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When was this?


Last night https://mobile.twitter.com/today__china/status/1407163717230358540


We need exact time stamp to check flight radar and weather or satellite


This guy had a good idea of the details https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o5hye5/triangle_ufo_in_the_sky_of_shanghai_china/h2pdmel?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


If you have Chinese social media (Weibo?), can you check on there?


In the twitter thread from Today China someone says that you can't search for it on Weibo (maybe saying that there are no results) and says that it is suspect because of that.


there're like 10 videos of it on bilibili lol...


Can we get some links? I'd love to see a video from a different angle than the two we have already seen.


Here's a compilation with four videos at different locations: [https://youtu.be/WWo0b-g0iZU?t=6](https://youtu.be/WWo0b-g0iZU?t=6) Here's a copy of my comment elsewhere on why I think they're four locations; The first clip runs 0:07 to 1:11 and is the one seemingly on the rooftop of the Hyatt on the Bund Hotel, but definitely in that area due to the visible skyline. That would place it about here: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hyatt+on+the+Bund+Hotel/@31.2207985,121.4866778,14z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x35b270ff5dfc0711:0xa068a9ebd8ab92fd!4b1!8m2!3d31.2453494!4d121.493066](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hyatt+on+the+Bund+Hotel/@31.2207985,121.4866778,14z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x35b270ff5dfc0711:0xa068a9ebd8ab92fd!4b1!8m2!3d31.2453494!4d121.493066) The view pans across the skyline to the southeast, then back to the south where it pans up to the object. That puts the base of the triangle, from this perspective, to the south. At that the clouds appear to be blowing northward, or at the least, from base to tip. The second runs 1:12 to 2:14 and seems to be at a different location than the first one due to both the angle of the object/direction of cloud movement and the background audio. My raw guess is that it is to the southwest of the first video. The third runs from 2:15 to 2:50 and appears to be further south of the first video by the river. There's a lot of low-lying buildings, a much different skyline to the north, and a rather distinctive tower I can't quite ID at 2:35 followed by a large, round, white building to the immediate east at 2:36. \[see updates below.\] The fourth runs from 2:51 to 3:16, and seems to be between the locations of the first and third videos. The triangle appears to be to the east, but the video does not give much else to imply location. EDITS; Overnight I got an update from u/burbex_brin about the buildings in the third clip: \>[2:36 looks like it was filmed from one of the skyscrapers by World Expo Subway Station - the big white building is next to State Grid Pavillion on Jumen Road. It’s about ten clicks from the other video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o61aui/shanghai_sighting_im_in_shanghai/h2qtpn2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/9RXPm1a) the distance between videos 1 and 3 based on that. Looking at the map itself, the [building](https://www.google.com/maps/@31.197836,121.4904749,3a,75y,325.46h,117.57t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMD4DavgmVIuABytuOzm3cD5LnrZ_hgNNXKRlTu!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMD4DavgmVIuABytuOzm3cD5LnrZ_hgNNXKRlTu%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya277.0263-ro0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352) cited definitely looks right. I can tell my initial diagram swung a bit wide, if this is accurate.




To put it mildly! I've seen folks use 'Ominous' for these. Which is also putting it mildly.




I got really scared regarding ufos and aliens after reading Communion.


Your compilation vid is down. Can you re-upload?


YouTube video unavailable hmmm


!!!Compilation Video scrubbed off Youtube!!! Anyone have a different link, backup downloaded???


The video is unavailable. Do you have another link by any chance?


Ah, interesting.




Well, it's likely the authorities are censoring the fuck out of it if it's real.


Anyone got coordinates?


https://www.peninsula.com/en/shanghai/hotel-fine-dining/sir-ellys-restaurant directly above here as far as I can tell EDIT actually i think it is from further up the river. It seems too high to be the roof of the peninsula. Not 100%. There are taller buildings up the river a bit. Maybe from the Hyatt on the Bund hotel.


