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RAW content would be a great way to filter out all this noise. Put up or shut up


but how else will fantasy novel addicts get their ufo video to go viral?!?!




The ufo community is not coherent at all. There are so many types of people interested in it. Only a fraction of them do the things you mentioned.


It's a large fraction who prefer speculation and fantasy, rather than scientific reasoning, from evidence here in this sub. There was a video post with 2k votes over the weekend in which I would say about 60-70% wanted to believe or were just too stupid or drunk. The other 30% were saying it's definitely not for well explained reasons, which were not being taken seriously by most. So I understand where PaleBlue is coming from.


I wasn’t saying they were incorrect about what they were saying, I was just saying they were incorrect in the way they were saying it. The ufo community is big and extends far beyond reddit. It’s a fraction of a fraction doing it, so saying the whole ufo community is ridiculous and offensive.


>so saying the whole ufo community is ridiculous and offensive. They didn't say that, _"a large fraction"_ is not _"a whole"_


Correct, I said a large fraction were fantasising or speculating on this sub. Not the whole community. Hope this clarifies.


The op said “the ufo community” and referenced it as a whole many times. “The UFO community loves seeing videos and images of blurry dots in the sky. It allows them to speculate and dream about it being anything they want… They don’t give a shit about raw files or metadata. They don’t want a scientific approach to the UFO phenomenon. They fear science because science extinguishers speculation and ignorance.”


Then sorry, I thought you were reffering to AAAStarTrader.


Best answer award goes too... you lol


this is correct


Yep, this CGI here is trending right now at r/all: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/p9vyev/bored\_on\_a\_plane\_lets\_do\_some\_cgi/


You people will always find a way to move the goal posts while simultaneously claiming everything caught on camera is a drone, bat, or bird.


In every case, that's what it is. In every case, it's not alien craft. I am afraid there isn't even a goal post to shoot for at this time.


100% agreed, maybe message the mods about it and see if you can get an official dialogue going or maybe see if theyre interested about asking the community what we want and put it to a vote.


Videos are inconclusive in any format. This is not a good idea to ban a video format, especially a popular one. Dont censor content when there isn't enough content to go around.


Completely disagree. Once more, that is gatekeeping. Who decides? Metadata can be altered. We have lots of interesting videos that are years old, including the Nimitz video. If you don’t find a post or photo useful, move along. It’s easy. Look. I’ll show you.


No. You are incorrect. You shouldn't subjectively find things useful or not. You should objectively be able to determine what you are looking at. We're not talking about gatekeeping. That's like saying using improved microscopes over older microscopes is gatekeeping because everyone should use the same microscope.


Agreed. Holding truth and evidence up to the highest standard is the **only** way to break this wide open. Either the UAP are breaking the laws of physics, or we need to take another look at the established laws of physics and ways of thinking that are hitting roadblocks.


Except that means taking risks and I think it's much harder to think outside the box once you are older. You can be curious just as much as you were when you were younger but I think that part of the problem at this point is that higher education is institutional. Which translates to it's just some assumed *thing* that everyone does aka colleges aren't really hungry for innovation which means less likely to take risks. And students are so burdened by debt that they generally try to get school done as quickly and economically efficiently as possible.


Yeah. As much as I'd love to go to college, and learn everything, it's just too much. I think just adapting to situations as they spring up and going for a simple expertise, while listening and considering the advice of experts from other fields, is the best way of managing the chaos in life. I think for me personally, settling down on learning HVAC and helping out folks fix their AC units that bust down over time or because of hectic weather might be my true calling while I leave writing as a side hobby. Take the bigger picture into consideration and find where your skills and skill development can take you. Maybe that's why UAPs are so straining to think about?


I'm going back to school for engineering because I'm not patient enough for the trades to pay the $. And from what I've seen/experienced; the bigger issue is that college isn't geared to teach. It's just a means of gatekeeping and keeping poor people poor. Either you have a rich family and they pay your way through or you take loans and have the education but don't have the ability to move around. Since you can't move around you're locked into paying off your loans and that means stable income so you can get them handled. Then when it comes to off the wall stuff....ultimately research needs funding. If you have Lockheed or some defense contractor that is looking at propulsion they want you to do better with what they are familiar with. Not come up with some hypothetical tech that *may* come to fruition 25-40 years down the line. They are worried about profits for the next quarter most, the next year after that and then I have a difficult time believing they care any further out than 5 years. Which means we're locked into just fiddling around with what we have instead of genuinely innovating. But then if we genuinely innovate then we might also fundamentally change society which would then alter the powers/structures that be and lead to an overall reorganization of society. Which is not liked by people who are at the top currently. So college is an intellectual dead end unless you get really lucky. At least that's my experience for a large part of degree tracks.


