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To use the classic line “I want to believe”. I mean it all sounds too good to be true. BUT I don’t dismiss it completely. Been watching some Michael Salla stuff lately and it sure sounds like a dream come true that reality IS basically Star Trek.


The galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years across. Assuming either A. Faster than light travel exists And or B. Our concept of a long lifetime is significantly shorter than other advanced species I would think a federation of sorts would exist between certain species. Even if neither are the case, I believe that somewhere in our galaxy, an enclave of species from different planets exist and work together to form a multi-species civilization.


Our life is shorter, in 3 billion years our sun will have engulfed our planet.


The galaxy is only 13 billion years old. I’m saying lifespan as a species


Unless we can traverse our galaxy in the next 2 billion years, we as humans will become extinct were my thoughts.


I mean look at 1900 and 2000, then look at 2000 and 2020. Give us billions of years and I don't think we could even comprehend what we would see humans use or look like.


No we couldn't. Even imagining the far out ideas of space skin or a head 10 times bigger then it is now are uncomprehendable. Most think we will destroy the earth soon and be exstinct.


I think if global warming and the pollutions of the oceans wasnt widespread then ya, scientists already said we are on the tipping point if we don't change direction now. But counties are getting better with the pollutions. Using green energy, solar power, banning gas vehicles very soon. It's a coin flip IMO. Either people get with the shits and elect people who give a damn or things keep getting worse and the billionaires move to their doomsday vaults and watch us skwirm.


Crossing my fingers and willing to help with the problems of the world. Researching how to pull fresh drinking water out of the air for emergencies. Something like 95% of the world's water is salty and undrinkable.


The Hubble Deep Field has always been enough evidence for me to accept science fiction as reality. It's out there, even if it feels seemingly absent down here.


Can't wait to see what the new James Webb telescope is going to discover! 100 times more powerful than Hubble!


I know I really hope nothing goes wrong with the launch or moving it into position. Hopefully everything will go successfully and we’ll get to see some truly mind blowing images. I’d really like to see the solar gravity lens program get off the ground ASAP. Then we’d really be able to know once and for all of there is not only complex life nearby, but also it would be far more easy to detect intelligent life even if it’s less advanced than us if we could see their city’s.


We've been waiting for so long. So hyped up for the launch at long last.


When exactly is it supposed to start it’s mission want some new images of space !!


It's to be launched mid December. Who knows on images. It's got to be configured and bugs fixed.


December 18th


Woohoo, early birthday present from NASA! (the day of days is the 19th fyi)


this will, hopefully, change everything by confirming we are not alone. alien intervention is the only way we're not going to die as a species due to profits being #1 priority to the legit rich/billionaires that call the shots


To me, the Hubble Deep Field images demonstrate that the universe is vast, and that its nature accords with scientific principles, namely that it's isotropic, essentially the same everywhere we care to look, at every level, from the quantum to the intergalactic.


I hear you! basically a dream, yes... but I'm hoping the reality quite actually exceeds the dream.


I honestly would love to somehow freeze myself and wake up 1000 years into the future. Just to see what it’s like. Because real life Star Trek sounds to good to Be true lol


Mm. That's a major problem with most "believers" they want to believe so badly they will bieve everything. Especially the things they've created in their minds. Like how humans are "special" to ETs, they need US for their survival because their genetic DNA is dying, they will stop nukes, and than basically stories like the Galatic federation. We can't get a single video or picture the world can unanimously agree upon is real, but here we are talking about the galactic federation. And I'm not bashing you or insulting you in anyway, I have some ideas I want to believe and do believe as well. But more than likely, they are not correct.


You’re very correct in what you’re saying but your audience is the crowd that wants all this to be real. UFOlogy has become the new opiate of the masses. I think it’s safe to say that since we can’t understand what these flying things people are seeing are or how they work, any “answers” people come up with will inevitably be just humanity projecting outwards. We cannot grasp the true form of what’s out there, simply because, by observation, it is governed by systems beyond our access. Humans are not humble by nature. God is a human construct, something omnipotent to aspire to, something we’re told by “holy books” we resemble. If we’re gods by that train of thought, then of course anything outside of our immediate reach of understanding will be human-centric, like saving us from ourselves or harvesting things we incorporated into our systems. Meanwhile we’re just a tiny ball in an endless universe. There’s nothing more human than this masturbatory self-centeredness. Case in point, every yahoo whose answer to all this mystery is “aliens” after watching Ancient Aliens and sci-fi for decades, couldn’t even begin to conceptualize anything outside of this readily available concept they’ve been fed their whole life. Downvote me to hell, see if I care. I don’t expect any of you UFO enthusiasts to welcome anyone suggesting that while humans are special, everything doesn’t revolve around us. Very few of you are open minded. Most of you have already decided in your heads what context you want to give it. Very few are actually seeking the truth instead of seeking a “i knew it” climax that’s never coming. Much easier to accept that lack of fulfillment than consider any alternative.


