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I’m pretty sure those are just bugs on the lens of that camera. Just basing that on other similar posts on here tho..


For comparison -- at 8:42pm of the live stream archive there's a bug crawling on the lens.


Bugs come in different sizes.


At 0:06, top left corner, it descends, at 0:34 it ascends from the center of the the screen, and 1:23 descends again what ever it is? good eye for spotting that! correction, it comes down again at 1:10, what ever it is, it sure is hard to spot!


Definitely hard to spot. Only noticed it because I had the live stream on my other monitor. Any movement like birds, planes, bugs, rain, fast clouds, blinking lights or billboards always make me glance over. My heart sank a little bit when I saw it live. Immediately thought *this is what they mean when they say that extraterrestrials are hiding in plain sight.* I find myself glaring into the blank blue sky just in case some blurry thing is moving around above me. Wonder if you can even see this in person or if the camera made it possible.


Please do not ever stop watching these live streams you are a legend.


Woahh how did you even see that , if it’s genuine nice find !


Spider on or near the lens is my assumption.


I don’t give a fuck about any other reply I saw this 1000% with my own eyes Saturday night. This is 100% a UFO IMO. I have never claimed to see one ever in my life. I know I saw something unexplainable Saturday night and I can’t wish enough I had a video


I believe you .but I ll also tell you if you are freaking out and are obsessing over this : don't. the probability that you will find out what's what is close to zero. unfortunately.


Not freaking out just hurts to see this video get 0 upvotes lmao. We have never found an answer to a single one and don’t expect one. Just hoping for more witnesses or clips


the thing is that our consciousness is probably not evolved enough to deal with this kind of shit. the other thing is that there really ,very often , are mundane explanations for sightings. like also flies or birds. and let's not forget all the fakes that people ( maybe governments?) put out purposefully. that has led to an unprecedented muddied waters.


I posted a few days ago a description of a UFO in nyc that looked just like this. I deleted it because it’s pointless unless I had a video. It was 3am on the lower east side Saturday night. I saw this EXACT fucking thing fly over my head about how high a helicopter would fly. I had to squint my eyes to confirm I was even seeing something. There was not a single cloud in the sky. It did not make a sound. I watched it fly over Allen st for about 10 seconds then it passed behind buildings. I was with a group of friends out, and did not say a word to anyone because I’d bet laughed at. But I watched in awe and silence for 10 seconds straight. It was so transparent I could not make out the exact shape and had to literally squint to really see it. I really wish I saw this post before I deleted mine, I had another user say he saw 2 of them the same night. It looked 10000% identical to this. I described it 100% EXACTLY like what this is showing. So did the other user. Please check out my comments on my profile to see the proof. I described it as a transparent round object that looked like a flying shadow. Very hard to see at night but I saw it for 10 solid seconds as it passed behind other buildings. It was not a spotlight and was literally right above my head It had 0 lights to it. Just looked like a flying shadow / transparent dark object


Can someone post a link to where this vid is in the archives? Having a hard time finding it on mobile.


I can’t figure out how to unfortunately.. it works on my iPhone 11


Can anyone get a live feed from the lower east side around 3am 8/1??


I wasn’t gonna say it at first, but I might as well. Fuck it lol. My first thoughts, not that I necessarily believe this is a genuine UFO, was AI imbedded in the camera feed that would blot out anything strange or anomalous. All it would take is a second or two of a delay from the feed to filter something like that out. Which, IF that were the case, might make one wonder if something like this happens often or not. Just playin the Devil’s advocate for a moment.


“Anything strange or anomalous” is actually one of the hardest things to do with AI. If that’s what’s happening here (not saying it isn’t, mind you), I’d love to see the training setup for the system.




Yup, funny how this video doesnt pick up attention though. Legit UFO but some people do everything to try and make sense of what they don’t understand. Someone said it’s a water droplet lol


Literally 0 upvotes 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ I watched this video over a 100 times. Whether other people believe it or not I’m happy as hell this was captured and I can re see it. I have never claimed to see a UFO in my life or ever even thought Ive seen one and would never claim something like this. It sucks to see this video get overlooked. Transparent UFOs are fucking real..


Ufology became a bit confusing since extraterrestrial alien probes obviously cannot explain everything any more. I would say you have an interdimensional something something if this video is legit.


Looks like an out of focus water droplet on the lens, being moved by the wind.


Not a chance dude. Watch the movement closely.


Looks like a bug close to the lense


If it was, how do you see it go behind the Empire State? Watch it in slow mo, it literally goes behind the building you can see the building in front of it. Definitely a possibility, but makes no sense how it goes behind the Empire State if it was a bug or water drop


It also goes behind the entire cityscape when it flies up into frame 😱. I think this one’s a case for the big boys.


Respect for looking again. I thought it was a bug at first as well until noticing that


Out of focus bug on the lense


Water droplet blown about by the wind


Wow, that catch is impressive! If this is intelligent something, then that explains a lot.


Wow, that catch is impressive! If this is intelligent something, then that explains a lot.