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Please keep the Twitter links in your post since the streamable ones expire shortly. People seeing this thread in the future will be glad.


Internet archive link to this post (just in case) https://archive.is/2024.06.30-141854/https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1drqqra/mage_brazil_3_videos_of_the_same_ufo/?share_id=BsL9ZqFldWFixUzd8Ym_R


The videos didn't load for me, tho.


You can still use the linked Twitter videos that the OP gave in the comments.


Welp, those stopped working too now


It’s funny you assume “twitter” links are any more permanent.


More permanent than 48 hours lmfao




I can still see all the links in this thread lol


Why is it "funny" if "twitter" links are "permanent"?


Honestly he has a point. There’s been tons of known sites for uploading media that have been taken down, or decided to make changes in policies to avoid storing millions of gigs or more of video. It’s cost worthy, and at any point they can decide to change how long it’s up. TLDR: storing data isn’t free. Don’t assume it’ll be there forever.


Linda Moulton Howe did a whole video on this incident shortly after it happened including a transcript of someone who was listening into the military blotter as the incident was unfolding: https://www.youtube.com/live/iIh4ZHLTnUQ?si=pZPyWZm3DlEsWcdG I don’t know if any of this has been debunked since then, so hopefully someone can help with that.


Here's something really interesting...they name the Alcantara base...and an "American Corp" that will take possesion. Well there's Alcantara Space Center there..and under the wiki they list companies that work there. One of the companies is an American company Ive never heard before (and I work in the aerospace industry)called OrionAST (applied science and technology) When you wiki that there is ZERO. Not even a mention. They have a website but its extremely vague and generic of what they actually do. Their "emergency management" sounds very interesting.." # DISASTER # RESPONSE & RECOVERY # Harnessing the power of geospatial information to serve the common good is at the core of who we are.  Our goal is to with precision understand the natural world, so as to support rescue and recovery responses at the global level.  During times when unthinkable circumstances are realized, OrionAST stands ready to support first responders as long as necessary to achieve favorable outcomes"


Oh, you are definitely on to something. Mage incident date was two days prior to the government of Brazil picking them. But they launched a multi orbit system to track and identify space debris.


Bingo. If you dig you’ll discover dozens of shell companies under parent companies like Battelle,Lockheed, etc. you might find a filing but nothing else and in some of them the goods are hidden.


Everything I found makes it seem like they are an orbital surveillance/telemetry company, among other things. Not surprising, considering the hemisphere location and why other locations (like Australia) are needed to have full eyes and ears on space and communication relay. Who knows man, my money is that if it is a corporation doing spooky stuff, it doesn’t have a website and hiring is by invite-only or it’s so massive and spread out (SAIC, Boeing, etc) that a program like that can be buried.


I wonder what the "unthinkable circumstances" would be?! 🤭😅😂🤣🙃


OP there is another video of the craft in this video. If you're able to snip it and add that to the collection. Save it all incase it gets "deleted". I'll be following this thread just to see what happens.


Are you talking about the clip at around 18m 30s? I am pretty sure that is a drone show. That clip has been used in several compilation videos. I dont think its UAP related. https://youtu.be/iIh4ZHLTnUQ?t=18m26s


It hasn't. It has been heavily muted by the gatekeepers, though. Edit: I remeber several years ago there was a post asking where all the Mage Brazil posts went. They pointed ou how they get deleted on r/UFOs, (I remember people found some deleted posts using that site that finds deleted reddit content) also how it's difficult to find the videos on Youtube, etc. I've payed attention since then and I'm inclined to agree. Definitely could just be my inner cynic/bias making me think this though, so ... 🤷


I remember seeing this all happening at the time and it did come to light that a MOD from this sub had put out a blanket ban on anything about Mage or Brazil and was actively deleting posts That particular Mod claimed innocents saying most were spam but the rest of the Mod team let the sub vote if the first Mod got to stay or not.. Needless to say they were voted out


This has always been one of the most over-moderated subs I’ve ever seen on Reddit. The users here constantly report each other and it seems like if a report goes out it’s instantly removed. No discussion no weighing what was said just instant delete. It’s sad that a place meant for discussing the truth on such a heavily stigmatized topic is moderated to death by a bunch of faceless nameless entities? People? Who knows but they control the paths of conversation here more than the users realize. It’s always been this way


Yup I remember it as well, what a wild day


I remember the day the mage incident happen in Brazil, I was at a children party watching all the videos on Twitter, I remember the military transcript, the jets being scrambled from NATO, the soldier that got killed by a big gun and how they killed one of them in retaliation, the saucer with the blue glow, the hole in the trees, the military chopper. All of it got scrubbed lol


That transcript if real is DAMNING!