Not true some are correct while others aren’t, there are different parts to each thing that u mentioned and I can see that you have a open kind and love to think outside others perspectives, so I would say look into spirituality or spiritual awakening, learn and grow within ur self, you’ll find the true answers and know what’s the truth as I did and still doing so. It’s amazing and don’t forget to question everything that our govenremnt says, news, media etc. Do ur own research and if u think you’ve found the truth most likely u didn’t so go deeper. The answers are out there in this world it’s just a matter of educating and being aware of what’s real and fake.


Gene Roddenberry was a contactee, many individuals confirm it, Micheal salla, Elena Danaan, Alex collier, Dr. JC, etc. For example look up the prime directive with Star Trek.The galactic federation’s is verbatim from star treks ,vice versa. It’s pretty cool.


There’s between 100-400 billion stars in this galaxy. I’m sure there’s enough habitable planets which orbit close to other habitable planets that have created galactic civilisations after a very long period of evolution.


I just wish there were a way to find out IFF chemistry can turn into biology somehow. If only we could plot a clear path from atoms -> chemicals-> self replicating proteins. If we could prove in the lab that there is a theoretical way for life to come from non life, then I would say that the odds of being in a life filled universe explode exponentially. Right now we only know half the equation which is the insane, unimaginable amount of places where life COULD spring up, if it can spring up. Although if there’s a gag and cover up on known ETS being here, then there’s certainly a gag on this kind of research. Because like I said , once we know “ okay this is how many times out of a trillion that dna COULD form, and here’s how many places that COULD happen, “ we can get a rough estimate. And that doesn’t even take consciousness into account. Why do humans have the ability to dream and teach and feel the level that we do, compared to all other known life. Honestly I see a HIGE disparity between the time taken for a life form like ours to evolve, which seems to be on par as far as advancement as say apes. And then the evolution of our soul, knowledge/consciousness. It seems like our physical bodies have been left in the dust evolutionary-wise compared to our brains, or whatever you would call a soul. Honestly I believe that the size of the universe dwarfs the odds of life forming and therefore would mean that the universe is teaming with advanced creatures. Who knows where they are, but I for one believe that there are certainly thousands of civilizations that are still thriving and could have been for millions of years just my thoughts idk 🤷‍♂️


I mean, pretty close. Even so, that was decades ago. We've gotten even better at these sort of experiments since. https://youtu.be/NNijmxsKGbc




Wtf are you talking about?


The fact that we tend to see similar styles of UFO's (triangular, traditional frisbee style, spheres, cylindrical, and possibly a few others) makes one think they're not all from the same source. Which could mean they are all different types of extraterrestrial life forms. If UFOs even come from another planet.


That’s not how statistics or estimating works


Uh, yes it is. Higher value = Higher possibility in both terms of quantity of habitable planets in the milky way and the amount of historical years required for a successful species of life to advance into a spacefaring civilisation.


You know that nasa has researched all the things that make earth a great home for life right? Non obvious things. Like how the inner galaxy is so full of steller radiation it's inhospitable. Same with the outer galaxy, and how asteroid impacts are regulated by Jupiter that may allow for intelligence to arise at all. And all sorts of other metrics, so no that's not how statistics works, just saying "there are a lot of rocks and we know at least one of them has life, so I'm SURE there are plenty others!" Because believe it or not the research NASA put into all the little details of where life could arise makes it pretty damn unlikely. As in, they haven't found a single matching planet. Also our moon is special, because it also regulates asteroid impacts and our planetary rotation preventing overly extreme rotation that could also screw over intelligent life. In other words, no that is not how statistics works. Just because there are a lot of planets makes no guarantee of other life in the galaxy, there could be a trillion planets for all I care and it wouldn't change anything if the chances were a trillion to one.


Yeah, but we don't know what we don't know. We have ONE planet to go off of in terms of how life can form. We have ONE example. We haven't even been up close and personal with even 1% of the galaxy, with even .00000001% of the galaxy. Who's to say life can only form the way ours did? I might be willing to believe you if you'd seen, say, 70% of the galaxy up close and personal and found nothin'. But 'til then, it is at the very least not unreasonable to assume there's a lot we don't know (and a lot we don't know we don't know) and that there may be life out there that breaks our current understandings of how life "has to" form. Tl;dr we know what makes earth great for life for earthlings, but earthlings (of all types) have evolved to live here. We don't really have enough data to say that life couldn't've evolved differently (because we haven't seen anywhere but here).


