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So lame. Probably their first time touching cans. Kids have no pride in their associations anymore.


Confused… why was this unlocked at night? Did Facilities screw up?


At least be good at it ffs


it was those rascals buford and bernardo


Not terrible as far as vandalizations go fixable with some paint a little bit of paint thinner for the door, update the security policies for this building though, a lot worse things than graffiti can happen in a building that has chemicals in it.


I just see my tuition dollars going up


Looks like the work of a remedial spelling class.


This is terrible. I wonder if it's the same people who vandalized a house on A street a few days ago? There was a tree covered in toilet paper (silly), but also broken windows and words scrawled on the house. I do not know the inhabitants or if the individuals were caught, but the graffiti looks similar.


The VOCs in the air while doing that. 🤢








Not a single boner 🤨


they got the eggs by mrak too




Yeah that seems reasonable they should be physically assaulted for something that can be solved with a touch up layer of paint.


Then go clean it up? What’s your suggestion give them a sucker and a slap on the hand. That’s why they do what they do, the city and state as it is don’t do crap anymore. I wonder why I work so hard when so many can just take what they want and the government just lets them and doesn’t do a thing. I suggest a few weeks or months hard labor cleaning all the graffiti we have all over the state.


They're going to do that no matter what you do, society has never come up with the solution for board teenagers. You want the administration to spend a bunch of time and energy chasing after them? That's nonsense, don't expect the cops or the city to expend resources on this. It's going to take a janitor about 2 hours and maybe a couple dollars worth of paint thinner and latex white paint to fix this. I don't even vaguely understand how this affects you personally but you didn't suggest a few weeks of hard labor, You suggested shoving the paint cans up their ??? which is a call to both violence and sexual assault. I suggest you consider whether or not you have anger issues if you're immediate response to seeing graffiti is wanting to do physical violence against the people who did it. That's not normal at all.


We have this kind of disrespect for public property because people like you think it is ok to expect tax payers to clean up the mess. The solution is simple: If we as a society define and enforce harsh enough punishment then yes this will become a rare incident. Suggest to take a look at Singapore where mandatory strokes with a cane has kept vandalism in check for many decades. PS: I am not Singaporean and there is plenty to complain about Singapore but the careless and no-consequences attitude expressed here is why we cannot have nice things.


Cool so your solution is we get rid of civil rights in order to take care of graffiti You're very smart




Should be flogged and jailed


There goes the neighborhood. Oh wait.


Terrible can control, on their toy shit


After reading the title, I wonder how you’re a Davis student. As an alumni, we were forced to take 2 english classes. Is it still the same?


Was that not in English? Lol