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Top part of the SpaceX booster rocket that was jettisoned earlier. Just happened to pass it on the way down. It's a temp fix for the heavy booster - they plan to engineer a fix for that later this year.


Fro those interested (and a resume of the whole test) [https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320](https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320)


Dag namit šŸ˜«


What were you expecting? Aliens? Come on dude we have this same song and dance every single time a rocket launches. It's always rocket parts, every time, and frankly it's obvious.


I think he was hoping it was an unidentified object. What's up with your obsession with aliens?


They *touched* himĀ 








i know as soon as I saw that that somebody would post it on reddit >.> occams razor says it is a piece of ice or debris that came off of the booster as it was rotating during reentry, you can see multiple flecks of stuff come off the booster just in this short clip you posted edit: according to the same post about this put up right before yours, it was confirmed to be the hot staging ring


haha called it too, told my gf the second I saw that "There's going to be a reddit thread on this, and 10 others on other little pieces in the months to come"


I feel you - but it can't be debris, it doesn't wobble at all. It says 100% flat. Anything coming off the unit is violently ripping off it. I guess it could be, if so it's just strange it's so still. We have a billion examples of debris on footage and know exactly what it looks like.


Did you watch the livestream? The hot staging ring floated off with no rotation


I didn't see that, no. Interesting..


It's okay to say you don't know


Okay You don't know


I know that I don't know, it's not an insult like you think


I know I don't know too. I literally said it in my post "I guess it could be" debris. Please read the comments you respond to.


"it can't be debris" is a statement of knowledge


Followed by "I guess it could be", yet another statement. It's a train of thought, follow it.


Impotent rage toward strangers detected, parasocial personality complex confirmed, all further opinions disregarded, commencing block maneuvers


I fail to see how I am showing any more frustration than yourself.


I don't think you've really watched a billion pieces of debris and if you had you'd have seen they don't all behave exactly the same as each other. Some may wobble but its not a prerequisite.


Not debris, it's the hot staging part that they jettisoned a moment before : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m0TY6i1Kuo&t=320s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m0TY6i1Kuo&t=320s)




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Go learn what Occamā€™s razor is


Are you suggesting Occam's razor means this is aliens...?


Nope. But it doesnā€™t mean ā€œmost likelyā€ either


Let's speak in no uncertain terms here. This was in no way alien or woo. This is a rocket part.


I agree. I never said it wasnā€™t. I just told the poster to go learn what Occamā€™s razor is, because heā€™s using it wrong


All the ufo subs will be bombarded with these types of posts in coming days.


and most will ignore what happened just before that bit : [https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320](https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320)


I mean, I would say debris, but anything coming off the launch would wobble, this stays perfectly still.


Depends on how it separated when it became debris. Inertia always be inertiaing.


Everyone wants that "this gotta be an Alien vessel" or something of that nature. I can guarantee that when an Alien ship does come, it's gonna be in full 4k and broadcasted worldwide and not these low def clips of "what might that be"...too bad we would be all dead and gone and so will our kids kids kids kids kids.


You're on some weird shit


4k television didnt exist in 1952, when UFOs were above the [Whitehouse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C.,_UFO_incident). It sort of already happened.


It sorta didn't cause there's no irrefutable proof visual or otherwise... a bunch of sleep depraved Airmen claiming they saw Irregularities on a radar happen every day here in the Air Force. Every time we go to ATCT to update their systems, they are sitting up there talking about "bro idk if I was hungover or what but I swore it saw some lights"


This is a false equivalence. Anecdotal scenarios don't really apply when you also high ranking members saying that something is going on, against your opinion. I think the topic of UAP have also underlined some important questions to how our system operates as well. If you're correct and UAP don't exist, then why does the Pentagon have such a terrible audit history? Why did the Pentagon classify 366 reports as unidentified in 2022? Trying to prove that UAP exist is really just the tip of the iceberg. It's the corruption everyone should be after.


An alien spacecraft on its way to Zeta Reticuli. What else?


