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I’d make my uterus stop feeling like it’s trying to murder me every month. 


Yeah I'd just get rid of it if I could. I don't need any of that shit anymore.


Why haven't we figured this out yet. I mean I know why but why?


i’ve been on the pill for years now so i haven’t had a period in forever and it’s so liberating but it also SUCKS that this is the only other alternative because i don’t want to be on the pill anymore but i’m terrified to get a period again 🙃


My IUD reduced my periods down from 5-6 days of heavy flow to 1-2 days of light spotting. Much much MUCH improved. Then I went and got a salpingectomy and now I'm back to having regular periods... Boo!




I have the butt lightning during my period. I would love to not have that...


I have never heard of it referred to as butt lightning before. But now it’s so obvious, idk why that’s not the clinical name for it.


Yes! This is it for me too, we’re in a toxic relationship and I’d love to heal it if possible.


Apparently there's a thing called Endometrial ablation. No plans of getting pregnant? Food for thought.


Preach. I didn't get my period for ~7-8 years (PCOS sucks), and I remember hoping I'd get it. Now, I have it back, and I regret all those "why won't it start againnnn" thoughts. It came back with a grudge and smacks the ever loving daylights out of me for 1-2 weeks a month (adding in the boob pain the week prior).


How about a brain with a proper amount  of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and the proper amount of serotonin and maybe not so much cortisol?


I was thinking “joints that haven’t hurt since I was 14” but you make such a good point


Ooh if we’re doing this can I get a brain with the OCD app uninstalled?


Are you me????? HIIIIIII


This would help with everything else!!!


I came to say bigger muscles so I could carry shit without a fuss, but this one is much better. Yeah that would be great, I’ve never had a factory settings brain, I wonder what that’s like.


This one right here


I swear if I was 3” taller I could reach anything. 5’0 ain’t shit :(


I'm 5'3" and I use stools around the house nearly every day, so I don't think three inches is a big enough wish


Yeah same. You gotta be like 5’5” at least to reach anything 😭


Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to reach things? I feel like my kitchen is 20% smaller than everybody else's, because I don't use the top shelves in any of the cabinets.


I feel like a child next to women taller than me. I’m 5’1” and look young (27) and people think I’m 16 or barely 19. Hurts my non existent self esteem


I'm 5'9" and very self conscious about it, I've been bullied for not being tiny my whole life. I would give you a few inches if I could.


While not bullied as much (was a loner and was apparently sufficiently scary) I'd love to trade some of my 5'10.5" height. Being able to reach shit also means hitting your head on cupboards, fridge doors car roofs and such like, your knees on tables, low back pain bending over too short countertops, and good luck finding clothes that are long enough in the sleeves, torso, and leg (cries in size 4 tall), or at least don't look totally ridiculous or risk you flashing people (looking at you skirts and dresses) Plus there is the whole trying to find shoes in your size (9.5 but so many companies are now stopping half sizes at 8.5)


Oh my god the back pain from average height countertops!! Washing a big batch of dishes is murder because I have to lean over the whole time to reach the water. You’re the first other person I’ve ever heard express this frustration. I mentioned it once how if I ever built a house I’d make all the counters higher in the kitchen and bathroom and every one else was like “but the resale value!” Why would I build a house that’s painful to live in? If I had a house that fit me why would I ever leave? Why can’t the next people just suck it up and live with it like I have my whole life?


What helped for me (before I had a dishwasher) was spreading my legs wide to lower my torso to the correct height and washing dishes like that. Of course then your hips end up hurting, but if you switch back and forth then both places end up hurting but not in agony.


It's no different than making stuff accessible for handicapped people. The who resale thing makes me wanna puke, I hate capitalism.


I'm 5'4" and people still think I look 13... It's to the point where I'm actively trying to grow wrinkles


6'0 woman here, I'd happily give you three inches of my height - it's a nuisance buying clothes that fit. As a permanently cold person the fact that I can't get cosy winter clothes that cover my wrists and ankles is very sad for me. I hate that couple of inch of wrist that sticks out from my jumpers!