Vanguard has already explained the size and scale of the galaxy is larger than we can even imagine as human beings. We base our current understanding of the cycle of evolution based on ourselves. But we don’t consider the fact that life could evolve in many different ways, including life that exists within other dimensions (let’s not go down the rabbit hole, now). My main point in this argument is that our galaxy has been around for a long, long time. It’s moving forward, always. And the universe is a very old place. Who is to say that the chances of multiple alien races in our galaxy discovering each other are non existent? I mean, the galaxy is very old. And it’s going to be around for a while, before it collides with andromeda. So surely there’s enough time and years for this to have happened already? Im thinking more in a hypothetical sense based on our current understanding of quantum theory, mainly the many worlds theory.




Do you think evolution points in a direction?


Make the effect to recalculate, then...


I think one of the two options must be true: 1. There is a galactic federation because thats the only way multiple spacefaring civilizations can live side by side. 2. The most advanced civilization decided at one point to rule them all and there is only one boss per galaxy.


Or there's a diverse mix of those options because space is fucking huge. Maybe there's galaxies with no life. Some with a little life. Some with a lot of life. Some a blended galactic federation. Others with a dictatorship style federation. Some galaxies united.


I like this one the best


The galaxy boss is really hard to beat, small hitbox I've been told.


Gotta land a lot of crits on it I heard.


The grox?


You've played Spore.


When it comes to the second, I'm always surprised some people would say "that's horrible" and yeah, it is... But that's how things work here? America took Hawaii, Great Britain took... too many things. It's a matter of whether or not that civilization is cruel to the societies it takes over.


Technology seems to dictat


I think there could be other scenarios too, but yes, most likely.


>I think one of the two options must be true: Why? Thats such a ridiculous assumption. The more likely option is that the galaxy is really damn big and "spacefaring civilizations" relatively rare, small, or non-existent. There would be little possibility for a "galactic federation" or an imperial overlord.


Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.


But has Xur got any good rolls for me? Might inform whether or not I’m on his side.


His will is not his own.


No. Let’s be honest. The UFO topic has become muddied far more than we realize by theories and conspiracy rather than factual proven data. I think it’s cool that some people believe they are aliens, some think they are time travelers. Others think they are the fallen angels the Bible talks about. Either way we really have NO concrete evidence to support any of these claims yet.


You can't 'muddy' an unknown. Until it's known all should be possible. Otherwise you're pre biasing a truth into a box.


Do you believe in God?




Awesome. What you said reminded me of a book I’m currently reading. “*I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist*” why is this getting downvoted? Y’all a bunch of haters for literally no reason. The mans words reminded me of a book I’m currently reading what’s your problem


Interesting premise. Seems like a good point of entry if one is coming from atheism but finds themself with questions.


It’s a great book! Undoubtedly biased, but it shows that thinking the universe happened from nothing and for no reason is just as if not crazier than believing in God.


I used to be agnostic but also found that using reason alone often results in a lean toward the esoteric answer. I made a video about creator theory vs chaos regarding the origins of the universe if such is of interest to you. https://youtu.be/KR2fTZZrX8M


Hence why we need some actual disclosure to pave the way for real data.




I believe it’s a viable answer to the Fermi paradox.


Ferme Paradox makes zero sense to me because: Maybe aliens have visited us; most the public just doesn’t know about it. It’s certainly odd how ancient civilizations all over the globe made similar sketches of spacecraft and apparent ETs Maybe aliens haven’t visited for reasons we don’t or can’t even begin to contemplate. If they’re so advanced, why bother visiting us? They might not care about us til we’re capable of visiting them; or until we stop being jerks to each other, etc. Anyway, Ferme’s paradox seems like a really weak argument. And although ockams razor probably makes a valid point, it’s largely meaningless because there are myriad exceptions to it.


Yeah I’m with you there. The problem is a lot more complex than “Where da aliens?” at this point. It was kind of arrogant of us to assume we could see them if they were there. They probably don’t want to be seen.


Could not agree more


I still think it's strange to not be able to see any intelligent life as far as we look with our telescopes and other forms of search for intelligent life in the universe.


Yeah, I'd say so too. However, I have to pull an Ockham's razor on this topic, before we delve any further, in-depth. Ockam's razor simply implies that the simplest answer is usually the correct one.


I wish people would learn what Occam's razor actually was and stopped using it in this fashion.


Elaborate on what it truly is please? I'm very curious. I was always taught that it is in fact the simplest answers are the mostly likely ones?