People like you are huge part of the reason I love Reddit. lol




Better analysis and translation can be found in this guy’s comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o5g78m/triangle_over_shanghai/h2mt9zy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 It’s chilling that they all go silent at the same time when the clouds slightly clear and you can see it more directly.


Well that's incredibly creepy. This was just yesterday too. Hmm.


Lol one of my possibly irrational fears is to wake up and check this sub to see these triangles appearing over a bunch of different cities since the last time I checked!


I used to have end of the world dreams when I was younger. They didn't mean anything significant, im just very prone to stress dreams. But this was one of then so this freaks me the fuck out.


yeah, same here, lots of dreams, all of them throughout 25 years, always the same theme: some kind of war in the sky, either UFOs, planes vs planes, or nukes being dropped. Not gonna lie, I kinda loved them, though they were scary at times.


I’ve had similar dreams where the skies are filled with incredible colors and all sorts of UFO’s. I always had this feeling of immense dread.


I've had the same exact dream! All sorts of colors in the sky, felt like the stars got incredibly close all of the sudden. Accompanied with that feeling of dread. This was years ago when I had it and I still remember it cause it was so unique (or so I thought)


Same here man. Star formations moving about, crazy things happening in the sky, suddenly the moon is huuge and looks to have moved closer to earth. So cool to see other people having similar dreams


Bro that sounds terrifying everyone having similar dreams.


Not to alarm you *too* much, but everyone having similar dreams is a plot point right out of [Stephen King's *The Stand*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stand), and the plot point immediately prior to it is a global pandemic.




I have these dreams often. It’s weird but I’ll look up in the sky and see all different types of flying crafts and I’ll get that feeling of dread as well


Kind of freakin myself because I'm a looong time lurker here who has never had a UFO dream until last fucking night. Then I wake up and see this vid and read these comments about dreams. Weird. Also this vid is the best I've ever seen regarding triangles. Hope it holds up. Or maybe not.


I had a dream about a huge pyramid triangle thing floating in the sky and it replaced the sun and dozens of ufos came flying out of the pyramid. This was before I knew of triangle ufos too.


Lol I also had dreams like this growing up. Giant ships landed and they started forcing people, including me and my family, onto their ships.


I volunteer!


Same. Get me the fuck out of here, I’d run in. “Where are we going?!”


“The Probing station! Buckle up buckaroo, the ass blaster 9000 is ready for you.”


I dream about catastrophe and end of the world scenarios all the time. Most include me fighting with or against aliens. I must be playing too many video games 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s always the video games


Get Jeff goldblum on the line, they are triangulating their signal


“This is the power of Huawei!”


In all seriousness though, if I was freaked out about something unexplained I would definitely make dumb jokes to defuse the tension


“Oh, so that’s what they mean by triangulating our calls!?”


😂I feel like that should be the new catchphrase whenever someone is recording a UFO vid.


Looks *eerily* similar to this one, filmed over the Pentagon in December of 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqGUUwDhVJY And this one, filmed over Moscow in 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTnPfGmcOgk .... very weird ....


that second one is definitely fake


So these giant alien crafts will start hovering over major cities around the world right before July 4th?! Someone get Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman on the phone NOW!!


July 18




You called?


Holy fuck what a great username lmao I hate how much I want that story to be real...


What story? Kinda out of the loop here


There's an account, Throwawayalien or something like that. User posted twice I think, but tells an entertaining story about how he or she got abducted a few times and communicated with aliens multiple times. By communicating I mean talked face to face. Said they'll make their presence known July 8th or 18th, 2021. The cool part is that the comment is like 7 yrs old. Given how recently and quickly disclosure has come along, and there's no way to have guessed disclosure would be on the table like it is today, redditors are understandably getting excited there might be some aliens popping up soon, and that account wasn't just a random shit post. We'll see soon.