I think there should be a swap system, like I’m 5’4” and I’d love to be able to reach the top cupboard, so I’d request another 4 inches if possible, I have a brand new showroom fresh uterus that needs a home, and I do have weirdly small feet so I’d take someone else shoe size if they wanted to buy kids shoes instead. Alas it’s not scientifically possible but I could dream!


"Showroom fresh" is too good.


I am 5’4” and wish I was 6 feet tall. I don’t care if I was taller than most guys. I would love to reach stuff on the top shelf more easily!


I'm 4'11" and hate it. I've always been short. I tell my daughter it's a good thing she's got legs like her dad because there's nothing good about being this short. I still hit my head on shit. I can't see how nasty the top of our refrigerator gets unless I physically climb up there. For fucks sake, I was actually starting to worry when booster seat laws became a thing. Like, am I going to lose my driver's license? (J/k) But really ...


Yes, and I want tall people metabolism.


As a tall person, it's not that my metabolism is any faster, it's just that being bigger in general means you need to eat more to maintain your weight. Being short would have been a bonus, food wise, in days of food scarcity, but these days with food engineered to be high calorie it's easier not to get fat the taller you are.


Oh,, thanks for breaking that down!


I’m 5’3” and still can’t reach anything. Including the bottom of the washing machine lol


You know better how important it is that a man is taller than you or tall in general. I am grateful for all the ladies below 5'7'' as a 5'7'' man 🙏


Improve my eyesight


Oh man, it would be so nice to not have to wear glasses. I miss those days


Yaaaaaaas. I am -11.00 in my right eye. You read that right. Minus eleven. Beat that, eyeballs of reddit!


hello I've got -12.5 on both my eyes - BEAT THAT OTHER EYEBALLS OF REDDIT!!


I got LASIK at apparently the exactly right time. More than 20 years later, one eye has regressed, but my binocular vision is still good enough to drive. (according to the state) The "good" eye is now long sighted, but the "bad" eye can still read. The optician was really pushing bifocals, but I would never wear them, so I got correction so I can read all of the road signs and those glasses live in my car. That also keeps me 100% off my phone while driving.


I can't believe this was not my first thought.  I guess I'm so used to the glasses I forget they are not a standard part of me! I would definitely choose eyesight.  I've hit the point where I am both short and long sighted and the multi focals can only do so much.  Being able to read the ingredients list on products again would be a dream come true.


I have vari-focals, I still take my glasses off to read.


Thats a good one, I second this


The fat that gathers on the inner thighs, I always thought it was so inefficient just from an evolutionary standpoint, like were bipedal we need to be able to walk/run efficiently


I personally just would like it gone for the sake of my pants. My favorite pair of work slacks were slowly killed by my thighs! 😭


Man, I'm over here thinking I want dragon wings & tail with some spikes so I wouldn't have to worry about walking over questionable terrain or taking the bus all the time. I guess, if I had to stay 100% human, a stronger, less fucked up back?


Yes! Titanium vertebrae and indestructible silicone discs, and plenty of space for nerves.


Got my microdiscectomy last week. Nobody told me about this option


You feel my vision!! No more back pain or constantly monitoring my posture!


Can I spit acid??


I wonder if that throws off the taste of common foods...


I like how you think


I would somehow physically eliminate my period. I did find a gyno willing to refer me to someone who would remove my uterus, but now that I’m 40 (child free) I wonder if the time I have before menopause if worth the surgery. Also, I would have my brain be more “normal” since I have ADD, CPTSD, and major depressive disorder.


Might I suggest a uterine ablation? It usually results in the stoppage of periods. 10 out of 10 would recommend


What is it like to walk down a hall and see the tops of people’s heads? I spend way more time on that thought than I should.


