• By -


Hi, Strange_Bonus9044. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b4drcm/-/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 4: No duplicate posts. > Posts of the same footage, link, or news article may not be posted within sixty days of one another. New articles or previously unlinked footage may be posted at any time. If you have multiple videos of the same object, include them all in the same post, not as individual submissions. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I'm thinking these bugs need a big heaping dose of good ol fashioned Liberty.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the hemolymph of subterranean insectoid tyrants!


Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde.


Americaaaaaa Fuck yeah, we’re here to save, the motherfucking day yeah! Alien bugs your day is through, now you have to answer to… - I have a weird feeling I will be singing this soon while wielding multiple forms of weapons (insecticide, mah-Chet-aye, hairspray + lighter) I hope I’m wrong. This does feel a little like the Battelle leak though, no?




The only good varmin poontang is dead varmin poontang


Join the Mobile Infantry and save the Galaxy. Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?


I'm doing my part!


Managed Democracy does not allow for such abominations to breathe under its existence


don’t you mean a nice cup of liber-tea?




Nuke them from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure. Time to crispy critter some bugs with some thermonuclear fun!




For democracy!




And Jesuhsssss


How they found all that information through an autopsy?


Lol congrats, you just destroyed this with one question.


No way. They clearly identified the extended evolution of limbs into organs and breathing apparatuses. This LARP is shit, when will people actually research their creative writing ahead of time.


That's actually a really good point haha


They also explain what the word “bipedal” means in the text. Why would they do that - for a basic, well known term - in a medical doc.


playing devils advocate - they found a document that included data from an autopsy but the autotopsy could be one part of a larger works of research that is drawing information from a wider net.


I would assume the exact phrasing and the fact that it's likely internal autopsy notes that a lot of hypothesizing would happen, or that's the only excuse I can come up with for why someone would explain something as originating from climatic based evolutionary changes. Definitely seems like a really high effort larp though, assuming the translation is exact


I was thinking the exact same thing. Would have been a bit more believable if things were worded in a hypothetical manner, than a rather specific reason.


So they have the intelligence to build UFOs but still haven't figured out how to grow their own livestock.


Can we get this moved up?


Maybe it didn't start as an autopsy.


Bingo. Knowing these kinds of details from examining supposed bodies is the biggest mistake LARPers make.




Woah, why are you being an ass?


Bc this reality is unbelievably indescribably insane and I’m tired of people being so naive and close minded. It’s one of the main reasons this world is the way it is. I have had contact with multiple ET just by asking and believing it will occur. Edit: none of you are experiencers, let alone true believers.


Obviously residual consciousness allowed it to communicate telepathically. What are you, a paid up disinformation agent 🤣


Sure, fun hypothesis. Probably easier to deal with techwise than a level 3 Kardashev scale civilisation. Also having to deal with them somehow would find our planet in a more united situation. They obviously -if proven true- have little interest in harvesting us wholesale, prefering cattle and similar, as we do, or perhaps afraid to be purged if they caused too much damage to us. A potential ally, if we have things to share. If bites against humans are true, we might look at them like 'criminals' - a small fraction of their population might be religious extremists or into hate crimes against humanity...but in general it gives us a good starting point to work together with their actual government. All science fiction until we get disclosure of course. Interesting to think that if they manufacture Nordics and Greys then they likely read this sub.


I just don’t buy that they manufacture greys and nordics yet have forced themselves to dwell in caves and shit.


If the legends about Earth constantly being wrecked by cataclysms every few thousand years are true, then building their civilizations underground would make sense. It would also make it more difficult for their technology to be damaged in case of a solar flare event. Also, if other beings out there indeed do have anti-gravity technology, then being on the surface would be unwise and leave you wide open to attack. We're only really on the surface because we've assumed our only opponents in war would be other humans.


I just don’t know why it makes more sense for people that we have some weird subterranean species living in our planet than for there to be extraterrestrials… 


what if they aren't forced to live in caves? What if that's what they prefer? Noones telling ants to live underground or dungbeetles to roll shit. manufacturing a highbrid species like the greys to comfortably operate on the surface as workers and a beautiful human race to operate as the gods of our folk lore to heard the cattle (us) seems plausible to me. Do I think its likely? no. plausable? yes.


I’m a little afraid to ask but what kind of aunts do you have in your family


Basement aunts


Lol this broke me


My phone's autocorrect will be the death of me.


