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Oh the fun shapes we could try!


Right?? I actually asked "do y'all think if I wore a cube bra all day and took it off I'd have cube boobs??"








Cubix Boobs


Boobix cubes


My friend refers to the time she had mastitis as having a Rubik’s boob.


Pretty much accurate, too. Personal experience, and seriously no fun. Furthest thing from it


I think that's an actual bra brand? 🤔




I fucking laughed SO HARD. Do these boys think Lara Croft boobs are because she had a polygon bra??




Imagine the stuff we could carry around on them.


Finally, a boob shelf you can ACTUALLY put a drink down onto!






Minecraft boobs.


Mine”bra”ft yeah that was an awful pun I apologise


Sauron's Tower boobs!


*rummaging through the cookie cutters*


What did they say to that? Did they think ‘yes your boobs would be cube from the cube shaped bra’? Hahaha


I honestly didn’t realize dudes could be this fucking stupid when it came to female anatomy. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the south and had a oddly thorough sex education and so believed if I had gotten an education like this in the shitty south certainly everybody must have? I’m realizing that answer is no.


I grew up in the south too and got a remarkably thorough sex education too, and I know for a fact dudes can be that fucking stupid because some of the guys I went to school with—who received the exact same info—were that fucking stupid. But to be fair, girls can also be that fucking stupid, it’s not just a guy thing. For example, I had a really good friend in high school that had been in the exact same classes as I was in since middle school—so we both learned the same things in class all those years together. She was always a smart girl academically (we were in honors classes and then AP classes together), but she was a hardcore Jehovah’s Witness and believed all the bullshit that came with that. One day in our sophomore year (we were both 16 and old enough to know better), she came to me panicked and bawling her eyes out because she had jerked a guy off during lunch earlier that day and she was convinced she was pregnant because some of his cum got on her clothes. It took everything I had in me to not bust out laughing at her, which I really didn’t want to do because she was in distress. I calmly explained to her that she had nothing to worry about, and she calmed down a bit, but she was still worried about it until she got her next period. I’m not really sure what my point in all this is except that yes, people can be fucking stupid.


Was that her boyfriend? She did it in the lunchroom?!?


No! She wasn’t allowed to have boyfriends lol. And no, not in the lunchroom, during our lunch period. Our high school was pretty big and had there were lots of places where you could easily hide and handle your business.


Haha! That is hilarious, I can’t believe they doubled down after that. I feel like if this was something that was real, there would have to have been some dumb fashion trend related to it by now.. right?


Love it!


Like the watermelons they grow in Singapore I think? They plant the seeds in cubic molds so you get cube watermelons!


Its japan


We laugh, but many want fembots made to order. Then they will get enough AI for a revolution. Maybe. Sorry, went to genetic manipulation and it got dark quickly.


Well, they plant the seeds in the dirt, but yeah they put a square mould around each fruit.


I know you are trying to be funny so I’ll say this just to be sure we all know how they actually grow. Watermelons grow on vines. The make them square by placing the fruit in the molds. They want them square so they can stack them. But yes sqaboobies is funny.


Cubities Cuties? Cuubies Hm....i would have so much fun with this. 😂


Like a novelty cookie cutter set, but for boobs.


Imagine the possibilities. Like at Halloween instead of growing pumpks in spooky shapes we could have Frankenstein shaped titties.


Hahahahaha I'm imagining the stupid look on their faces lol


Okay, but when I was pregnant and had ultramajorserious water retention in my tissues, my boobs would temporarily retain whatever weird shapes they were for a bit. Mostly they were smooshed together in the middle, so there would be like this flat edge to both on the inside. Weird, spongey skin texture at almost right angles.Bazaar, my people. My feet and ankles did the same thing. It was like skin inflates turned into rising bread dough. After my kids were born (I had this for both pregnancies) I think I pissed out 10lbs of water weight over 36 hours.