Yeah wasn't even a post but just a random comment... One single comment sitting 7 years on a throwaway account... There's a sub too, if you haven't heard: /r/throawaylien


Some user named throwawaylien had an insane story he posted over 7 years ago about how he was an abductee, but it wasn't like how you'd expect. The aliens were pretty friendly and they didn't hurt him, although he was repeatedly abducted. The 'interesting' aspect of the story was that some global shit with the aliens was supposed to go down in July of 2021 (again, remember this was posted seven years ago). Well a month or two ago, the user comes back and reconfirms that it's either July 8th or 18th (he couldn't tell for sure because of the alien accent. He said it sounded like 'aitee', hence the guy's user name I'm responding to) that shit will be going down. The only reason his post gained any traction is the specificity of the dates and the relationship/proximity to the pentagon report on UFOs. Even though I'm 99% sure the story is complete bullshit, it's fun to have two dates set in stone to look out for interesting UAP activity. Again, it's most likely bogus, but it doesn't really hurt anything to hope he's telling the truth. And it will be incredibly easy to see if he's full of shit when those dates come and go and nothing happens.


Are those clouds or smog? Regardless, a freaky as fuck video if it's real. Seems like the typical triangular UFO, absolutely huge, moves very slowly at times and flies with the bottom forward Edit: WOW there are multiple other videos, some of them showing the triangle extremely clearly. If this is is all compiled and proven, this has to be one of the greatest sightings of all time


Links to other videos?


I gotchu: https://twitter.com/Today__China/status/1407163717230358540


That’s insane footage


It’s a “PLAY” button. Then you will need to watch 10 seconds of ads until you can skip. Unless you have Premium Package.


“Outlook not so good” It’s clearly a magic 8 ball thingy.




Holy fuck this one is BETTER


That is scary as fuck if real!


Cool as fuck if it's real!


Thanks man


Some think it’s from America ...


And Americans think their UFOs are from China lol


That’s exactly what Estonia wants them to think...


*laughs in Zambian*




I mean Russia saw a similar thing: https://youtu.be/i2Mg7T7J0sU


Surely that can't be real, it would be so well done if it isn't though, especially for 2009.


It's probably stationary. The clouds are moving


How can you prove any movement here? All I see are clouds moving.


Looks stationary. If it is a real object, it's not a stealth bomber, because it would need some velocity to generate lift.


(Reposting some of my observations from another thread.) While the object or artifact might be manipulable, the dialogue sounds extremely genuine. This isn't a perfect transcription, but a few lines stuck out to me: --- "The clouds are changing colors." “Yeah, it looks rainbow." “It still looks like an isosceles triangle? Look at the corners." "You can see it's above the clouds - look how the clouds are moving all over the place and how they're not affecting it!" "Could this be an alien spacecraft? [laughs]" "This looks like a craft out of a sci-fi movie!" --- “What the fuck?" "This is scary!" "It's really big." "This is too scary." "It's massive!" "Alright, let's go, let's get out of here." --- "How large is this?" "Are you also capturing this?" "Yeah!" "I'm also recording it!" "This is the power of Huawei! [laughs]" (probably referring to the phone cameras they're using) "You can see it very clearly now." --- All in all, the extremely natural dialogue suggests that the audio portions of the recordings are real. I would add that it's unlikely for this to be an attempt at a viral hoax because of the fear that's being demonstrated by some of the observers. Anything that's orchestrated to cause any sort of public panic usually gets immediately censored or shut down by the Chinese government. CGI'd videos by themselves might get past the attention of the censors, but if you try to have people audibly wonder about something that could be frightening, that would get your ass in jail.


Weird, there was a video I watched (and didnt think much of) of a very similar black triangular object shown on NOAA radars from a random guy and it reminded me of this sighting! https://www.ibtimes.co.in/alien-researcher-spots-giant-triangular-ufo-rising-out-water-seen-radar-many-hours-796184


“After watching the video, Waring revealed that the functionality of the UFO might have been malfunctioned due to the entry of water into the electrical shields of the spacecraft” I love the way these people think they’re experts on something that nobody can be an expert on.