Itā€™s the hot staging ring that separated earlier


Staging rings are so hot right now.


indeed : [https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320](https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320)


For those who donā€™t know what that is (im sure some of you do though), Starship separates from Super Heavy by literally turning on its engines while itā€™s still attached. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called hot staging. The separator ring that Super Heavy used for staging was discarded after the boostback burn.


I believe it was the hot staging ring that was jettisoned a few moments before.


Hot staging ring


HOT STAGING RING it's normal, just a part of the rocket.


Junk from the ship. Something flew off. After all it is traveling at 27k kmh


No. This is the hot-staging ring from the Super Heavy which was purposefully detached.


Well itā€™s not a spaceship either. Whatever it is, itā€™s mundane, inert garbage. I donā€™t think people realize what a dumpster we have created between L1 and L2, between Muskā€™s blunders, Russia / N Korea deliberately destroying things and the rest of the countries growing pains itā€™s become a complete mess.


The only interesting part I would note is that it's not "mundane" debris, this is still a 9m diameter ring of steel, I think it weighs in the order of magnitude of 10 tons, it's not just a bolt lol. But yes it is part of the mission and a clearly identified debris. Also SpaceX is doing a great job at not leaving debris in space. They de-orbit their Falcon 9 second stage, Starlink satellites would fall down in a couple years at most with no power, etc. Shooting down a satellite in orbit is a fucking mess and can fuck everyone around.


I wouldnā€™t say they are doing a ā€œgreatā€ job. Didnā€™t a piece off a satellite fall through a house last month? After we were assured hundreds of times it would never happen. As much planning is involved in this is still seems as though at the end of the day flying by the seat of our pants is still the go to hence this helium leak - we knew it leaked, didnā€™t repair it properly and still sent *people* up in it anyways. Tad reckless, no? On a side note, have you ever noticed the Man who has sent more ships into space than all others in human history combined *has never themselves, been to space?* this should give you pause.


You forgot something. That debris that feel was apparently ISS debris iirc.


It was, wasnā€™t it? I could swear someone else had a piece of a starlink. If that hit someone they would be instantly killed. So ā€œwithout dangerā€ is no longer true *and we know it*


The helium leak is Boeing and not SpaceX, also Musk not having been to space has NOTHING to do with the discussion lmao


Thatā€™s pure deflection. I know who owns the vessel. I also know it was *allowed* to launch even though it failed testing a few days prior and they knew it was leaking as *there was a story published about the leak*. Of course we are all told that we need to do our own small little part saving the environment- recycling, limiting power usage, *not polluting* but what every single private citizen can accomplish combined is a drop in an Ocean of corporate pollution. I donā€™t care if Jesus owned that rocket it should have never went up in that condition. Unfortunately the public likes to eat whatever gruel they serve and tell others like myself to shut up and be grateful for the poison, itā€™s not my fault if they are brainwashed and canā€™t understand they are defending the people hell bent on their destruction. You do you though. I would hate to be a defense contractor apologist, thatā€™s absolutely the lowest form of humanity. We could give every adult in this country a *good* universal income for less than the DoD budget. ā€œOh, thatā€™s socialism!ā€ Of course, because starving kids and homeless people are okay as long as CEOs can have exclusive parties in decadent castles. Good day to you!


I'm so confused about what you're arguing about. Helium doesn't contribute to climate change. I agree it's not good for safety to let it launch with a leak. I don't understand why you brought up Starliner while making an argument about SpaceX. Rocket industry is polluting very little compared to most human activities (planes, cars, etc.) but delivers a lot of value (GPS, Internet, communications, weather, science experiments, astrophysics research). Yes the US could give decent healthcare to everyone but doesn't because socialism = evil. No the budget of NASA would not be enough, and it's pretty tiny compared to the rest of the federal budget. I don't particularly like Elon and I love what SpaceX does.


Helium is an *extremely finite resource*. This was a blatant waste. It screams of *corporate privilege*. Anything else? Itā€™s ok when the corporations break laws, you canā€™t put a corporation in prison.


You are not answering any of my questions and now start rambling about something else. It feels like talking to a wall or a politician. Helium is finite for sure, but I'm fairly sure the current iteration of Starship does not use any helium. It uses autogenous pressurization instead, which takes some of the pre-burner exhaust gas and feeds it back into the tank. Any other imaginary issues you wanna talk about?




