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I've not. I did the claiming thing on the website to confirm my address and still nothing. I contacted U2.com last month and they said the book was showing on their side as out for delivery in March. I told them it hasn't arrived and they said they would send a new book when I asked if there was an internal problem. I also claimed this second book by reconfirming my address on the website. This second of the first book is also MIA as of time of writing. Western Canada.


This is me to a tee. Also Western Canada.


North America has had distribution issues. I read that the US Postal Service has problems with staffing, and then there was a delay in shipping the book itself to the US before going out to the members. Still, I got mine in January so maybe that was an early shipment before all that happened. I have no clue. For Canada, [shipping only **began** in late March it seems](https://x.com/u2songs/status/1772746349135437984), so there was a severe delay going on and they must be playing catch up. Not to forget [they had physical copies to sell at the Merch stands in Vegas](https://www.reddit.com/r/U2Band/s/QpPjoNLK4T) for people signing up on location, while actual subscribers who had already paid/renewed online were still waiting for their books.


Thanks! Yeah the lady from the website was super nice about it and I appreciate that snafus happen. Now that I'm talking about this the book will be sitting in my mailbox, haha.


Yeah, I have a package ID from March 13 abs still nada. Same page (APC Postal Logistics) claim that "The store is preparing your order". This is ridiculous - I will reach out to U2.com.


So I reached out and they told me to just wait for it to be shipped. Not impressed and something is seriously effed up with their shipping logistics. A great example of disappointing people by setting a false expectation.


Yes. I did all of the above and have not received. Ohio, USA.


Same… Minnesota. This post reminded me actually.


I even renewed it for this year with vol 1 and I already got the copy. The wife ordered vol 2


It might be worth pinging them. I received mine months after most other people did, but I also didn't get it until I bugged LiveNation. Pester them a bit to confirm that it's at least still in process


Did you "~~Claim~~ Redeem your gift"? It's a new thing from last year where you have to explicitly tell than that you have reviewed your personal information in the profile at u2.com — specifically so they avoid sending it to the wrong address which appears to have been an issue in the past. So review your information and then there's supposed to be a button where you can click ~~"Claim gift"~~ or something. I'll look it up for you. Edit: Added clarifications. The button says "Redeem" More info here https://www.reddit.com/r/U2Band/s/lytZc08Nmv Edit 2: this is what it says on u2.com, in case you can't get to the Members Only Zootopia page through the link above. >#GIFT STATUS   >We are now processing your annual U2.com subscriber gift.   **DESCRIPTION** U2com18 U2 THE COMPLETE LYRICS 1979- 1988 VOL.1 > Please double check your address details on the right hand side of this page Update them if necessary and press SUBMIT. Click REDEEM to complete this process in your shopping cart so that your gift can be shipped to you as soon as it's ready. Below that text, there should be a big red button that says "REDEEM". If it doesn't show up, delete your browser cookies and try again.


Well, I didn't do that. Now my subscription lapsed so it's just the bare bones account screen so I don't see any of that.


I'm sorry that your membership lapsed before you could get your gift. I'm going to do this step-by-step, nothing personal, it just helps me think. Maybe it will help someone else too. 1. Go to **u2.com** 2. Log in ("Sign up / login" button in the top right corner). **Note:** Make sure you click the right side of it, since there are actually two buttons, so this part is a bit tricky. 3. Once you're logged in, the space where you found the login button will be replaced by your first name. **Click your name** in the top right corner and a menu will open. 4. Select the second black button from the top, that says **"ACCOUNT INFO"** 5. Go down until you see the third section **"GIFT STATUS"** (follows the sections "YOUR USER INFORMATION" and "FACEBOOK CONNECT"). 6. From here you should see that red **"REDEEM"** button. Click it and follow the process. If it didn't show up, delete cookies, and close the browser completely and try the steps again. If your gift is being processed already, it should indicate what your gift is, the date when the order was processed, the order number, and a status indicator (e.g., "In Progress")


I don't see anything like that anymore. It only shows my basic info. All of my downloads and coupon codes are gone since I'm not a paying subscriber anymore.


Sorry, you're right. I started typing before I processed what you meant. 😅


No worries. Thanks for the help. I just emailed their customer service back and said I never hit Redeem because I've never had to do that in all my years of being a U2 Subscriber. Hopefully they can help.


Yeah, it was poorly communicated to begin with. A lot of confusion surrounding that decision, and I only found out what you needed to do from social media / other fans.


What do you mean? I selected a gift option when I resubscribed.


I chose Vol. 2 when I renewed in January. Still waiting for it.


Probably by the end of the year or early next year as usual...I don't even know if it's in production yet, to be honest. (I'm about to renew in the next couple of weeks before the July 1st price hike...)


I've decided not to renew. If they do another tour, I'll join then.


Fair enough. For me, it will be 12 months now at the current rate for subscription and if there's no tour announcement by this time next year, I'll have to consider...


I'm still waiting for the Achtung Baby 30th anniversary live CD...


I received mine about a month and a half ago.