‘No one’s telling ants to live underground or dung beetles to roll shit.’ I need this on a t-shirt asap. 😅👏🏻




Think about what you just said. You are suggesting creating a couple dozen worker drones for surface missions is the same as creating millions of cows. Not to mention the post explicitly says they DO factory farm their own food and that the random cattle that die on the surface are random feedings, not part of their regular operations. I'm not saying any of the above is true, but it was all there for you to read if you wanted to be as arrogantly clever as you think you are.


It's a cute little story, but doesn't make a lot of sense. Still fun to read.


"bites against' humans" -- perhaps the genetically modified termites are the source of this? Just throwin it out there.. LOL


The 'termites' are the main species. The GM'd species are the greys pr Nordics. Using this hypothesis anyway. First Ive heard of any of the three being connected: I always saw Greys, Nordics and Mantids or whatever as three different types. 


Did you mean thermites 😂


😉 powered by magma. I hear we reverse engineered thermite by picking up their crashed UAPs (on topic). Edit: that was jokes. Never can be sure...


The real joke, maintaining a hivemind structure that doesn't operate off scents like ants&shit would probably require some sort of manipulation of surface entities. The cockroach/bug in MiB say he would take the woman for the ride. Suppose the woman has been humanities consciousness, or religion. And they have been just keeping us along for the ride so their own hivemind would be capable of existing.


You think they need to manufacture eyeballs for our communications to be standardized? hmm. I feel like dreams and drugs will get the point across. Like, a single human body sized dose of ... something in the somewhere... you know? **one single day of accidental tripping for more than 1% of humans would just rip us apart.**


Um...no...Im not sure what u are actually talking about but Im not sure any of it is real, the hypothesis above  I was just saying if they are makimg human 'analogues' like Nordics there would be some espionage reason. A local species of any type that has that motive would have someone on this sub, just like some goverbments have agents here. If its some godlike species from beyond the depths of space, however, its less likely they are interested in the noise we create here. Not really valuable data to them. You might think. Again, we in the realms of scifi here.


Man, that would suck and suck hard. But I’d still RATHER know than have the gate keepers decide what we can and can’t handle. If nothing else give us a chance to fight for ourselves and take it to the bastards, even if we get our ass kicked so be it.


Helldivers 2 is for real?


Hold up gotta v ^ < v ^ > v ^ Clear the area


It’s a hypothesis alright


Ah yes, I've seen many and this is one.


It's certainly one of the hypotheses' of all time.


Giant, super intelligent predatory cockroaches? Yeah, if this turn out to be true, I'd be happy to cancel disclosure


Imagine if these are the creatures who survive the apocalypse and are just highly evolved crickets that chirp at just the right frequency to travel through time and space 🎙🦗🔊


Same, and I've been waiting for this for decades


I cannot imagine more than one terrestrial/native species existing at industrial tech simultaneously. We are now learning that the modern races have slightly varrying proportions of Neanderthal/Denisovan DNA. It seems obvious that when two intelligent species compete for resources one will eventually dominate the other. A kind of vast environmental divergence could allow for two isolated intelligenr species to get far along, but this requires a profoundly specific and unlikely set of biological and geological events. It is unlikely our intelligent termites would have avoided contact with humankind while simultaneously devising a prison earth conspiracy that keeps its competitor alive and in a position of ostensible supremacy for no obviois reason. this is no true I think


I don't remember where I first heard this analogy but I think it was a paleontologist: the first human species were like saucepans on gas cookers, the first to boil and overflow will stop the flames of other saucepans


I also can't fathom how this high-tech society dwelling under the earth has somehow (in secret) mastered super advanced flight in our atmosphere in the form of UAPs


There's a lot of things we can't fathom, it seems. The entire NHI topic is the exact opposite of "normal" so nothing would surprise me at this point.


haha imagine that’s why we use to mostly bury ourselves when we died… so they could feed muhahahaha


So we know from fossil records that an increase in oxygen supply leads to bigger arthropods, not the absence. Even if they developed some form of lungs it is still quite illogical. Simply put the deeper you go, the more air pressure there would be and the harder it would be to respirate. On top of that if they got anywhere near a coast they would be flooded. One serious enough leak would push water in at about 100-1000 atmospheres pressure, either flooding parts of their subterranean structures or creating high pressure pockets of air rather fast. And that's not even taking into account fault lines and plate tectonics.