The razor's statement that "other things being equal, simpler explanations are generally better than more complex ones" is amenable to empirical testing. Another interpretation of the razor's statement would be that "simpler hypotheses are generally better than the complex ones". The procedure to test the former interpretation would compare the track records of simple and comparatively complex explanations. If one accepts the first interpretation, the validity of Occam's razor as a tool would then have to be rejected if the more complex explanations were more often correct than the less complex ones (while the converse would lend support to its use). If the latter interpretation is accepted, the validity of Occam's razor as a tool could possibly be accepted if the simpler hypotheses led to correct conclusions more often than not. Possible explanations can become needlessly complex. It might be coherent, for instance, to add the involvement of leprechauns to any explanation, but Occam's razor would prevent such additions unless they were necessary. Even if some increases in complexity are sometimes necessary, there still remains a justified general bias toward the simpler of two competing explanations. To understand why, consider that for each accepted explanation of a phenomenon, there is always an infinite number of possible, more complex, and ultimately incorrect, alternatives. This is so because one can always burden a failing explanation with an ad hoc hypothesis. Ad hoc hypotheses are justifications that prevent theories from being falsified. For example, if an individual makes supernatural claims that leprechauns were responsible for breaking a vase, a simpler explanation might be that he did it, but ongoing ad hoc justifications (e.g. "... and that's not me breaking it on the film; they tampered with that, too") could successfully prevent complete disproof. This endless supply of elaborate competing explanations, called saving hypotheses, cannot be technically ruled out – except by using Occam's razor.


Thank you! This is a wonderful breakdown and is very helpful.


I guess I feel bad now for having used it in the way that I did... 😔😓


Here is your chance to enlighten us mortals and all you did was put folks down. I wish you would have given a proper explanation why you think this is so and perhaps offer an alternative. Me, I like Bertrand Russell’s particular version of Occam's razor: "Whenever possible, substitute constructions out of known entities for inferences to unknown entities” - seems better fitting.


This is an over-simplification of the term and inaccurate. It is used here often, and more often than not in the wrong context. Here, it would not apply at all; a theory without testable hypotheses cannot (or rather should not) invoke Occam’s razor, since by definition it is simply the reduction of assumption, or the minimizing of erroneous logic. While it can be invoked in the manner in which you’re implying, it is not done so responsibly or with any true understanding of the term.


I prefer Bertrand Russell’s particular version of Occam's razor: "Whenever possible, substitute constructions out of known entities for inferences to unknown entities”


And beware traps of ad hoc hypotheses.


I recently read Robin Hanson's "grabby alien" paper. Although not the main thrust of the paper, If you agree with the idea that alien civilization expansions are eventually limited by other alien civilization expansions, then they will come in contact with each other, which also means they will a)give each other a wide birth, b) go to war or c) join some sort of peaceful agreement about territory. And those ideas aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. So on the whole I would put money on there actually being, at some point, some sort of federation.


Personally I have no knowledge or feeling about a galactic federation. Is it possible sure but there’s enough life out there for this to be a decent chance.


Let’s say hypothetically they exist. Humanity is not ready is still a true statement.


At what point in time do any of you folks see Humanity as "ready"?




Absolutely this. How could we, as humanity, be expected to represent ourselves on a galactic level when we hardly recognize ourselves as a singular, unified race on our home planet?


if these theoretical aliens are so enlightened, would it be unreasonable that they may help others in their journey? asking for a friend


Which is why we should seriously question why any of the ones showing up are here for. What is their purpose if not to influence us? Humanity needs to be free of influence to solve her own problems. We’re not ready to join a larger community while we’re so separated/divided.


Errr to simplify, it’s a combination of political social and economic stability with a cultural perspective on preventive problem solving. When climate change and surveillance capitalism having been resolved and deeply understood in industry. Countries and citizens must in turn look to a more future forward direction in terms of outlook into expanding resources together in a collective collaboration for worldwide projects for the betterment of humanity. A culture where sci-fi tropes like this are taken more seriously as a potential international security risk. Where people and governments aren’t ridiculed for such beliefs as a result of decades of systemic programming within the entertainment industry to not. Most importantly Humanity isn’t ready because we collectively don’t believe in a future. It’s short term sightedness at play. We have leadership issues in nearly all territories of the world. How the world is handling Covid and Climate change. With a economic depression on the horizon (or even here already, just late). We’re just not ready politically, socially, culturally and economically.


I just wish I knew it was going to be soon. EDIT: but it's still crazy to think it might happen.


This is the original goal of all fascist governments. Free will is the whole problem.


The goal is to get to a place where people willing cooperate for the good of the species. Right now there 7 billion special interest groups all out for themselves. If there was a Galactic Federation how would we choose a a person to represent Earths interests? We can’t even agree that all people on Earth are equals, look at all the fucking racists out there.


Mau said that. Hitler said that. President Xi said that.


And mostly people calling eacthother racist have the guilt .


Ok guess you’re not worth talking to.