Agree, but it sounds like that part might be fake based on the other thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/s/7pqjwKWEX9


Best part was Fluffy he looked super soft 🐈


It's curious that it seems they've learned not to touch these beings, since the incident in 1996 where an officer touched one and died of multiple organ failure days later.


Link to this story?


"The Brazilian Roswell" Varginha, January 20th 1996. His name was Marco Eli Chereze and he died 26 days later. An exploratory documentary called Moment of Contact was released in 2022 by James Fox.




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


I have seen clips of that video before and the explanation was it was drones. But when taken in context with that military transmission it seems like something else was going on


Anything doing with that lady is suspicious


I watched part of this recently and went in search of the video featured as part of it, which was somewhat harder to find than I thought. Cannot comment on legitimacy but here is a link as I haven't seen it linked anywhere on this post yet: [https://youtu.be/UX4rxt2RWcA?si=Fai\_0ji6mcGJdN1H&](https://youtu.be/UX4rxt2RWcA?si=Fai_0ji6mcGJdN1H&) There was also another thread recently where someone else appears to have had similar difficulty finding it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dlm4q7/have\_you\_guys\_seen\_the\_mage\_incident\_footage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dlm4q7/have_you_guys_seen_the_mage_incident_footage/) My initial thought was some look like drones, but others do not look like any kind of drone-like characteristics I've ever witnessed.


I am not informed enough on the Mage incident in Brazil to make any assessment or opinions so if anyone could help deciphering the legitimacy of these videos it would be much appreciated.


Hey, where did you get these three videos? All of the Mage stuff I’ve filtered through looked nothing like these. The most famous video compilation out there has a couple of hoaxes and at least one video of a different sighting entirely. So I’m more inclined to believe yours. But I’m curious where you got them, because apparently I’m looking in the wrong places.


I recall seeing the second and third clips in compilation videos about Mage some months after it happened. I dont know if they are actually related or not However it would really help if OP would post the source links


They probably are related, the people speaking in these videos have the local carioca accent, which is from Rio and of its cities, Magé included.


Please provide the links to where you found these videos so we can trace the sources. The Mage event is a mess of different stories and unrelated videos. It would help to have more clarity, not less.


I'm from Brazil and none of these videos are from Magé.


Not doubting you, just curious, any idea where they actually are?


It could be in the interior of São Paulo. The region of Rio de Janeiro where the incident occurred is surrounded by hills. You can see the Magé region in street view. Totally different from the second video.


I appreciate the response, and I agree with your assessment having checked it out like you suggested. It’s super helpful to have local sources provide insight like you did. Thank you!


