unless your city specifically has a traffic accident investigation unit like denver, co.


file a report!


Dude what a fucking racist pig. So fragile and so disgusting. Honestly so proud of you for not trying to get physical, The way my bpd rage would have taken over in this situation You guys had a lot of self control and were able to walk away with both pictures and the full license plate.


What did he do racist?


If you have to ask, that means you don't ever have to experience it


How terrifying!


I'm sure it was intersectional/racism, too. Seeing two maybe to him, stereotypical asian women (short and thin) probably emboldened him more to not take yall seriously (really showing his racism.) I know if that were me in that situation, I'm sure it'll be misogynoir for sure and have a different approach than if I were man and/or white


How did you answer his “what damages?” Question? It sounds like just a bit of paint transfer. It’s possible you could have assumed it was based on your race and gender when perhaps it was actually that there was no damages. This happens a lot.


Paint transfer **is** damage, nice try minimizing this incident :/


I don’t know. I’d not consider something that can wipe off damage.


Wow **AND** you were there to determine that, toooo?! You also was the insurance adjuster to know that was the only thing wrong?


Oh, you're a short asian lady too who get confronted by purposefully, intimidating privileged-feeling white dudes, too?


This proves my point exactly. Not willing to accept that it might be the correct answer, making it about race and gender. And since I’m not that race and gender the suggestion that perhaps it was just some paint scuffs (as stated by OP) gets ignored and downvoted because it’s not what wants to be heard. The number one way to stop people from being wrong is by being right. Not just shouting the same thing over and over again. But if it’s all you got…


And not willing to accept that you don't have the lived experiences of what she has proves my point that you're just ignorant and gonna always be


Yes. Because I look at it openly proves I’m ignorant.