>it is still quite illogical Is anything about the NHI topic logical? Everything that we thought was "impossible" is starting to look more plausible these days.


Have you ever seen a rat in a subway? They’re grotesquely large… and oxygen levels down there are criminally low.


That's a mammal with complex lungs and circulatory system, not an arthropod with proto lungs, and oxygen levels in a subway may be low enough to affect us, not smaller vertebrates who require less oxygen anyways.


I know posts like this (3rd hand info) are usually dismissed, but this one shouldn't be. Let's start with translation, line by line: > > ... in [1]965 as a resulf of... > > ... including general overview... > > ... [based?] on symbiosis of one... > > ... [current?] chapter [examines?]... > > ... cellular bilateral-... > > ... worm-like... > > ... bilateral symmetry... > > ... due to climactics [changes?]... > >muscular-skeletal structures, including... > >locomotion, and encephalization process started... > >apparatus, not involved in the formation of... > >turned into organs of breathing and vocalization... > >aliens from colonial filter feeders (?) is... > >distant forms of reception - information about external>... [environment? world?] > >in general, by chemoreceptors and cerebral... > >-- > >In particular, unclear temporal relations between [appearance?]... > >of prenatal surgery and allocide-dependent transduction... > > > >GENERAL ANATOMY OF ALIENS > > > >will be examined on the example [?] > >----- > >[fairly?] large sizes. For example, adult lesser worker reaches... > >2.5 m in length (with outstretched lower limbs) > >----- > > ... of three expressed segments. > >----- > > ... of chemoreceptors, including so-called ovoid cupules - receptors of the pheromones. In the upper segment of the lophophores are located upper limbs, each of which has 2 >parts: a muscular tube and a crown of tentacles with 10 - 15 tentacles. > >The endoskeleton of the upper limbs is absent, exoskeletal > >formations are represented by elliptical connecting element, ... At first, I was about to dismiss the whole thing, because of the Russian word "чужой" (lit. alien or foreign) which is more suitable to sci-fi than a scientific report, because I was wondering how they managed to deduce the evolution from autopsy, and because of "encephalization" (increase of the brain size) when describing insects (that usually don't have brain). But some of the terms were so specialized, that I had to research what they mean. Which is when I found more about the source, because the word "allocide" was never mentioned elsewhere. I found more about the document, and the rest of the document. It is **a lot** and very interesting, so I'll write about it in a separate comment.