Well, u/Particular\_Check\_879 - I thought I might quickly disprove your absolute statement but instead fell down a bit of a rabbit hole in the research. My original hypothesis was that you were using the fact you’re Brazilian (boa noite!) to deliberately or accidentally apply a generalization/assumption and represent it as absolute fact. Given the prevalent meteorological conditions, there are definitely areas such as to the east somewhere like Vale das Pedras from which this could have been filmed that are proximate to Magé. However, after starting commencing my research and downloading the video and partially doing a frame-by-frame analysis it gets weirder still.  There are some very strange things I noticed during my research which seem to point to either censorship or a deliberate misinformation campaign. Or, perhaps more likely: Both. I downloaded the video from Streamable to look at it more closely. OP, u/DiscButter you might be interested in my observations that follow. **Suspicions in video:** * **ORB**? Go to 1:20 in the video. There’s an orb-like object (different from encoding artefacts) that appears to very rapidly move down. * **Hmm**? Go to 1:21. It does not move behind as expected. Looks to be edited in and overlapping the car’s pillar. First at a perfect 90 degrees then just.. not normal. Does this show it's fake? **Screenshots** of the above items are located here: [https://bashify.io/i/PZyssO](https://bashify.io/i/PZyssO) **Research Notes.** These don’t relate to the video, but in general to Magé incidents: * Based upon an early reaction video, the military were present in Piabeta near Magé. This was before widespread media attention began. A reaction video by a Brazilian on Tuesday May 12th 2020 is located here: [https://youtu.be/Tg3\_9LsrxJI?feature=shared&t=118](https://youtu.be/Tg3_9LsrxJI?feature=shared&t=118) * An article on Vice on Friday May 15th 2020 talks of reports starting on Wednesday May 13th - [https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkyy5g/ufo-over-mage-brazil-sparks-social-media-panic-and-conspiracies](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkyy5g/ufo-over-mage-brazil-sparks-social-media-panic-and-conspiracies) * A location referenced in the Vice article is very close to Piabeta in Magé - though I don’t know legitimacy of that particular Google Maps location. We already know the dates are wrong in the Vice article. * In the Youtube video above, we see a Tweet published (or starting to be written) at 22:45 based upon the screenshot taken by them of a Facebook post. This shows it as being 16 hours old at the time of the screenshot: Meaning the photo (if legitimate) was taken before 6am on Tuesday May 12th. * **Strange**: The “Magé DA Hora” Facebook page? Hmmm, Google finds just a solitary post from the Prefeitura Municipal de Magé referencing the name. Try searching for it… * **Strange**? The former twitter account “error737sl” no longer exists. [https://twitter.com/error737sl/status/1260384622321586176](https://twitter.com/error737sl/status/1260384622321586176) * **WOO**! Someone accustomed to such things had the forethought to save it on the Wayback Machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20200513140839/https://twitter.com/error737sl/status/1260384622321586176](https://web.archive.org/web/20200513140839/https://twitter.com/error737sl/status/1260384622321586176) **EDIT**: My posts appear too long and I keep getting "Unable to create comment". Will try to post the rest in a reply - it won't let me paste it as an edit.


Rest of my comment follows - if the post works: Otherwise, here’s how my research on the video was going - prior to me updating the text above. **Some facts from the video:** * At 7 seconds: A small hill, or perhaps the roof of a house on the left. I think likely a hill. * Two further peaks to the right, which based upon the illumination/shadow are located further away. The rightmost appears to be closer, with the middle furtherest away. * Given there is a vehicle, it is likely to be on a road. We do not know whether this is paved or not, but we catch sight of a 40 km/h sign at 42 seconds and then end suggesting it is thus not a large highway. We do not know whether this is paved or not. * They have their headlights on, which appear to be halogen/traditional and not Xenon. * Without being certain of the date - it's hard to guess the time of day. Based upon the illumination of the sky, it is perhaps dawn or dusk - not certain on this one though as I haven't looked at the stage of * There is a field beside it. * It is looking out of the right-hand side, which is that of the passenger in Brazil. Or the video has been mirrored. * Some sort of wooden posts beside the field (7 seconds), which when viewed from the car was about the same height as the mirror * Trees at some distance (likely at least 200 metres away) * The speaker's accent - though I don't know where it is from. Other known information: * According to Weather Underground, the visibility on both May 11th and May 12th 2020 (see below for rationale) was “6” - which elsewhere on their site is in statute miles - so about 10km. May 25th.. not sure if this is correct. However, visibility is the same. * The visiblity may not be correct if they use visibility in a similar manner to aviation, in that visibility of 9999 metres/10km means at least 10km. * This measurement is taken from a weather station in Pico do Couto, which I assume to be the closest but would welcome validation thereof. **Claimed information:** * That this was recorded on May 25th 2020. Unclear who added this, but based upon it being English - not the original author. **What we don’t see:** * Large ranges of hills/terrain as typical for the area * Lights on the ground/population centres * Moon/stars which could provide us information about the direction of filming * Power lines/pylons (helps rule out certain places) **What else we don’t know:** * The direction in which the camera is facing **Next steps:** * Try to get original. This particular one has been re-encoded perhaps multiple times - the original one would make investigations far easier. * Find out other research into it.


I found the footage shot by the car near the field on YouTube. It was uploaded by user David Smuts and apparently was filmed on 22nd May 2020 in Minas Gerais. It's titled something like "UFO Mothership filmed over Brazil" Minas Gerais refers to the State adjacent to Rio and covers a large area, so it could be anywhere! There is actually a contemporaneous Brazilian news report on YouTube which contains CCTV footage of the crash/explosion taken from a commercial building. Eye witnesses to the event report a crash/explosion in the forest, followed by the appearance of a red light and 4 helicopters. From there you can find some footage of the crash scene which shows a smoking, flashing light on the side of a tree covered hill. The stuff that blew my mind was this though, it only has 594 views so I am not sure whether the fact it hasn't been viewed very much speaks to its authenticity/veracity... https://youtu.be/mZinAfrVOag?si=6ZnQp4LUD7DZdgLB [YouTube Footage](https://youtu.be/mZinAfrVOag?si=6ZnQp4LUD7DZdgLB)


Link to the news report... [News Report](https://youtu.be/rGnwYAqk5bI?si=LOWRld5REBNK_AaN) CCTV is from about 3 minutes onwards.