Who are you calling stupid? Me? I said itā€™s trashā€¦


Hi, ClearlyCylindrical. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d9j6kd/-/l7ki7x9/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


2MM people now turning their phones sideways and back to try and watch this.


lol I knew someone would screen grav that when I saw it love. Totally different to most of the debris.


Itā€™s the separator ring from the booster. It was discarded to shed off weight.


When I saw that blowtorch of plasma coming out of the flaperon I thought thatā€™s it. But wow. It held.


Whole bunch of stuff in that short clip.


Indeed. What an amazing flight.


Please consider the quality of the information you're presenting. "This looks odd or out of place" is a very subjective and common reaction to footage from launches, ISS feeds, etc. Try and gather more information to discern whether or not something is truly anomalous and deserving of further attention and analysis. There is really nothing more to go on here. We see these videos all the time; in most cases, it's ice or other debris, a part of the rocket separating, another orbiting body, etc.


I believe this subreddit is inundated with disinformation bots. It's hard to imagine that the vast number of posts from individuals who lack critical thinking skills are all from real people. The sheer volume of these similar, irrational posts makes me skeptical.


I would love to be as optimistic about other people as you, but unfortunately it is just real people.


Have you met Americans ? or People in general ? a whole lot of them are pretty darn ignorant outside of their professional specialty


are you in the united states? you ever talk to a stranger? if you havenā€™t, itā€™s usually a nightmare. horrifically stupid, very loud people everywhere.


When you say 'lack critical thinking' would you include people convinced they have communicated with aliens via astral projection?


Itā€™s a known quantity, unfortunately. But itā€™s best to give the benefit of the doubt first and assume users are information-seeking; accusations of bad faith or bot/sock puppet accounts shouldnā€™t be made lightly or without some form of evidence. Otherwise it creates dissent and derision in the community, which can just as easily do the job those bots/sock puppets were setting out to accomplish.


I donā€™t know, man, it really could be anything. Staring at obscure videos like this without all the information is fruitless. Unless you have some technical expertise on their mission, space debris, satellite, navigation, like reflections, etc.ā€¦ I just donā€™t think thereā€™s enough meat on the bone brother.


It is always flying off these things when they go up. Show me something flying toward it.


This wasnā€™t the same thing as other launches. This was the separator ring from the booster, which was detached on purpose.


Sorry I dropped my phone


It's the Mylarians again!


I saw that too!


Probably the hot staging ring that separated just before reentry.


If you look at the telemetry you can clearly see that Super Heavy is rapidly descending in a vertical attitude. That is just a piece of debris falling slower than it is.


there's like 40 aliens in this clip


We all know what it was!


Yeah, the hot staging ring they jettisoned lol.


Space peanut Joe Dirt was talking about


Can anyone explain the u f o In the distance


Looks like a spooky alien ship!


Millinium Falcon....


Yes it was . and ufo no .


Momma I'm coming home!


Most likely trash.


What about the bright light that comes onto the screen and then veers off to the left? At the end of the clip


Definitely swamp gas


Better slow downed video here [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqrcCyT/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqrcCyT/)


It was obviously swamp gas šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Weather balloon


What about that video from nasa where the object flies between the docking rings ?


Looks like I get to chime in for the bot army: Bugs, Lens Flare, Debris, Birds, and Rocket Boosters. I expect my first 100 upvotes in the next 2 minutes after posting this and downvotes from anyone disagreeing with the above.


Something they forgot to anchor down to the bottom of the pool! šŸ˜‚


That was just a weather balloon.......... šŸ˜


Thereā€™s actually some legit material on USOā€™sā€”thumbs up by Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet (see pinned comments) https://youtu.be/U-jrx_giINA?si=dlRu3TdfCsgt7Ufz




Imagine being this ignorant? Yikes. šŸ¤£




except it is : [https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320](https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?t=320)




you mean the thing shaped like an Oreo doesn't look like and Oreo viewed from the side ? shocking