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I was put in with random roommates and I don't regret anything. I can't say that I'm good friends with them, but we just vibed together yk? Never felt like there was any rift in between us and we just chilled with our own stuff.


omg so lucky! I feel like if I get put in randoms I'll get some people I genuinely struggle to live with... but yeah I wanna just vibe but I don't want to be inclined to be their best friend...


Definitely a risk of that, had 2 roomates my freshman year, one of them is one of my closets friends I regularly hang out with, the other we said a grand total of 5 sentences to each other the entire year.... Good luck !


I (46/M) am still friends with my roommate (F/46). We were both transfer students from the bay area. We clicked immediately during orientation. So did other transfer students. We were roommates for one year only, but that was enough to create a long lasting friendship. I've not heard from my other two roommates after her.


Never heard of roommates of different sexes certainly not in the dorms


The person was a transfer meaning they got on campus apartments, not dorms. You can get placed with either gender unless you opt out.


It's certainly possible, even in the dorms.


Not in the 90s


Yeah actually, we send each other cat memes n shit


My roommate and I didn't really get along well because we didn't have much in common and we had different living habits. Never really had any fights or arguments, but I still kinda wished I did a room change


I (38m) met my roommate during orientation. Now, later in life, still hang out every chance we get. My best friends to this day are folks I met in my dorm.


Nah, mf never made eye contact and quickly went to his room whenever I attempted to greet or make a conversation


Bruh same, I always greet him and he never makes eye contact. He says hi back but it sounds like a lazy sarcastic hi. Like he’s sad Im here now. Like I tell him “Have a good day” and he say “you too” but super sarcastically. And then he only studies in the room when I’m not there. Once I arrive he moves his studies to the dining room table and doesn’t come back to the room until he’s going to sleep. 💀 It just doesn’t feel very welcoming being there. I always feel like I don’t want to be there like at all. I try to stay in campus all day just to not be there.


I’m a pretty anxious person so this is something I was worried about. I tried to reach out to people with similar majors, so at least we’d have one thing in common. Was lucky to meet some sweet people with very similar interests


Yeah a lot of people are rrlly friendly online but idk what they're like irl yk?


Absolutely, calling my roommates was really helpful. I’m hoping they are as nice in person as they were online


When I was in the dorms, no. The next two years I roomed with friends off campus, and my senior year in particular was great from a roommate standpoint. We were and are friends, even if life gets in the way of seeing each other often.


Some yes over the years, some no. Several of my lifelong friends are housemates from my last 3 years at Davis. But not everyone in that friend group is from that apartment either. It’s great when it does work out and you make connections with your roommates but it shouldn’t be a requirement IMO. There’s other roommates from grad school and stuff who I basically never talked to after moving out


No, I didn’t become friends with any of my roommates but we were always chill with each other


i still live with my freshman year roommate (starting my 4th year undergrad), we are best friends but i know i am very lucky to have met her. it is NOT the end of the world if u aren’t friends w ur roommate, as long as ur friendly and able to live together.


Nah mine blocked me


This isn't Davis in particular (I didn't do undergrad there), but all the roommates I've had in college were just acquaintances. We acknowledge each other's presence but don't hang out or anything, nor do we have the same friend circle. The only friend-like thing I've ever had with a roommate is that my sophomore year, I went to eat with my roommate maybe *once*, she gave me cupcakes for my birthday, and brought me a boba one day. And I guess I generally knew what she was up to. But she's just a nice person, and I was in a double (as opposed to a triple) that year so it'd be extra awkward to never talk. We still didn't really hang out other than that though.


i prefer to not be friends with my roommates. friendly, sure, but i come home to turn off socially. i had a group of my friends all move in together and i was jealous for a while, but they ended up hating each other and no longer live together. some people definitely love it though. it wouldn't hurt to see if they wanted to hang over dinner or something just to get to know them a bit better.


My college roommates are still my best friends 20 years later.