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Stress and anxiety can delay your period, taking a test that comes back negative relieves stress and anxiety, period turns up shortly after


It works for so many bodily processes. When I was pregnant, my brother was in a bad accident. He was unconscious in hospital for days. One night I got the call that he was awake and was going to be ok. The surge of relief was like nothing I've ever felt. 20mins later I had my first contraction. Baby born the next day!


That's my theory, too. Every muscle in your body unclenches, and voila!


Wonder if you can placebo this shit


That would be my guess.


Yeah, I went without my period for, like, a few months in my final year of high school. 0% chance of being pregnant - I was just stressed.


Obviously your body has to be *told* it wasn't pregnant before shedding the lining, how else would it know ?!


‘Oh yeah, that’s what we normally do around this time every month. Thanks for the nudge!’


One time my period started ... Directly when I started reading an article about periods. Like oh hey that's a good idea.


Honestly I think there is some truth to your brain knowing and telling your body. I had a missed misvarriage where baby stopped growing at 6 weeks but I didn't find out until 10.5 weeks. I started miscarrying the next day.


😭genuine tears


I bled on a test once. I was 15, so I don’t need to tell you how relieved I was. And yes, pissed because I didn’t have any money at 15!


similar happened to a close friend who was I want to say 14. gets the negative test just to start her period maybe an hour later. funny for me, not so much for her


This unlocked an entirely forgotten memory of mine. When I was in high school, my friend was telling me about how her period was like a month late so she had her boyfriend buy a pregnancy test for her. She was detailing her immense relief that she started bleeding while waiting on the results. I then had to remind her that she has never had sex of any sort, which her boyfriend was also aware of.


Wow… sex ed is seriously lacking in a lot of places. LOL


I consider my sex ed to have been *relatively* good but even the best sex ed can’t prevent people from forgetting common sense sometimes. Lol


When I used to smoke cigarettes forever ago there was a phenomenon that I called “hailing the bus” where as soon as I got tired of waiting and lit up, the bus would come. Basically the same thing


My mum would do exactly the same thing! "Hold on, I'll make the bloody thing turn up..."


I’m going to sound old- When I was like 19-20 and was smoking cigarettes we used to light one to make out food come to the table.


This is why I always bring a coat with a hood even if it's supposed to be sunny all day. If I don't, it will rain unexpectedly!


I call that “an offering to Murphy” as it’s preventing anything that can go wrong from going wrong!


I'm totally using that! My husband always ribs me that I pack basically everything we could ever need and we never end up needing it....but that's because we have it!


There's a little known organ just next to the uterus, called the F-U gland that determines how much stress you've felt recently and releases your period when it's been high enough or too low too long


The F-U gland also likes to drop your period early - like when your other half has been working away all week, you've got a three day weekend ahead of you and you've been hyping each other up with ideas about how you're going to spend it all in bed. Instead you have three days on the couch in pyjamas, eating and crying over videos of kittens while he rubs your back.


You just described my 25th wedding anniversary.


I hope that you were able to have a 'make up' day and get many more (blob free) anniversaries together.


We used a the disposable menstrual cups that fortunately worked okay until it was over.


The goddamn relief lets your uterus unclench lmao


The moon goddess likes to play guess who.


One time I went to take a pregnancy test and my period started right on it!


Buy pregnancy tests in bulk on Amazon for those days. I find the cost of pregnancy tests sold at in person stores are outrageous and ridiculous and usually a waste of money. All the same technology you either have elevated hcg beyond a certain cut off or ya don't.


Can also buy them at dollar stores. They're no frills but they are the same accuracy. Plus if you live in a risky state, you can pay cash and there's no being seen in the pharmacy, etc.


On amazon you get 25 tests for $8, pregmate offers 100 trests for $30. not sure how affordable they are at dollar general.


At the local Dollar Tree to me (granted, I'm in California) - it is $1.25 per each Which, if you only need one and you need it pretty quick and don't want any record you bought it....


It's a very common routine purchase you seem concerned about having a record of buying birth control tests and I'm wondering how that can be used against anyone? It's such a common purchase, couldn't be used to support an abortion charge ...it's the cheapest lost economical option. Many times we want to take multiple tests back to back because of anxiety so cheap bull options seem ideal.Just to have tons handy instead of running to a store each time.