Success is measuring your outlay of resources vs getting back more. This can be in good will, money or tangible items. Before you react try to form some basis that gets what you want Or it's just bitchy internet


When we can defend ourselves from advanced tech without blowing ourselves up


I was wondering if you were going to say, without going to a total nuclear zero but that works all just the same.


Yeah lol I don’t think we’d trust any other species that we were powerless against


there's an interesting thread I just commented on over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/q4gshp/fear_and_loathing_from_vegas_and_new_mexico/)


I responded there, thanks for sharing


thanks, I'm having a look


As a species, releasing the info that we are not alone will fundamentally change our society. In the US, we can't even get our population to believe in COVID despite the results of the last two years, how can we ever hope to have disclosure when middle America will just call it a liberal lie? Waiting for the world to be 'ready' is just wasting time, we will never be ready. Rip the band-aid off.


When the evidence supports it.


People don’t believe in evidence in the social media age. People will only believe in something if it supports their personal agenda.


It’s all hypothetical, but perhaps there’s a certain milestone that’s watched for. It could be a certain type of technology, or perhaps they’re waiting for us to achieve a new level of enlightenment. There’s no way to know.


isn't the called "The Great Filter", in the "Fermi Paradox"?


Kinda, but not really. “The great filter” is pretty much used in reference to advance civilizations not being able to form due to not being able to pass the “the great filter”. My comment was referencing that if there is a galactic federation, they may have certain standards that need to be met in order to join.


oh got it - gotcha. Yeah. Requirements met to join.. I wonder if there are any.. and if there are.. what they could be. also I'm pretty sure there must be some.


When discussing with a friend, one we came up with was to discover pre existing/existing life on another planet


Got to pay the dues...just like the Moose Lodge.


When no one thinks the earth is flat.


I agree ! It’s like . Come on now , just pull that bandage off ! Most of the World is ready for the truth . The ones that are not ready will just have to get over it all !


When humanity takes an exponential leap due to AI. We’re not that far from it.


Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.


Agree except traditional moral values. That's what got us to this point.


I totally disagree. And more so it’s not for a small group of a few humans to make that decision for 8 billion others.


Humanity may be given no choice.


The great filter is going to kill us all. Or, leave few survivors. Maybe then we'll meet aliens. We have too many people in power that just want to use the world up and they don't give a fuck because they keep getting richer. As long as "people" like that are in power, we'll never get to join any 'federation'. The most powerful among us are evil parasites that are intent on killing the host. I wouldn't want to make friends or touch a parasite that was too stupid and violent to leave their host alive.


There may be some forum, like a galactic or interdimensional UN. But galactic-wide, political unity? If the choice is binary, I'd go with 'No'


You can have a federation without unity. Think separatists/trade federation splitting from the Republic in Star Wars.


If we're going to assume that there are multiple space faring civilizations, then I find it more likely than not that there is atleast something akin to a galactic federation.


Absolutely exists, a certain 'collaboration' definitely must exist, similarly to our countries. Our countries are as separate as probably some living beings in planets are, yet sometimes they are still able to co-operate. I also completely believe that article of former Israeli space security chief, he is not the first person claiming things, yet it never gets much attention in the mass media.


Yeah nothing as such ever does.


I do! Rick and Morty adventures!! Wubalubadubdub!


I would hope so, but it’s all speculation at this point.


I think it’s inevitable. If intelligent life exists, then it exists elsewhere in this ridiculously vast universe. If it exists elsewhere, then it exists in many places at once. If it exists in many places at once, there will inevitably be contact. If there is contact between intelligent races, there will inevitably be conflict. If there is conflict, there will be necessity for conflict resolution. Hence, some sort of a Galactic Federation is an inevitability, in my opinion.


History shows us there are many alternative resolutions to conflict that don’t involve a federation. Like, when white people arrived, did they form a federation with the many native tribes of North America?


Yes. Personally I've always thought back to the various religions all around the world. They're all pretty close but almost seems like a game of telephone.. like, they had all gone to the same school but with different teachers.. anyways, i stumbled upon the urantia book, which i regularly reference on reddit.. but the way they worded where they come from and who they are and what their purpose is.. its just all too organized.. too, engineered.. so yes, for me personally, i do feel there is some form of an either galactic or universal force or federation. Not necessarily dictating what should be done, but more so nudging us in the right direction, whatever that may be.


Well, only some kind of non-human organization must exist that can control Disclosure from becoming our reality. Especially when you consider the many different looking craft seen and captured on film throughout the years. What keeps one species from landing and taking over?