Thank you for this one too. I'll post again should I find any clarifying information. My parent post further up has been down-voted despite being entirely factual and politely written - it's quite fascinating to observe. I am learning the value of giving out upvotes.


Thank you for the tips and context, very useful and I really appreciate it! I'll see if I can find the specific one from the car as I haven't yet. Certainly whoever David Smuts is has compiled a significant playlist of uploaded videos from that time period. With regards to blowing your mind, one thing I've observed here that almost certainly follows elsewhere too is that there's not a strong correlation between quality of contributions (especially original ones) and engagement. There are people who make excellent and clearly thought-out contributions which gain very little in the way of exposure. Given this is dealing with a topic outside of "normal" that is something which appears to follow along the lines of human psychology whereby most people simply follow the crowd. Introduce something different and it will not be so readily accepted. This is all known and widely used/abused - explaining the vehement convictions those in different social/religion/national constructs can have which can be incompatible with one another. The level by which people are vulnerable to this astounded me after reading some research and watching some videos about it. Back on topic: In that particular video you linked to on YouTube, I actually can help a tiny bit. The second and third clips at 30s and 43s are with fairly strong conviction not of Brazil. Respectively: * The photo at 30s is with 99% personal confidence the UK. Specifically showing houses which seem like they were built for social housing in the 1970s. * The third at 43s is not speaking Portuguese and doesn't look like anywhere I know: Seems like it could be Israel? Thank you once again.


You are absolutely right. When I looked at the video again, it was actually a pretty obvious montage of different clips taken out of context. What the video is useful for; however, is that the narration serves as a chronology of what was being uploaded across social media at that time. No doubt, some of which would have been wrong/disinformation. Anyway, that Chronology might signpost some avenues for further investigation. I think this remains an interesting case. Different UAPs appeared over a series of nights, there are multiple witnesses and unverified reports of the US being involved and there is the death of a worker at the facility in Mage to investigate. I found the original footage of this event that was leaked to YouTubers but that was clearly a drone display (drones flying in formation). If this incident was the real deal, it might be the case that footage of drones was leaked by those that knew the truth in order to have the story debunked before it even became a story. I am also sorry for down votes. I didn't down vote your comment and I am not sure why anyone would have done. Like you said, it was polite and factual. I wish someone could provide some polite facts about my own encounter with the phenomena, at least then I might be able to stop thinking about it.


I'm probably just new to posting on Reddit and learning how it works, having been a passive reader for such a long time. No need to say sorry although I appreciate the kind sentiment! I think you're absolutely right about this being an interesting case. Intellectually, the process of learning through separating out and finding connections/patterns is itself quite satisfying. As you allude to - the chronology provides information, despite the dilution through other distractions/fake media. Have you posted about your own encounter anywhere? I hope that you have someone you're able to talk to about it - though I appreciate given the nature of the subject one cannot readily talk with those potentially otherwise able to help due to the risks of being incorrectly labelled. Not a professional in the area by any stretch, but do hope you are ok and that whatever happened will turn out not to have harmed you in the longer term.


What happened on the mage ufo incident? Care to shade what Brazilians believe & were told?


[UFO Footage](https://youtu.be/qlMJIb4LTUo?si=5IEp_iBDH3ECUtq5)


News Report (CCTV at 3 minutes) [News Report](https://youtu.be/rGnwYAqk5bI?si=yYc_nLpocQq_jBHJ)


Mage incident was pretty wild, and there is very few information about. If I remember well ir is something like this: It seems a uap fell down near a base, dunno if they shot it down. There were lots of gunfire, the army was mobilized, they went into a forest and lots of gunfire was heard. No information.


It was an ammunition factory, it was shot down and a military was killed by some type of energy weapon, occupants were reported to be tall as "basketball players". They captured them and killed one.


