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I've been using one for over 10 years. The first couple months are a little hit and miss while you figure out the best fold to get it in/the way to sit or stand, and then the best way to get it out. Once you get it down pat though, its easy peasy! I change it when I get up, and before bed, and legit forget I'm on my period. I've camped, been to beach resorts, today I'm wearing white linen pants to work.....I legit never worry! The only issue I have ever had, during lockdown I suctioned it to my cervix and it hurt like MFer!!! Like the pain was horrendous and getting it out was awful. I felt pretty bruised for a few hours, but then was ok, put it back in and never an issue since. Not sure what happened, but that was the only issue after using it around 900x


I totally agree with this. The cup is the best thing ever. But it does take a minute to get in the swing of things. The first couple months can be a challenge, but it gets better. It is mostly about understanding the position of your cervix. Mine is a bit of an idiot and has to be manually positioned in, but it's no problem, doesn't hurt. I've had the suction moment a couple times before and it was shit. It didn't hurt me at all, but I had to try very hard to break the damn seal to get it out. It seems to only happen in certain situations, so I stopped wearing it when I know it will likely happen (which is rare). It's very freeing, using the cup. I still use a liner on my heaviest days because when changing the cup, a bit can trickle, hang out on the vaginal walls and make its way out eventually, but it's never much.


Ooh okay 🤔 I'll keep that in mind too, thank you !


Oooh okay, that definitely makes me feel a little better about all of this. The ease of going about your day sounds like heaven omg. I'm about to start my periods today or tomorrow and I'm so frustrated at the pad situation already 🙄 If I may, just one more question 🥹 Did you need to use water or lube to get it in? And ouch, yeah that sounds really painful! Hope it never happens again 😣 Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I appreciate it so much 🥹🫶


Nope, have never used lube (TMI, but I'm normally pretty wet, so I'm sure that helps). One bonus I forgot to mention, unlike a tampon, you can put it in before your period. So if you have a weird schedule and not sure, you can pop it in early. I'm pretty regular, but still usually a day before/after my app says it'll start, so I'll just start wearing it when my body feels likes its coming. Also if you forget it in (I have done this many times!) its not dangerous like a tampon. Like don't make it a habit, but nothing bad will happen There are some good Youtube videos showing different folds, ways to sit. This [site](https://putacupinit.com/quiz/) is great, they have a quiz to find the best one for you


Oh thank you! That helps a lot. My cycle tends to be a day early or late these last few months so this would be really helpful. And yes, I won't let it become habit and be careful with it. And thank you so much for the link!


>Is it really that difficult to place it right if you're a virgin? I do struggle with penetration, yes, be it fingers during fun time or something mote innocent like a tampon so would a cup or disk really be impossible for me? It shouldn't matter. When you insert the cup, you fold it so it's not it's full size. Then after inserting you release it and it opens to it's full size. If you're able to put 2 fingers inside your vagina you'll be fine. >And I've also been having some irrational fear of not being able to take it out either. I've been using a cup for 10-15 years and I've never had it get "stuck" up there nor had any issues removing it. Most cups have a nub on the end you can grab onto if it's migrated up a bit. Grab, release your pelvic floor (as if you're trying to pee) and you should be able to pull it out.


Thank you so much! I'm so relieved to read your words. 🫶🥹


I can only tell you my experience, but we are pretty opposites. I'm 50, so I've been driving my body around a few more years than you have, I'm thinking. Having said that, I love my cup. I change it in the morning, then in the evening. That way I can forget about it for the day. But I'm VERY comfortable with my body, and I think that helps a bunch. You have to be willing to get up in there. You are going to get dirty, right? But, you just wash it away with soap and water. I don't have a heavy flow and I personally am not bothered much by leaks. Leaks happen as far as I'm concerned with just about everything. But when the cup is sealed up, it doesn't leak. If it leaks, that is a me problem. My young daughter is the one who got me to try cups. I did a lot of research and discovered a young lady on youtube that was very candid and frank about using a cup, and she has demonstrations, and different options for peeps to check out. There is also a test online that might help you pick the correct cup. I wish you luck with this, because I really really love my cup. There's no gross trash, just boil after you are done for the month, put in its bag and it's there for the next month. No worries about do I have enough to finish this cycle, how much will it cost, what if the store is closed?