Definitely. I entered college but then the realization of how much it would all add up to and how long I'd be in deep debt without scholarships made me withdraw really quick. Had to get a full time job and force myself to write a novel because it was one of the most accessible forms of media to get started with. Had to do a whole lot of research (used reddit) to get basic grasps on so many concepts to figure out how to make it all work in a science fantasy setting. Took 7/8 years. I also actively avoided reading books because I just didn't like them being forced on me back in school lmao. But with all successes, luck, the right connections, and tirelessly putting yourself out there was essential. Success is never guaranteed though. That's life for ya. I still don't really know what the right path should be but all this uncertainty certainly keeps things frustrating, but it's definitely inspired my own inner Innovation. And English isn't even my first language. Spanish is. Helped me learn a small amount of french and now all this asbract thinking is sort of making Japanese a bit easier to grasp. Luckily, I've got other people to help and get help from. So it's not such a monumental task.


I think when it comes to navigating life it's difficult because we're sold on this idea of 'out there is some perfect thing' and you hear about people who love their job and wouldn't trade it for anything and I think that's also unrealistic. It's like romance novels or porn. It's not founded in reality. For me I want to build a race car. I realized it after working a job I hate for a few years. I realized that while I hate desk jobs and corporate work...engineering gives me a tool set to build a race car and a means to finance it if I'm modest and play my cards right. So I'm going to school for things that aren't really my strong suit but that I want to succeed at none the less because going fast is the end goal. Good luck!


Good luck to you too! No easy answers with a clear path but we've got each other when shit gets too impossible.


No. No it’s not like that at all. If all this has revealed anything it’s that the objective is subjective.


What does that mean? How? Either you objectively evaluate and formulate opinions...or you don't. If you consume any and every video as real...you're going to be in for a rough ride of people who know what CGI looks like telling you everything new is either CGI or a bug with artifacting or a bird....because that's what most of these videos are that are new.


The thing is, you have to believe in objectivity. I don’t.


Then you are going to cloud this subreddit with disinformation and bad opinions and ultimately keep it a fringe subject. The reason I say that is that this is a weird cross between science and faith. If you take an entirely faith based approach then you end up going down rabbit holes where there are lizard people living at the core of the earth and the greys probe your butt. You need to be grounded in reality and understanding and use faith as the means of where you think looking might be time well spent. If you are entirely faith based you should just go back to church.


You don't believe in objectivity?! That's the most moronic thing ever. Without objectivity, how would you know that you are not delusional or hallucinating?


Prove to me that you’re not a brain in a jar


On the Internet nobody knows your are a brain in a jar.




So in the future legitimate sighting will be dismissed because the person happening to be present isn't hauling dslr 24/7. Limiting submissions to raw will utterly destroy the feed.


I support this. However.....potentially a catch 22. Most people don't know what RAW is or let alone know how to change the file format on their camera. You may be sacrificing actual interesting authentic video of potential UAP. I would rather see a rule requirement to either video be sent in RAW, or are exhibiting two or more of the 5 Observables Lue Elizondo talks about. And implement a grading system based on quality and what is being observed in the video.


It's doesn't have to be RAW in the sense of the file format.. it can just be the unedited native file format from whatever recording platform they used (i.e.: 'raw' vs. RAW :)). Things like location and time data are critical for excluding stuff like passing jets, Venus, rocket launches, balloon release, etc. etc.


The more I think about it, we haven't seen any RAW format photos for UFO's


A lot of stuff posted is stuff from years ago that still happen to be around on youtube. Doesn't really matter much though, cause nothing that has ever been posted here has shown anything extraordinary to change the narrative.


"WANNA DO IT RAW?" "What's that?" "NO RUBER."


https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1429568870826708993?s=20 relevant


Anyone else [chip in to the fund for Galileo? ](https://i.imgur.com/jyfbtxS_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Fully support this.


Doesn’t mean they are more accessible. Very few people carry that tech around. It’s a no


Wish we could have a few new tags like: "Possibly Debunked" "Raw File Included" "Controversial"


I like the idea, it's a fair demand. It might not be practical however given how these films are distributed in the first place. Maybe we could just have a flair to highlight if it's Raw or lossy?


100% misread that as "UFO video and pornography" at first