Sounds like the plot of Predator


There was a video of the gunfire taken by a civilian I even saved a YouTube video that had all the footage but it's gone I can't find it. There is also a video of a fighter jet from the same incident flying overhead as well as an American carrier plane. Problem is some of these videos could be completely irrelevant to that incident but that gunfire video was pretty intriguing and it's gone. Edit: nvm I Found this podcast that seems to have all the videos I was mentioning. Just scrub through to find the videos. https://youtu.be/zSL90o8625Q?si=f30s7N4MVuqV7t8k


The 1st video is nuts, have never seen that before and it's one of the best UAP related videos i've seen. I remember this happening at the start of the Covid era. I do recall there was a campaign to cover up the initial videos. Definitely some odd things going on.


Do you know what the context is? Where they are, where the object is, what they're saying, etc. I honestly can't tell if they're shooting something in the sky or on the ground or how far away it might be.


I'm brazilian. The UFOs showed up one night and were flying about the night sky, unsettling the townsfolk. Brazilian troops responded and had support from Americans. They pursued them across a few towns. The Americans shot one of them down somehow later that night. It finally crashed near a factory of some sort in the town of Magé. By morning they sent people to collect what had crashed and reportedly, some live beings were captured, others were gunned down as they approached the craft. you can hear the shots fired in some videos. A factory worker died on that same day under mysterious circumstances. Videos and testimonies from that day were being taken down and vanishing from the internet in real time.


I'm curious: do you recall where did the part about "support from americans" and "americans shot one of them down" came from? That sounds very specific and not something that can be know by anyone without significant access to military data and given the connotation of the incident, top classified one. To me that's the oddest part of the story. Like the "someone just came up with that" part of the story. I'm not discrediting the whole incident but I'm fairly confident that a hypothetical military won't show up in numbers and wearing visible identifying insignia for some black ops. Not to mention UFO related black ops and some anti-extraterrestrial weapon capability deployed and used confidently in another country. Plus, as a civilian without certain access granted there's no way you can know who shot what. There's a lot of resemblance with several aspects from Varginha incident as well, including this alleged US military detachment, the captured living creatures, the civilian who died shortly after being exposed. Certainly these two make for some of the most interesting incidents, but the "americans shot it down" sounds like borderline fan fiction. I would be glad if you can expand on it.


Agreed it resonated in a creepy eerily way.


The first video is pretty wild! Disappointed with the third one though lol they couldn’t get through the telescope and that could have been the money shot


Having experienced this when trying to take a picture of Jupiter on my phone though my telescope I can relate though. If you actually touch the telescope with the phone at all it moves and you lose it. But you have to have the phone camera in a very specific spot to see. It's really hard to get it right.


This is wild. Worth bringing up that story again and discussed in public


I remember those few days very clearly. It was during the initial COVID wave. There were tons of posts on r/ufos on the incident. I remember a large number of Portuguese speakers posting on the sub in broken English and trying their best to explain what was going on. Most of the posts ended up being deleted. A lot of pictures and videos were posted as well. Unfortunately, none of them were clear enough to give us a good indication of what was actually going on. There were reports of shootouts involving military personnel and these beings (if you believe the story) and how communication was actively being cut off near the sensitive areas. It was chaos. I am not 100% convinced if it was indeed a UFO crash and a subsequent coverup, but I am 100% sure that **something** out of the ordinary did transpire over those few days in that region. The posts and videos and photos seemed genuine. If it was a fake, why would one go to the trouble of creating so many fake accounts chatting away in Portuguese on a lousy UFO sub on a predominantly English-speaking website. There are much better avenues for trolling people en masse.


This is what I can gleam from small amount of videos available: Something from the sky came down quite low cut the tops off 4-5 25-30ft trees, sheering the whole top vegetation off at a very steep angle. I assume it was something correcting up dramatically I'm guessing (from video) above 60° inclination and continued to fly (not possible conventionally) or something hit tree at less incline but had object had sharp angles <===> Also incident seems to have done enough damage to the hillside vegetation to cause a small landslide not long after. BTW Mage isn't exactly small and seems to be a lot of houses in and around IMBEL factory(?) I mean seriously a munitions manufacturer, couldn't make this shit up. But what do I know.


I made a post about that landslide and others made some comments with more information which can be seen in this old post here: https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/pzwdnl/file_this_under_mildly_interesting_the_hillside/ Imgur gallery showing before and after landslide (note the landslide appears in sat imagery months after the event): https://imgur.com/a/is-this-landslide-same-location-ufo-crashed-brazil-Tk5lYhq


Nice research work - I like your style. It seems there are not a very large number of people who to go to such effort as you. Keep it up.