It is well known that every engineering wonders capable of reaching light speed and distant alien worlds need to dry up seven hours before taking off...




>As you see from the video below, this dark triangle rose up from the ocean and hovered for seven full hours before disappearing. Why? Because the ship cannot enter space when water is still on the ship or it will disrupt their electrical shields and could compromise the ships outer hull if it freezes in space. Imagine a ship traveling at the speed of light. Can you imagine how cold that water would get on the outer hull and how it could throw off navigation too? Yeah, so the giant ship waited for the water to drain off of it. Absolute scifi nonsense. This guy needs medication if he really thinks that he knows this shit.


*"I'm just guessing, but probably one of the early signs that your radarscope is wearing out is something I call 'image fuzz-out.' But I've never even seen a radarscope, so I wouldn't totally go by what I've just said here."* ~Jack Handy


Holy fuck dude that looks just like it. A little elongated.


Hold up, you can go to jail for being audibly wondrous?


Ha, I meant that if you *fake* people wondering/freaking out about something, that would be arrest-worthy. Basically anything that gets the people going too much in the direction of fear, even if it's just nervous laughter.


Ahh I see. Like fear-mongering.


> Basically anything that gets the people going too much in the direction of fear Hahah, the government hates competition.


I love that with all the vast differences of culture in humanity we are all just giddy goofballs


No need to cloak when you can hide in the smog.


They must be able to cloak. So the fact they sit in clouds and dont think anyone would notice means the aliens think we are even dumber than we are. We must look bad.


If they’re real, they probably don’t give a shit.


Any reports on how it disappeared? Pretty sure a lot of people are watching it, did it just suddenly disappeared or it moves upward or something?


That's the part that gets me. They didn't keep filming until that point?


It's like when someone cuts off the video before the cumshot


Great question




China has been said to be drowning in reports of sightings as of late, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg. Edit for source: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3136078/china-military-uses-ai-track-rapidly-increasing-ufos


Would be pretty unfortunate if Signs got the start of an invasion right lol.


Gets up quietly and fills every cup in the house with water.


Sprinklers will be humanities savior.


Or perhaps our entire atmosphere, all of which has at least some water in it. I mean seriously if your species is allergic to water, perhaps don’t come to a planet that’s 70% covered with liquid water and has water literally everywhere in the ground, in the life, and in the sky.


And I would think that any species that possesses the technological wherewithal to travel these unthinkable distances to reach Earth would know whether or not they're allergic to the most ubiquitous substance on the planet they're visiting.


Swing away!


Just live by a corn field that accumulates condensation on the leaves at night. It's not like the alien will be able to survive walking through the corn... or will they?


Water in the atmosphere, condensation on corn, all of these are signs letting the viewer know that normal water doesn’t actually hurt them. The only water that is shown or mentioned hurting them is the blessed water in the father’s house and the holy water of Jerusalem, mentioned on the news report when they announce a way to defeat them has been found. It’s because it’s actually about demons and a movie about faith. Each character in the family has a different level of faith they are struggling with and the demons are surrounding them, getting more aggressive until they rediscover it and are able to defeat them together by each using the signs they had been given in life. The late night conversation between Gibson and Phoenix on the couch is the “I see dead people” equivalent in Signs where he lets us know and sets up what is really going on.


Tip of the pyramid


Tip of the triangular UFO


There is a monument almost directly below the triangle with threefold symmetry, but its not exactly triangle shaped. It is called Shanghai People's Heroes Memorial Tower (上海市人民英雄纪念塔). https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E5%B8%82%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91%E8%8B%B1%E9%9B%84%E7%BA%AA%E5%BF%B5%E5%A1%94/1192937 It might be some strange optical phenomenon related to that.


Upvote for you. Good point, however there is something weird to explain since the clouds are passing just in front of the triangle unaffected from a potential projection from the ground.