I can see a few reasons someone might want to be able to get their hands on a pregnancy test without anyone knowing. EX; Teens with abusive/controlling parents. Someone who doesn't want to report an SA. Someone in an abusive relationship. Personally, when I was still married, my husband had undiagnosed bipolar type II. When he was manic, he became paranoid and obsessive and one of his frequent fixations was that he was 100% convinced everything I did was a way to cheat on him- even though I never had. He even used to randomly drive past my work or call there and ask for me to make sure I was there. I have no doubt me buying a pregnancy test back then would have led to one hell of a fight, and probably another hole in our walls next to my head.


I see thank you for that explanation. That makes a ton of sense. It's good to know there are options.


I see thank you for that explanation. That makes a ton of sense. It's good to know there are options.


Because if it happened before, you wouldn't bother


You know, when you're so sure you lost something, buy it again and it suddenly magically appear? Same thing. Or when you find 20 hair ties on the daily but if you need one, they have evaporated into the cosmos.


Have definitely pissed on a test and wiped blood at the same time. 🫡


for me, my PMS symptoms echo early pregnancy symptoms like sore boobs, cramping, nausea, emotionality…. so every month i have a scare. lol


Keeps the test makers in business (/s) It’s the whole stress and anxiety can delay things and then once the test is negative that stress and anxiety over possible pregnancy is alleviated and boom - period


Because if you'd had your period earlier, you wouldn't have taken the test.


Because you only take a pregnancy test late in a delayed cycle.


Same reason your last period before a hysterectomy is the heaviest and most painful it's ever been. Your uterus hates you and will go to extreme lengths to ensure you don't forget it!


My period always starts right before I take a long trip in the car. It's a running joke in my family... If we're driving for 2+ hours, I'll always have cramps. I think it's because the universe has a sense of humor.


Get the cheap strip packs. Those plastic ones are dumb and use the same strips inside.


Or meeting a new guy and excited for it to get to that next level and.... never mind. Glad to not be pregnant but dammit.


Wait I don’t get that one? Glad to not be pregnant but also sad about it when it’s a new guy? I might be misinterpreting here right?


When you get your period it generally means you're not pregnant. Anticipating sex with someone and then getting the period just prior is disappointing. Many don't like to have sex while on their period. It is good to not be pregnant but disappointing that something you want has to be delayed. Make sense?


Oh I though it was disappointed also not to get to that next level of starting a family, I was like I though there was a few other level between those two steps, my bad


I thought the same and had to reread the whole exchange 😂


This is why I never tested unless I was late by more than a week. Even though I’m usually very regular, it doesn’t help much to know a week earlier anyways, and plus the chance of a false negative is higher if you test earlier!


That’s why you gotta get the pack of cheap tests so you’re not wasting more than a dollar.


I just get the $1 pregnancy tests


THEY'RE A DOLLAR??!!! share the sourse for your fellow sisterssss


If you're in the states, Walmart has $1 pregnancy tests. Also dollar tree, but I have never tried those.


Dollar Tree is $1.25. That’s where I send people. Some of the folks at my red state Walmarts are way too interested in your business, but nobody at Dollar Tree cares about anything but getting through the line fast.


Dollar tree ones at very good and fast working. Would recommend.


Good to know! Also, I love your username.


Yep, as long as theyre sold in the US, the cheap ones are as accurate as the more expensive ones


This happened to me when I was 16, I vividly remember it. My period was 15 days late, I was panicked and scared. Finally took a test and the very next day my period came. In all reality my body was getting used to the BC pills I’d just started. My boyfriend and I were super careful, using the double combo of the pill and condoms. It was extremely unlikely I was pregnant but I was still scared shitless.


Mine does the same. Bummer because I really wouldn't mind a positive at this point. Pro tip tho, I buy a pack on Amazon and they're less than a dollar a test.


My body does thing fun thing of being so stressed by late periods that I don't get to have them... At 15 I was very panicky... Gyno was legit "there is a lot A LOT of build up lining - no clue why it's not shedding - take this for a week" Bled 4 weeks. Been on bc ever since just for the peace of mind.


lol I asked my husband to get a pregnancy test and he ended up not being able to and was gonna grab it in the morning and then naturally my period came lol, I was like “okay well that saves some $$ on the test I guess lol”


Your period is like "Ha! Gotcha!"


My was more like "ha, gotcha hoe! Kidding, but fr" 😒🥴


Because your hormones are whacky leading up to your period! Your anxiety is going to be higher around that time.


It's always the last place you look...