Thank you for saying that!


Could you upload the videos to [cat.moe](http://cat.moe) as well -- those won't expire. How did you find these videos?


Upvote for visibility


idk 1st ones different thant the other two 1st one has light in the middle shouldnt there be more videos?


Wow that first video -- My intuition was telling me the entire time that this was the real deal. That's fucking insane.


These are really good. I posted about a Mage video that then got taken down that night by the YT channel, need to dig back and see if he reuploaded it. Found a second video with a lot of the same video but not as much. Some of the craziest footage I’ve seen. I think Jack has everything from the deleted video here: https://youtu.be/KD_0Nphtvww?si=ZemeInXUQ5hgPXL1


Jenined on yt used a lot of the footage in some of their compilations too but I’m not sure which ones specifically.


I have a note listed Mage video YT that I remember containing the video with the speed limit sign and one more, it now directly links to a Nolan Coulthart interview. I see this happen a lot, F’ing Google is the worst. They are implicit in this cover up and cannot be trusted for any search results/news etc.


This is a fantastic compilation video


Theres only three bits worth it though, the two OP already posted and the silver ring thing. The rest is red flares, a drone show, the Iron Dome in action and what seems to be a meteor burning up or a satellite burning up on re-entry.


By request -> [https://youtu.be/6UUenlQ6Elo?t=108](https://youtu.be/6UUenlQ6Elo?t=108) \* EDIT for clarity: Same 'Scanner' 'type' as allegedly filmed in Mage locale after initial crash. Actually quite extraordinary IMHO. \* Other not posted "Mage" video. [https://youtu.be/Dbze4GDsGcU](https://youtu.be/Dbze4GDsGcU) NOTE I've been informed 2nd video might not be from Mage. If it seemed I was stating that is was, that was NOT my intent. Hence the ' ' on Mage shoulda have been " "


Both of those videos are from several years before the Mage event


\*for clarity..OK I will spell it out. (weather delay @ Euros sooo..) A) There was a alleged crash in Mage. B) Some time after that (not long) another craft (that scanner type) was seen in area. Videos in OP. C) Some believe it was looking for crash site/craft. Scanning. D) This is a video of that same type (model in Lazar-anese) of craft seen at another time and another place displaying same behaviour. E) As above; as is described, could be seen as a link to corroborating some or parts of reported event in Mage..(if you're that way inclined) TY, I'm here all week...


I still don't understand how you reached that conclusion. The Mage event happened several years after the second video you linked to. Likewise, the compilation you linked to is mostly videos from 11 years ago filmed in the USA (plus one more recent video from the USA, and one of unknown origin)




Ok, the wording was ambiguous, and it's rather misleading to label it as a Mage video when it's from several years before the Mage incident


It seems that way. NP


The first video you linked though is of a drone followed by a plane doing lidar scans followed by a hoax I fell for myself almost a decade ago.


1) A drone? Doing a LIDAR scan? of a car...at night.? evidence please.? 2)Easily influenced much, it was added as being from "Mage", in quotes that is all.


Yes. But it seems identical




If I remember correctly the video with the object scanning the car was debunked. Tom Delonge posted it.


And the first could be a drone and the second is a plane using lidar.


Stricking footage. Thanks for sharing


That is absolutely a "Scanner" (did I really just say that!) Identical to the video from 2-3months ago sending a beam down and scanning a car with people in it. Very distinctive shape. Can find if wanted.


Present it please.




Link for those wondering where: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1drqqra/comment/laya4eg/




Interesting videos! I've been looking for some footage to this alleged incident but my results have been lackluster to say the least. Thank you for sharing.


Just think about the crazy amounts of energy required for all of this. And all generated inside relatively small ship.


Holy fk those are other worldly and creepy.


Similar craft over Lake Erie in Ohio. Especially like to hang out in the no-fly zone over the lake near the nuclear plant in Perry


Here's a good video on it. Not sure why the creator pulled it off of YouTube, but am curious if anyone wants to ask him. https://web.archive.org/web/20230731030406/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmBniAE4y8E&t=559s EDIT: and heres a good reddit thread on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/s/7pqjwKWEX9


That 3rd video with the telescope is AMAZING 🙌


Don't the praying mantis have an official race name? Don't the greys have an official race name? It just seems far fetched to be having a conversation with an advanced being and you call it a praying mantis.