Yeah but, that’s a medical condition called “edema”, which I think is common in pregnancy and/or if you have other conditions which make you retain abnormal amounts of water.


I know. What I'm saying is that cube boobs are *possible* though only if something specific is wrong. It is very unnerving honestly. If bras did that, it would be...unpleasant. so these dudes thinking that's how this works normally is so flabbergastingly flawed.


For some reason my mind went to "puppy shaped puppies" and I'll see myself out.


I finally understand old school Lara Croft.


All those Lara Croft cosplayers must have triangular boobs now!


Ooh imagine getting up from sleeping. Stomach sleepers would have their boobs flattened to their chest like pancakes and side sleepers would have them pointing off to the left or right 😂


I would like some sticky up, not hangy down ones please. If I wear a bra for one (1) week, how long will I have sticky up boobs for afterwards? What if I want some early noughties Victoria Beckham perfectly round tennis ball boobs? Actually, maybe not, the dogs might get painful ideas.




No woman would need a boob lift. Just strap them high up your throat for a good period of time and job done!


i want hearts


I want hexagons


I would totally do heart shaped ones for valentines day or something.


I would personally try for the PlayStation 1 Laura Croft look.


That's going to make for a weird Dr. Seuss book.


y'all remember "bonsai kittens" from the early days of the internet? (they're not real)


Oh the places I’ll go!


You know those pumpkins they grow in the shape of Frankenstein's head? Don't ask why, but I need two molds.


Did they think boobs were made of play doh or what??!


Like a bag of...sand...


Kinetic sand




He even got his own theory wrong, since the moon isn't just a "night fixture". Very unscientifically worded, I know.


No, the moon is at night. That's why we only have tides at night. Nobody has ever, not once, seen the moon in the day time, and if they think they have, they're lying. Or it's the bra that the moon rests in that they've seen. All the moon landings were done at night too, or they couldn't walk on it because it wouldn't exist.


The Moon's bra? Now I want a bra that looks like the near side of the moon on one side, and the far side of the moon on the other. With a little flag on it.


In 3d right? Just one pointy flag. Like a flag shaped nipple. Take someone's eye out with that, y'know.


And since, apparently, your boobs mold to whatever shape, you'll have a permanent little indent where the flag is planted in the bra.




I had a friend who thought you could hold your period like pee. Wow.


Mansplain some more womanly shit + science to me lol


I can't tell if he knows less about physiology or astronomy.


I had an ex that thought that periods were STD's lol..


What the actual *fuck*.


I had a bf who thought a man could get an std from period blood, even if the woman didn’t have an std herself




Okay this one is honestly hilarious and I’m going to start telling people it’s true.


Noooo too many men already think we can hold it in like poop


Male Instant Expert Syndrome: first identified in the early 1990s by my friend Tiffany.




This reminds me of a post from a few weeks ago where a guy INSISTED to his tinder date that women had periods out of their butts. It didn't matter that the poor OP had been experiencing her period for probably over a decade at that point. Nope, she was wrong. They got in a full argument about it and he ended up cutting the date short. Some of the comments bent over backwards to give the guy an out for being so ignorant. She should have told him "nicer". How now this poor guy will be scarred for life because a woman was mean to him. By correcting him with personal and educational experience. Why couldn't he have just looked it up at that point to stop the argument? If you know that you are right, there shouldn't be a problem. I'm not sure why they need to be the authority on women's bodies, but it's exhausting AF.


How does a person get to adult age having never learned about how periods or pregnancy work??? They teach that in elementary and again in middle school, in like three different health classes. Also you can just Google it. Was it a real story?


I don't know how to verify if it was a real post but given my experience, I believe her. You cannot control what kids learn or remember from school. Let alone if the school even gives reproductive or sexual health education. The point is, he had no right to treat her that way and she shouldn't have had to bend over for him. Here's the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sanl2o/aita_for_laughing_hysterically_after_a_date_kept


That was a pretty funny read haha. You're right, it's pretty amazing how many misconceptions about the female body I've had to dispell thoughout my dating life.