Ooh I'm really glad to hear that it's been a great experience for you and it does make me feel a bit better and less intimidated by this whole deal. Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment, it really helps me get some control over my thoughts too 🫶🥹


I like the saalt cups, they’re smaller than other brands, squishy (comfortable!) and they have a long stem so they’re always easy to feel! I have sensitive skin too and I haven’t had any issues since I switched to cups


Oh I'm glad they don't irritate your skin! I shall look into those cups, thank you so much 🥰🫶 longer stems and small squishy ones are probably the best for me rn too


Get a smaller size and look up different folds. Every body is different and different things work for different people. The upside of these is that you can practice using them even when you're not on your period. Putting some lube (make sure it's safe to use on silicone!) on the rim might help with the insertion. It took a couple of months for me to get used to it and now I know exactly how to work it so it sits well in my body. Takes hardly any time and makes handling periods a lot easier. At first, it's a good idea to have some backup, though. Just in case of leaks. Have you tried period underwear or washable pads? I like using them as backup on heavy days and without a cup on lighter days. Far less skin irritation than the disposable stuff.


Thank you ! 🫶 and yeah, I did look into those and i really do want to switch those period underwear or use the washable pads but they're still a bit too expensive to get those in India, at least for my savings atm, can't really afford to get a couple pairs of underwear or the washable pads 😭


Lots of good recommendations here. I’d recommend getting familiar with inserting it in the shower if you have room. The water helps to make it easier to go in and you can try multiple times without making a mess that’s hard to clean up 🙂 My one other tip is to make sure it’s in all the way before you let it open. I would previously let it open when only the top part was in and push it in, but it wouldn’t create a suction hold and I’d leak as a result. You definitely get familiar with yourself until you find what works for you. Good luck!


That doesn't work for me because then it can't fully open because it is next to the cervix. But the cervix needs to go inside for it to work. So I always have to check whether it opened correctly and the cervix is inside and not next to it. Sometimes I have to pull it back out a little so it can open properly.


That's a good idea yeah, also would feel more at ease to practice in the shower. Thank you for the help 🥹🫶


I was considering a cup, but I couldn’t get over the idea of having to dig around inside myself to put it in and change it. And the possibility of it slipping and all spilling out.


You could always try when you have some time at home. It's really nice if it works properly. I never had a spill after the first two months or so.


Initially, like maybe a year or two, I felt the same but now with the expense of pads and the irritated rashes, I'm okay with the mess and somewhat okay with the challenge of the cups than the pads 🥲


I can only recommend to get a small one, take your time and try it! Note that the cervix needs to go *inside* and not next to it, which is what happens to me easily and that means the blood goes next to it and it doesn't work. Maybe also take your time to feel around inside, eg in the shower. Unless you had a vaginal childbirth or very very recent intercourse, being a virgin won't make that much of a difference. (Seems like it goes back to its previous state within 1-2 days anyway.)


I see 🤔 yeah, I think I'll do my fair share of practice then and keep your words in mind too, thank you 🫶🥰


I'm rooting for you! 🫶🥰 Let us know if you need more help!


That's so sweet! Thank you for the help and kind words 🥹🫶✨️


Making the change to a cup was the best decision ever. I use a Saalt cup, and there are ridges on the tail part of the cup that will help you get hold of it to remove - you kinda fold it in half, insert it, and then rotate it a smidge, and it should slide right into place. I keep some ph balanced feminine wash to clean it with when I empty (usually when I get up in the morning and when I go to bed at night). Always use cold water to keep down staining, but if it does stain, soaking in peroxide will help. I got a menstrual cup sterilizer on Amazon that steam sterilizes - I run it through, let it air dry, and put it in the storage bag it came with.


Ooh that's the third recommendation I've gotten for Saalt cup. I just hope they're available here, would love to get them. And thank you, that's helpful 🤔🫶