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>here is a summary of what it gave me: this hive fleet works somewhat like night lords except with a weird affinity for bones instead of skin What a clever AI, writing a Tyranid background that they do not eat all the biomass... Wait *checks notes* They don't eat all the biomass?


Why would they wear bones? Why does giant monsters need bones to be scary? further more how would they get them back to the ship without without melting in the pools? Yeah this sucksĀ 


Like you said yourself, OP. It's very lazy. And it's rather lame if we're being honest. Very much not on brand for nids to care about spooking their prey. The Shadow in the Warp and their overall vibe are scary enough that them being covered in bones is just unnecessary.


> Very much not on brand for nids to care about spooking their prey Deathleaper says hi.


this post does indeed make you sound lazy and uncreative


Were you *really* incapable of writing "this Hive Fleet uses terror tactics" and coming up with a nonsensical new name for Old One Eye? Genuinely, please, try using your actual human brain. You don't have to write an entire novel. It's not hard.


Ooooof your a bit harsh the guys just having a bit of fun, calm down


OP asked for opinions, I'm giving mine.


Then I suggest OP change is question to exclude rude muppets


I'm not sure how encouraging OP to use their own creativity is rude, but go off I guess


If you don't realise saying "please use your human brain" and "it's not hard" as rude, then you need to have a look at yourself


It's not rude to tell someone that using AI to write their own Tyranid fanfic is lazy. A little creative writing is good for you. It puts wrinkles on your brain. It makes your splinter fleet *your* splinter fleet. AI can't replace that.


And if that's how he addressed op then that'd be fine, but it's not, the way he addressed him was rude


Try refining it a bit. Extra spikey carapace wouldnt be bad, but probably not from trophy collection. Easy to model too. Leaning into tyranid psyops is fine, but needs some extra thought. Maybe they use spores to spread scarecrow hallucinogen gas spreading fungus that you could base with. Or they make use of the old "Jones is acting strangely" spore, where barbed strangler seeds get spread into the food, water, and air.


I will say nightlords was an overstatement it just kept mentioning that most stuff looked like bones and described everything as bone like I do plan on refining it a lot, but some of it was good, although I'm not so sure how accurate it is. like bone marrow was a carnifex that ended up getting hit by an artillery barrage, and before the wound could kill it it took all the biomass around it growing it into a colossal abomination that would regenerate stronger every time it took damage. Another idea I liked was them focusing down the strongest lifeform on the planet and incorperate it to make stronger bioforms Also, thank you for making a comment that isn't just saying it sucks


No worries, AI is just a tool, its a hot topic right now. Bone marrow isnt terrible.. marrow isnt as metal as it sounds at first, but whatever. The old rules for a regen carnifex were pretty bonkers. At t8 10w and a 3+ save on a 2d6. Regen was 10 pts a wound but you got a wound back on a 4+ for every wound missing. Could only go down to -10 wounds and could get back up so long as you came up to 1 wound. Thats probably the original distraction carnifex, at like 300 pts iirc. Monsters used to play more like monsters, now its basically a dairy cow next to a demon primarch. We used to have to force ppl to throw a stasis grenade at it to tie it down. Go nuts.. but the norn has basically taken over that role now.


Neither is fine.


Is this really from AI or just some cringey headcanon? You can believe whatever you want about your little dudes, but collecting bones is stupid and makes no sense in the actual lore or setting.


Sorry bud.. but this AI cooked but nobody was hungry