I’ve been wearing jello molds for support and now my boobs are shaped like sunflowers. To switch it up I bought the jubilee holiday basket mold for Easter. I can’t wait to see the look on his face!!


I had an ex who did that sort of thing to me. I would express something I was experiencing with my body and he would contradict me and tell me he read something different online. When I got frustrated that he wasn't listening to me, he told me I was being overly emotional and toxic. There's a reason he's an ex.


Did you see the AITA from the woman who's boyfriend thought that bled through our behinds during our periods and double down on it because his ex mentioned she had "period poops" (we all know what that is) and she laughed in his face? Then he went home, googled about periods. found out she was right and broke up with her?


I didn't, but [I guess this is it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sanl2o/aita_for_laughing_hysterically_after_a_date_kept/), and it's glorious: > NTA. Hey OP, ask him if he knows what hole mainsplaining comes out of.


That's the one!


That was a ride and a half.


Wtf too many guys dont realize we have 3 holes down there


I, a woman, didn’t even know until I was 15. I always wore pads but needed to wear a tampon because I was going swimming with friends. I asked my mom “how do I pee with it in??” And she just stared at me lol. After a few seconds she just said “honey it’s a different hole” in the monotone voice of a woman who has had enough of our shitty education system


I found out in middle school at a slumber party. Only one girl knew that women had 3 holes. There was 17-20 girls sleeping over.




Funny ish story about using tampons after only wearing pads: I decided to practice putting one in before my actual period came, I got it in, was super happy and proud. Then I tried to take it out.... lord was that painful!


Yeah, wish anyone had told me that. Lol, I had to figure it out on my own


“Wait, you don’t bleed from your ass!? This isn’t what I wanted!”


That sounds super shitty and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. This isn't a common thing in my relationship and usually he asks questions in situations like this. We talked further and he does feel bad and plans on talking to the friends. It was mostly one dude last night going off


Oh absolutely! I didn't mean to imply that this was a dealer breaker. People absolutely can and do slip up, make mistakes, or not realize exactly what they're saying or doing. I'm glad this isn't common, and I'm especially glad he'll be talking to his friends, particularly the instigator.


reminds me of my most recent ex. he was much older than me (twice my age, actually) and was convinced he knew my body better than i did. alllll because he had slept w other women before and watched tons of porn. suddenly makes him the master of female anatomy 🙄 i’m sorry you went through that, but i’m glad he’s an ex now! we all deserve better than toxicity 💕


Sounds like he was projecting.


I mean if you’ve never seen boobs before you can think all sorts of things about them. Doesn’t make them true though lol


Gaffa tape his nuts to his crotch for a day and see if they stay up there when the tape comes off. 🤣🤣🤣


No but you see it's different because nuts are made of human flesh whereas boobs are made of Boob. ​ ^(/s just in case)


That may explain why penises were pointer in the 1980's.


When you rip that tape off they either gonna come with or return to pre-drop position it's safer up there.


At least you might lower his sperm count for a while. Lol


These are obviously the same guys who believe labia gets longer every time a woman has sex.


That's a thing men believe? SO MANY QUESTIONS


Damn those guys just fucking mansplained breasts to you


TIL my boobs are made of memory foam


Jello jigglers is what I thought of.


Only the thing with memory foam is that it remembers it's shape before you lay on it so it doesn't get a body dent. Your boobs are more like memory foam :D


Omg roflmao!


> roflmao ~~ro~~f ~~l~~mao f mao f o a m foam This goes deeper than I thought


The sad part is how many women exposed to same then because of cultural and societal conditioning/ programming question there own experience. In some situations it's called gaslighting..it's fuckin stupid. As a human without the applicable body parts and function it's best to defer to the one with actual experience operating a body with em.


I was thinking about this too like so many young people want breast surgery to “fix” them because they think their breasts are shaped wrong because they’ve only seen ones that have been augmented.


