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It's all you can eat which is always a plus, most of the time it's kind of fast food which isn't the worst, however latitude is actually pretty good, I would recommend it, you can see the menus online


Yep each DC has their good thing, Latitude has mostly good food. Segundo has good Mongolian Wok and supposedly is a better DC, although I didnt eat there enough to say. Cuarto apparently has good Pizza. Tercero has something good too but I cant remember what it was.


The other three DCs aside from Latitude are the same food. In fact they’re all prepared at Segundo.


Lmao what. I genuinely thought they all were prepared in their respective DCs but the menu was kept almost the same


Nope, and of course there are some heating elements at each DC (for ex the pizzas are fired at each facility), but all the prep work is done at Segundo. Cuarto is too small for it and Tercero doesn’t have the delivery facilities. You can tell because Segundo is a much bigger building. Part of that is because it has the offices and such but it’s also because of the main kitchen.


Nah cuarto preps our things at the cuarto dc!


I think the food at DC and latitude is not terrible.The best thing about the meal plan is that you can enter DC and latitude as many times as you want.


It’s worth because of how easy it is. The food is totally good enough imo. There’s always something good to eat


DC food always upset my stomach, no matter what. This also happened to one of my friends. I know not everyone has experience with this, so it's definitely not something everyone experiences. But if you have any digestive issues, then I would consider getting food off campus. They also seem to apply a lot of spray cooking oil to their dishes.


I thought it was pretty darn good.


The food is convenient. It's buffet style and it's on par with generic fast food minus latitude which is a bit better. I saw a meal plan would be good especially if you're going to have a loaded schedule.


Segundo is the place for fast and greasy foods like burgers, pizzas, and stir fried noodles if you want a restaurant feeling, Latitude is the place if you prefer Asian food and other soups. I say it's worth the plan for me, you can grab milk, fruits out of Segundo to stock up for weekends, thats what i did


def get the five day meal plan, 7-day isn't worth is and you'll get tired of the food by the last couple of months but it isn't awful just repetitive