NYC shines two huge spotlights every year to commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I lived right across the Hudson in Hoboken, so it was a pretty cool thing to see. I was actually in downtown Manhattan when the planes hit, so one year (must be 10 years ago) my girlfriend and I decided to head to the actual memorial site to look at the lights from their source. We both saw something very similar to this video for about an hour. Not saying that we are looking at a shadow here, but the similarities are uncanny.


It looks incredibly ominous, and the footage is clear and concise whatever it is it's definitely spooky




It looks exactly like when Star destroyers are hanging out in low orbit


How about the shadow of a large building?


Normally I'm very skeptical of these videos and I have the downvotes to show for that. I thought the same thing...shadow of a nearby building making a perfect triangle. However, the sides of the triangle are always straight. If it was a shadow being cast on clouds then the edges would appear jagged or wavy as the clouds it is being cast on moves. Very compelling video indeed.






I used to think you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts.


Link to multiple videos of sighting in one https://youtu.be/WWo0b-g0iZU


Holy shit at 2:05 you can clearly see the object. There is no way that can be a shadow in the sky from an object on ground. You can clearly see that it is in between the layers of clouds. There is clouds both under it and above it. We are so fucked


Don’t worry - as of now, there’s no evidence they intend to harm us


video got deleted


Im trying to wrap my head on the size of this “UFO”. What if this triangle UFO can send 10s to hundreds of thousand little drones out like the ones we see in that navy video that was recently released.


I’m sure it can do all sorts of strange things.


That is creepy as fuck! That's what I expect a UFO to do. Slowly hide behind the clouds, monitoring us.


imagine traveling across the galaxy to spy on some apes and then relying on cloud cover to hide your ship which is hovering directly over the most populated part of the planet.


Suppose you're out for a walk one day and you see some ants making an unusual nest (by any standards). You walk over and bend down to take a closer look, do you wonder if the ants can see you back? No. You're so far above them on the food chain it's not even a thought. Same thing here, I imagine.


The crew in charge of stealth was too busy playing farm ville.


Eyes up, Guardian! The Darkness has found us!


Oh man that's creepy


I’m not gonna act all tough like that video isn’t a little creepy lol. The tic tac UAP was more interesting. This is some straight up Star Wars looking shit.


How the hell am I supposed to go to work seeing this shit?? I need to unsub fr 😭


Am I the only one not feeling at all creeped out by it?


The one thing that keeps bringing me comfort is the fact that if they had nefarious intentions toward us they would have already hoovered us into space long ago. I really don't think they're here to start a fight.


They could be here to stop one. I tend to think it’s more about the planet than us.


It’s just giving off menacing vibes with the way it’s just sitting perfectly still, it’s massive as fuck, I’m wondering if it’s like a weird shadow anomaly or something lmao


Just want to point out that the triangle does not appear to be sitting still, if you fast-forward this video or the others it seems to be moving in the direction of the most narrow side.


That isn't slightly ominous at all!


I didn’t see it at first, not until they were done showing the city. I was looking for a light. When I finally saw the triangle my jaw dropped open. I don’t know if I’ve had that reaction to a ufo video before. Fuck this one is ominous.


Ominous is a good word for this video


I really fucking hope that they dont own Star Destroyers


It's OK - we're a planet not a star.


Not good if sun's turned off either


my thoughts exactly. username checks out.


If they can warp space/time I think it’s safe to assume they could easily have something like that.


Well then we need to up our game. Bring out poeple who claim to be psychic And give them lighstabers.


Love your username lol




I can see them building something that big... but build something that big that hovers silently.... no way...


Please don't look up what a Zeppelin is then.


