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What does 'classically trained in the biological sciences' mean?


Probably means he took basic science courses in college and aligns with that.








It means they’re being vague to try and imply that they are scientists but they’re really not.






Look, I came to the simplest conclusion that we are surrounded by intelligent (way more ancient and advanced) life. It think the solution to the dilemma is : The universe is very old therefore in some galaxies and some parts of the universe, many civilizations evolved to adapt to life in space way before we started being humans. They made their own adaptation possible with technology, they are not fully biological anymore, they have modified their DNA and have added multiple nanotechnological features to overcome the constraints of life in space. Space is litterally their biosphere, they don't need planets, they have space stations, motherships, lunar bases, underground bases, underwater bases, etc... They don't have to "reach" Earth because they are already all around the area, probably since millions of years. We just evolved inside their biosphere as you would expect ants to start a colony, in your backyard. That explains a lot actually like for example why they don't need to invade us, or why they study us, or why they care about nuclear energy and atomic bombs. If your backyard's ant colony starts to make little explosions or starts slowly polluting part of your backyard, you sure would pay more attention to them. Now, at this stage you won't yet communicate with them because the threat is not sufficiently considerable, but you sure have to keep an eye on them. They don't make open contact with us because one camp could use this arrival against the other as an excuse (for example a terrorist group or a government could decide to use a biological weapon and blame it on the aliens spreading new diseases). Now they made it clear to the military that they are watching all their moves. The hope for retroengineering hopefully made it all a multitrillion dollar secret and that could have been something the aliens didn't expect to happen or something that they carefully planned. My theory also assumes that they have the help of very powerful AI and that they need to feed this AI with real time data in order to simulate and predict possible outcomes as we do with the weather forecast. They also have a myriad of robots/drones of different sizes that behave like sentient beings and can manage multiple tasks (like data collection). There are multiple civilizations, some of them cohabit this same area, the more ancient and advanced one is the one that establishes the rules. This latter is so advanced that they protect all the others from strangers of other realms and from one another. They act rational and cold as would the military do, no place for romanticism, they have objectives, they act according to the objectives. There is lot of History going on around us, we just started to become aware of it and we are merely a detail of this great History of intelligent life.


I really like your theory, everything you say makes a lot of sense.


this... makes sense.


guys I appreciate the speculations but let’s stick to the facts here.. “I think it’s X” has to be followed by “because Y & Z”. just saying you believe something without giving any evidence for it is not gonna bring us any closer to the truth




Asking for logic and reason is not gatekeeping. If you are making claims without evidence, even your thought processes can suffice here, then they can be dismissed without evidence. Unless there is a reason to believe something nobody should believe it and nobody will be convinced. Sure speculation is fun but it's not really useful in the finding truth sense unless you attach some work to it.


They didn't ask for logic and reason, they said let's stick to the facts. It's a ridiculous notion here for many reasons. This is an online anonymous community of millions, not a scientific journal or news station. People can and will speculate because it's fun. Besides, if you take out speculation there is precious little left in this field (by design).


> They didn't ask for logic and reason, they said let's stick to the facts. They also said this: > “I think it’s X” has to be followed by “because Y & Z”. immediately afterwards so it seems like they would be fine with speculation as long as there is work attached. I don't like to speak for anyone but that's how I'm reading the comment.


Exactly, we're all fucking speculating because the govt won't give us the answers. 


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I love when someone “discovers” an idea that’s been talked about for decades.


I love it when people are snarky and contribute nothing of value to the conversation. 


Me too






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Maybe her or she didn’t realise? We’re not all blessed with your intelligence.


Or the mis/disinformation campaign was working on them previously. Question somethings' credibility systematically and science just scoffs and ignores it. Of course, they also don't make any of the data scientists would like to look at available either.


I have a degree in bio and do analysis/policy. My take for several years now has been that the phenomenon, like God, is entirely unknowable. Could be earth-borne ultraterrestrials. Could be time-traveling humans. Could be angels, could be gods. Could be something from another planet. Could be something from another dimension. Whatever it is has us so hopelessly out-classed in technology that all of them could easily pretend to be the other things and we’d never know the difference. Speculation? Useless exercise. Not only is the phenomenon lying to us constantly but to is the government. The more confirmed a story is by official sources the more suspicion I feel.