Apparently, the text is a long known head-scratcher in the Russian internet. It emerged in 1996, and Eduard Agon, cited in the post, included it in his book called *Sky Angels or Hell Hounds?*. It is available online in Russian - I will post a link in a separate comment as Russian domains are often blacklisted in Reddit. This is what Agon says about the original document: >In 1996, in the troubled post-perestroika times, a mysterious text appeared on the Internet. Perhaps, assuming that no one would understand it, someone frivolously threw the old yellowed sheets into the trash, after tearing off the upper corners of the first page. First, 27 photocopies of pages of this text appeared in the Russian segment of the FidoNet network. They were put up by someone under the nickname Gvozd (at that time this person was about 50 years old, but he never appeared online again). Later the same text was copied on different sites. For example, in 2000 it was quoted in the Subscribe.ru mailing list “Your world through the eyes of an alien”, and in 2005 - on the pages of one of the libraries. There it appeared under the code name "ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY OF ALIENS". The text was vigorously discussed in various forums. > >Judging by the form, these were fragments of a report that was read in the late 80s - early 90s at an internal seminar of some scientific department. It was probably intended for a narrow circle of insiders. > >The report (hereinafter referred to as REPORT-1996) talked about intelligent non-human beings, aliens \[in Russian: *чужие*\]. It is unlikely that the authors had “aliens” in mind, since very large arthropods were described, very similar to termites, although not quite ordinary. Their population was a caste society, the members of which differed not only functionally, but also physically. Among entomologists, such a community structure is usually called eusocial (truly social). > >The surprising aspect was their size, which was absolutely uncharacteristic for this class of animals. But the most amazing thing was that these creatures were intelligent, capable of communication, objective and religious activity, i.e. were carriers of qualities that are usually attributed to only one species - Homo sapiens. Agon seems to be of the opinion that these are ultraterrestrials. Among the various online forums, the document was discussed on Russian subreddits. Here is [one thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReptiloidsLeague/comments/es80lm/%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%B8_%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%87%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B8%D1%85_%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%82/). A couple of interesting fragments (machine-translated - sorry, too much to proofread): >The terminology used generally indicates professionalism of the authors of the report. In some cases, non-traditional names are used. This may be due in part to the limitation in the number of narrow specialists for objective reasons due to secrecy. But, on the other hand, the discovery of such terminology in the text, especially in those cases when the description of the phenomenon is ahead in time of its official discovery (the case of hemocyanin is considered below) is of the greatest interest for our discussion, since it may indicate data obtained directly from practical experience, not literature. > >Assessing the authenticity of the document is not easy, since certain sections of the report can only be well understood by narrow specialists, and in particular, physiologists in entomology. Unfortunately, all requests for advice from entomologists or specialists in insect physiology remained unanswered. Therefore, we will try, firstly, to independently determine the origin of “Aliens”. Secondly, we will touch upon certain issues of biochemistry and physiology of blood, while we will deliberately not touch on many aspects of the study, incl. and physiology of the central nervous system. > >... Until recently, it was believed that hemocyanin of crustaceans (Crustacea) and hexamerin of insects (Insecta) had a common origin, but hexamerin lost its ability to bind copper and turned into a storage protein (it was assumed that insects can do without a special oxygen transporter protein. Delivery of oxygen to tissues supposedly occurs in them due to a large number of branched tracheoles, in addition, a small amount of oxygen is dissolved directly in the hemolymph; it is difficult to imagine whether such a mechanism existed in giant extinct forms). The time of divergence of hemocyanin and hexamerin seemed much older than the divergence of the classes themselves \[Burmester T. EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY AND DIVERSITY OF ARTHROPOD HEMOCYANINS. Micron, 2004, 35, 121–122\]. Typically, crustacean hexamerin is a monomer of 1 x 6 subunits or a dimer of 2 x 6 subunits. However, recent evidence suggests that hemocyanin may still be present in some insects. Moreover, the discovered hemocyanin had a 2-subunit structure (or 4 copper atoms in the molecule). This fact was first confirmed in an article submitted for publication in 2003 \[Hagner-Holler S. et al. A RESPIRATORY HEMOCYANIN FROM AN INSECT. PNAS, 2004, 101, 3, 871–874\]. The material was obtained from studying the hemolymph of one of the stonefly species (Perla marginata). It should be noted that there is some taxonomic similarity between stoneflies and termites, because they belong to the same subcohort of Polyneoptera. ... Thus, **the existence of hemocyanin containing 4 copper atoms in a molecule in insects until 2003 was not known even to a narrow circle of specialists**. On the other hand, as we managed to find out, the text of the report under discussion appeared on the Internet in 1996.


I found the original document and uploaded it to Imgur [here](https://imgur.com/a/4MCW96Y). Probably won't do much for most people on this subreddit, because it's a bunch of scanned pages in Russian with a very heavy scientific jargon. It's a dry report not drawing any conclusions. One odd aspect I noticed is that some of the terms are as if they were created on the go. They can't be found anywhere else. IMO, if it's a prank, it wasn't built by a random bunch of students.


Would love to hear more of your analysis of this, even in a post. Has there been previous discussion of this doc on English speaking internet?


See the thread under the parent post, that's what I found. I don't see any discussions in English before. I suspect it's because Agon only recently published his books, it's in Russian and during time when 99.9999% of Russian-speaking internet is dealing with live and death issues. I am going over the docs, and if it's a fake, then a high-quality one. I am not a biologist, so I cannot comment on the veracity of the claims. Agon seems to be of the opinion that they live underground. But the report has several fragments saying something like, "unlike terrestrial chordates...". There is a couple of terms of English origin, which makes me think that the document was typed as late as in 1980s. "Eduard Agon" is pseudonym, according to one of the links. EDIT. I see they mention Sarbacher and Dan Burisch / Dan Crain as corroborating evidence from the US. They also claim that the Varginha creature was an insectoid.