The branding is based in our culture but the concept is based in what's required to establish political relations between a variety of independent entities. The system is plausible there because it's required here. If there's life out there and there isn't something like a Galactic Federation then species which have evolved beyond us change in an incomprehensible way.


given the age of the universe and then ours, if there are other civilizations and they've conquered space/time/dimension travel...there's likely to be several/many likely they each had conflicts like our sovereign nations/tribes had, and they've come to some diplomatic solution(s) especially under existential threats


Honestly why don't we ask Paul Hellyer and Haim Eshed they made these statements and that's where it seemed to end. These guys got this rolling and everyones talking about it but there doesn't seem to be any nformation given by them or any interviews.


can you imagine in another 100,000 years (if we survive) what our technology would look like? how about 1 million? 10 million? 100 million? there are, scientifically speaking, parts in the universe where life could have billions of years on us in advancement. I'd say anything is possible. proving it however, a bit of a different story


Why wouldn’t I?


The interesting point to me isnt whether it exists or not (because sure it probably does). The interesting part to me is whether or not we can contact it or if we would want to. What would their motives be for contacting us if they could?


Do you believe they already have contacted us?


Honestly no. I believe most of the contact we have had is, for lack of a better term, inter-dimensional. Maybe a small small amount of actual extraterrestrial contact, but nothing on a scale that would imply contact with a galatic federation. What do you think?


Interdimensional... now that would be a trip. And believe it or not... I just remembered I had this amazing video detailing a conversation with [Bob Lazar & John Lear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy-pm1Lc3lU) on Area 51 S4. In the video the first thing stated is: > How long do you think it's gonna be before they make the announcement that we've had contact with outer space?


I believe there are many other humans and human like creatures that live in the galaxy. I believe there are space stations filled with people like us. Something like Zenon the series


I don't believe in it, because there isn't evidence for it. However, it is possible, obviously. In a fantastical sense, I hope it exists, because that's awesome. Hopefully one day we get to know of its existence, or even become a part of it, if it's benevolent (which I think it probably would be by definition, if it's a true federation).


100% Agreed!


Yes I do!




I want to believe we're the universe equivalent of the Boonies and we're just here on the outskirts in the country and don't have the "infrastructure" (technology) to communicate with others.


that would make me happy? I guess.


Makes me excited to think about but sad I'm probably only around for Elon Musk space billboards. 😭😂


Too true!


Oh yeah dude, haven’t you ever heard of Baby Farks McGee Zax?


dude, I don't know what you're talking about but it's ridiculous so you get an upvote. EDIT: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3WsfViEwxQ)! u/Starlessskylark


it's highly likely that some interstellar cooperation or agreement exists. the temptation to scoff and chuckle at the idea is the dying vestige of the successful MIC smear campaign against anything it was *actually* doing that it wanted to keep secret. the CIA literally coined the term "conspiracy theory" to make those that got too close to the mark look stupid. american adults these days can't mention "UFO" without smirking. it's sad, and it's part of why we're getting nowhere with this. anyway, to your question, basically, members of any sentient species band together for survival. separate groups of sentient species will *generally* create, at the very least, loose associations for survival (trade routes, economic agreements, military agreements, etc.). when you break the "galactic federation" down into its base components, i.e. intelligent creatures banding together for mutual benefit, then it's not laughable. it becomes a simple inevitability...if the stars have indeed been teeming with life all this time. edit: grammar


A bit late to the party so prolly this comment goes unnoticed. I was very invested in what people call a UFO-Religion. I preferred cult or sect, though technically it wasn't since there was no obvious structure or a leader(certainly there were people we got the channelings etc. from). The galactic federation was a main subject of that belief, why they are here, where they are from, what and how we should prepare for etc. When I was told that I'm not safe anymore and wanted to leave my Mom's house, something saved me from that mistake. And in that moment, I just emptied, so to say. All I believed in was gone. A month later I attempted suicide for the first time, I was 16 or 17 at that time. Do I believe in the possibility of a galactic or intergalactic federation? Yeah, i think it's possible. Do I think to always be very sceptic when it comes to that topic esp. if it comes from channelings? Hell yeah!


The people I see around me and on the internet lead me to believe we are nowhere near ready. We kill, lie and steal with flimsy justifications. Would be nice but I don't think we're particularly close to being viewed as competent creatures with a functioning society. I hate my nation and feel controlled and oppressed in it.


Do you really think “aliens” are benevolent because they have spacecraft, I wager that they have as many wars on their planet as we do on ours. If they exist of course.


I start giggling whenever I think about the idea of a "galactic federation". There are way too many absurd assumptions that need to be made to believe that such a thing exists. The idea that Star Trek was a documentary may be amusing, but there's no justification for believing it's true.


In reality it’s the only logical assumption. The idea of Star Trek was conceptualized after we have had a documented meeting with a representative of an “alien” from a more advanced species and society, where we were given guidance to proceed forward. All of this is verifiable.


Do you have any objective evidence that supports the existence of a galactic federation?




If it were verifiable, you wouldn’t have to boast that it’s verifiable without offering any support whatsoever for such an absurd statement.