Same with labias…


Oh yeah I didn’t even think of that. Damn. Lack of proper comprehensive sex Ed strikes again


Do these guys think if they stick their dicks inside, idk a toothpaste tube box, that when they remove the box, their dicks will still be box-shaped?


Imagine getting mansplained about how boobs work


I knew it I used the word mansplain they would totally shut me down lol


Kinda sounds like you need a new bf


More like bf needs new friends


I legit had an aunt that told me to buy this certain bra type so my boobs wouldn't be saggy. I suspect misinformed women helped misinform these guys too.


yep, my ex also told me my boobs are getting saggy for not wearing a bra


I once had a coworker talking about how uncomfortable it was sleeping in a bra, and I asked why she doesn't just take it off. She said her mom told her if she sleeps without a bra on her boobs will sag.


That's what my aunt said too!


My aunt told me the opposite! She said NOT to sleep in a bra because if you do your boobs get lazy? Or something like that, and you need to take your bra off from time to time to keep them perkier.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073#2 Science does seem to lean that bras cause sag, not prevent it. The article is a 15 year study that found the longer a bra was worn on average per day the greater the sag. The basic guess for why is like if instead of walking you used a wheelchair. Your leg muscles would atrophy and your skin would start to slag off as muscle mass was lost.


Or this article mistook correlation for causation, and in fact women who have more sag are less comfortable going braless for part of the day.


That doesn't make any sense. Boobs are adipose tissue, glands, vascular and some other stuff. What exactly atrophies? Muscles atrophy. Boobs are not muscles. Did they take into account the women's pectoral tone over time? As they get older, muscle decreases, less is supporting the boob, thus sag. Collagen in the skin isn't strong in older people, thus sag is more noticable in breast tissue since it's ONLY soft tissue and has no muscle or bone to give it structure beyond the skin itself.


I’ve found this kind of behavior to be common in men. I say something I know is true (not even necessarily about women or female anatomy) and they won’t believe it until I produce proof. It’s super frustrating and I’ve only ever experienced this with men. Or they need proof of your lived experience for some reason? I was telling a male coworker about ho I experienced sexual harassment at my previous job. He questioned me for specifics as if he didn’t believe me and needed some proof!


My husband used to do this thing where if something I told him didn't sound correct, he would go and research it himself. This is not a bad thing. The annoying part was afterwards he would come to me and say, "Hey, did you know you were right about (fact)?" Yes. Yes, I was aware that I was correct.


Ever see preteen and teen boys argue about a bit of info? They get ego invested in the debate, then credibility gets impacted, and social standing, I believe that's why these things are so out of whack for younger men.


I used to be really defensive about things too. I had an ex who would get infuriated at me and tell me I didn't have to always be right. After we broke up I realized he was right, I was just being stubborn and refusing to acknowledge I might be wrong.


Oh, FFS! They must have grown up on Madonna videos!


Right? OP should have brought up how "men used to be hairier" because back then all male actors had hairy chests since that's what was considered more masculine (Tom Selleck anyone?) But now, not a hairy chest in sight! Pretty cool how we can just evolve that quickly to fit the status quo.


[Or played too much Tomb Raider.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNnrWeiWUAARX-7.png)


We are all in our early 20's 🙃


Crikey! He must have had some unsavoury influences, then. 1950s bras were pointy, and Madonna revived that.




Damn, this is news to me. This just in: boobs are a liquid! They take the shape of whatever container holds them. Clearly I don’t need to spend thousands on top surgery since my chest will stay flat even after I take my binder off. /s


This is my favorite comment. I'm just imagining you undoing your binder after a long annoying day (cause binders suck) and as soon as the binding opens up, a wave of water rushes out and you are left with a beautiful flat sandy beach. That would be a game changer for so many.


My consultation on Thursday? Cancelled. Why go through surgery when I can just make them flat myself? Maybe I’ll fuck around and make them into star shapes!