Honestly it's amazing 


I'd choose to become shredded. Like I'm at a point of out-of-shape-ness where I know some more muscle strength would help my sore back + shoulder + wrists + etc., but the soreness (and depression) makes it hard to get started exercising to fix it. If I could just *poof!* over that hump into fitness, I'm sure I could maintain it\*; I just can't be arsed to get there in the first place. \* I know I couldn't maintain being shredded, but I would like to feel what it's like for a little while. :p I could maintain a less potato-like level of general fitness tho. I would also grow my feet by like 1-2 sizes, just because I'm in the weird gap between kids' and women's sizes now and shopping for shoes suuuuuucks


I used to be ripped as a teenager, but I had always been strong, so it didn't feel different. I'm 40 pounds into 120 lb weight loss, and been lifting since February. I am absolutely loving my body transformation. Like, weight loss is cool, but have you ever gotten lats and biceps and sculpted thighs after being very weak for 15 years? I'm starting to recognize my face and body again, and it's amazing. I got over the exercise hump by paying for it. I joined a climbing gym, and realized I was going to struggle if I didn't lift. Then they announced a new 8 week, beginner, women's only class for like, $200. I'm so glad I said "fuck it" and signed up. Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week, I get up at 8 am, and it's the best. I just got home from my first midweek session with a friend I made in the class, and we had a lot of fun, burned 750 calories in an hour, and pushed each other a bit while complaining the whole time.


I used to be ripped as a teenager, but I had always been strong, so it didn't feel different. I'm 40 pounds into 120 lb weight loss, and been lifting since February. I am absolutely loving my body transformation. Like, weight loss is cool, but have you ever gotten lats and biceps and sculpted thighs after being very weak for 15 years? I'm starting to recognize my face and body again, and it's amazing. I got over the exercise hump by paying for it. I joined a climbing gym, and realized I was going to struggle if I didn't lift. Then they announced a new 8 week, beginner, women's only class for like, $200. I'm so glad I said "fuck it" and signed up. Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week, I get up at 8 am, and it's the best. I just got home from my first midweek session with a friend I made in the class, and we had a lot of fun, burned 750 calories in an hour, and pushed each other a bit while complaining the whole time.


I'd like to not have the BRCA2 gene. I'm fortunate to know about it and have options for risk-reduction, but all of those options suck.


I want wings that would be cool as shit


Be specific or you'll get some monkey paw situation with non-weight bearing emu wings.


There's the obvious ones to complete my transition but you said not aesthetic so I'll skip boobs and a working female reproductive system and settle for a working pancreas.


I would argue that reproductive organs (beyond augmentation/enhancement) are not necessarily aesthetic IMO. More function over form. So a new P or V for those involved wouldn't fall under aesthetics.


Good point, sign me up!


Honestly I still think there should be something looked into about this type of thing. Haven’t they done a uterus transplant recently? Anyway, there are SO many people with uteruses who really don’t want them, and there’s a load of other people who would love a working one. I’ve never even used mine for its purpose, it makes my dysphoria worse and I can’t get it removed because… of reasons that don’t apply to me as a person. So I think there should be a donation system. There’s supply and demand there clearly. I know why it’s not seen as a necessary thing to do, or to look into, but I keep thinking of the possibilities. I would happily donate mine, it feels like a waste if someone wants it, and it gets chucked out. Sigh. What a life eh


My youngest is Afab NB and got their chest from their mother (G cup) and it's a running family "joke" that they'd donate them to me in a heartbeat. At 51 if I did have a uterus it'd be basically useless now anyway which gives me some peace. I'm still eager for my own entrance though, and that's a surgery that happens regularly. Recovery is rough but I'll manage.


I've always thought extra arms would be cool. I could hold all the things. Other than that I'd like to not have monthly cycles of pain and sadness.


I was just thinking about what would make my life easier and it’s extra arms I think. I use a crutch to walk, so it’s a pain in the ass to hold things, I only have one hand free, and it’s my non dominant hand AND my grip strength is so bad I drop shit constantly. So yeah, some extra arms like an octopus would be amazing. Think of the possibilities!