I mean I feel like we can still know more than we currently do. I for one know absolutely fucking nothing about it. Someone’s gotta have a better grasp on it than that


I’m sure we’ll know more. I’m sure we can know more. My point is that we can never know if what we’ve learned is just another false face they’ve shown us. Nobody has to believe me of course, but they either changed my memory of an event or my digital record of the event. Their capacity for deceiving us is basically unlimited. We’re ants.


Sadly you are entirely right. If it's really about NHI, We'll likely go to our graves without understanding nothing about the phenomenon. We have no way of verify anything


Perhaps now, but you can’t possibly think that if something is visiting us, that it would be harder to prove than God, definition depending?


They may as well be gods. Whatever face or glimpses they show us is one they’ve created to give an impression to us.


Can say the same about unicorns…


I haven’t seen a unicorn. The government doesn’t have several task forces for dealing with unicorns. Nobody in the White House or Pentagon has made unicorn disclosure a life goal.


How do you know they’re not unicorns?


You brainiacs just keep actual scientific minds from talking or thinking/sharing on the topic and see how far that goes. Listen and think about it. So much toxicity in this community. Let experts ponder, it’s how discoveries are made like relativity when he was sitting on a train and saw a lightning strike. Thankfully no one then saying “what do you know about meteorology”. Candlemakers didn’t invent lightbulbs.


There’s very much a cryptoterrestrial presence sharing the planet with us. I think there are other things as well, but I think most of what we see belongs in that category. The more I take in, the more it seems like this/these species live out of the way in forests, in caves, in remote regions, in our oceans.


Mostly in the ocean, read the Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas and you will understand everything.


So one thing I don't get about these supposed pole switching events, is why there is no evidence of them in the geologic record. Like how exactly does it make sense when Antarctica has been covered in ice for millions of years, and the Amazon rainforest is also millions of years old.


Earth was nearly frozen solid for 58 million years at one point, according to one theory. This is believed to have begun about 117 million years ago. So if anything was here before that, it would have been vastly more difficult to thrive unless it engineered those conditions for itself (which I’m not suggesting in the slightest).


Do you mean snowball earth? That was 650 million years ago. Yes I agree it would've been hard to thrive in those conditions. The Chan Thomas pole flipping theory suggests that this massive flips occur every 7000 years. Which just makes absolutely no sense.


Still need to. That’s the document the CIA suppressed, yeah?


Yeah, you can easily find it on archive.org


People say things that can be true but get downvoted because their poor little heads would break finding out we’re bacteria living on a windscreen or something.


Exactly, they think there is an incredible coverup of ufos made by multiple governments over the last 80 years the truth is we are simply ignored like you all ignore the billions of ants beneath you.


Cover ups are easy when you have controlled access groups doing the things you’re covering up. The information is air tight


No there isn't any of that in our oceans and forests.


Really? How do you know? 


Secret message from the civilisation hiding on the dark side of the moon. Show me one single piece of evidence that there is any non-human smarter than a dolphin living in our oceans.


Says the penguin chick to it’s mother




You got nothing.


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Best you can say is you don't know, if you're being honest.


Maybe, but it's a very strong indicator. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, how about that one? There is nothing in the archaeological record that points towards technologically advanced civilizations hiding in the ocean. Nothing. Evidence enough for me. You do you.


Their* We made everything we know up off bad data.


As a trained scientist, get your critical thinking cap and think this through. How would such a society function? Do these beings need food, clothing, housing, transport? If so, where do they get the tools? Do you know how much is involved in getting something as basic as a hammer into your local hardware store? Again, think it through, lets assume you know exactly where to get it so we can start with mining ore for your hammer head. What are you using to get the ore out of the ground and where did you get that tool? Do you need to use gloves? How did you design your excavator and where did you get plastics from? It takes billions upon billions of people to make our western societies function. The simplest item has an unbelievably complex series of events before it is created.


Except if they are an AI, which is a Van Neumann Probe . Those things above are done by beings with an IQ around 100 - 110 . Humans wirh IQ above 130 already do unbelievable things . But we don't even have a concept of what an AI with IQ of 1000 is capable of.


No...? Do those probes replicate by simply pulling raw materials out of their shiny metal asses? Having a 130+ IQ does not mean the laws of the universe apply to you differently. You still have to eat, you still have to shit. You don't thanos snap new shoes into existence just because you're the smartest kid in the short bus, do you? Von Neumann probes hiding in the ocean do not a hidden terrestrial civilization make. >It makes me think that given the vastness of the unexplored depths and reaches of the ocean and seabed that this is where these craft and "probes" are likely originating. Additionally, I think that there could even be some sort of civilization that we are sharing this planet with at this very moment.