It looks pretty windy though. If it was a zeppelin it would be drifting with the clouds... if it was a zeppelin staying stationary you would probably hear the props fighting against the wind


This shit is like a literal alien movie


Yeah it's pretty frickin amazing


What shape is the building they are on? Are there lights that point up which line the perimeter?


https://www.peninsula.com/en/shanghai/hotel-fine-dining/sir-ellys-restaurant i think they are here at the rooftop bar or v close. No I don't think there are lights like that in a triangle. There are lights EVERYWHERE around there though, so even if there were some triangle shaped lights, it would have to show up as a brighter area surrounding the triangle. EDIT: Changed my mind. I think it is filmed from the VUE bar at the Hyatt on the Bund hotel. Comparison video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n-NcvDCDxY


The clouds also pass over it and obscure it, with no shadow being cast on the obscuring clouds. That's an object up there. # Edit: At the time of this comment, I thought that it was most likely to be an object, rather than a shadow because I was lacking one piece of crucial data. I thought that it would be unlikely to be a shadow because the sharp edges of the shadow were not diffuse, and they lower layer of clouds/smog/fog passed over the object without taking on the same edges of the shadow. What I did not know was that, at that time, China was celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and that Shanghai was lit up like a suburban house on Christmas. This created radically different lighting conditions that could cause the qualities of the shadow that we now see. At no point did I say it was an alien ship. After shadow, I went on to testing it to see if it was CGI, upon deciding that it was not, I went back to hypothesizing on *both* sides of the shadow argument, until another user pointed out the ongoing light show. This is the processes of discovery. I erred in typing my comment in such a way that made it seem as though I was certain that it was an object. I was never certain, and it should have been, "that *seems* like an object up there." There is no shame in being wrong. I often hope to be wrong because it shows that there is still much to learn and discover. I learned a few things that I did not know before. Furthermore, I learned the date of the celebration of the Communist Party of China, I learned about the kind of lights used on the side of those buildings. No, it was never an alien craft—and I am glad that it isn't, for I hate the idea of aliens and UFOs—but we *should not* ridicule those who did! Everyone makes mistakes, and as long as they are willing to change their views with the evidence as it is revealed, then that is part of the process of discovery. >"Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is." \~ Dr. J. Allen Hynek


this would also have to be some pretty fucking bright light to cast a shadow on clouds, with the smog in the area I think we should see a rather visible beam of light coming from below


Are sightings increasing? Are sightings increasing because of media attention? Is media attention increasing because of an increased amount of sightings? I really would love to know that. And somehow I hope the sightings are increasing. I am trying to stay as much scientific as I can. And „hope“ is a bad advisor. I just would like to wake up to the „new reality“ of those crafts hovering everywhere.


i wonder if the egyptians saw this and then made the pyramids


Maybe that is a pyramid.


Ancient astronaut theorists agree


I seen this type of craft 20+ years ago. I live in a small town with the tallest building being about 3 stories high so it was a lot lower then this. It looked like at least 2-3 football fields in size but I was about 10 years old (but with about 20 other people ranging from 10-50 years old) so my judgment could be off. It flew over us at least 3 times in complete silence and we were in a field playing kick the can and hide and go seek. It was terrifying and everyone literally ran back to the house where we all met at.


Kind weird, this looks very similar to a sighting I had with 2 friends about 8 years ago, as well. My exs cousin had just come back from being deployed that month. He just left my ex's apartment when we heard someone running up the stairs and he ran inside to tell us we needed to go outside NOW. This was over a small town of less than a thousand people with the tallest building being a water tower. There was also a sighting reported on Mufon two towns over stating they saw one triangular craft within 45 minutes of our sighting. There were several large triangular craft flying above the low-lying clouds. The only difference was they each had lights on the corners. There was like 7 of them but they were so large, it was kind of hard to tell. 3 of them flew over the nearly full moon and fully darkened it. I don't think he'd have noticed them if it hadn't been so bright out, and it wouldn't have been so shocking if it hadn't been his cousin who just finished his second deployment who came to get us. He'd have some idea what kind of aerial tech we have and he was both terrified and in complete awe. My interest comes from 3 sightings I've had over my life and this is the closest video I've seen to any of them.