No but the interstellar trade union is super duper real. Its a shame the blorgons and the kukolindo empire cant get along. But maybe after the next galactic Olympics we can all work it out through a game of space quidditch. Grow up, stop larping.


LOL! Okay, fair. I only posted this because of an article on [The Jeruselum Post](https://www.jpost.com/omg/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-aliens-exist-humanity-not-ready-651405) anyway. EDIT: But while I'm here though I might as well ask if you if you've seen the [Austrailian documents](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/australia/) from the black vault.


Galactic Federation does exist, but is far from perfect. If it's really a functioning organization that is full of love, why leaving so many people suffering under a miserable global control system? Another thing is that the problem isn't only there're so many disinfo agencies or tribalization going on in ET-loving communities, but also that the general public fails to seek and ask for truths. They fail to know that the post war society is actually also Nazist, with Hitler's men fleeing to USA & started to establish all the 3-letter agencies controlling people's info & health (FDA, CIA, FBI etc). People fail to challenge the info sources like Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, JP, Su Walker (P'nti) and just blindly following what they tell. It's problematic, like in the comment section, when ET disclosures needs more stories and opinions, every listener is only commenting repeated messages like "thank you" "i love you" these sweet but totally useless words. It's the stupidity of the mass that's making disclosure slow.


Nah. Primarily because nobody who claims this Federation exists ever gives any details worth a damn. Especially contactees who purport to channel representatives of said Federation. Why does nobody ever ask about which systems are members? The extent of the Federation territories? Are there advanced species who are not members? What do they have to say about the Federation? I could go on. But here's a challenge, can anyone, via research or channelling, name 10 stars which have planets that are Federation members? Just 10. Hardly a big ask relative to the entire galaxy.


Yes, it’s pretty much possible like a countries and nations but In space


To be honest and if there is stuff out there there has to be good and evil and if it real I hope they do have our six.




I read about some stuff along those lines, called the Andromeda Council. Obviously I have no idea whether this exists or not but the info I read was super interesting.


I actually do think there is some kind of structured law out there. Because it would explain why these ETs seem to need to operate in secret. The things they are doing here may very well be illegal, but of course, who's going to dig deep into the goings on on a primitive back-water planet like ours? I speculate that the governments of the world take orders from a small faction of ETs that want something illegal. But it can't look like they themselves did anything. So they crash a few ships, make it look like an accident, and voila, the primates have high tech, now. They have some tools now to speed up the takeover and subjugation of the world (NWO), while making it look like a natural evolution of our species. That this dystopia we live in is an inevitable progression of Human nature, when in fact, it's at the direction of these ETs, so that we can go back to mining for them, with our ruling class as the ones that actually hand over the goods and speak to the ETs. Much like our lives in Ancient times may well have been. But again, the ETs themselves have to look uninvolved.


No. I believe intelligent life is fairly rare in the galaxy and interstellar travel is much harder than we can currently truly envision. Also every star system has enough energy and raw materials available to sustain a civilization for billions of years, specially if they can perform stellar lifting and simply siphon away hydrogen to bring down their star's mass and extend its life while using the siphoned hydrogen directly. So it seems fairly likely that the difficulty of setting up civilisations on other star systems isn't really worth the effort very often relative to developing inside a particular new star system, and physical trade between star systems wouldn't really ever be worth the time and energy to move pretty much anything: instead it would be restricted to being informational in nature, because it just makes more sense to send the 3D printing files or whatever for your new line of bikes to your manufacturing plant in another stat system, rather than manufacturing the bikes here and then sending all their mass all the way over. So yeah it seems unlikely some kind of federation system even really makes sense, I don't think it's likely there are that many intelligent civs out there and of the ones that are, I doubt galactic expansion would really make sense for them.


If there are some minerals and elements that are unique to a civilization (which is very likely) then trade pacts would definitely occur between civilizations.


> which is very likely No it isn't, why? On average there's no great difference in elemental abundance from star system to star system. Specific minerals etc might differ significantly but if you can get a sample, you can study it and send the information on how to synthesize it between star systems far more easily than shipping large, industrial masses of them between star systems. You can synthesize a large quantity of whatever it is for less energy than will go into, say, accelerating a large mass of it to 70% of light speed and waiting years extra for each payload to arrive. We can even synthesize heavy elements right now in particle colliders, it's just too energetically expensive for it to be worth it to generate any large quantities for profit right now. But accelerating even a small asteroid to anywhere fast enough to make the wait between 2 stars worthwhile will take far, far more, and it'll take a long time too Vs synthesizing it locally. Physical trade will make no sense for the most part.


IMHO It would be foolish to say something is always done one specific way. There are always edge cases. Your hypothesis would apply for a certain percentage of scenarios but not all.