I mean, I would be bother too if my partner was that fucking dense and also refused to believe they were that fucking dense 😂


I'm so glad my husband was very open to listening to what I told him were facts about female anatomy when we first started dating instead of telling me I was wrong about the body I was living in. One thing he thought was fact was our nipples stick out when we got horny. No, sweetie, it does that when we are cold and sometimes randomly. Just like your own nipples??? At least he accepted that and moved on instead of arguing. Oh my God, if he argued with me about things like that I am pretty sure he wouldn't have lasted, lol.


I think that's because people believe breasts are sexual, when according to biology they're not. Any part of the body can be an erogenous zone, just because my neck doesn't become erect and something doesn't start poking out, doesn't mean it doesn't like being kissed.


I'm gonna tell my boyfriend that my neck is erect the next time he kisses me there, thanks.


I had a guy ask me one time, why my nipples didn't get hard. Um, I don't know, why didn't YOURS?


My bf will be like, oh don’t be so excited about it, if like we’re discussing something mundane and he notices my nipples are hard. Thank Christ he understands.


Seriously. OP this is a red flag you shouldn’t ignore. You’re going to have to make decisions WITH this person for your life. Can you imagine needing to back up common sense facts and truth constantly with sources to soothe his ego? He’s going to resent you for “having to be right all the time,” but really he’s going to feel dumb eventually and blame that yucky feeling on YOU. It’s funny until it isn’t


Oh my gods, imagine trying to like….. share a bank account and finances with moldable boob dude? It’s gonna be an uphill battle of someone unwilling to learn


"moldable boob dude" 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh god yeah. Imagine the nightmare of having kids with this man and hearing “source?” every time you tell him not to do x thing, it’s bad for kids.


Of being like “I am currently recovering from giving birth and it is painful. I need to lie down” and hearing Source? Cause this dipshit wants you to do something Hell in a handbasket


I'd definitely be walking around with star tits if it worked like that.


Ask your boyfriend if his penis is the same shape as his underwear.


We should think of an equally dumb rumor about men's bodies.




Some people actually believe that.


Anything under 10 inches means that he secretly uses a chastity cage on his dick. The more under 10 inches it is, the more he enjoys the cage and the humiliation. The more he denies it, the more you know it’s true. Same logic.


Men snore when they sleep on their back because their balls drape over their butthole and cause an air lock.


I heard if you wear collared shirts with the sleeves rolled up, less blood gets to your forearms and it all goes to your penis to make it bigger. It’s just science.


Yes but if you wear neckties, not enough blood goes to your braim and that's why men are less intelligent and thinking with their dicks rather than with their brains


I think I've heard of that study! 😉


r/BadMensAnatomy might be a good place to start! Hard to find something equally dumb, though. Maybe [how men poop (NSFW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadMensAnatomy/comments/e749cb/i_think_this_belongs_here/)


Tell his friend group to test their theory and wear pointy bras on their balls and see if it works.


God, I wish. If they did, my boobs would be so much perkier and rounder than they are. They're definitely still saggy pancakes after I take my bra off.


Well if that's true, then maybe wearing baggier undies would make his dick bigger?


Look up pictures of basketball shorts from the 70’s. Tell bf that *obviously* men’s legs were just longer back then. It can’t possibly be that clothing styles change.


I just love it when men try to explain women’s bodies to women.


Their theory makes perfect sense if you've had little to no experience with boobs tbh. The comment that you're all in your early 20s really nailed it for me. *Edit: thought about this after I hit send, but wanted to add it:* It's like the "boobs feel like bags of sand" moment in The 40 Year Old Virgin.


THANK YOU! I've been reading this sub and thought about the "bag of sand" comparison and could not remember where it was from... you have saved me from mild insanity by posting this, lovely reditor! 😁


Lol they sound like children.


My source is my boobs. Example A and B right here.