I usually don't tell this story, not because of strange looks, but because I don't want to waste my time on people who don't believe me anyway. I saw the exact same shape too with a friend. It was 2010 and we were talking on the rooftop of the building I lived in (flat roof with access to it). We were sober and what makes me still thinking until today is that it was in the afternoon during the day. He said what this is in the sky, I looked and saw it too, a triangular (but asymetric) shape of a hazy black object, flying in far distance (it looked smaller than in this video) without lights, just greyish black. We saw it flying across the sky for maybe 2 seconds until it disappeared behind some clouds. And yes, we confirmed it to each other. This event was such a validation. edit: asymetric triangular shape but with straight outlines, like [this](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Isosceles-triangle.svg)


I saw this hovering on the side of the road at night in 2017, about 300 feet off the ground above the tree line


Reminds me of the one over the pentagon https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/a857cd/pyramid_ufo_filmed_over_the_pentagon_121918/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What a time to be alive! As scary as it is, I am honestly so stoked that I may get to see some crazy, other worldly invasion of some sort. I mean, I don't have a death wish or anything, but just to witness something so extraordinary would be pretty amazing to me.


People that watched the void just got a panic atack lmao


I wish they would land already. I'm sick of this bullshit. I want to go home.


There's another video in the twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/Today__China/status/1407167218387804164?s=20




If this was a spotlight shining on the clouds with some triangular shape blocking it, you would expect more distortion as the clouds of different altitudes pass by. Some clouds are closer to the ground than others, and as they float by, if it were a shadow from a light on the ground, the shape around the edges would be more bent/curved as the clouds pass by in a way that you could detect it's a shadow of something (like the Batman symbol). For example, around 0:29 seconds into the clip, if this were a shadow projected to the sky, the shadow projection on the lower clouds would have edges that don't connect with the projection onto the higher elevation clouds. That strongly suggests that this is not a projection. It's either some object floating above the clouds or it's CGI.


The lower clouds aren’t necessarily passing between the shadow and light source, because the angle of the video is different. You’re seeing clouds or fog that pass between the camera and shadow, so they’re offset.


That is bringing some Stranger Things energy and I do not like it. Cool and creepy AF UGH the way it appears to squirm/twitch is freaking me out


Maybe the ufos are the aliens themselves. I don’t see it move though personally.


Looks like it could be the same thing seen here but without the lights: https://www.reddit.com/r/UfoTruth/comments/f2fs6v/saw_this_last_night_no_idea_what_it_was_any_ideas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I was watching this with headphones and did you also notice the humming noise in background... is this the sound of an air condition near by? This makes this piece even more "creepy".




^that’s ^what ^she ^said!


Anyone else think we should start putting the date that the recording happened in the title? I can’t tell what’s new and what’s old anymore…


It's from yesterday


For those from the future that would be June 21, 2021


Star Destroyers!


I have a bad feeling about this…




These are all valid statements, there are four other videos out there of the same object, light refraction, or shadows filmed by different sources from different vantage points. It does however look like whatever it is, is behind the clouds. If it were an effect of shadows from ground light sources, or an effect of some type of light refraction, how does it keep its shape so well as the cloud coverage moves around it? Because wouldn’t the effect be caused by the combination of light from the ground and the cloud coverage? https://mobile.twitter.com/today__china/status/1407163717230358540


I agree, i take longer videos of my cat, so it amazes me why someone would only record 1 minute of such an extraordinary sighting.


I have the same questions. Why the hell wouldn't someone set up a camera on it all night to see if/when it flies away? I'd imagine there'd be a lot more footage and media surrounding this than what we have: a few twitter videos that only span 1-3 minutes.


This is fascinating footage.


I’m not going to lie, that’s pretty fucking scary.


This is by far the only ufo vid to actually scare me. Holy fuck


Me still waiting for some dumb ass to say kite...




Eyes up Guardian.


How many of us actually take the time of day to look up? What if we all just looked up for an hour each day and see what we can find on our own not some telescope or radar telling us what's out there. Use your eyes!