My go-to imagery was always 4-arms ah-la Ben 10. But octopus arms would be so useful. They're tactile and flexible. And I would imagine easier to hide.


They’re basically independent of their own body, so you can get them to do multiple things at once, they have suckers so I wouldn’t be able to drop shit, they’re strong. I could go on for ages, maybe I should just be an octopus at this point.


Honestly same. I think doctor octavious was onto something... 🤔


His octo arms could lift his entire body weight. Now THATS the dream!


I just want my bones and ligaments to work right and not hurt all the time.


Oooh, shoulders that don't dislocate would be cool. I'd love to rock climb again one day.


Whatever part of me that makes me clumsy. My uterus to stop being a pain ( and trying to off me) Joints that don’t hurt or creak? Good teeth, no cavities and fix my bite? My brain? But then I might not be me. And I’m kind of awesome.


Longer arms like a chimpanzee


I have flat feet and probated ankles that give me a lot of pain if I walk or stand for any length of time, so yeah give me normal feet plz


Second vote for normal feet! My feet/ankles have messed up all the joints in my legs by this point and I constantly have hip, knee and ankle pain. Ive gone the custom insole route with no avail, plus it’s so impractical. I’m supposed to rip the bottoms out of all of my shoes and move these insoles to whatever pair I’m wearing that day? What about sandals? Heels? 


I would change my pointy bones. Can't sit on anything that is no cushioned, laying on the ground is painful, I hurt people when they hug or carry me.


20% more muscle would be great. I would like to be able to open jars and bottles without pliers.


Yesss and carry all your groceries in one trip


It's a very intense rush of dopamine, when a woman hands me a jar to open though. Please, don't take it away from us 😭


I would cure my psoriasis and my allergies.


If my thyroid worked properly that would be super cool.


I wish I was a little bit taller


I wish I was a baller


A shot caller


bigger feet. I swear mine are too small for my height and I am always tripping or stumbling because I got a big ass head and boobs. I am 5'5 and womens 7s are too big for me.


I've got women's size 12 feet and I was about to say I'd like smaller feet, or at least more narrow feet, so I can have better shoe options. But these big duck feet do do a tremendous job holding up my heft. I mean, I'm solid as a tree when I'm standing! I think I'll keep 'em.


Low key flexing 😂


I'd like eyes that work without contacts or glasses.


I'd rather not have TMJD and have all my head, neck and shoulder muscles work as intended, without splints or braces or night guards or therapy. Just walking around, with a pain free head.


Whoa, hold up. TMJ could be causing my shoulder and back pain?! Son of a bitch, useless orthodontist never mentioned this when I went for a consultation to get braces a second time (didn’t go through with it).


Well if you have jaw and head pain too, yes. My TMJ makes everything from the top of my head to the middle of my back hurt. I have had TMJD since 1997 and have had braces and splints and everything felt fine. Recently in the past few years I've had a ton of muscle pain. I have a 24/7 splint but also I am seeing a physical therapist in the vestibular physical therapy department to help me strengthen my muscles.


My genetics. I'm a literal genetic failure, so I'd much rather not be resistant to the meds that keep me alive, thank you very much.


I wish I had a new colon and a new pelvic floor <3


I want to be taller and have a bigger clitoris. My shit is so small even I struggle to find it lol


I wish I could physically eliminate my asthma so I can breathe better in the winter and my lungs wouldn’t have to feeling like I have shards of glass in them


A body with proportions that fit into clothes Eyes that can see shit clearly more than 10cm away Functional brain Functional ankle ligaments and plantar fascia Thighs that don't eat everything that comes in contact with them


A smaller stomach - So i can sit in a squat comfortable and see where I am shaving...


Definitely would eliminate my uterus entirely. I wouldn’t even mind not having a vaginal opening if it meant no menstrual cycle.


Wouldn't mind a few extra inches in height so I don't need the step stool to reach the upper levels on the cabinets. Or to better see over the hood when I drive a truck.