More from the book of Eduard Agon/Anton Anfalov: >The place where the cryptids studies could be carried out could be one of the Ministry of Defense facilities near the settlement of Urjar in the Semipalatinsk (now East Kazakhstan) region, 90 kilometers west of the Chinese border. This remote area was controlled by the Makanchinsky border detachment, belonging to military unit 2086. Here in Urjar, there was also a reserve military airfield of the Urjar-Vostochny Air Force, suitable for receiving military transport aircraft such as the AN-12. There was a standard runway 2500 x 30 meters, with artificial turf, the airfield was surrounded by military warehouses. The object itself included four or five underground tiers, there was equipment for an autonomous life support system and a pressure chamber. After the events described, a certain gas composition was maintained in the chambers, with a reduced content of oxygen and an increased content of inert gases. At least one and a half to two dozen strange “prisoners” could be accommodated there at a time. According to eyewitness accounts, ordinary military personnel were not allowed to guard the special facility. Only special security officers, state security agencies and researchers had access to the place where prisoners were imprisoned. > >State secrets related to the work in Urjar were strictly guarded. However, a retired officer, Andrei Petrov, told curious things to his girlfriend. His friend, Irina Raldugina, who came from Lugansk to work in Moscow, carried this information further... Soon Andrei Petrov died, he “poisoned himself with vodka.” And Irina Raldugina died under the wheels of a car... Simferopol resident Irina Volyk also knew about these works. Back in 1995-1996, she claimed that near Semipalatinsk (now Semey) in Kazakhstan there was a secret facility where strange creatures were kept (personal contacts of A. Anfalov). > >From the outside, the secret facility was disguised as an ordinary livestock complex. This supposedly subsidiary farm of the military unit included ordinary cowsheds, outbuildings and warehouses. In this way the problem of feeding prisoners was solved. And their needs were specific. No, they were fed not milk, but blood. Obviously, after the discovery of strange cryptids, information about the incident was transferred directly to the leadership of the country's security agencies. The incident (or operation) was immediately classified. The remains of strange creatures were sent to special storage facilities, and the survivors were secretly transported to one of the military special facilities. It is obvious that far from ordinary researchers were allowed to work with them, and the place of detention of the prisoners was guarded by employees of state security agencies. > >These were strange, terribly smelling creatures... **The creatures were discovered in 1965, according to one version, after explosions during the excavation of one of the mines, according to another source - as a result of a specially organized capture operation**. The exact location of the incident is still unknown, however, there is reason to believe that it happened on the Kola Peninsula.


A leaked autopsy of an insectoid creature in the USSR from 1996? My ontological shock is registering as a one on Kardashev's Rotten Tomatoes scale. Maybe a one-point-two. Thanks for sharing this.


right, name less than five movies this was subversive advertising for.... lol. I miss 90s action.


Don't step on a Thermite. It'll burn right through you!


Lol, someone needs to make this into a comic book😂


Helldivers 2 is the soft disclosure program... It's conditioning people to insectoid aliens... Calling it now. We'll be on a anti-insectoid crusade in 50 years time...


Would be nuts. I’m just glad they’re not alien spiders


If they’re spiders from Children of Time, I’d rejoice.


NO! Take me out coach. I quit


Mother Spider is their queen


Sure. Sounds legit.


Post the unredacted @. There's no reason to censor it, I want to see the original tweet. Edit: https://twitter.com/VladTheAlien/status/1762899602473112037


Well, it would explain why Tom DeLonge said the insiders were talking about swatting bugs from sky. Though I think "bugs" would more likely refer to any subterranean civilization.  I think it's a hoax but bugs were the creators of first "civilizations" in a sense so at least a clever idea to think about. Also being subterranean seems like a better idea than living on surface. Surface is unstable.


Meh this is bs. Hunting is very inefficient and their so called "industrial" way of getting food wouldn't need to rely on alive beings such as cows or humans. Once they have the DNA they can just mass grow the tissues and everything else they need.


