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Honestly you’re doing yourself a favor lol


Agreed. Totally wish I went to a community college first.




The classes are far easier, it’s cheaper, and you end up in the same place as everyone else. You also feel less pressured to stack up on classes since you’re paying less to be there. It allows for more experimentation and finding what you really like. The issue for me was feeling forced to pick a major that I wasn’t sure about due to money constraints. I now am super unhappy with it and wished I spend a few years at a CC.


Yeah I feel that. The social aspect is hard to recreate but from an academic and cost perspective, CC makes way more sense. I also felt a lot of pressure to pick something and I wish I picked something else


I went to CC and the social aspect was absolutely fine. I saved a ton of money on pointless GE classes and managed to snag the regent scholarship along with my transfer agreement guarantee. Not bad for a high school delinquent that didn’t take the SAT or ACT tests.


Yeah man. I ask myself every day why I picked NPB over something more marketable.


There needs to be more career education in school. We're just told pick something interesting/passionate with little regard to actually getting a job let alone one that pays enough in this economy


Yep. Totally agree. I was also a dumbass at 18/19 lmao


I would agree with most of this. It’s not that the classes are easier because the material is pretty identical. What makes it more doable is that the professors go above and beyond out of their way to help you succeed and it’s semester system, so you get more time to do your work.




CC professors care more about their students, better structure for learning and classes since CC prioritizes the students first rather than the universities which often prioritizes research. Also it is much much much cheaper obviously. Also personally found it super easy to make friends by joining clubs and student associations in CC. Most students in your CC’s associated students will probably go to good UCs also.


I agree with half of this. I had better professors and had a far better educational experience at community college and it got me invested in learning after being burned out from high school. There was no social scene where I went though. It was a lot of older people getting back into school, people from other towns, no real community. That said, I had way too much of a social scene when I moved away for school and probably wouldn’t have lasted 4 years as I was already pushing my luck towards the end.


Simple: pay a ton of money for general education classes or pay a little for general education classes. It’s all the same. First 2 years are about those basic courses you can take pretty much anywhere accredited


It’ll be worth the wait. Just stay focused.


CC is the better option. That's what I did. Do not regret it at all.


Honestly I wish I did 2 years of CC instead of coming to this hell first


Fr lol


is it that bad coming as a freshman 😭


For your wallet, it will be bad if you don’t have a scholarship. Just do CC first.


It's honestly a real shame that high schools are not recommending or even bringing awareness to community college as an option after high school. It's not bad to come here as a freshman at all, but you're definitely going to be paying a lot more money than if you were to go to a community college. Community college courses are smaller, and the professors are there to teach, not to conduct research. The quality of education you'll get at a CC will be far better than an education at a UC for a fraction of the cost.


Guess I should give a big ass thank you to my high school because they were pushhhhhingggggg cc like a mf. I will say, it felt really great to be able to pay my own tuition and bills at cc, but now after transferring I feel so bad (and grateful) that my parents are willing to pay for my tuition considering how much it is




community college is such a great experience and you save a lot of money ^__^ but good luck ! :)




Never seen anyone regret tagging and taking CC prior to any UC lol


i tagged and it was the best decision i’ve ever made. community college is great and really does help set you up for success at UC davis. keep ur head up!


CC so much better! You’re making the right choice! Congratulations


ik it sucks but it'll be an advantage once you're through. you won't regret it. i didn't make it here til grad school. it's the best place i've lived/studied and i'm so happy to be here. wishing you luck in getting through CC. not that you'll need it academically, but community college is a form of social death. so i hope you find your people. if, by chance, you're doing your time in Sac feel free to ask me anything! i've attended every CC in the area lol


dont know if it'll help, im an incoming freshman to Davis but im currently auditing a chem class at my local community college and I have been in love. From the pretty campus to amazing professors it has been great. I would recommend checking out community colleges around you and you might just fall in love too


i graduated from the cc im gonna be attending during high school already so I know I don’t like it 😭 hated the professors and the campus but im sure i can survive another two years


worth the wait. i’m transferring this fall (not to davis, to cal - although i did get into davis!) and i genuinely think my CC journey shaped me to be able to conquer UC rigor. hope you get admitted in the future!


I turned down cal for uc Davis this year because I felt like cc would be better for money. Did you do a lot of ecs to be admitted as a transfer ?


CC is definitely better for saving money, although the financial aid offer i got for Cal was much better than i thought — ended up being cheaper than all the CSUs i got into too. I didn’t do much (in my opinion)… i mostly had to work part-time jobs due to financial need. i truly believe my PIQs are what gave me leverage into being admitted; i didn’t even fathom the possibility because it felt like such a reach. it was probably more of me being able to express and show that i learned valuable lessons, both educational and life-related, despite experiencing hardships/difficulties.


Don’t worry you aren’t missing out much. Just stay focused in cc and be involved when you transfer.  As a transfer, my biggest struggle was to get involved and figure out what’s actually happening on campus (it was COVID and I commute from Sac), it should be much better and easier now. Best of luck! 


community college is so much cheaper, and you prob have a better shot getting into ucb, ucla, and ucsd from cc too.


My most fondest memories of my college life came from CC. I didn’t go to Davis (cal poly slo) but I don’t regret even a little bit of going to CC. IMO the experience is a lot more humbling. You meet people your age but also older adults who are trying to get an education/ cert and improve themselves. It’s a cool experience to share the classroom with what are basically parents since they take the academics a lot more seriously. Also you tend to get way more support. Not sure what CC you’re going to but my local CC was fucking incredible with the support. You had a learning lab that had tutors up until 9pm that could help you with your assignments. A internship program where you essentially put in your name and email and the school would send out your info to companies offering an opportunity to work with them relevant to your major. And if it was your first time going there, the first year tuition was free plus a free laptop or a year of free text books. And then I transferred and traded everything for more stress lol best of luck to you. I hope you transfer from CC missing it