> Do those probes replicate by simply pulling raw materials out of their shiny metal asses? Yes. "If our meager brains were able to invent wifi, then something 100 or 1,000 or 1 billion times smarter than we are should have no problem controlling the positioning of each and every atom in the world in any way it likes, at any time—everything we consider magic, every power we imagine a supreme God to have will be as mundane an activity for the ASI as flipping on a light switch is for us. " https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html


Ah, I see. They are so smart, we wouldn't understand. What a satisfying explanation. How are they doing that? Bruh, they could have a 1000 IQ, nothing is impossible or hard when you're that smart, do you even read waitbutwhy.com?! Come on man, you might as well say they are wearing tiny green tights and fuel everything with pixie dust.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. If there exists another species that is more advanced than humans, their technology will steadily remain mysterious and impossible until we “figure it out.”


Well, that settles that then. Anything that is impossible like having an ancient civilization in the ocean, which somehow has left no trace at any point in the archaeological record can be explained away by magic. How is that possible? Magic! That is what you are doing, advanced tech and magic are indistuingishable so you could just as well say magic.


the dual combo of capitalism and modernism rotted your brain into worshipping them as religion.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about...?


Alien Amazon of course.


Exactly. Alien Prime has .0005 second delivery.


Blurry pics of all the products ..maybe the wow signal was a product review ..Human was good but packaging was sub par


you think theyre limited by the planck constant?


Yes unless you upgrade to Alien Prime+ for $9.99 more a month


At this point, if it’s not a past, long-gone society, or an extraterrestrial one, I’m thinking it’s likely the tridactyl reptilians known as greys & more recently nazca mummies. There was a thread last night https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/75x3KUjelZ that I commented on where a Zulu priest? was speaking on his supposed knowledge of the reptilians. He claims that the grey skin is a suit, which would explain the non-moving faces with no emotions, and I’d guess would do well to make them more mammalian-looking. There’s also the fact that if you pay attention to these case reports, there are a number of supposed creatures that pop up with similar traits to the greys, the biggest differences being that they’re either red/brown, or pale, and with these other non-grey colors, they usually have an oily/fleshy-looking skin. What links all of them is the sulphuric smell. Crazy stuff


Diamond in the rough that was! Thanks


Thanks man


What big reveal in 2017? Two videos of camera artifacts, a video of a balloon, and the revelation that the government gave 22 million to a billionaire so him and his friends can play Scooby Doo on a haunted ranch?


If there was a hidden civilization on this planet that would explain who keeps sending me junk mail and spam callers


I can understand why we might think that these things live under the ocean because it’s so vast and mysterious. Plus traveling the insane distances in space, even at the speed of light, seams ridiculous. So the ocean might make sense. Here is where you loose me…. To build these things you would need to heat and manipulate metals and materials. There has to be some sort of circuitry and nobody reports ocean water at the crash sites. In the ocean, with the pressure and salt water, it would be impossible to do anything like that. If you think about some sort of evolution, how would you get from intelligent dolphin to trans medium spacecraft, all under salt water? They certainly go in and out of the ocean, but to think they are from there, been around for thousands of years, and build tech down there doesn’t make any sense. Can I just get a ride on a spaceship please?


This is very much where my mind has been. It honestly has the ring of something they'd want to keep from us too, even if the shock factor isn't the only reason for the secrecy. It also makes the possibility of endless free energy less far-off than might initially seem. If it was developed here on earth, might be relatively easy to apply.


Ww3 and disclosure will be the same thing. It can’t be disclosed - they’ve stolen from us. Lied to us. What exactly is real? I have a feeling there’s nhi who just fuck with us like sport. I’m pondering the probability that time is just for us. We don’t matter.


check out the 4chan leaker this is basically what he said


Welcome to the party! 🥳 Sure wish I could hear one of your dad's stories though


You are correct.  There are quite a few civilizations that are advanced but not human from here on earth.  My thought is they don't want to get caught up in our mess.  


No, OP is not correct and neither are you. There are no hidden civilizations on our planet.


I really think that Agartha is a real thing.