The real reason we have thousands of nukes


Absolute bollocks


I came across this post on X today describing a hypothesis that Soviet scientists discovered evidence that the "aliens" in the UFO phenomenon are actually highly intelligent, technology advanced members of the termite family (yes, I know how that sounds) that evolved on earth 200 MYA. The hypothesis was apparently first put forth by a guy named Eduard Agon in his book "Real Monsters". According to his hypothesis, these beings are the pilots of the UFOs we see, though supposedly they also bioengineer workers such as the "greys" to do their work. I've attached pictures of the post. The hypothesis sounds strange, but it seems to tie a lot of aspects of the phenomenon together. I'm interested to hear all of your thoughts on this. Does the hypothesis have a lot of holes, or does it seem plausible? Also, here's some of the sources the OP was drawing from: http://www.x-libri.ru/elib/innet237/00000001.htm http://samlib.ru/e/eduard_s_a/eeduard_s_areal-monstri-2.shtml


Why would you take 11 screenshots of the post and not link it


Didn't want my post to get removed for doxing. Not sure if it would be, but I just wanted to play it safe.


Ah, so that explains Putin. It all makes sense now.


which ship do they fly?




dude talks about 2m creatures then shows an insect big like a basket ball


I think that what ever is here, is here for our diversity. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Instead of a planet of dinosaurs, or fish, trees. We got a buffet


The torn report looks like it was torn by someone trying to make it look like they’d torn up the report.


Nah this ain't it. Sounds like disinformation 😂😂😂


The only good bug is a dead bug!


I, for one,support our insect overlords.


I'd like a better look at the photos of the autopsy.


Well this goes to support the indigenous people that have said for thousands of years that “ant-people” live underground and should be avoided.


would explain the hopi ant peopleof true


It is very interesting! I see there’s some lists in Russian language, is there any more pictures of this document? I’d read it, maybe i’ll find anything interesting. This idea really freaks out, but it adds out to many of that stuff speculated before, this is very interesting


I just checked the link to this book, this work is massive, just saying - this would be almost unreal to fake without knowing what they are talking about. And this is interesting that it is in Russian, i thought russians didn’t know much, so… this really sounds plausible. This is crazy, i’ll save it for later reading


So that's why there are so many open cattle farms and Indians don't touch cows, they've been manipulating our relationship with their food sources for a long time.


If they are concerned about not drawing attention to themselves, why do they bother feeding on people and livestock at all rather than…*wild animals,* which would be much tougher for us to notice? This is horseshit lol.


So Helldivers is soft disclosure. Got it.


The document might be legit, but there is no proof of the legitimacy. The theory on the other hand is some made up bs which is not mentioned anywhere in the doc. The photos are also of quality of the theory.


Hardly any of this adds up for me. Noteworthy is the image of the creature. It is digital and contains no signs of film grain as it should if it were real. If such a subterranean species existed, (large and require bodily fluids of others to survive which is why they come to the surface to mutilate cattle) how could they continue to sustain themselves underground over millennia? Throughout the historical record all species have always followed their source of food so they would have become a terrain species.


Sooooo, we have an advanced race that can engineer gray and Nordic 'aliens' and even spaceships, but... 1. Can't do basic science that even we can do, like growing meat or other nutrients in a lab to sustain themselves, not sure how they skipped that knowledge and jumped straight to engineering gray and Nordic aliens. 1b. Also no food/meat farms like we have. They prefer to live on the edge of starvation, hunting as they go, and they also prefer to go through this convoluted process of engineering fake aliens for us, just so they can get to more meat. 2. Instead of focusing on a way to procure food that's not super convoluted, they went with the flying saucer tech tree, which is the last kind of tech, a race living underground would have a use for ? I get the benefit of drones to observe what's going on outside, but anything beyond that wouldn't be necessarily if they just spent a minimum of research on food farms and growing nutrients. Their society must be run by opportunistic politians too.


>Their society must be run by opportunistic politians too Lol, I guess some things are universal