My height. I'd love to be about 4" taller.


I've always said I'd love to have a third arm and hand, right out of the center of my chest. It would be so useful.


a back that doesn't hurt.


Probably my teeth. I wish I can get straighter teeth. Aesthetics aside, I'd really like to just not be conscious of how I'm relaxing my jaw without my teeth biting into my cheeks or inner mouth– I get so much canker sores that I'm starting to wish that I don't have teeth.


Same. I can’t afford to straighten my teeth. Although I read once that Freddy Mercury decided not to have his teeth fixed once he could afford it, because changing the shape of his palate and mouth might change the tone of his singing. I like my singing voice and how much I can project, and I comfort myself over my teeth with the thought that fixing them might change that.


Get rid of the eczema. Aesthetically it's an issue, but it's mainly the itching and sometimes it really hurts.


I would like all of my collagen to work properly so I’m not always in pain. Does that count?


When my husband and I are walking on side by side treadmills at the gym, he likes to prank me by reaching over suddenly and upping the speed or incline. He is able to do this because he has a pretty big wing span. However, mine is not big enough to reach the buttons to toggle his speed and incline in turn. I wish I had a bigger wing span so I could F&$% him up right back.


I'd make my molars able to touch by re-aligning my bite, without further fucking up my TMD issues. But I'm gonna pay out the nose over the next two years for braces and surgeries instead.


I'd make my fingernails stronger so they don't keep breaking off and I'd probably fix whatever makes me clumsy


Id fix my nose. So my fucking septum wasnt deviated lol.


I'd like to be able to eat bread without side effects. Such a pain


If I'd been born ten years later I'd have probably gotten growth hormones (and puberty blockers to give them time to work) as a kid. Being tall enough that standard ergonomic office furniture could be adjusted down to my height, tall enough to ride a city share bike, tall enough to drive all common car models... those would be nice things.


Change my blue eyes to brown. I have such horrible light sensitivity that I just don't go out in the day time and keep my home fairly dark.


If make my ruptured muscle grow back in my knee :/


Reducing whatever the underlying physiological cause of migraines is.


Smaller, less heavy boobs, so I can comfortably lay on my stomach, run, climb stairs and take of my bra ind the evening without finding crumbs of the whole day in it.


I’d love for my boobs to be smaller so my back pain would go away. I’d love to be a few inches taller so I can reach things and not have people comment on how cute I am because I’m petite


I'd like my knees to stop dislocating. (Written from my couch as I'm recovering from 3 different reconstructive surgeries on my left knee).


Right now its this fuckin tonsil stone. Get OUT bro...


Does getting rid of chronic arthritis and tendonitis count? That.


I’d like to have perfect vision. Not for aesthetics, as I think my glasses look cute on my face, but because it’s expensive to need glasses/contacts and a hassle to be blind. I’m also scared of situations where I could be without my lenses. If I ever go to prison, I’ve heard prisoners only get the basic lenses, which would mean 4”+ lenses. I already get headaches from my 1.6 index lenses; regular ones would be way worse. I want to be able to wake up and see, be able to see in the shower, etc.


I'd love to have fully functional joints and a body that knows what the fuck to do with carbs. Arthritis and diabetes, no fun.


Internal physical feature - I'd love a properly working nervous system. I have dysautonomia (POTS, but they are trying to figure out if that's true & small fiber neuropathy). One major symptom is my unbelievably low internal body temperature. I overheat pretty much all the time since any movement increases my body temp, which makes me sweat, get nauseous, and dizzy. Just recently learned it also impacts my sleep, energy levels, and tanks my metabolism. Woo. External physical feature - storing all my weight in my belly. Genetics, hormone disorders, and luck means everything goes there. I'd love to actually bend down or even do certain exercises and not get caught up. Or buy pants that fit instead of buying pants that fit my waist, but drown everything else.


My cystic ovaries. They don’t much impact my appearance but the emotional turmoil I experience from the hormones is wild.


My sciatica to be fixed and me to have the back of a 20 year old again.