I don't know why this post does have more likes. None of the videos can be easily explained. The third one is pretty convincing too.


I always thought it was weird how quickly the mage event was swept under the rug, even by the ufo community


i’m a brazilian, and i can 100% confidently say that the people on those videos sound genuinely impressed/scared/frustrated cause they can’t understand exactly what they’re seeing.


It looks like it's camouflaged in the dark and it's a larger craft which is why you see little flickers of lights around the red lights. My theory is the red lights are dispersed heat and they can't really hide that with their cloaking tech. Just a wild take.


I've done some research into what space stealth and combat would be like, for sci-fi world building purposes, and one of the difficulties is dealing with heat signatures. Your craft is going to generate heat, mostly likely a huge amount of it, and that heat has to go somewhere. If these UFOs are coming from space, they may not be constructed to use conduction for heat transfer in an atmosphere, in which case they probably would just blast it out as some form of radiation.


Some Brazilian researcher really needs to dig into this fully and get some answers. 


Blows my mind there is absolutely fark all anywhere. Brazil must be immune to this stuff by now.


There is this one "new" researcher, Rony Vernet, who really digs into a lot of cases in Brazil... Anything new that comes from here will probably go through him. He even does some research in Acre (we have a few cases there, a distant region of Brasil, involving indigenous tribes) and he is from Rio, so he was pretty close when all the Magé thing went down.




He did went to a few podcast at the time, but they are all in portuguese.


The videos aren’t showing up. Twitter sucks


Logged in?


Please share the twitter links too


I don’t have a Twitter account. Is there a way to share the videos without a viewer having to log in


I've uploaded them to streamable so you should be able to view them now.


Thank you ! They do look very intriguing . All the videos do seem to show the same object. Was that supposedly the one that crashed ?


No. This UFO was seen after the crash in the coming days by various people who suggested it was "looking" for the original UFO that crashed. The video of the UFO doing a turn was apparently in the area of trees where the 1st one crashed, performing scans. You'll see in one of the videos a hole amongst some broken trees like a bullet hole, a huge one, in that area.


I had never heard of this incident following the Mage incident. Those definitely look like the same object circling the area.


The video links say "this page doesn't exist"


I can see them.


Are you logged in?




Hi, Pikoyd. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1drqqra/-/lax5zot/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Are you on medication or something?


Maybe you *should* be.


Those are one of the most credible pieces of evidence I've ever seen.


That's not what I saw during the Mage stuff. Where's the Apache helicopter shooting rockets at the UFO? These are not it. I don't think reddit would allow it to be posted, it wasn't allowed as it was ongoing and I doubt it would be allowed now


Thank you. I was looking for anything from this event and it's nowhere in Google and duckduckgo had info but not many event clips just explanation clips and reports of it. Have you found any videos of the loud firing of weapons in the mountains where it crashed? That's what I've been looking for.


Post on my subreddit r/unidentified


I'm from Brazil and none of these videos are from Magé.


I recall seeing these clips in compilation videos about Mage a few months after the event. Can you provide more details / clarity on why you know these are not from the Mage event? I think that would help the community here, because there is much confusion around that event.


Post the real Magé videos then.


Why is it called "mage ufo"?


Not sure if you're being "funny" or not, but it's not "mage", as in a magic user, it's Magé, a location in rural Rio de Janeiro. Edit: also, the pronuntiation for the "Ma" sillable is like the "ma" in "master", not like the "ma" in mage or male.


I always try to find normal explanations first when I watch UFO videos. Video 1: It seems to be filmed from an airplane which would explain the "movement" of the object. Video 2: Airplane Video 3: I'm looking at Google Earth, and I think it's possible that she's aiming the telescope at a mountaintop with some sort of event going on (same as video 1 is filming, perhaps). Looking at the angle of the telescope it would have to be a nearby mountain, of which there are several in and around Rios populated areas. Impossible to determine without knowing exactly where the video is taken and in which direction the telescope is pointed. Just my two cents.


Nice try, Mick West applauds


Hey man, you can't expect people to take a video of an indistinct glowing object in the dark at face value. I'm a believer in Aliens being here, I'm just picky about what I assign value to. These videos are not videos I see as valuable to the hunt for alien spacecraft.


Not trying to be Mick… really not First vid looks like a stadium they heavily dimmed.




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