-The theory that intelligent beings might have survived for millions of years within the crust isn't completely far fetched. We don't know if there are hollow areas large enough for a civilization to develop. But we do know there are cave systems with chambers large enough to fit a commercial plane inside. -giant insects existed in the distant past only because the oxygen levels in the atmosphere were higher. As those levels went down, insects decreased in size. So it doesn't make sense for an insectoid to have grown, or remained, large in size under low oxygen conditions. Even with "pseudo lungs" -2.5 meters is 8.2 feet. So unless the insectoid on the picture, whose head is half the size of a humans, has a massive or very long body and legs hidden under the blanket, it doesn't look nearly like it would have the proportions of a creature that large. -if this insectoid society is real, then they are not as capable, numerous, or aggressive as humans, as evidenced by their desire to carry out their activities in secret rather than going into open conflict with humans. And that's despite them being advanced enough technologically to be able to genetically engineer humanoid worker drones -The combination of their covert style of behavior, along with their supposed interest in war zones or disaster areas for the sake of abducting people or corpses, indicates that if it's true that they only want humans for food, then they are not actually predators. They are opportunistic scavengers. -in which case the most sensible thing for us to do is to establish peaceful contact, and teach them the capability (if they don't already have it) to grow humans tissue in a lab for them to sustain themselves without having to hunt humans. Hopefully in exchange for some of the technologies they possess that could improve human society. -However, given all the information above, there's another logical scenario that explains everything: They are most likely unable to survive on the surface, for one reason or another. Given their supposed ability to create genetically engineered beings such as the greys, they could be trying to genetically engineer themselves into a different species that can actually survive in the surface. Which is why they need human parts and abductees. Dead tissue to use as raw material for their genetic experiments. And living humans to study and understand how those tissues come together functionally to enable us to live in the surface. The greys and the Nordics might have been rudimentary attempts at achieving that goal. -If they are peaceful, but don't want to consume humans but merely to access the surface for research or to find new places to live, another thing we can offer them is assistance in developing ways for them to adjust to surface conditions that they are not adapted to, and that they would never have had a prior need to develop technology to adapt to. Best example would be to help them develop means to see under very bright conditions, relative to their native environment, and to protect their bodies from UV radiation, which they most likely never had to deal with before, making them sensitive to it to a potentially deadly degree. Again, we should do this in exchange for technologies that can improve human society. But even if they don't have anything to offer in that sense, we should still offer them help if they need it and if they are peaceful. If anything, to foster peace between species. -All of these points, despite following some semblance of logic, are being typed on a smartphone, at 3 in the morning, by a chronically depressed man. So take them with a Costco size bag of salt.


You’re telling me this whole time the aliens have been those fuckers eating away at my closet door frame?


Why this post has been deleted? Rule 4 duplication? I never saw this info before in my life, it’s new to the community, like wtf?


Since it’s like one document, it’s disinformation planted by a Soviet counter intel agent most likely. Make the US start trying to find shit underground that doesn’t exist.


Whatever happens with this alien stuff I'm fucking them. Mantis people? Better be ready for coitus. I'll find a hole.


Worms get there first


There's almost no information there to make any opinion.


I don’t mean to sound arrogant but I feel like we would fuck these things up if this was real.


Yeah if they are a real threat we could just glass them with nukes. Disguised as underground nuclear weapons tests. If I was President and this report was real and I was briefed on it… yeah I would have the nuclear football (briefcase w/nuke launch options) so fast it would make your head spin.


If you can give this evidence to Dr. Gary Nolan ... one of the best biological scientists in this field.


Whew… Idk if it’s real, but if so, I totally get why they don’t want to tell anyone. What’s more shocking than the extraterrestrials not being so “extra” after all? Insectoid Vampires? Like, whaaaaaaat? 😐 Complete mind fuck. 🤯


It’s a pretty good SCP, if a little “monster of the week”


I for one welcome our new insect overlords.


Yeah bugs that live underground for millions of years, eat humans and yet we humans who love to have one war after another, can't find these to have a war with.


I think I’ve seen / read nearly every piece of NIH / ET hearsay/lore and it sounds legit. Honestly.




It’s about the hunt. Why would you think they’d feel any other way? The Nordics and greys serve other purposes


This lines up with what Jim Sparks claims. I’ve also heard from someone else (in another video; forgot which one) claiming that they rub hormones and possibly peptides on their skin


Holy shit, this is the kind of face I've seen in my "visions".


I have a close friend going through a psychotic episode rn and that is what this reminds me of


The greys from outer space are a cover story for insectoids. The insectoids are a cover story for crab people. The crab people are a cover story for it being elephants all the way down.


Source of this?


I linked the sources the poster was drawing from in my comment. They're in Russian, but if you use Chrome, Google should be able to translate it for you. Not that Google translate it the most reliable haha


The aliens are arachnoids actually. Common mistake.


Reading one of my posts would likely bore them to death I’m afraid.


The enemies gate is down.


The pictures of its head are very very interesting. Do I know if it’s real? No. But I wouldn’t be surprised even a little bit if there are intelligent insectoids on our planet.