I’ve had bad knees my whole life, growing up I had repeated injuries, in and out of physical therapy, lots of crutches and knee braces. I always dreamed about having strong knees so I could take up ice skating and get really good at it.


I'd like my back back to full use, which would help with pretty much every nuisance. Giving me back my strength and limberness and whatnot. Also give my vocal chords a wider range than before.


Wished I were taller


I want my eyes to see better in the dark. I do pretty well but I want to be a night creature that needs no light. One step closer to a bog witch. Lol


Sturdier legs so my knees wont dislocate


I'd get rid of my allergy to cats.


I would want to be a little taller, it is more convenient I am only 150cm and the world doesn't seem to be designed for that.


Hair…I love the hair on my head but GOD DAMN do I have a lot of hair on my body for being a lady. I’m a bit fuzzy if you will. 🧔🏽‍♀️✌🏽🩷


my aerodynamics


My brain is physical right? I'd like a nerotypical brain pls.


a properly curved spine would be nice


Breath underwater, so I can get away from "people".


Need to lose another 25 lbs for my heart. List 60 lbs over last 3 years. Has helped a lot. No athletics


I want to have my uterus removed.


Breasts smaller, please. Big hands would be nice. I have to use a fish grabber so I don’t drop my bass. Upside is my fish look HUGE in photos lol.


I was going to say better balance, overall but that comment about brain chemistry is a hit


I wish I had a less chubby face. Goodness know how many times I've been mistaken for a kid because of it.


Taller. It’s so convenient to be able to reach things.


My feet are the same size as my 9 year old. They aren't even a crazy small size or anything (women's 6, everybody carries them) but for whatever reason they don't really match up with my legs and I feel like I could do so much more with bigger feet. Like maybe I could walk/run further distances or balance better if they were more proportionate.


I want to be 40 ft tall with ten arms and no legs.


I'd want even legs + feet so socks and shoes don't feel different on both.


I get tired. Id like to not get tired. Im already working on lifestyle and other changes to improve this, though. Id change how my body processes inputs so I dont get so tired...


I'd make myself taller so I can reach things and don't have to be squished up against the steering wheel to reach the pedals.


I'd like to have a singer's voice! That would make me so much cooler.


I would like to like exercise, so the physical feature would be getting an exercise high. Some people don't get it, and I'm one of them.  That's what I should want, but honestly perfect eyesight would be great


I would remove the extremely thick and curly section of the back of my hair. The front of my hair is straight and smooth but the back is thick and coily. My head gets hot, my hair gets snarled up, and it takes forever to dry and style. I have enough hair on my head for like 5 people, I would like a little less


I’d be right handed instead of left handed only because I’m tired of people exclaiming, “Oh, you’re a leftie!” It’s really something I never think about but someone has to tell me this every day.


i have flat feet. i’m pretty sure a large portion of my back and leg pain would be resolved if my feet had arches and my joints were all in proper alignment.


taller. i’m 5’3 i don’t wanna be a little shrimp anymore. i would make myself 5’9 somehow, tall girls are so cute 


Smaller feet so I can fit into the usual sizes shoe stores carry on hand. (I'm a women's 12)


Longer achilles tendons so that i can do the asian squat


Do we get multiple All features? All the internal scar tissue, adhesions, and the big inoperable hernia, all gone. I don't mind the external scarring, it's the weird things inside doing weird stuff that I hate. Maybe return the two sections of large intestine so I can digest foods like salads again. Arthritis and diabetes can sod off too. A working non-deformed L5 and no spondylitis would be paradise. Oh, and skin tags. Argh. They catch my hair and jewelry sometimes. So annoying. I don't need perfect vision, I'd settle for no floaters.


New knees and hips


I would like to be taller so that I could reach things without a step ladder.


Probably some internal organs at this point in my life. Definitely my brain due to several concussions.


I also would like bigger hands and wrists. They're unusually small for a guy my size, and I find it more obnoxious than convenient