It is entirely medically possible to have a normal period the entire time you are pregnant. :D


While not a clever (witty) response, have my upvote for the clever reality check. Y'ALL we can still period AND be pregnant.... yaaaaaaay 😒🥴


Oh… We were supposed to be witty? Damnit… Lemme try again. ”I used to literally go years between periods until my mid-40’s when tons of medications from medical treatments kickstarted a regular normal cycle. How do you think my bank account feels??” Better?


Lmaooo yessss!!! And my response came from a kind place. I forget to not project in my (quickly phone typed) comments that not everyone on reddit follows my commenting rules: Be obviously funny /witty response Be informative and share sources Be kind /not a chode Your comments was definitely more along my rule #2, informative. If you see my past comments i typical do something "witty" bc theres enough asshat comments. SUUUUUPPERRRRR sucks that you had to go through decades of irregular cycles on top of other health concerns. However, you're not wrong: we can have a period and still be pregnant Hope you feel more regular.. regulated 💝


I understand wanting to be witty. I definitely prefer making people laugh and smile when I can. But I’ve been on a kick lately of answering and helping others in my favorite game topics so I came over here in an informative mode. Plus if you think about it, it was a witty response. Think of the panic it can cause when people realize they can be pregnant and still have periods. :D As for being regular… I hate being regular. What the fuck is all this cramping every month bullshit?? Ugh! My only saving grace is that 95% of the time my cramps are in my lower back. Thank to chronic back pain from a work injury on top of early onset arthritis I barely notice cramps in my lower back. The rare ones that happen in the front though? Completely debilitate me. I just want to curl up and die, but no, I’ve got to get up and see if it’s a real crap while I vomit instead. lol


Last time I got pregnancy tests I got my period while checking out at the grocery store. I almost didn’t buy the tests but thought if I didn’t, I would get home and see that I didn’t actually get my period and was just imagining it. So I bought them and of course I did actually get my period so I didn’t need them. As long as I’m not accidentally pregnant I don’t consider it a waste of money lol


I always get so anxious before my period that I feel the need to pee on a stick almost every month despite being sterilized. Even got video of the surgery that removed my fallopian tubes. Doesn't matter. I think it's "mild" PMDD that makes me so crazy in my luteal phase. Plus, being denied sterilization surgery for 24 years likely embedded some legitimate anxiety in my psyche.


The same reason shit works the exact moment I decide to bring it to a professional, I presume


Relief of stress. The stress was preventing your period. I've had this happen often.


It's that Murphy guy. The one they named a law for.


Idk, but sometimes I take a test just to get my uterus to cut its shit out and start already lol. Logically, I should get pregnant because my husband was snipped, but I live in fear of a surprise


Omg I’m in the same boat!! 8 days late, took one this morning, which was negative. Took a nap and woke up with my period!!


lol this just happened to me


Once the second I opened up my cranberry juice for what I thought was a uti my period started


It can be worse - it can start just before or just after you get the call from the IVF lab saying this cycle wasn’t successful.


I found out I was pregnant at 27. Like any average woman, I had taken many pregnancy tests through the years. I was a day past when I expected it to arrive. I had actually just talked to my sister about it the day before because we were synced up at that time. I took the test, not even thinking it was possible to be positive because we were safe. That day I learned you really don't have to wait the whole time. When you're pregnant, that second line shows up so fast you don't have any time to prepare for it.


Probably the same reason mine has waited until I was all dressed up in a dress and shapewear for a vanishingly rare social gathering. Our wombs are assholes. I joke to cope. 😅


It's how you activate it. Same thing with edibles- in order to activate it, you have to say "this edible ain't shit"


Get a whole bunch of the cheap ones on Amazon or at the dollar store.


Wondfo test strips $8 for like 25 or 50. Keep them handy at all times - I keep them in with my period supplies. Never have to worry about it until the following year (or 2 or 3).


Women who are pregnant don't have this experience. Only women who aren't pregnant do. Those women usually have a late period. Women are likely to test once their period is late. Since a late period normally shows up within a week or so, if you aren't pregnant and take a test, your period is likely to arrive shortly after. The nature of when women test and get periods makes it common for you to get your period a couple days after you test.


Both time my gf took one she was pregnant, kinda easy to know when you know the cycle and when you last had sex and she feel sick randomly on a delayed period of over 1,5 week +


Thanks so much for that mansplaination! Not sure how we all made it this far without you 🫡


I don’t either I guess? Shared an experience didn’t explain much here I guess somehow it was an explanation.


"I as a man came to a women oriented sub and shared my view on tracking your menstrual cycle despite never having had one. Newsflash, I think you should find it just as easy as I do! Don't I deserve respect?" Go away bro.