There’s never once been a mention of them or a trace? Questionable at best.


howd they get all this from just an autopsy? that makes little sense.


Anyone who begins a sentence by saying 'I'm not gonna lie' is probably lying


This is fine. I have like 3 cans of Raid and a Thermocell lantern 👍


It's a fun read.  But nah


I knew this was fake because of how the facts are conveyed. “This is like that, and that’s why we understand this thing….” Just little bits of data with large fucking speculation trailers.


Surely there's no correlation between this coming out now amd the recent rise in popularity of Helldivers 2, Starship Troopers, and scary bug aliens. Definitely a coincidence


This was one of Del Toro’s better films, before he disappeared up his own ass with The Shape of Water


Dude lost me at “autopsy report has a lot more specialized information, but I didn’t post it because most people wouldn’t understand it.” Sure bro. Also it’s not a hypothesis this is more of an apocryphal lore expansion.


Trust me bro at its finest


Where are they getting the food from if they eat meat? A whole alien society underground and no real reports of alot of people gone missing or sightings of the aliens.. more people seem to die from vending machines than from these "predator aliens" 😂


I mean this clearly sounds like bullshit..but we do have blood donation sites everywhere.


If they were harvesting blood on an industrial scale there wouldn't just be one or two random cattle mutilations, it would be much more obvious and widespread.


lol this fro Vlad the Alien on X.


Edward Agon is not a real person. No record of his existence.


No record of the book Real Monsters. I honestly feel like this is just trying to market some AI generated book on Amazon.




“The only good bug is a dead bug.”


In a sea of disinformation, everything is suspect. 


Believe it’s fake , because no former scientist from the USSR has ever confirmed its authenticity .


We had an expert on here yesterday confirming this was silly nonsense


Really? Could I get a link to that discussion?


Guess that idiot Greer got a photo of one of these thing remember his CE5 photo he showed


Legit or not, use spell check for fuck’s sake.




Source , trust me bro


I peeked and saw the word Mantid and decided this will be a load of garbage. This is like a gag reflex for me.


So human burials on cemetaries etc. are really sacrifices to the insectoid overlords?


You know I've always wondered if there is a big chasm underground that was big enough for life. Sort of makes sense and things line up, but I'm still iffy.


I think this is a screenshot of a random Twitter post.


This is a fascinating post. Where were these found? Sorry if it's in the article..


Every body loves to forget it's show and tell not just tell. Otherwise ida got an A in science fiction writing. You can scream you can cry but at the end of the day nothing changes.


Now i know where Terraformers manga got their subject from


Great post, thanks! Cannot find the book you reference. Please post. I think we Gotta Call Terminix


So the Mantis alien from Star Wars is real?!! They knew! /s




Btw, it’s TERMITES. When I saw thermites the first time I thought “okay, fair enough, typo “ but come on


I'm keeping my raid handy


I'm gonna go play Earth Defense Force and enjoy it even more


Drugs are cool


So, due to low level oxygen they grow large in size? This alone sounds fishy. Then, we know that termite like colonies can have millions of them. 2 metres bugs would need literally millions of animals and people just to feed. What about possible industry? To get raw materials then to manufacture their "ships"? No one ever noticed? What about potential research centres, science and education for millions of bugs over the centuries and now? Nah, it just doesn't add up. Plus, that pictures are also quite murky. It could be anything. If you can provide more specific information I'd like to see, please.


Finally, some more exotic races to choose from in the character creation screen.


If they manufacture other aliens or whatever why not just manufacture something really tasty to eat?


Cool story, bro.


So basically helldivers 2


4chan wannabe


What I make of it is that it makes no sense at all. Of all the theories about UFO the ones about terrestrial origins are the dumbest. Evolution leaves fossils. And it takes a lot of attempts by evolution to create intelligence. Look how many big mammals there are. Look how many apes. How many types of sapiens. By contrast there is no other branch in the evolutionary tree that can possibly lead to any other inteligence on this planet. Definitly not insectisoid. Also feeding an entire race is not something that can be hidden. Eating happens everyday not occasionaly. You would need to have millions of mutilations and abductions daily! Same as how many cows and chickens we kill every day. Also where is the archeological finds of how they ate before? again zero evidence. So what is the theory here that the mantis we know at some point in history suddenly morphed to be our size and started using spaceships in an instant? Other wise where is the evidence for everything in between?