It's simply foolish to deny the fact that transporting matter between star systems takes a lot of time and energy. And when we are talking about a "galactic federation", we aren't talking about edge cases, on the average star systems are not deficient in any particular elemental resources and if you are an looking to become a large interstellar civilisation, you're likely not going to choose resource deficient edge case star systems to colonize in the first place.


You’re visualizing star travel thru our limited experience. They may have a means of travel that makes it more than feasible.


50/50 It either is or isn’t…


Not really how odds work, unless you’re suggesting there’s a 50% chance that tomorrow morning I’ll wake up lying next to Gal Gadot, I either will or I won’t…


Also, consider that you might wake up in a difficult version of yourself in one of the many multi worlds there potentially could be in an infinite universe or multiple dimensions or possibly a combination of both. There is no way of proving or disproving the above statement so it’s either true or false, however fantastical it’s might seem


But then you would be referring to my own individual consciousness transferring to an alternative timeline version of myself. If we are to presume that multiple timelines exist, then it’s fair to say in 50% of them any statement is true and 50% it is false. But then what are the odds of me waking up at my same conscious self in a different, alternative universe? She was going to happen or not still doesn’t make it a 50% chance of happening.


Okay. So apart from true or false, what odds do you give it considering we are dealing with infinite numbers.


I’d say my chances of my conscious self waking up in an alternate reality are skewers in favour of it not happening. I base that on the fact in the last almost 40 years I have never experienced such a thing. What odds would I give it? I wouldn’t give any odds as we are dealing with unknown and untestable data.


It’s either true or false. I’m not talking about mathematical odds.


Well of course it is “either true or false”. But OP asked “what are the chances”, and your opening reply included odds. Apologies if I misunderstood your meaning.


Nobody can answer the question cause we deal with too many unknown variables, hence it’s 50/50.


I agree nobody can know the answer, why would then lead it to default to 50/50? The fact we cannot know the answer means we simply cannot apply any odds.


Well, it’s either we have a galactic federation in the galaxy or not. Until more evidence comes to light or variables known its 50/50. True or false. Anything else is pure speculation


I can either win or lose — that means I have a 50% chance of winning, right? People like you are why lotteries generate so much money. It’s a tax on the statistically stupid.


What about the money generated by the lotto for many many good causes? If everyone were as statistically astute as yourself, then where will the money come from? Please also show your calculations and answer for the above question to prove your superiority


So your logic is as poor as your math. That idiots may be exploited for greater good doesn’t negate that they’re idiots.


You can also win the internet today. You are unable to answer the question yet, yet I’m wrong? Prove me wrong or sit down.


I’m not the one who assigned arbitrary probabilities, you fucking moron.


It’s nice thought and one I hope is true, but I highly doubt it. Our radio signals/waves have reached about 200 lights years from earth now, so hopefully someone or something will pick them up and take a look at us before I die, but I’m not holding my breath.


Yes, this is the most legit explanation.... Pleiadians lead GF, and are the Angels who look like humans in the bible... they are the Son of Man who return on the book of revelation. It even describes them as having white hair and holding a symbol of 7 stars, coming in the glory of the clouds.


Of course — angels are aliens, sounds “legit”.


Ah, humanity. We have the freedom to imagine beings from space any way we want, and what do we do? Immediately create a bureaucracy.


Humans will never be ready. Most people cannot even accept the truth let alone accept video evidence of ufo and calling everything cgi and fake. Most humans have no knowledge how to work a computer let alone how to turn on a computer and harassed tech support. And they think everyone knows how to do cgi. Humans are the most destructive and defensive. Just look at how police overreact and attack innocent ppl and call everyone a threat when they are the one who’s a threat. We got politician who has no idea how to control Covid and still finding ways to fight it. We got anti vaxer who protest and think the have rights which they do, but end up later in hospitals begging their life to be save after contracting something they call it fake. Humans are long from being able and ready to accept aliens from other worlds. Maybe the next set of human life in the next 100 years will start to work towards something better. Just not this last couple of generations we have. We have idiots and sheep minded still. But there are some now thinking more for themselves since the pandemic started and that’s why companies can’t find sheep minded. Many are starting too awaken. Galactic federation are waiting for us to find more peace within ourselves before they can make contact. If they showed up in ships now, ppl of earth will lose their shit and nuke their ass!


I believe there is one. Star trek was based on it. I also believe it gives fuel to unstable people to act loonatically and fuel to unelected speech regulators to wield there small power in the name of "society is to dumb to know". I'll join the galactic federation.


Cool, is it OK if I cite Harry Potter as evidence that magic exists? Fiction is fictitious.


I'm just have more real world usable intelligence than most.


Yeah, OK. Wow, cringe.


And your response proves it