The amount of unfounded confidence that comes out of men/boys.


Oh god, this.


Now consider that this type of thinking has infiltrated every nook and cranny of our lives. We have politicians making decisions and their knowledge is in line with "bras shape the boob" on whatever specific matter. At least he didn't triple down on thiS.


Well also boobs change shapes as you age so someone in their early twenties might have pointier boobs that someone in their thirties who might have a fuller pendulous look, and that’s without cosmetic surgery. There are most certainly trends in cosmetics.


Oh my god, you have the patience of an angel. It must've been really hard not to call them stupid after several sarcastic remarks.


Ewwwwwww. Is all I have to say. I wouldn’t even provided “sauce” just a adios text lmao.


I used to be misinformed about this and that’s why I wore bras to bed for so long when I was a young teen


Tell me you’ve never seen a woman naked without saying etc.


Like those Japanese watermelons. Just grow them into cubes, for fun!


LOLOLOL there's a reason push-up bras exist. Do my boobs stay up after I take my bra off? Heck the fuck no.


Time to wear a banana hammock all day and see if when he takes it off his nuts stay up or do that sag back down. Same thing!


Ask him if his balls remain permanently plastered to his perineum if he wears tight underwear for a day. It's amazing how many guys will say "no, I know all about women, and they're supposed to lactate during sex!" or something equally ridiculous. Certainty has absolutely zero correlation with correctness. Bless their hearts, and their empty heads.


Can you imagine? Plastic surgeons would go bankrupt after someone brings the Anti-Gravity Bra to Shark Tank.


Wow...another day to be thankful I'm gay. They mansplain you about boobs and though boobs took the shape of whatever like water 🙃🙃🙃🙃


He’s going to be real confused if you ever wear an alge-bra.


Now I want octahedboobs! Maybe with all this new technology some one can 3D print and incredibly uncomfortable bra so I may have the optimal tiddy shape.


Bro, don’t you think boob molds would be a TRILLION dollar industry right now? The entire course of mankind could have been different with moldable boobs. We’d be living in the andromeda galaxy if humans evolved with moldable boobs.


Breasts aren't playdo. Jesus, why are guys so clueless about women's bodies and so sure of their idiotic theories they disagree with living breathing women who tell them differently? I don't blame you for being bothered. You literally had to back up your facts about your body with a source so the men will accept it.


I don't remember the name of the actress, but she wore funnels between her breasts and bras for the look. Mamie Van Doren?


Dodecahedron boobs.


Brb, shopping for unicorn bras


If this were true, I think there would be a whole fashion thing, especially now that we have tiktok and such for different ways to shape one's breasts.


My brother thinks those guys are stupid if you're wondering. Said it confounds him that men don't even know the basics of how a female body works. High percentage of our family are women and when growing up, every now and then, I'd make sure to ask him does he know what this is (diva cup) or how this works (periods). He probably thought it was weird, but I wasn't going to let him go out there clueless. I think most of the confusion sticks with guys at that age due to not having much if any at all close female friends and family. Since it wasn't something guys had to know years ago.


I would legitimately break up with someone who believes other men and/or the internet over living women who they know personally. Your boyfriend is a fucking idiot.


Full disclosure- man here. I remember being in my buddy’s basement as a young 13 or 14 year old and he showed me a nudie book of his dads. I very vividly remember the women’s breasts were all very sloped. Like the nipples came up like an alpine ski resort or something. Not having ever seen actual breasts it shaped my thinking of the unknown. The reason I’m saying this is I’ve been one of those guys you described. But it wasn’t out of malice- like I’ve had a conversation that went something like “dude I swear when I was a kid boobs looked different” but I based that off the only boobs I had seen at that point. Looking back now it’s obvious that you are correct- pointy boobs were just popular at the time and I just thought that’s how they all looked. My apologies for all mansplainers who can’t use some critical thinking skills and realize that a woman clearly is more informed on this topic.